Vacuum Therapy Pros and Cons
Vacuum Therapy Pros and Cons
Vacuum Therapy Pros and Cons
This article discusses vacuum therapy for the buttocks—how it works, possible benefits,
potential side effects, what to expect during treatment, and where to find these services.
Your skin might also feel "tight" or "tingly," or look a little puffy immediately after treatment,
but this is temporary. Vacuum therapy can also cause temporary redness in the affected
area, but it doesn't usually cause bruising.
Treatment times vary but generally last around 30–45 minutes. After your session, you'll be
encouraged to drink a lot of water to help flush toxins out of your body. There's no required
"downtime" after treatment, but if you experience discomfort, it might also be helpful to rest
until the side effects have subsided and avoid exercise until the following day.
Initial treatments are performed one or two times per week, for a total of six to 10 sessions.
After this point, monthly sessions are recommended to help maintain your results.
Vacuum therapy might not be safe for everyone. Avoid this treatment if you are
pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have active cancer, or if you take blood-thinning
Managing Expectations
Vacuum therapy does not work for everyone. When it does, it produces temporary results—
and they will not be as drastic as a surgical butt lift. Plan to invest in six to eight treatments
to determine what your results will be. However, even with this investment, vacuum therapy
is still significantly cheaper than surgical methods of butt enhancement.
Vacuum butt lift uses suction and mechanical massage to "lift" your buttocks and improve
the overall appearance of your skin. Vacuum therapy is non-invasive, with minimal side
effects. Treatment sessions typically last 30–45 minutes, once or twice a week. The best
results usually require around six to 10 sessions. Monthly treatments are necessary to
maintain results of a vacuum butt lift.
2 Sources
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our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content
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1. Moortgat P, Anthonissen M, Meirte J, Van Daele U, Maertens K. The physical and physiological
effects of vacuum massage on the different skin layers: A current status of the literature. Burns
Trauma. 2016;4:34. doi:10.1186%2Fs41038-016-0053-9