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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 6 Prepared By: Michelle C. Bagalanon I. Objectives

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Physical Education 6
Prepared by: Michelle C. Bagalanon

I. Objectives:
At the end of fifty five minutes class discussion, the grade 6 pupils are expected to;
a. identify what are the traditional dances of the Philippines;
b. recognize the importance of traditional dances in Filipino culture ; and
c. develop a concept map showing the traditional dances of the Philippines.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Traditional Dances
B. Instructional Materials: pictures, visual aids, tape, laptop
C. References: Nora C. Nabong., Mapeh Learner’s Material 6., pages 122-127

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
 Opening Prayer

Everybody please stand up for the prayer. Classmates, please stand up and let us pray
Lena lead the prayer. (Oh God, Almighty…Amen)

 Greetings

Good Morning Pupils! Good Morning Miss Bagalanon!

Before you take your seats, kindly arrange Yes ma’am (they arrange the chairs and they
your chairs properly and pick up the pieces pick up the pieces of papers.)

Okay. You may now take your seats. Thank you ma’am.

 Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today? None ma’am.

Very good because we have a new lesson to


Let’s clap our hands for your perfect (they clap their hands)

 Setting of Class Standards

Before we discuss our topic for this morning,

we have rules to follow.

What are those?

Please read the classroom agreements. (they read the classroom agreements together)

(Classroom Agreements)

1. Sit properly
2. Listen to the teacher attentively.
3. Avoid talking to seatmates.
4. Raise your right hand if you want to

Very Good!

I hope you will follow our classroom

agreements in order to have a smooth and
clear discussion.

It is clear? Yes ma’am.

 Checking of Assignments

Do we have an assignment class? None ma’am.

Okay class.

 Review the Previous Lesson

Class, what was our topic that we discussed The topic that we discussed yesterday was all
yesterday? Yes Lee? about creative dances ma’am.

Very Good!

The topic that we discussed yesterday was all

about creative dances.

What are the creative dances? Yes Lysa? The creative dances are ballet, hip-hop, jazz
and salsa ma’am.

Alright! Another answer? Yes Jaycel? Pole dancing, belly dancing, tap dancing and
and ballroom dancing.

Excellent! All your answers are correct.

Those are creative dances. Let’s give them a (they do the good job clap)
good job clap.

Are those creative dances are important class? Yes ma’am.

Why do you say so? Yes Lee? Creative dances are important because it
promote psychological health, well-being and
maturity because children enjoy expressing
their emotions, imagination, and thoughts.

Very good! Another? Yes Kathleen? Creative dances are important because it can
help our social and emotional development,
this can, in turn, be benefit in other spheres of

Excellent! Let’s give them a barangay clap. (they do the barangay clap)

Aside from that, creative dances are important

because it helps children develop and
increased ability to be in the body in the
present moment, feeling all its sensations,
emotional and physical.

1. Preparatory Activities

a. Motivation

Class, before we start to our new lesson, let’s

have an activity that is related to our new
topic. Cooperate actively ma’am.

But, before we proceed to our activity, what

should you remember when doing the

Very good! All of you must cooperate in all


I have here 3 sets of scrambled letters that you

need to arrange, in order for you to easily
arrange I will give you short details in each
scrambled letters. Yes ma’am.

Just raise your right hand if want to answer.

Is that clear?

We will start now!

The first scramble word.

(S A C A Ň O R I)

The first scrambled letters is one of a

traditional dance that the dancers make a
number of flirtatious movements as they hide
behind fans or handkerchiefs and peek out at
one another.
(she arrange the first scramble word on the
Who can go to the board and arrange the first board)
scrambled letters?
Yes Giravel?

Kindly read the word that you arrange For me, cariñosa is a folk dance that uses
Giravel. handkerchiefs ma’am.

Correct! The first word is cariñosa. (they clap their hands)

What is cariñosa again?

Very good! Let’s clap our hands for her.

You may now go back to your seat.

Now, let’s proceed to the second scramble
(L I N G N I K T I)

The second scrambled letters is that the

people (she arrange the first scramble word on the
perform the dance using bamboo poles. board)

Who can go to the board and arrange the TINIKLING ma’am.

second scrambled letters?

Yes Kathleen?

Kindly read the word that you arrange For me, tinikling is also a folk dance that the
Kathleen. people who dance use bamboo ma’am.

Very Good! Your answer is correct. The (they clap their hands)
second word is tinikling.

Again, what is tinikling?

Very good! Let’s clap our hands for her.

You may now go back to your seats.

Then let’s proceed to the last scramble word.

(M A L A L A G K I T)

The third scrambled letters is a traditional

dance also that the men of the dance wear
coconut shells as part of their costumes, and (she arrange the last scrambled letters on the
the slap them in rhythm with the music. board)

Who can go to the board and arrange the last MAGLALATIK ma’am.
scrambled letters?

Yes Jaycel?

Maglalatik is a folk dance that uses coconut

Kindly read the word that you arrange Jaycel. shells.

Excellent! Your answer is correct. The last (they clap their hands)
word is maglalatik.

Again, what is maglalatik?

Yes ma’am.

Very good! Let’s clap our hands for her.

You may now go back to your seats.

The three words that you formed are cariñosa,

tinikling and maglalatik, right?
b. Presentation I think our lesson for today is all dance
Based on the activity that you did a while ago, Is all about folk dances ma’am.
do you have any idea if what will be our
lesson for today? (they clap their hands)

Yes Anne?
It could be, another? Yes Rose?

Exactlly! Let’s clap our hands for her. Traditional Dances.

Our new topic for today class is all about

“Traditional Dances”.

Everybody kindly read our topic for today.

2. Developmental Activities

Class, before we discuss the traditional

dances, let us defined first if what is Traditional dance is a dance developed by
traditional dance. people that reflect the life of people of certain
country or region.
Do you have any idea if what is traditional
dances? Traditional dance is generally more of a social
activity rather than competitive.
Anyone? Yes Gladys?
(they do the wow clap)

Very good! Another answer? Yes Lena? Traditional dance- (often called Folk dance
in the West) can be defined as any local
dancing tradition, often strongly connected
Excellent! All your answers are correct. with local musical forms and/or local beliefs.
Let’s give them a wow clap.

Everybody please read the meaning of

traditional dance on the board.

Very good!

In short traditional dance and folk dance are

the same.

Class, dancing plays an important role in Yes ma’am.

Filipino culture. Folk dances and music tell
the history and preserve traditions. These
dances are entertaining to observe, and even Yes ma’am.
more fun to learn and perform.

Do you understand about traditional dance Tinikling and Binasuan ma’am.

Cariñosa and maglalatik ma’am.
Alright! Do you have any idea if what are the
traditional dances?
Who can give me an example? Yes Giravel?

Another? Yes Yannah?

Okay, let’s find out if your answers are

(they look the picture on the board)
Today we have seven traditional folk dances
in the Philippines that we are about to discuss.
Now let’s know the seven traditional folk
dances in the Philippines.

Look at the first picture on the board.

(show picture to them)
The people are dancing ma’am.

That dance is tinikling ma’am.

What did you see in the picture? Yes Lee?

Yes correct, what do you think is the name of

the dance? Yes Razel? Yes/none ma’am.

Alright! The first picture is a picture of

tinikling dance. I felt a little bit nervous because of the
bamboo ma’am.
So the first traditional dance is tinikling.
Tinikling dance is the people who dance is
Have you already experienced the tinikling used bamboo poles ma’am.
Tinikling dance is the dance becomes faster
What did you felt while dancing the tinikling until someone makes a mistake and the next
dance? set of dancers takes a turn.

Okay, now do you know what is tinikling (they do the mabuhay clap)
dance? Yes Peter?
The Tinikling is considered by many to be
Very good! Another Answer? the Philippine’s national dance. It is the
movement of the tikling bird as it walks
around through tall grass and between tree
branches. People perform the dance using
Excellent! Let’s give them a mabuhay clap. bamboo poles. The dance is composed of
three basic steps which include singles,
Who can read the description of tinikling doubles, and hops. It looks similar to playing
dance on the board? Yes Kathleen? jump rope, except that the dancers perform
the steps around and between the bamboo
poles and the dance becomes faster until
someone makes a mistake and the next set of
dancers takes a turn.

Yes ma’am.
Very good!

As we can see in the picture the people who

dance are used bamboo poles, right? Yes ma’am.

And the dance is composed of three basic

steps which include singles, doubles, and None ma’am.

Do you understand about tinikling dance


Any question about tinikling dance? (they look at the second picture on the board)

Very good! Now let’s proceed to the second

traditional dance.

Look at the second picture on the board.

(show picture to them)

I think that dance is itik-itik ma’am.

In this picture class, what is the name of the


Anyone? Yes Kathleen? Yes/none ma’am.

Exactly! The second picture is itik-itik dance.

Itik-itik dance is that the steps mimic the way
Then, the second traditional dance is itik-itik. a duck walks.

Have you already experienced the itik-itik Itik-itik dance is has a slow movements
dance? ma’am.

Do you have any idea if what is itik-itik? Yes (they clap their hands)
The Itik-Itik is that the steps mimic the way a
Very good! Another idea? Yes Jade? duck walks, as well as the way it splashes
water on its back to attract a mate. According
to popular tradition, the dance was created by
Alright! Let’s give them a clap. a lay named Kanang, who choreographed the
steps while dancing at a baptismal party. The
Who can read the description of itik-itik other guests copied her movements, and
dance on the board? Yes Giravel? everyone liked the dance so much that it has
been passed along ever since.
Very good! Yes ma’am.

Itik-itik was created by a lay named kanang, None ma’am.

who choreographed the dance a baptismal

Do you understand about itik-itik dance class?

Any question about titik-itik dance? (they look at the third picture on the board)

Very good! Now let’s proceed to the third

traditional dance.

Look at the third picture on the board.

(show picture to them)
The dancer dance on the top of the chair

They use chair so that they can dance ma’am.

Sayaw sa bangko ma’am.

What can you say in this picture class? Yes
(they do the good job clap)
How about you Lee?

Alright! What do you think is the name of that

dance? Yes Faith?

Exactly! Let’s give her a good job clap.

The third picture is a picture of sayaw sa Yes ma’am/none ma’am.

bangko dance.

The third traditional dance is sayaw sa I felt nervous because it’s need balance in
bangko. performing ma’am.

Have you already experienced the sayaw sa Sayaw sa bangko is the dancer perform on the
bangko dance? top of the long chair.

What did you felt while dancing the sayaw sa Dancers need good balance as they go
bangko? through a series of movements.

Alright, do you have any idea if what is

sayaw sa bangko? Yes Kate? (they clap their hands)

Very good! Another idea? Yes Dennis? The Sayaw sa Bangko is performed on top of
a narrow bench. Dancers need good balance
as they go through a series of movements that
Excellent! All your answers are correct. include some impressive acrobatics. This
Let’s clap our hands for them. dance traces its roots back to the areas of
Pangapisan, Lingayen, and Pangasinan.
Who can read the description of sayaw sa
bangko the board? Yes Ana?
Yes ma’am.

Very good!

As we can see in the picture they performed

on the top of a narrow bench and they balance Yes ma’am.
their body, right?
Sayaw sa bangko traces its roots back to the
areas of Pangapisan, Lingayen and None ma’am.

Do you understand about sayaw sa bangko

dance class?

Any question about sayaw sa bangko? (they look the fourth picture on the board)

Very good! Now let’s proceed to the fourth

traditional dance.

Look at the fourth picture on the board.

(show picture to them)

The dancers has a glass on their head and

hands ma’am.

The dancers need to balance their body.

Dance with glass ma’am.

What did you see in the picture? Yes Zake?

(no raising of hands)

Very good! Another answer? Yes Hannah?

Alright! What do you think is the name of that

dance? Yes Faith?

It could be, another idea?

None ma’am.
Okay, the third picture is a picture of binasuan
Binasuan is a dance that the dancers bring
The fourth traditional dance is binasuan. glasses ma’am.

Have you already experienced the binasuan The dancers need to balance their body
dance? ma’am.

Do you have any idea if what is binasuan?

Yes Lee?
The Binasuan is an entertaining dance that is
Very good! Another answer? Yes Jaycel? usually performed at festive social occasions
like weddings and birthdays. Dancers
Let’s clap our hands for them. carefully balance three half-filled glasses of
rice wine on their heads and hands as they
Who can read the description of Binasuan gracefully spin and roll on the ground. The
dance the board? Yes Razel? dance originated in Bayambang in the
Pangasinan province, and though it’s usually
performed alone, it can also become a
competition between several dancers.

Very good!
Yes ma’am.
Binasuan is entertaining dance, and as we can
see in the picture the dancers carefully Yes ma’am.
balance three half-filled glasses of rice wine
on their heads and hands as they gracefully
spin and roll on the ground, right? None ma’am.

This dance was originated in Bayambang in

the Pangasinan province.

Do you understand about binasuan dance


Any question about binasuan?

(they look the fifth picture on the board)
Very good! Now let’s proceed to the fifth
traditional dance.

Look at the fifth picture on the board.

(show picture to them)

The dancers has lamps in their heads and

hands ma’am.

The dancers are balancing their body ma’am.

What did you see in the picture? Yes Lena? Pandanggo sa Ilaw ma’am.

Very good! Another answer? Yes Yannah? (they do the good job clap)

Alright! What do you think is the name of that

dance? Yes Dona?

Exactly! Let’s give her a good job clap.

Okay, the fifth picture is a picture of

pandanggo sa ilaw dance. None ma’am.

The fifth traditional dance is pandanggo sa

ilaw. Pandanggo sa ilaw is a dance that tha dancers
uses lamps ma’am.
Have you already experienced the pandanggo
sa ilaw dance? The dancers need to balance their body
because they have lamps on their heads and
Do you have any idea if what is pandanggo sa hands.
ilaw? Yes Lysa?
(they clap their hands)
Very good! Another answer? Yes Jay?
The Pandanggo sa Ilaw is similar to a
Spanish Fandango, but the Pandanggo is
performed while balancing three oil lamps;
Alright! Let’s clap our hands for them. one on the head, and one in each hand. It’s a
lively dance that originated on Lubang Island.
Who can read the description of Pandanggo sa The music is in ¾ time and is usually
ilaw dance the board? Yes Bryan? accompanied by castanets.

Yes ma’am.
Very good!

We can see in the picture that the dancers are

performed while balancing three oil lamps,
one on the head, and one in each hand, right? Yes ma’am.

Pandanggo sa ilaw is a lively dance that

originated on Lubang Island. None ma’am.

Do you understand about pandanggo sa ilaw

dance class?

Any question about pandanggo sa ilaw?

(they look the sixth picture on the board)
Alright! Now let’s proceed to the sixth
traditional dance.

Look at the sixth picture on the board.

(show picture to them)

The dancers has a coconut shells in their body


They are dancing ma’am.

What did you see in the picture? Yes Jane? That dance is maglalatik ma’am.

Very good! Another answer? Yes Yannah? (they do the wow clap)

Alright! What do you think is the name of that

dance? Yes Dona?

Exactly! Let’s give her a wow clap.

Okay, the sixth picture is a picture of Yes/none ma’am.

maglalatik dance.

The sixth traditional dance is maglalatik. I felt happy because it is enjoyable ma’am.

Have you already experienced the maglalatik Maglalatik is that the dancers are usually men
dance? ma’am.

What did you felt while performing the The men dancers wear coconut shells as part
dance? of their costumes.
(they clap their hands)
Do you have any idea if what is maglalatik?
Yes Lysa? The Maglalatik is a mock war dance that
depicts a fight over coconut meat. The dance
Very good! Another answer? Yes Jay? is broken into four parts: two devoted to the
battle and two devoted to reconciling. The
Alright! Let’s clap our hands for them. men of the dance wear coconut shells as part
of their costumes, and the slap them in rhythm
Who can read the description of Maglalatik with the music. The Maglalatik is danced in
dance the board? Yes Kathleen? the religious procession during the fiesta of
Binan as an offering to San Isidro de
Labrador, the patron of farmers.

Yes ma’am.

Very good!

We can see on the picture that they wear

coconut shells, right? Yes ma’am.

Maglalatik danced in the religious procession

during the fiesta of Binan as an offering to None ma’am.
San Isidro de Labrador, the patron of farmers.

Do you understand about maglalatik dance


Any question about pandanggo sa ilaw? (they look at the last picture)

Very good! Now let’s proceed to the last

traditional dance.

Look at the last picture on the board.

(show picture to them)
They are dancing and the girls have fan in
their hands ma’am.

I think it is cariñosa dance ma’am.

What did you see on the picture? Yes Lee? (they do the barangay clap)

Alright! What do you think is the name of that

dance? Yes Yannah?

Exactly! Let’s give her a barangay clap. Yes/none ma’am.

Okay, the last picture is a picture of cariñosa
Happy ma’am.
The last traditional dance is cariñosa.
Cariñosa is a dance that the dancers have fan
Have you already experienced the cariñosa in their hands ma’am.
dance? Cariñosa is one of the courtship dance ma’am.

What did you felt while performing the (they clap their hands)
Cariñosa was introduced to the country by
Do you have any idea if what is cariñosa? Yes Spanish colonizers. It is believed that Panay
Lena? island, located in the Visayas group of
Very good! Another answer? Yes Jay? islands, was the original home of the
Cariñosa. The word Cariñosa is from Spanish
Alright! Let’s clap our hands for them. word which literally means “she, that is
loving.” The Cariñosa is a dance made for
Who can read the description of cariñosa flirting. Dancers make a number of flirtatious
dance the board? Yes Kathleen? movements as they hide behind fans or
handkerchiefs and peek out at one another.
The essence of the dance is the courtship
between two sweethearts.

Yes ma’am.

(they look at the picture)

Very good!

We can see on the picture that they have fans

in their hands, right?

I have here another example of cariñosa dance

that the dancers used handkerchiefs.

Yes ma’am.

The essence of the cariñosa is the courtship

between two sweethearts.

Do you understand about cariñosa class? Yes ma’am.

Always remember that there are lots of

traditional dances class, the some traditional
dances that we discussed are in the
Philippines only. The traditional dances that we discussed are
tinikling, maglalatik, sayaw sa bangko and
Do you understand about traditional dances itik-itik ma’am.
Pandanggo sa Ilaw, binasuan, and cariñosa
3. Generalization ma’am.

Again class, what are the traditional dances

that we discussed? Yes Lee?

Another? Yes Lovely?

Yes ma’am.
Very good! All of your answers are correct.
Those are the traditional dances. Traditional dances are important because it
keeps the history of people alive as well.
Now I have 3 questions to you class.
Through dancing the traditional dance are
My fiirst question is as a student, are ways that we can celebrate a special event.
traditional dances important to you class?
(they do the wow clap)
Why do you say so? Yes Kathleen?

Very good! Another answer? Yes Kate?

Traditional dances affects our society by

Excellent! Let’s give them a wow clap. expanding the social and cultural interaction
and provide an overall community feeling of
Traditional dances are important because it well-being and togetherness.
keeps a culture of people alive, by sharing and
teaching younger generations the dances. They preserve the Philippine culture and pass
it on to the next generation.
My second question is how traditional dances
affects our society? Yes Giravel?

Very well said! Another answer? Yes Jane?


Aside from that, traditional dances affects our

society by giving people the opportunity to
move in together and have shared moments
which unite them. Traditional dances also The importance of traditional dances in
benefits society because it is a form of Filipino culture is that they are a uniting force
entertainment. to the Filipino people.

My last question is what is the importance of The traditional dances has sorrowful message
traditional dances in Filipino culture? and this is the traditional dance from
indigenous people or an individual that can be
Yes Razel? passed from generation to generation.

(they clap their hands)

Very good! Another idea? Yes Jaycel?

Alright! Let’s clap our hands to them.

None ma’am.
Traditional dances plays an important role in
Filipino culture. Folk dances and music tell
the history and preserve traditions. These
dances are entertaining to observe, and even
more fun to learn and perform.

Do have any question or clarification before

we will proceed to our group activity?

(group the class into 3 groups)

4. Application

Let’s find out if you really understand our

topic for today. Let’s have a group activity.
Yes ma’am.
I will group you into 3 groups. Please count
1-3. (they get their activity sheets)

Listen to me, each group will be given a

differentiated tasks. Group 1- Instruction: Using your own words,
briefly explain the following traditional
Did you understand? dances of the Philippines.
1. Tinikling-
Each group kindly get your individual card, 2. Sayaw sa Bangko-
inside of that card is your activity task. 3. Pandanggo sa Ilaw-
4. Maglalatik-
Group 1 kindly read your instruction. 5. Cariñosa-

Group 2- Instruction: Essay Writing! What

is the importance of traditional dances in
Filipino Culture?

Group 3- Instruction: Develop a concept map

showing the traditional dances in the
Group 2 kindly read your instruction.

Group 3 kindly read your instruction.

Criteria Rating
Content 10 %
Okay, I will give you 5 minutes to do your Cooperation 5%
task and after 5 minutes each group will Creativity and Neatness 5%
present your work in front to the class. Presentation 5%
Total Score 25%
Your work will be graded through rubrics.
Yes ma’am.
(they start their activity)
Is it clear?

You may now start! (each group will present their work)

(after 5 minutes) (they do the good job clap)

Time is up! None ma’am.
You may now present your work here in
front. Starting from group 1, follow by group
2 and 3.
Wow! Let’s give a good job clap to all

Do have any question or clarification before

we will proceed to our short quiz class?

Very good!

Now let’s have a short quiz.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read the statement carefully if what dance is being described. Choose your answer
on the word bank below. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
(10 pts.)

Cariñosa Sayaw sa Bangko Itik-Itik

Tinikling Pandanggo sa Ilaw Binasuan

___________1. Dance that mimics the movements of ducks.

___________2. Dance that uses bamboos.
___________3. Dance that traces its roots back to the areas of Pangapisan, Lingayen, and
___________4. Dance where carefully balance the half- filled glasses of rice wine on their heads
and hands.
___________5. Dance that is known as courtship dance.

Answer Key:
1. Itik-Itik
2. Tinikling
3. Sayaw sa Bangko
4. Binasuan
5. Cari ñ osa

V. Assignment
Direction: Choose at least 3 traditional dances and research their steps. Write your answer on

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