12 Smartforms

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Topic : Introduction

Smartforms are layouts in SAP.

Transaction code : Smartforms

Form Attributes : Generic Information of Smartform( Date, Time, Package etc.)

Form Interface : It's purpose is to pass Input and output parameters.

Global Definition : Global data, Types, Field-symbols, Initialization, Form

routines, Currency/Quant. Fields.

Topic : Template and Table

Template -> Tempate is used for fixed number of rows and columns.

Table -> When number of rows are not fixed, Table is preferable.

We can say Template is for static data and Table is for dynamic data.

Parts of Table :

1) Header
2) Main area
3) Footer

Topic : Calling of Smartform from the

Driver Program.

1) Every Smartform on execution generates Function Module.

2) SAP Function Module to return the Function Module of a Smartform:

Topic : Types of Windows

1) Main Window: It is used for the continues output such as table output

Question : Can I run a smartform without main window.

Answer : Yes.

2) Secondary Window: It is used for output with a fixed length

3) Copies Window: It is also a kind of special secondary window

which is used for making pages as copy or original

System variable for copy count : SFSY-COPYCOUNT

4) Final Window: It is a kind of special secondary window used for details

which are needed to be processed only at the end of processing
Topic : Types of Text

1) Text Element : Not a reuseable text. Dedicated to one smartform only.

2) Text Module : It is a reuseable text. It is a reuseable text for smartforms.

3) Include Text : It is a also reuseable text. It is a reuseable text for

smartforms, programs etc.
Transaction code for Include text : SO10
Function Module to display Include Text : READ_TEXT

4) Dynamic Text : This text is used to display the text at run time in smartform.(
Pre- defined table type - TSFTEXT)

Topic: Ways to Debug a Smartform

1) Put the Session or External break point in the generated function module of the
2) Put the BREAK-POINT or Break Username in the smartform.

Topic : Downloading and Uploading

1) Format of Smartfrom download and Upload : XML

Topic : Creation of Graphics

1) Transaction code to upload graphics in SAP : SE78

2) SAP Supports which types of Images : BMP( Bitmap)

Topic : Creation of Alternative

1) Alternative option is like TRUE or FALSE.

2) If you want to print something when the condition is TRUE then you can write it
under TRUE node
or if you want to print something when the condition is FALSE then you can write
it under FALSE node.

Topic : Creation of Address

1) Address are Storing in to ADRC table, We Can display the address.

Topic : Creation of Folder

1) It is used to combine different node into logical groups.

2) It is used to achieve page protection in smartforms, so that every thing in
folder will be printed on same page

Topic : Creation of Page, Current Page and Total


1) Creation of Page in Smartforms.

2) System variable for Current page number : SFSY-PAGE
3) System variable for total page number : SFSY-FORMPAGES

Topic : Smartstyles

1) Transaction code for Smartstyle : Smartstyles.

Topic: Bar code

1) Transaction code for Bar code : SE73.

2) How to assign a bar code in the smartform : With the help of character format.

Topic : Control Parameters, Output Options, User

Settings in Smartforms.

1) Use of Control Parameters, Output Options, User Settings.

Topic : Steps to Covert Smartform output to PDF

Step-1 : Get the OTF(Output Text format) of Smartform

Path to check the Output Format:

Form Attributes->Output Options->Output Format

Standard Output -> It is a Text format for Smartforms.

It is an established format for printing forms in a SAP system.
We can convert this format to other format like PDF.

Step-2 : Convert OTF to PDF

CONVERT_OTF -> Use this Function Module to Convert OTF to PDF.

Topic : Output Type

Output Type : Specifies the kind of output to be produced.

Example : Printed form, E-Mail, FAX etc.

1) Transaction code for the mapping of output type, Smartform and driver program :
2) Table for the mapping of output type, Smartform and driver program : TNAPR

Question : What is a Pre-printed Smartform?

Answer : Preprinted Smartforms means that We are going to take output of the
smartforms in a printed stationary.

Link for Copies Window :


Link for Total using Calculation Tab : http://mysanjib.blogspot.com/2013/09/sum-in-

Link for Final Window :

Link for Folder : http://sapabapmaterials4u.blogspot.com/2014/07/using-folder-


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