X Eng Rev
X Eng Rev
X Eng Rev
DURATION: Reading – 05 Mins. + Writing – 50 Mins. + Revision – 05 Mins.
• Answer all the questions in your answer sheet. Do NOT write on the question paper. All answers
must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Write the option
number and statement. [6]
Detachment is not physically renouncing our possessions, profession, home and family as many of us
think. It is the ability to let go of all the desires, habits, emotions, thoughts, speech and behaviour
patterns that are negative or detrimental to our well being in any way. Detachment and discrimination
are inter-dependent; they mutually strengthen each other and empower us. The more we are able to
discriminate, the more we are able to segregate our harmful desires and discard them. The more mental
trash we discard this way, the more we empower our faculty of discrimination.
There is a simple technique we can all practice to strengthen our discrimination and detachment and get
rid of unnecessary desires. This will generate the awareness we need to control our senses and mind
and make them stop churning out desires every moment. To practice this technique, we should select a
quiet place when we have some leisure time.
Sit down with a few sheets of paper and pen or a computer and make two lists. In the first list,
understand and write down your most important goal or agenda in this life. Then meticulously add all
the other goals that you would like to achieve. While you make this list, you shouldn’t think only about
yourself. Include what you would like to contribute for the welfare of your dependents, children and
their forthcoming generations.
Once you complete this, set it aside and begin the second list. List all your desires here. They may be
big or small, important or insignificant, right or wrong, demonic or divine. Just remove the lid on the
Pandora’s Box and allow them all to spill out freely. Don’t try to censor or edit the list of desires at this
stage. Complete the list first. After you have made an exhaustive list, go over it to see which of these
desires are truly necessary, conducive to your meditation, helpful and favourable to you and beneficial
to others. If you have been serious and honest in doing this exercise, you will have long lists of goals
and desires and many of them may be selfish or detrimental to your goal of meditation, visualisation,
self-realisation, peace, happiness and bliss. This exercise will help you develop frankness and honesty
with yourself. You will touch your true feelings and bring many of your hidden ambitions and desires
into the open.
a) Define detachment. 1
b) What do you need to discriminate? 1
c) What simple technique does the writer suggest in these lines? 1
d) State whether the following statements are true or false. 1
(i) Detachment and discrimination should be practised simultaneously.
(ii) This technique will make us an introvert.
e) Find words from the passage which mean the same as: 2
(i) to separate [para-1] (iii) systematically [para-3]
2. Rekha read the following news report about the tendency among children to stay away from any
sort of physical activity. She decided to make use of the information to write an article for her
school magazine. Write the article for her in not more than 120 words using your ideas. [6]
Couch Potatoes
The teachers and parents have expressed their disappointment about the children of today being
nothing but couch potatoes. Very seldom do you find them outside their houses, playing their one
time favourite outdoor games like Hide and Seek, Cricket, etc.
4. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the
error and correct word in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. [½ x 6 = 3]
Incorrect Correct
a) The colony in ants has a ________ _______
b) queen ant and worker ants. A ________ _______
c) job of the queen are to lay eggs ________ _______
d) who the worker ants look after. ________ _______
e) Worker ants look to food for the ________ _______
f) younger and defend the nest from ________ _______
unwanted visitors.
5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. [1 x 3 = 3]
I remained silent while she lit the lamps, thankful that her back was turned to me. When I am
nervous or excited there is a muscle in my face that starts to twitch, and this pulls up one corner of
my mouth and gives the appearance of an idiotic grin. So far I had managed to conceal this
affliction rom Lavinia.
“You know I bought the loveliest thing this afternoon. Everybody’s wild over them!”
a) Why was the author thankful that her back was turned to him?
b) Why was the author nervous?
c) What loveliest thing is being talked about here?
6. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. [2 x 2 = 4]
a) How did Sosanko try to console Patol Babu?
b) What is the irony in the poem ‘Ozymandias’?
7. Through the character of Patol Babu, Ray has portrayed that personal satisfaction is more
important than financial rewards. Explain this statement with reference to the story ‘Patol Babu,
Film Star’. [5]