Education Essay Example
Education Essay Example
Education Essay Example
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Education Essay Example" can present both challenges and
opportunities for expression. On one hand, the broadness of the subject offers a wide canvas to
explore various aspects of education, from its historical evolution to its contemporary challenges.
On the other hand, the sheer volume of information available can be overwhelming, requiring
careful selection and organization to create a coherent and impactful piece.
One of the primary difficulties lies in striking the right balance between depth and breadth. There
is a wealth of information on education, ranging from its philosophical underpinnings to practical
implementation. Deciding which aspects to focus on and how to present them in a cohesive
narrative can be a daunting task. Moreover, the need to provide insightful analysis and fresh
perspectives adds an extra layer of complexity.
Another difficulty is in maintaining originality and avoiding clichГ©s. Given the ubiquitous
nature of discussions on education, it is challenging to present unique viewpoints that captivate
the reader's attention. Striking a balance between acknowledging established theories and
introducing fresh perspectives demands creativity and critical thinking.
Structuring the essay poses its own set of challenges. Determining the most effective way to
organize information, create a logical flow, and ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs
can be time-consuming. The introduction needs to be engaging, the body must be informative
and coherent, and the conclusion should leave a lasting impression.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of education involves navigating through a myriad
of information, making strategic choices about what to include and exclude, and presenting
original insights in a well-structured manner. It is a task that demands a combination of research
skills, critical thinking, and creativity. However, with dedication and a systematic approach, it is
possible to produce an essay that not only meets academic standards but also contributes
meaningfully to the ongoing discourse on education.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or looking for additional resources, a variety of
services are available. One such option is , where you can find support for a
range of writing needs.
Education Essay Example Education Essay Example
Artistry Uncorked Case Study
Artistry Uncorked is a form of entertainment that offers people a place to try
something different. Located near the short north, Artistry Uncorked provides a
unique service for customers to paint and enjoy local beer and wine. These events
will attract a plethora of people from recent graduates to older adults. The
competition has been rising over the years, however most of the sessions do not
include beverages in the fees. Artistry Uncorked will include beverages and
provide a whole new experience compared to Wine and Canvas. Columbus has an
abundant amount of art shows and galleries that would boost the chances of
success for the company. The supplies Artistry Uncorked buys will be recycled to
save on costs to go towards beverages. The beverages served will be locally produced
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The more popular Artistry Uncorked becomes, the more opportunities it would
have to grow and expand. With alcohol sales increasing, especially craft beer sales,
the company gains an advantage on the competition by selling local craft beers.
The threat of the mass beer producing companies like Annheiser and Miller will not
be as great s it would have been years ago due to the demand of craft beer. On the
other hand the only service Artistry Uncorked provides is panting essentially. So
expanding to other activities may be tough at first, but through customer feedback
and demand the company would be able to innovate and provide satisfaction. To
attract our target audience, Artistry Uncorked will mainly focus on the uses of online
and event marketing. The online aspect would be used through Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram. Since the majority of the younger generation have if not one but all
of these accounts, the younger aged adults will be the target. When this demographic
sees the ads on social media, it can then be passed on to friends, family, and others to
advertise the
Brand Loyalty Essay
The main concept of brand loyalty has been approached from three different factors
which is behavioral, attitudinal and composite loyalty. The researchers have their
own assumption or known as behavioral view which they assume that the loyalty of
a guest toward a brand is based on the repeat transactions occur. The study of O
Malley (1988) show that this approach provides a more realistic picture on how well
the brand is performing compare to other competitors. However, this approach have
been criticized because unable to differentiate between spurious loyalty and true
In contrast, attitudinal loyalty is always emphasizing the psychological element of
brand loyalty in the company such as commitment, preferences and other factors. ...
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Services are one of the factors in customer loyalty studies because of the consistent
and high standards of service that provided by the hotel. The delivery of service as
promised was identified as the factor, which is the most important in developing
loyalty to the hotel. In contrast, employees of the hotel should ensure the quality of
hotel services by constantly reviewing their guest s needs and the management should
provide service from time to time in order to improve staffs performance. The third
elements which is internal marketing is also crucial to the quality of hotel services.
Treating the employees as internal customers would increase the employees
satisfaction which is fundamental to the provision of good service to the hotel
My personal view of point, the 3 factors which mentioned by the researchers as
above consists of advantages and disadvantages. According to Kivela (1996) she
claimed that customer are likely view the service as bundle of attributes which affect
their decision to select a brand. This point showed that hotel must maintain a high
service in their property in order to have a long term business relationship with the
guest. Service is the main element which differentiate an individual property compare
to other property around the world. In order to ensure the employees satisfy and
happy working in the hotel, the management should treat the employees as how they
treat the guests in the property. As
Manhattan Project Vs Big Science
The Manhattan project and the CERN project are both a part of Big Science.
According to Bowles, and Kaplan (2012) the Manhattan project was discharged by
the United States during World War II to develop the atomic bomb, while CERN
was to aid the association between all scientists to create laboratory skills to fund
fragment machines for giving charged particles high velocity used in high energy
physics research and used by researchers from around the world, to use the facilities
and share ideas . CERN has failed to catch the attention and support of the American
public at first. Unlike CERN the Manhattan projectwas considered by the public to be
the beginning of Big Science and had elements that had to be characteristic of
Biography Of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, An Artist And...
Julius Robert Oppenheimer was born April 22, 1904 to Ella Friedman, an artist
and Julius Oppenheimer, a wealthy German textile merchant in New York City,
New York. As a child Robert was interested in geology and was said to have even
contacted locally famous geologist to discuss the rock formations he observed in
Central Park. At the age of 17 Oppenheimer began attending Harvard, a prestigious
and well known private University. He graduated Harvard with a major in Chemistry
in May of 1925. Later that year he enrolled at Cambridge University in England to
study physics thus beginning his atomic research in the Cavendish Laboratory under
J.J. Thomson.
Then at the age of 22 he was invited to team up with Max Born at Gottingen
University in Germany. There he developed the Born Oppenheimer Method. This
method was an important addition to the Quantum Molecular Theory. Quantum
theory is the origin of modern physics that explains the behavior and nature of
matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic plane. He left Gottingen in 1927
with his PhD and a mark in the world of Quantum theory and Theoretical physics.
A year later Robert began as an associate professor at Berkley while having a joint
appointment at the California Institute of Technology, commuting between the two
for the next 13 years. While at Berkley Oppenheimer was the first to write papers of
the astronomical examination of collapsed stars, a phenomenon we know now as
black holes 30 years before anyone else. He also
My Advocate Of A Young Child
Advocates throughout one s life can determine that person s trajectory. A positive
advocate might encourage a child to pursue their dreams, despite the unlikeliness of
it. Some family member advocates will help a younger counterpart get through
relationship troubles or otherwise personal conundrums. Unfortunately, there is also
often a negative advocates in the lives of many. An older peer of a young child
might encourage risky behavior like harmful drug use, theft or other unlawful,
though fun, activities. One advocate of mine encouraged me to enroll in a higher
education program, an experience I am remembering with distaste as I write a
narrative hours before it is due. However, my advocates have also benefited me in a
literary sense of the term. My advocates in literacy came in the form of parents and a
fictional character, which formed my foundation in relation to literacy, then later on
specific English papers and forensics, which sculpted the nuances in my relationship
with literacy.
I would imagine many can relate to an aversion to reading and writing from a very
young age. Additionally, I would also go so far as to propose that many younger
children also have a someone to sponsor their literary endeavors. A literacy sponsor
is something someone decided to define which would otherwise likely go without a
name. Dr. Brandt, who has a doctorate in something about literacy, talks about
literacy and defines a sponsor as someone or something that made literary interactions
Richard The Lionheart Research Paper
Richard the Lionheart was born on the 8th of September, 1157 in Oxford, England.
He served as King of England from the year 1189 to 1199, and was later known as
the Lion Heart. He was the son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, and inherited
the Duchy of Aquitaine in 1168, from his mother. By the time he was 16, Richard
commanded his own army in a rebellion against his father and became a dominant
Christian commander during the Third Crusade. He was seen as a hero during his
time and he still remains as a heroic and iconic figure in England and France today.
He was called Richard the Lionheart because of his great reputation as a military
leader and warrior. Richard the Lionheart was known to be an important figure in
Medieval Europe not only because he was a courageous leader but also because he
had a kind heart. He had also made a lot of decisions which affected Medieval
Europe during that time. One of the key events of the life of Richard the Lionheart is
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Richard was crowned on the 3rd of September, 1189 after the death of his father.
Richard and his father had a conflicted relationship and he would often rebel
against his father before he became the King of England. He spent only six months
of his reign in England and he could only speak French. During his time spent as
King, it was rumoured that he had ordered all Jews to be killed. This shows that
life in Medieval Europe, during the time he reigned as King, evolved greatly
around religion and beliefs. Source 2 which is a 19th century portrait that shows
Richard as King, indicating that he was to become one of the most powerful people
in Medieval Europe in the feudal system, below the Pope. Richard, becoming the
King of England was one of the most major events in the life of Richard the
Lionheart, as it affected the whole feudal system in Medieval
Why Do You Want To Participate In The Ironbound
I am currently a member and the treasurer for the Ironbound Initiative. I am also
involved with the Patient Partnership program as a First Year representative and am
the director for the Mini Med Program at NJMS. In addition, I am a member of the
All E.A.R.S Program at NJMS and I sing in the Vocal Chords Acapella Group.
2.Why do you want to participate in this global health trip? What are your goals,
both personally and for the two week trip as well as after the trip?
4.How do you plan on financially supporting this endeavor? (Are you willing to
fundraise as a team, as well as apply to the available scholarships?)
I fully intend to apply to any available scholarships in order to fund this trip. I am
also looking forward to working with other students going on this trip in order to
organize fundraisers such as bake sales and raffles. I also intend to start a GoFundMe
page as well as seek out local businesses for sponsorship. Finally,
Apple Sourcing Analysis
The Sourcing Plan Rafdahl (2014) believed that strategic sourcing is critical for a
business to remain competitive. Apart from this, it is through sourcing plan that a
company is able to sustain its future growth potential. Relative to this assertion, it
is vital for Apple Inc. to align its procurement processes and supplier choices not
only with the demands of its consumers but also the demands of business in
general. Rafdahl (2014) provided 7 steps for a company to maximize its sourcing
effort. Apple Inc. can consider this step by step process to meet future demands.
1.Initial Spend Analysis. In this step, Rafdahl (2014) mentioned that there is a need
to review and classify the expenses of the company. This should be done by category.
For... Show more content on ...
Market Analysis. Rafdahl (2014) asserted that companies should have a list not only
of incumbent suppliers, but also potential alternative ones. In line with this assertion,
it is significant for Apple Inc. to know suppliers which have good service
reputations. Further, the company must also determine what the suppliers can offer,
such as its expertise to meet Apple s high standard and its ability to fulfill both the
present and future needs. Apart from these, the suppliers should consistently deliver
quality products and services, and promote ideas and products that would advance
Apple s competitiveness, profitability, and success. 4.Strategy. Although Apple s
strategy is already commendable, it is necessary for the company to develop
strategies to meet the changing conditions of business. Rafdahl (2014) believed that
in doing so, it should consider the collaborative efforts it must undertake together
with its suppliers to increase efficiencies and reduce costs. Further, Apple must yearn
to enhance its business process so that its products are also improved. Considerably,
there is also a need for Apple to have inventory reduction and reengineer its products
to improve the company s efficiency and
Road Trip Research Paper
Why didn t you put on some sunscreen? What were you thinking? These are some
of the questions that arose on a long summer road trip. During the summer of
2016, my family and I went on a three week road trip starting in Chestertown, NY,
and going as far west as Yellowstone National Park. The first stop on the trip was
Niagara Falls. We went at night, and the water was lit up in various colors, it was
pretty cool. These days heading out west were mainly long days in the truck
followed up with even more long days in the truck. Before we went to on the trip, I
thought that the trip down to Albany took forever, but a couple of fifteen plus hour
drives going out west made going to Albany seem like it was just down the road.
After two, maybe three days we were driving through Chicago at 3 in the morning
(that s the time of night I saw several major cities along this trip) I thought it looked
nice from what I could see, but then again it was 3 in the morning. That night, we
didn t have any reservations, so we ended up trying to just spend the night in a
Walmart parking lot on the outskirts of Chicago (what an idea). We tried to go to
bed for like 10 mins, and I swear I could hear a gun firing off in the distance, and
you could hear people walking by the camper, and not to mention the cop sirens
you could hear too. We basically got back in the truck and left real quick. Next, we
went north and ended up staying at a place on the Missouri River for a couple of
nights. The
Student Achievement Essay
Each year, children are failing in school. As the years progress, the number of
children failing keep rising. In Closing the Achievement Gap , Kati Haycock, the
Director of the Education Trust at the American Association for Higher Education,
states Between 1970 and 1988, the achievement gap between African American and
white students was cut in half, and the gap separating Latinos and whites declined
by one third. That progress came to a halt around 1988, however, and since that
time, the gaps have widened (6). As a result, people are doing studies and have
come up with several theories that exist on how to address the achievement gap.
These ideas have been categorized below to establish the issue to show causes... Show
more content on ...
In Race and the Achievement Gap , he uses a study from the Roy Wilkins Center
for Human Relations to show that African Americans were 4.5 times less likely to
be found in schools ranked low in math and reading (Berlak 2). He claims due to
those statistics that students of color are not opted to have the gifted and talented
school programs, which affects both the test score gap and the gap in academic
performance (Berlak 2). Amy L. Wax, Professor of Law for The University of
Virginia School of Law, on the other hand, shows a different cause in failure. She
does not share the same views with Steele or Berlak. In her article, The Threat in
the Air , she states, We resist confronting the social and behavioral causes of short
falls in academic performance. Stark differences between groups in marriage rates,
family stability, paternal involvement, parenting practices and discipline, and other
habits and values, are associated with children s disparate academic success. (Wax
2). Wax also uses the idea that causes for failures are emotional , rather than
undeveloped learning (Wax 2). Even though Steele, Berlak, and Wax have touched on
the causes, there are consequences that always follow. Consequences for Students
Why Are Not Achieving Consequences are a major part of today s society. Every
Teacher Motivation and Its Effect on the Academic...
Fall 2011 Gender differences on Intrinsic Motivation in Hong Kong Higher
Education Hon Keung Yau Man Shan Kan City University of Hong Kong Alison Lai
Fong Cheng Abstract The purpose of this paper is to investigate if there are different
levels of intrinsic motivation towards study, curiosity and external regulation among
males and females. This study focuses are attained by conducting a survey (137
students) among a local university in Hong Kong. Results show that among all
students, no matter males or females, their levels of intrinsic motivationtowards study,
curiosity and external are the same. Burger, Dahlgren, and MacDonald (2006) found
that male have higher intrinsic motivation to gamble when compared with female.
Another study... Show more content on ...
In view that Ning and Downing (2010) have conducted a research study among 581
university students in Hong Kong and found that student motivation is the strongest
predictor to their academic performance while few attempts to investigate more
specific factors such as curiosity and external regulation that whether they affect
intrinsic motivation among university students in Hong Kong, the relationship
between these factors and intrinsic motivation are deeply investigated so as to
improve student intrinsic motivation. Also, whether males or females would have
higher level of intrinsic motivation is also studied. These serve as the purpose of this
paper. We attempt to fill the research gap by asking the following research questions:
Volume 9, Number 2
Fall 2011 (1) Is there any difference in the level of intrinsic motivation towards
learning between males and females for Hong Kong university students? (2) Is there
any difference in the level of curiosity between males and females for Hong Kong
university students? (3) Is there any difference in the level of external regulation
between males and females for Hong Kong university students? These questions are
answered by conducting a quantitative survey among a local university in Hong
Kong. The result indicates that there is no difference in the level of curiosity, external
regulation or intrinsic motivation towards learning between males
Antibiotics Essay
Antibiotics have played a major role in our society thanks to Sir
Alexander Fleming s careful observations in 1928. Without it, many lives would be
in danger due to infectious diseases.
Taking in Antibiotics.
Topical. Topical application means to a local area such as on the skin, in the eyes, or
on the mucous membrane. Antibiotics for topical use are available in the form of
powders, ointments, or creams.
Oral. Tablets, liquids, and capsules are swallowed. The antibiotic is released in the
small intestine to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Troches, or lozenges, are allowed to dissolve in the mouth, where the antibiotic is
absorbed through the mucous membrane.
Natural. At one
The Main Character Change In Prodigy By Marie Lu
In the book Prodigy By Marie Lu, the main character, June, changes throughout the
story due to the events of regaining the Republic s trust, the war, working for the
Patriots, and slowly finding the truth, as she is changing from her old life. Although
June goes through many changes throughout the story, she was someone else before
all of the events happened. At the same time of the changeJune went through, she
still was a different person before the events, as on page 64 the text says, He goes
on, reassuring the people of our military strength and promising later announcements
about changes he wants to implement who knows how much of it is true (Lu).
Uncertainty is the word I would use to describe June all throughout the story, as this
is a trait that she always has had. June was used to being so loyal to the Republic, but
when she started working for them, she became uncertain of who they really were.
June was always wondering why things were how they were, as her whole life she
has been lied to, and tricked on many occasions. At the same time she has always
had a certain fire, or trigger of anger in her. As she is being interrogated on page
106 the text states, I shove the table aside and lunge for him, even though I know I
m chained down to my chair. Thomas jumps back. I stumble against my restraints,
fall to my knees, and then grab for his leg. For anything. You re sick. You re so
twisted. I want to killhim. I ve never wanted anything this much in my entire life
Durkheim on Totemism
In order to truly assess the legitimacy of Durkheim s functionalist definition of
religion, his notion of Social facts, (upon which his theory is constructed) must be
examined. Durkheim advocated that amongst the reputable fields of biology,
psychology and history, Sociology also warranted a specific focus. It was, for him: a
sui generis something that had to be explained on its own terms . Sociologywas not,
for Durkheim, a field that should be susceptible to overlapping subject matter: he
believed that there existed concrete social facts recognisable by the power of eternal
coercion which they are capable of exercising over individuals . This claim is an
imperative one because it is the platform on which his functionalist... Show more
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Such a abstract ineffable sensation demanded (In Durkheim s words) something
material and tangible through which to be expressed. This emphasis on the
external being internalised is similar to Radcliffe Brown who believed religious
acts were an expression of a sense of dependance on a power outside ourselves .
Durkheim noted how one cannot detect the source of the strong feelings we have in
an abstract entity but can comprehend those feelings only in connection with a
concrete object Such an object he labeled totemic, conveying how in primitive
societies these miscellaneous items were believed to be endowed with sacredness.
Such objects (or animals or plants) were and still are worshipped vehemently, they
are bestowed with the utmost respect as tribal systems are constructed around them.
But (apart from their physical form or lack of it) he did not envisage this
relationship between the abstract and material as a conjunction of different entities:
the sociologist stated that if such a symbol represents God and society Is this not
because God and society are one and the same thing? . One must note Durkheim was
an Agnostic, not a staunch atheist, religion was very much a real concept for him, in
the sense that it was derived from something very concrete: it was a process by which
mankind expresses social facts. Although this representation is symbolic and
Taking a Look at Skateboarding
Skateboarding has always been an option of being a good hobby for anybody no
matter what age or height because in reality it depends on how well you want to
succeed with skateboarding either by being the best in the whole state or just
being a good role model to kids and not dealing with drugs and all sorts plus you
will still be in the streets but for a good/better The money for the skate park, then
considered state of the art, came from a donation from credit card giant MBNA,
and for years, local youth and others gathered to do tricks on the steep wooden
walls of its halfpipe ( Abigail Curtis 2006) cause depending on where and when
you skate at. Some locations do required a few adjustment but most of the time it s
not always as bad as it seems like wearing a helmet which is a bother to the person
who is skating (I personality don t enjoy helmets or equipment on me). What was
the development of skateboarding? Who created it? Considering that the early 70
s were all downhill riding, slalom riding, we made boards that were almost like
snow skis.( Noel Wanner 2008)What was the reason that two words got put
together and made it into a great long journey or a very painful one. Cause of this
great ordeal on where these parts where made every part of the skateboardhas a
reason for what it is built for. What kind of metal does it need so it can grind on a
rail so perfect each and every different time? How was the first prototype of the first
skateboard invented? We need
Toyota s Production System ( Tps )
Toyota Production System As part of Toyota Global, Toyota Australia inherited
legendary Toyota Production System (TPS). TPS was created by the founder of
Toyota Motor Corporation as a set of principles that have been proven in day to day
practice over many years (Toyota Australia n.d.) TPS has three desired outcomes: To
provide the customer with the highest quality vehicles, at lowest possible cost, in a
timely manner with the shortest possible lead times. To provide members with work
satisfaction, job security and fair treatment. It gives the company flexibility to
respond to the market, achieve profit through cost reduction activities and long term
prosperity. (Toyota Australia n.d.) TPS consists of Kaizen, Just In Time (JIT), and
Jidoka. Kaizen means never stop improving. Toyota encourages its employees to not
only follow the rules, but also improve the rules to achieve highest productivity. Just
In Time means to produce necessary units in the necessary quantities at the necessary
time. Jidoka means automation with a human touch (Toyota Australia n.d.). Toyota
Australia utilises its manufacturing plant in Althona, Victoria to produce cars in five
departments. Firstly, powertrain department produces engine components. Once the
engine is finished, it is sent directly to assembly department. Secondly, Press plant
manufactures steel panels such as side panels, roof panels and bottom panels using
press machine. Thirdly, welding shop department fastens and welds
Inside The World Of Human Trafficking Essay
Inside The World of Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery in which traffickers use force,
fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex
acts or labor services against his/her will. ( Human Trafficking. ) Differing
definitions of sex trafficking in state laws make it difficult to know if the studies on
sex trafficking are including consensual, adult sex workers, who are not victims of
trafficking under federal or international law in their numbers. Vulnerable Native
American women and youth are targeted by traffickers more than any other ethnic
group. The data collected for the Shattered Hearts report from 95 Native women and
girls suggest that the trafficking of Native girls into prostitution is a significant,
though rarely discussed as a problem. Still, the studies do suggest that sex trafficking
of Native women and girls, specifically, is present in the United States. ( Shattered
Hearts. )
According to the author of an article entitled Shattered Hearts, violence and human
trafficking against Native American women is deeply rooted from the colonial history
of oppression. The U.S. Government s extermination policies, religious persecution,
resulted in the establishment of Native American reservations and the movement of
Native children to boarding schools. These actions created an ongoing wave of new
traumas in the lives of both native children and their families. Native Americans
continue to carry
Research Paper On Ozette
Ozette is located on the northwest coast of the Olympic Peninsula in the state of
Washington (1,2). Ozette was a Makah fishing village (2), which was occupied
from 400 BC to the early 1900s. Around 1750 AD, a large storm hit and the entire
city was buried under a mudslide until the 1970s, when another storm hit the beach
and began to reveal portions of the preserved city (1).
About 50,000 artifacts were recovered when digging up this site (2). The Makah
people actually sought out archaeologist to uncover these artifacts. These artifacts
included wooden boards, nets, baskets, wooden tools, wooden boxes, bone and antler
harpoons, and cordage that were all preserved. An animal bone recovered at the site
indicated that they used whale
Dental Hygienist Experience Essay
It would be early on Saturday morning in which I roll out of bed to prepare for my
internship at Dr. Henkel s place, Horsham Dental Elements. Dr. Henkel acquired the
dental center in 1990 after moving the suburbs in Horsham. Many patients would
come to this dental clinic, sitting in the waiting lounge as they wait for their name to
be announced. Each patient would be directed to the assigned room from the dental
specialist (Dr. Henkel Interview).
During the procedures for dental hygiene the dental hygienist would often comment
on the patient and their overall health of their teeth. Gums look much less swollen. I
barely see any plaque? Other times they remark, Are you flossing more regularly?
Once the polishing and cleaning was complete the dental hygienist would then
mention Wait here, he will be here in just a moment.
Who was coming? It was the inspector, Dr. Henkel. The man was as round as a
globe. He would dress in his usual green collared shirt, as he waddled down the
hallway with his thudding gait. Immediately, once entering the room, he would greet
his patients with his warm welcoming smile. In addition, he would sit in his swivel
chair, cover his mouth with his surgical mask and then put his dental glasses to
carefully examine the x ray screens. In other words, he was now ready to get ... Show
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Henkel was influenced from extraordinary people in his opinion who have taught
him the importance in pursuing excellence. A microbiology professor from the
Philippines who Dr. Henkel described very small in stature, for instance, she would
give her entire lecture series over an entire semester without ever looking at a note.
Another role model was Dr. Benjamin Leone, a clinical instructor at the University of
Detroit who was the toughest instructor he had in dental school. Dr. Henkel described
Getting an A from him was next to impossible. But he taught us more, made us do our
work to the highest standard, than most others (Dr. Henkel
Wedding Speech On Wedding Sermon
Welcome Statement
Welcome everyone, we are all gathered here today to celebrate the relationship of
Rae and Kyle and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with
one another. You two have the opportunity to begin a new chapter in your book of
adventures, and are blessed with everyone here in attendance today. Rae and Kyle
would like me to thank you all for being here and to recognize how important each
and every one of you are to their relationship.
Family Blessing
Speaking of importance....Who gives Rae away today in Marriage to this Man?
Father States I Do...
Speak Now
At this time if there is anyone in attendance who has cause to believe that this couple
should not be joined in Marriage, you may speak now...or forever hold your peace!
There is no doubt that the building of the Panama Canal was a major feat in history
that has made a huge impact on the way many countries trade with each other. It was
a great struggle to complete but it also was very rewarding.
The Isthmus of Panama is about 50 miles wide at its narrowest point. The land was
thick with jungle, deep swamp, and mountains. What the surveyors did not realize is
that the geology behind the land made it much harder to build the canal than in other
places around the world. The surrounding mountain range was formed differently
than most mountain ranges, commonly formed by folding due to lateral pressure.
These mountains were formed by individual volcanic actions. Formations ... Show
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In 1876, French Navy Lieutenant Lucien N. B. Wyse, a grandson of Lucien
Bonaparte, was sent to explore locations and different possibilities for the canal.
He returned home in April 1877 and showed De Lesseps the construction plans. De
Lesseps rejected all of the plans because they required tunnels and locks to be
built. De Lesseps prefered to build a sea level canal like the Suez Canal. Wyse
went back to the isthmus on December 6, 1877. He explored two routes in Panama,
one through Nicaragua and one through Panama. In the end he chose the
Panamanian route, which would be sea level. The route would follow the Panama
Railroad and require a 7,720 meter long tunnel through the Continental Divide at
Culebra. He traveled to Bogota and the Colombian government signed a treaty on
March 20th, 1878 that granted rights to build the canal through Panama, then part of
Colombia. The treaty promised Colombia ownership of the canal after 99 years. It
was estimated to take six years and $240 million. The digging started the first day of
By March 1883, construction was behind schedule and 660,000 out the promised
5,000,000 cubic meters have been excavated. After visiting Panama in 1886, De
Lesseps claims construction will be done by July 1889. Later that year, only a few
feet out of hundreds have been removed from the Culebra Cut. De Lesseps hired
Synagogue Visit
The Synagogue or Beit Knesset, the Jewish house of worship, is a very intriguing and
complex institution, and when conducting a tour, it requires a great amount of
knowledge for the tourist who have never visited a Synagogue, to have an adequate
understanding of the institution. Being enrolled in Religious Studies 217, I have
gained a lot of knowledge that allow me to believe that I would be a very informative
and enlightening tour guide. When conducting a tour of a Synagogue, I would inform
my tourist of the religious rituals that take place in the temple and important religious
figures, objects, clothing and ceremonies, so that they could have an adequate
understanding of the Synagogue and learn of the important rituals that happen inside
... Show more content on ...
The first two ceremonies I would explain are the Bar Mitzvah and the Bat Mitzvah,
which are quite similar to each other. At the age of 13, Jewish boys become a Bar
Mitzvah and at the age of 12, Jewish girls become a Bat Mitzvah. The ceremony,
which usually takes place during the Shabbat morning service, may feature the bar
/bat mitzvah child leading prayers, or reading the Torah/Haftarah. If my guest were
to attend one of these ceremonies, I explain that they should dress formal, wear a
tallit and kippah, and should be respectful of the ceremony and the individuals. The
next ceremony I explain to my tourist is the male circumcision ceremony, called
the Brit Milah. On the eighth day from when the child is born, the ceremony takes
place following the morning prayer. The mother of the child hands over her child
to a husband and wife due, known as the kvatters. Then the child is placed in the
chair of Elijah, a chair designated for circumcisions and the mohel, the ritual
circumciser, performs the ritual with the child s father beside him. Following the
circumcision is a prayer and a festive meal, consisting of meat, fish, dairy and wine.
The last ceremony I explain, is the naming ceremony form girls, known as Simhat
Bat. This ceremony is begun with a Hebrew welcome, Brucha
Dean Kamen Is The Entrepreneur Innovator Of The
Dean Kamen is the entrepreneur innovator of the slingshot technologies. Slingshot
is a water purification device invented by Mr. Kamen that is able to purify up to
97% of dirty water that is literally unusable in the world today. This invention runs
on very affordable means of energy; uses combustible cow dung to operate and
purify the water with immensely high accuracy levels. Through this, Dean is able
to clean dirty water with the inner drive of making the world a better place for
millions of people who lack clean water around several parts of the world, especially
in the developing countries. Innovationis motivated by a gap in the society. There
exists an avoidable problem of people dying recklessly in millions due to lack of...
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Management of innovation requires one to set goals and lay out concrete plans. Dean
never shied away from this. In his presentation of the slingshot technology, he
elaborately layout his plans for inventing the technology saying that; he intended to
have the technology solve the water problem around the world. He wanted to
eliminate more than 3.5 million people who die annually due to lack of access to
clean drinking water around the world as per the World Health Organization report.
Initially, the machine was costing high, but Dean was planning on how best to have
the machine capped down to affordable prices based on the principle of economy of
scales. This was to enable the majority of the poor households in the developing
countries easily access the machine s services, and thus, increase their chance of
accessing clean drinkable water through purification of the available dirty water. His
plan still goes further by ensuring his water purification technology got to all villages
around the world just like the mobile phones technologies have done. Planning
remains an integral part of every innovation as its manager endeavors to having it
serve its purpose in addition to him reaping its benefits; hence, Dean s innovation is
no exception in this managerial process. Managing an innovation requires that an
innovator controls and effectively manages
The Death Influenced Music Of The Medieval And
In this essay I will discuss how death influenced artists in the Medieval and
Renaissance era. I will do this by explaining the view of death and its sacraments in
society. By examining events around this period I can determine the reason behind
such attitudes. I will then apply this knowledge to four works by artists from 1400
1500. I will examine how these societal perceptions influenced the narrative behind
the work. I will conclude that the view of deathand the dying man had a great impact
on the art of these periods.
The subject of death in Medieval and Renaissance art was predominant. With the rise
of the Black Death during the fourteenth century many art works centred on hell, the
dying man, and anthropomorphising death. Instead ... Show more content on ...
A death which was sudden was shamed and was often interpreted as the wrath of
God [2]. Death is depicted in its traditional form as a skeleton covered by a shroud.
In his hand he carries an arrow ready to strike. Furthermore, the armoury in the
foreground symbolises the fragility of the human condition in the face of death.
Armour is no longer of use; you could not fight death, you had to accept it. Looking
closely at the painting, we observe the inner battle between religion and
possession. The miser while looking directly at Death reaches for a bag of gold
which is being used by a demon to tempt him away from salvation. Infernal imps
invade the dying man s room taking his possessions; even those hidden under the
bed and in his money box [3]. Next to him, an angel is desperately trying to make
the man turn his head to the figure of Christ in the window. A ray of light from
Christ symbolises the miser s possible salvation if he turns away from the
materialistic reality. The dull colour scheme is interrupted by the old man stood at
the foot of the bed. His green drapes a welcome contrast to the composition breaking
up the narrative. With a key and rosary beads hanging around his waist, does this
depict continuous narrative? Has the angel succeeded in persuading the miser to take
salvation with God? We can assume yes. During the Medieval and Renaissance
period people
Residential Real Estate Essay
Residential real estate is the business of buying, selling, renting, and leasing
property for a singular person or an entire family for the purpose of housing. The
existent of residential real estate started as an exclusive loan were only given to
nobility to purchase a home and land. Then came the industrial revolution, which
provided more wealth to the world to practice the business of residential real estate.
For residential real estate, the tradition product is homes. But with time progressing,
products like apartment, condominium, Houseboat, and others are being offered as
housing options. Current leaders within this business are Re/Max, Century 21, and
Keller Williams Realty Inc. Consumers are often out to buy housing, but some invest
... Show more content on ...
Real estate attorneys also often handle a closing on a purchase . To work in this
business, a person skill list should include persuasion and honesty. In this industry,
a skill of persuasion is needed in order to make people buy a home. Also, when
buying a house, knowledge about the home is key. A real estate agent must value
honesty among many other traits in order to be in the business. A Challenge facing
residential real estate is dropping homeownership rates. In the United States, rate of
homeownership has declined it lowest in 20 years towards the end of 2014, with of
64% of households owning a home. Tight credit, rising home prices, and slow job
growth are problems that continue to make it difficult for many people to buy a
home. Also, with advancement of technology, more data, records, and information
are being recorded online. This provides security Risks within Technology such as
Security breaches. Security breaches are a risk inherent in the use of information and
technology networks . The range of sensitive data that would harm the business if
compromised in a security
Free Association And Dream Analysis
Free Association is a central technique in psychoanalytic therapy. Free association is
where clients can vent and speak their mind to find closure. Free association can be
used with current clients because it gives the client the chance to open up about
other significant activities that can help resolve or lead to a solution for their
situation. For example, clients speak of wishes and fantasies of how they imagine
their life.
Dream Analysis also known as Dream Work. According to Corey, Dream analysis has
two levels of content: latent content and manifest content. Latent content is hiding
reality and the pain that can and will occur. Manifest Content is escaping the pain in
a dream (p. 80); believing that the client is a fantasy world and
Grist Vs. Blue Ether
Grist reaches an audience of over 2 million people per month, according to their
website (About Grist). Their content is geared towards the younger face of the
environmental movement (Millennial generation) which accounts for more than half
of monthly site visitors (Lubick). Compared to Blue Ether, Grist is more concerned
with engaging the younger crowds, while Blue Ether wants to generate engagement
/impact among homeowners between the ages of 25 55 who pay utility bills. Still,
both news organizations aim to generate interest in environmental issues and enact
change among audiences. Strategies used by Grist to garner this engagement are
relevant to Blue Ether. Social Platforms Grist uses Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Their Facebook account... Show more content on ...
The ladder begins with elementary environmental topics that rope in those with little
prior knowledge of the issues. Next, they incorporate stories of real life changes
people have made to improve our environment. Then, they escalate to personal calls
of action that put the reader to the test. Finally, they create broad calls to enact policy
change. To measure the impact of these levels, they look for four key results: reach,
engagement, individual behavior change and societal change (Kanter). Giller adds
that around 65 percent of their quarterly survey respondents say that Grist has
influenced them to take action, change behavior, and participate in policy discussions
(qtd. in Kanter). Beth Kanter, an author and blogger on nonprofits, says Grist s ladder
of engagement is elegantly simple and illustrates how their audience makes this
journey from passive consumers of information to sustainable living champions
(Kanter). She also emphasizes that this strategy has helped Grist gain substantial
insights into what content works ; they can figure out what s driving the change Grist
readers are implementing. Using this ladder to both guide their strategy and their
metrics, they are able to see that the introductory posts brought the most people on
board, for
Rape And The Connection Of Feminist Criminology And...
The term rape is defined as an unlawful sexual intercourse by force, and without
legal or factual consent by Gennaro Vito, Jeffrey Maahs and Ronald Holmes (2006)
in Criminology: Theory, Research and Policy (Vito, Maahs, and Holmes, 2006: p.
280). Rape can be in the form of the penis penetrating the vagina, oral, anal and an
assault using a foreign object. However, there have been many controversies of what
is rapeand the use of force that is required. Several researchers, practitioners, legal
jurisdiction, as well as, a few rape statutes involving coercive rape rely on the use
of force as part of evidence in their definition (Vito, Maahs, and Holmes, 2006: p.
280). Rape can occur both in men and women, however, most accounts of rape
indicate that majority of men are perpetrators and women are the victims. This essay
will discuss the gender differences of rape victims and the connection of feminist
criminology and labelling theory, and stigmatisation; as followed with case studies
that are relevant with both theories. Feminist criminologists states that rape is wrong,
and sometimes it is ignored, legitimised and mischaracterised. Furthermore, feminist
criminologists believe that there is difference in how the crime of rape is best
acknowledgeable and how rape can be prevented both legally and socially
(Whisnant, 2013). Feminist criminologists suggest that there are two approaches of
rape per the liberal and radical feminists. Liberal feminist s perspectives in regards
Reflection Of The ABC Bike Check
20 minutesPractice ABS Check, getting started using the power pedal, using the
brakes to stop, and walking the bike. Evaluate a peer s use of the brakes when
stopping the bike. Instruct the students to perform the ABC Bike Check before
each ride. Group students into groups of 2 3. Direct students to area on course
where they will work. Bikes and lanes should already be set up. Circulate and
perform the pre assessment. Note: For students who are unable to ride they will
practice using the balance bikes and will ride the course while pushing and
balancing with legs. As they get more comfortable and able to balance have them
push with legs and see how long they can balance before feet go back to ground.
They should practice getting on and off of bike to walk around cone. Note: For
students that are advanced riders, set up a snail race wherein students attempt to
finish the course as slowly as possible. Additional cones/polyspots can be used to set
up for students to practice weaving. Reflection/ReviewMaterials: Power Pedal Exit
Tickets, 1 per students; pencils, 1 per student TimeStudent ActionsTeacher Actions 9
minutesReturn bicycles and helmets to appropriate area per teacher instructions.
Complete exit tickets. Participate in discussion/share out on power pedal, if time
permits.Demonstrate how/where students should return bicycles and helmets.
Distribute pencils and exit tickets. Lead discussion/share out on power pedal, if time
Fempa Case Study
Since its conception, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has
seen an array of different directors, each with their own leadership style. Many of
these directors performed their duties admirably in the response to many major
U.S. disasters; however, there were also some who are infamous for their lack of
performance. The roles these directors had in response to a major disaster, whether
good or bad, would greatly influence the response and recovery efforts. One of the
most notable and influential FEMA directors was a man named James Lee Witt
who was appointed by former President, Bill Clinton in 1993. Witt, who served four
years, as the director of the Arkansas Office of Emergency Service was the first
FEMA director appointed... Show more content on ...
The region suffered more than $20 billion in damage overall, making it one of the
most costliest disasters in U.S. history (Bolin Stanford, 1998). Due to the
magnitude and severity of the disaster it grabbed the immediate attention of the
federal government, and within hours after the earthquake President Clinton sent
key member of the administration to assess the damage and begin recovery
operations. Most notably, James Lee Witt not only was in charge coordinating the
response effort, but also took immediate action to begin relaying information to the
public and disaster victims as quickly as possible (Gordon Emerson, 2010). In the
days to follow the quake, Witt held daily public press conferences with the
Governor and would spend many evenings walking through temporary shelters,
speaking with victims and listened to their stories (Bolin Stanford, 1998). While
Witt made it his duty to thoroughly reassure the public that the government was
there to help, he also made the decision to modify existing FEMA programs to
expedite grant money to victims. Under normal circumstances, displaced families
would only receive a grant check for $3,000 if they could show proof of their
displacement. However, due to the severity of the disaster, FEMA decided that the
risk of fraud was far exceeded by the benefit of distributing grant money
Project Finance
1. How should PDVSA finance the development of the Orinoco Basin? Can you
define project finance? Is Petrozuata a project? What are the costs and benefits of
using project finance instead of the traditional (debt) finance as Mr. Bustillos said,
PDVSA could have finance the debt internally (p.7 of the case)?
Project finance is a kind of Financing that has a priority does not depend on the
creditworthiness of the sponsors proposing the business idea to launch the project.
Approval does not even depend on the value of assets sponsors are willing to make
available as collateral. Instead, it is basically a function of the project s ability to
repay the debt contracted and remunerate capital invested at a rate consistent with the
degree of ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, more debt does not affect the risk of the project under taken, but
means less equity holders , these bring more risk to equity holders, the cost of equity
increases with debt. assume Ra is the WACC without leverage.
Ke=Ra+(D/E)(1 П„)(Ra kd)
0.2097=Ra+Ra(0.6/0.4)(1 0.35) 0.1(0.6/0.4)(1 0.35)
Solving Ra=15.55%
When leverage change, the IRR will also change following the formula below:
IRR= Ra+(D/E)(1 П„)(Ra kd)
LeverageD/ERa1 П„KdIRR
80%4.00 0.16 0.65 0.10 30.00%
70%2.33 0.16 0.65 0.10 23.98%
60%1.50 0.16 0.65 0.10 20.97%
50%1.00 0.16 0.65 0.10 19.16%
40%0.67 0.16 0.65 0.10 17.96%
4. What kind of debt (agency debt, bank debt, or Rule 144a bonds) should the
sponsors of the project use to fund the deal? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each kind of debt? In your view will project bonds receive an
investment grade rating? What is the weakest link of the project? How can they
improve the likelihood of getting an investment grade?
In our opinion, the sponsors of the project should use Rule 144a bonds for its obvious
advantages over the other two options.
Agency debt:
пѓјMight not raise enough money for the project since the majority of the debt would
probably require
Sarbanes Oxley Act and the PCAOB Essay
The Sarbanes Oxley Act Overview:
The development of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) was a result of public
company scandals. The Enron and Worldcom scandals, for example, helped
investor confidence in entities traded on the public markets weaken during 2001
and 2002. Congress was quick to respond to the political crisis and enacted the
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, which was signed into law by President Bush on July
30 (Edward Jones, 1), to restore investor confidence. In reference to SOX, penalties
would be issued to non ethical or non law abiding public companies and their
executives, directors, auditors, attorneys, and securities analysts (1). SOX
significantly transformed the procedures in which public companies handle internal ...
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Title I: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board: The PCAOB gives a new
meaning to the public accounting industry. The board must be composed of five
members, appointed for a 5 year term, two of which are Certified Public
Accountants (CPAs) or have previously been CPAs, and three of which have never
been CPAs. The chair of the PCAOB may be a CPA, but only if he has been out of
practice for at least five years. The members must be independent of the accounting
profession as no member may, concurrent with service on the board, share in any of
the profits of, or receive payments from, a public accounting firm, other than fixed
payment such as retirement payments (4). All members of the PCAOB must be
appointed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The board performs
various jobs which include: oversee the audit of public companies, establish audit
report standards and rules, inspect, investigate and enforce compliance on the part of
registered public accounting firms and those associated with the firms (4). Not only
do public accounting firms who audit the financial reports of public companies have
to register with the PCAOB, but foreign public accounting firms must register as
well. The standards of auditing include:
A seven year retention period for audits work papers, second partner review and
approval, evaluation of whether internal control structure and procedures include
records that accurately reflect transactions and dispositions of
A Phenomenal Woman By Jane Austen
Kyatra George
Mrs. Allen
8 March 2015
Phenomenally a Phenomenal Woman Jane Austen once said, I hate to hear you talk
about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures (In
Persuasion, Chapter 8). In Maya Angelou s poem Phenomenal Woman, she expresses
her frustration with the conventions of what the ideal women is commonly seen as.
The poem also illustrates the importance of confidence and how it affects the
perception of others. Angelou showcases a young woman in her poem that fails to
meet societal expectations of the ideal physical appearance of women in today s
modern society. Instead, she shy s away from these expectations by accepting who
she is. While growing up, she faced constant discrimination not only as a woman,
but also as an African American. Angelou, who was also a well known civil rights
activist, was a strong role model for several young black women. Maya Angelou
conveys confidence in her physical appearance despite women s subjection to society
s impossible standards. Through the use of imagery, symbolism, and repetition
Angelou illustrates hurdles in her journey to become a confident woman.
Firstly, Angelou expresses her confidence as a woman through her physical
appearance. This is portrayed through Angelou s detailed description of her more
feminine attributes. She says:
Is it the fire in my eyes,
The flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
The joy in my feet. (22 26)
The poet implies with her
Giant Pacific Octopuses Research Paper
Yao Dai
Mr. Newman
Period 7
5 Feb 2015
Ecology Section Final Draft
Ecological niche
The Giant Pacific Octopuses are found though out the Pacific Ocean. It s found
north in Alaska, South in Mexico, west in Japan and East in California. So they
really can tolerate all kinds of water temperature. It is more likely to find it in tidal
pools and they live in the water depth from 110 meters down to 1500m. (Schwab,
1987) They eat fish, lobster, shellfish etc. They crack them open by their mouth. The
way they reproduce is that male Octopuses have genital bags inside them. They will
insert a hectocotylized arm into the female and then release sperm. The entire process
will take 2 3 hours. They could change their skin color to fit into the environment so
they really can fit into different conditions. (Anderson, Mather, 2007) Fig. 2.1, Giant
Pacific octopus (Monterey Bay Aquarium, 2013)
Campbell (1987) defined the Keg River Formation as an open marine carbonate with
an upward shoaling character marking the beginning of the Lower Elk Point Group
(Lower Keg River Member).
This Lower Keg River member was initiated by a rapid increase in sea level
elevation flooding the salt plains of the Contact Rapids. Campbell (1987) described
the Lower member of a dark micritic limestone, in a somewhat euxinic environment,
containing bitumen and fauna such as brachiopods, crinoids, corals,
stromatoporoids and gastropods. The unit can be locally dolomitized with a
maximum thickness of approximately 50m. The Upper Keg River member was
deposited during the restriction of marine waters by the Presqu ile Barrier reef into
the Elk Point Basin (Campbell, 1987). The interior of the basin contains Upper Keg
River pinnacle reefs, banks and platforms. Campbell (1987) noted the spatial
differences in the type of carbonate deposition within sub basins; areas from the
Peace River Arch to southern Alberta show a fringing carbonate platform, while the
Rainbow, Zama and Shekelie basins contained the majority of the
The Energy Supply And Usage Of Renewable Energy
Chapter 1: Introduction to Thesis
Introduction to Thesis
1.1 Statement of the problem
The world s energy supply and usage harnessed by humans are predominantly
occupied by fossil fuel combustion a non renewable resource. On the other hand
small fractions of the energy harnessed by humans are renewable resources at only
about 13% of the total energy sourced. With fossil fuels emitting high amounts of
greenhouse gasses that affect our climate negatively in the long term in addition to
its non renewability, alternative sources of energy supply particularly in the
category of renewable energy can help alleviate the impact of the shortage of
resources and the harmful impact of our energy usage on the environment. Salinity
gradient energy can potentially be a part of this alternate source of renewable energy
as well as gas emission free as it is based on the mixing of solutions with different salt
concentrations through the uses of Osmotic pressure and a membrane.
Salinity gradient energy is applied through the application of pressure retarded
osmosis (PRO) and its use for power generation has made it a viable pairing for
desalination plants that use reverse osmosis/forward osmosis (FO/RO) in its
Salinity gradient energy has only gained substantial attention in the last 10 years
due to increasing cost of fossil fuels and because of its relatively new upbringing
there is still a lot of research and understanding to be achieved. One of the major
reasons for this belief
Literature Review Of Alarm Fatigue
Capstone Part I: Literature Review