GRR5100e VA - Quickstart - 2024 01 23
GRR5100e VA - Quickstart - 2024 01 23
GRR5100e VA - Quickstart - 2024 01 23
elcome to the Valiant Adventures Quickstart! This is your introduction to the exciting world of super-powered
roleplaying in the Valiant Universe using the Mutants & Masterminds game system. This Quickstart is intended
for readers who may have played other roleplaying games and are interested in learning how to play Valiant
Adventures. It is also suitable for readers who have never played a tabletop roleplaying game but are interested in
learning how.
In this book, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to roleplaying, an introduction to the game system and the Valiant Uni-
verse, and a starter adventure to begin playing right away.
in Pub The Valiant Adventures Quickstart is ©2024 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Ron l References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective
copyright holders of that material. Green Ronin, Valiant Adventures, Mutants & Masterminds,
and their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
m ak
Valiant and all its associated characters and logos are registered trademarks of Valiant
in g
w n R u les s Entertainment LLC.
WHAT IS A ROLEPLAYING GAME? system that powers Valiant Adventures, providing the Valiant
Universe with a time-tested and refined set of game rules.
A ROLEPLAYING GAME (or RPG for short) is a game of the
Valiant Adventures makes some modifications to the current
imagination, where you and some friends get together
(third) edition of the M&M system to customize it to suit the
and create fictional characters, then play out their ad-
Valiant Universe, but previous players of M&M will find most of
ventures around a tabletop or online. One player takes
the game (and this Quickstart) familiar. You can find out more
the role of GAMEMASTER (or GM) and describes the setting
about Mutants & Masterminds and its current system and prod-
and the challenges your characters encounter. The Gam-
ucts online at
emaster plays the supporting characters and villains in
the story and acts as a referee to adjudicate the rules of
the game and make sure everything’s handled as fairly WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY
as possible. Here’s what you need to start playing Valiant Adventures right
Your imagination is the only thing limiting the sorts of away:
adventures you can have since you and your friends • This book, contains the essential rules on how to play the
create the world, the characters, and the stories. It’s like game, pre-generated characters, and the RE:GENERATION
writing your own Valiant comic book but with your char- starter adventure.
acters as the heroes! All the action takes place in your
imagination, and the story can go on for as long as you • A group of four to six players, one of whom takes the role
want, with one exciting adventure after another. You of Gamemaster.
can pick up and play the game whenever you want, and • Some writing implements and scratch paper for making
stop at any point, like reading the chapters of a graphic notes.
novel or saving and putting a video game on hold.
• At least one twenty-sided die—available at game and
WHAT IS VALIANT hobby stores or in any dice application on your mobile
device—to resolve actions during the game. The die is
ADVENTURES? often abbreviated “d20” (for a twenty-sided die) or “1d20”
The Valiant Adventures roleplaying game focuses on (for one twenty-sided die). It’s usually easiest if each
creating characters and adventures in the Valiant Uni- player has their own die.
verse of comics published by Valiant Entertainment, • Copies of the character sheets from this book. You have
including Archer and Armstrong, Faith, Ninjak, Quan- permission to reprint or photocopy them as needed.
tum and Woody, Shadowman, Rai, X-O Manowar, and
many others. Visit to find
out more. Players can take on the roles of characters
from the Valiant comics or create their own charac- The Valiant Adventures Quickstart is intended as an introduc-
ters within the Valiant Universe to embark on their tion, to provide new players with an easy guide to how to play
own adventures, even crossing over with some of the game. It’s useful for Gamemasters looking to introduce
those Valiant heroes and villains. players to the world of roleplaying games in general or to Val-
iant Adventures and Mutants & Masterminds in particular.
The main Valiant Adventures game consists of the
Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook, containing all The Quickstart is divided up into sections. The first section, THE
the rules you need to create characters and play BASICS, tells you about the essentials of the game system. Then
the game, and the Worlds of Valiant sourcebook, de- there is a set of six original PRE-GENERATED CHARACTERS intended
tailing the Valiant Universe and its important char- for players to modify and use. Finally, RE:GENERATION gives you a
acters, giving you a setting for endless adventures. starter Valiant adventure about a group of young psiots who
This Quickstart is just intended as an introduction, learn some startling things about themselves and the lives they
you’ll find much more in the full game! think they are leading.
The six pre-generated characters presented between the GAME
WHAT IS MUTANTS PLAY section and the adventure have been assigned names and
& MASTERMINDS? descriptions, but players should feel free to modify those de-
tails, including the characters’ given names, code names, gen-
Mutants & Masterminds is a roleplaying game sys-
ders, and backgrounds, to suit them.
tem, a set of game rules first published by Green
Ronin Publishing in 2002 and developed and re- The Quickstart concludes with a GLOSSARY of important game
fined over the years for superhero roleplaying. terms and a WHAT’S NEXT? section detailing how you can learn
Mutants & Masterminds (or M&M for short) is the more about Valiant Adventures.
The Basics
aliant Adventures provides a rules framework for your imagination to create adventures. Like other RPGs, it has rules
to help you decide what happens in your stories and to resolve conflicts between characters and the challenges
they face. With it, any adventure you can imagine is possible.
The Basics
THE GAMEMASTER can and can’t do. Traits are broken down into four main categories:
ABILITIES, SKILLS, ADVANTAGES, and POWERS, all described here. Charac-
One of the players in a Valiant Adventures game takes the ters also have COMPLICATIONS, which are potential challenges they
role of GAMEMASTER or GM. The Gamemaster is responsible face that reward players when they come into play.
for running the game, a combination of writer, director,
and referee. The Gamemaster creates the adventures ABILITIES
for the heroes, portrays the antagonists and support-
ing characters, describes the world to the players, and All Valiant Adventures characters are defined by eight basic
decides the outcome of their characters’ actions based ABILITIES. They each have a numeric ABILITY RANK, measuring
on the guidelines given in the rules. It’s a big job, but a their effectiveness. A rank of 0 is unremarkable or average, 6 is
rewarding one. about as good as a normal person gets while 7 or more is fairly
extraordinary, even superhuman. The basic abilities (and their
If you’re going to be the Gamemaster, you should read abbreviations) are:
through this entire book carefully. You should have a
firm grasp of the rules since you’re expected to inter- STRENGTH STR
pret them for the players to decide what happens in the
STRENGTH is muscle power and the capacity to apply it. The
game. You’ll likewise want to read through the RE:GENERA-
Strength Rank applies to Damage dealt with close combat at-
TION adventure if you plan to run it for a group of players.
tacks, how far your character can jump and throw things, and
RULE NUMBER ONE their ability to lift and break things.
Like all games, Valiant Adventures has rules. At first STAMINA STA
glance, it might seem like there are a lot of rules, but The Stamina Rank applies to your character’s TOUGHNESS and
most of them are just variations on the core system. FORTITUDE Defenses, resisting physical hazards, and recovering
Once you get the hang of how the game works, the from damage and injury.
rules themselves are pretty straightforward.
The first, and most important, rule is: Do whatever is
the most fun for your game! AGILITY is grace, speed, and overall physical coordination. Agility
Rank applies to your character’s DODGE Defense, INITIATIVE Rank,
While we’ve made every effort to ensure that Mutants and Checks for feats of coordination.
& Masterminds is as complete a game system as pos-
sible for powering Valiant Adventures, no tabletop DEXTERITY DEX
game system can cover every situation an imagina- DEXTERITY is hand-eye coordination, precision, aim, and manual
tive group of players might dream up. From time to dexterity. Dexterity Rank applies to ATTACK CHECKS for Ranged
time, a strict interpretation of the rules may give you Attacks, and Checks for feats of fine motor control.
strange or undesirable results. If so, ignore them!
Modify the outcome of die rolls and other events in FIGHTING FGT
the game as you see fit to make it fun and enjoy- FIGHTING is the Ability used in the game to attack and defend in
able for everyone. If you’re uncertain, call for a Check close combat, both unarmed and with weapons. Your Fighting
using what sounds like an appropriate Ability, Skill, Rank applies to ATTACK CHECKS for Close Attacks and to Parry De-
or Power against a suitable Difficulty Class to deter- fense against Close Attacks.
mine an outcome. It’s your game, so run and play it
the way you want! INTELLECT INT
INTELLECT covers reasoning, education, and the ability to learn
VALIANT HEROES new things quickly. Your character’s Intellect Rank applies to
Checks to solve problems, recall information, or work with tech-
The players in a Valiant Adventures game can choose
to play Valiant heroes or to create their own heroes,
the main characters of their own adventures, like AWARENESS AWE
an ongoing comic book series. This Quickstart fea-
AWARENESS is common sense, intuition, perception, and self-aware-
tures a selection of ready-made heroes to use. The
ness. Your Awareness Rank applies to WILL Defense, and Checks to
Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook gives you mul-
notice things or get a “gut feeling” about people or situations.
tiple character archetypes and resources to create
heroes of your own. PRESENCE PRE
Characters in the game are defined by their TRAITS, PRESENCE is your character’s force of personality, persuasiveness,
certain qualities with numerical values assigned to charm, and leadership ability. The Presence Rank applies to
them that tell you briefly what a particular character Checks to convince or intimidate others, or to impress people.
The Basics
SKILLS represent training in a particular sort of task, everything
from acrobatics to defusing bombs, programming computers,
or driving a vehicle. Skills are knowledge learned beyond any
natural talent, represented by Abilities. They are easier to im-
prove than Abilities, but also more limited.
Skills are also measured in RANKS. If you have no Ranks in a
Skill, you are UNTRAINED in it. If you have a Skill related to a
Check, add your Rank in that Skill to the Ability Rank the Skill
is based on to determine your SKILL MODIFIER and then add it
to your die roll:
Perform athletic tasks like climbing, jumping, and swim-
ming under normal conditions with a DC 10 Athletics
Check. Difficult circumstances, like climbing a rock face
or swimming in choppy waters increase the DC. Make an
Athletics Check to jump a distance and the DC is equal to
the meters jumped x 6 for a standing long jump, meters
jumped x 3 for a running jump, and meters jumped x 10
for a vertical jump.
average code to DC 30 or more for hacking into the than building one from scratch, typically, and reduces the Skill
most advanced, hardened, and protected systems. Check DC by −5.
ow that you have an idea of what Valiant Adventures characters and their Traits look like, let’s look at how you put those
Traits to use in playing the game. This section covers how to make different kinds of Checks, how to handle conflicts
between characters, and the Conditions that result from them, as well as how characters remove those Conditions.
CHECKING TRAITS Bonuses and Penalties of the same sort cancel each other out:
If a character has a +2 Bonus, a −1 Penalty, a Bonus Die, and a
As described under THE BASICS, a CHECK is a roll of a Penalty Die for some reason, they just have a +1 Bonus, since
1d20 die, plus or minus a CHECK MODIFIER, comparing the remaining +1 Bonus is canceled by the −1 Penalty and the
the CHECK RESULT to a DIFFICULTY CLASS to determine if Bonus Die and Penalty Die cancel each other out.
the character succeeds or fails. The following addi-
tional factors can apply to Checks in the game: OPPOSED CHECKS
For Checks that test your abilities directly against someone
BONUSES AND PENALTIES else’s, there is no set DC. Instead, you and your opponent each
In some situations, a character has a BONUS or PEN- roll a Check, and whoever rolls highest succeeds or beats the
ALTY on a Check. This can either take the form of other. This is an OPPOSED CHECK. If an Opposed Check Result is a
a set value, like +2 or −1, added to or subtracted tie, whoever has the highest Bonus to their Check wins. If both
from the Check Result, or it can be a BONUS DIE or Bonuses are the same, determine who wins randomly; flip a
PENALTY DIE: coin or roll a die.
You are always free to pick a lower Initiative Check Result
than the one you rolled, letting other characters act before
you take your Turn. This is called DELAYING. You can delay
immediately or in a later Round, but once you pick a lower
Initiative Check Result, which becomes your new Result for
the rest of the Conflict. If you delay until the end of a Round,
essentially giving up your Turn that Round, you can act first
the next Round. Delaying can’t interrupt another character’s
Turn, for that see the READY action on page 12.
There are three types of actions your character can take on
their Turn: STANDARD, MOVE, and FREE. There are also REACTIONS,
which happen in response to something else and can occur
outside of a character’s Turn.
Some Conditions, like being Dazed or Stunned, limit the num-
ber or type of actions you can take.
Your INITIATIVE MODIFIER is equal to your Agility Rank, A STANDARD ACTION allows your character to do something quick
plus any Bonuses from other sources, like Advantages but complex, like attacking someone or using a Skill, Advan-
or Powers. tage, or Power. The ACTIONS section gives more information on
what can be done with a Standard Action. You get one Stan-
The higher your Initiative Check Result, the sooner
dard Action on your Turn.
you get to act in the Round. The characters are placed
in an Initiative Order, from the highest Check Result You can use your Standard Action to perform a Move Action
to the lowest, and then each gets a Turn until every- instead, effectively giving you two Move Actions in one Turn.
one has taken one.
If two characters roll the same Initiative Check Result,
tie-breakers for Initiative Order are the highest Initia- A MOVE ACTION is a simpler task requiring less attention than a
tive Modifier, highest Agility, and then the highest Standard Action, like walking (or flying, or swimming), stand-
Awareness. If there is still a tie, each tied player should ing up, picking something up, or something similarly simple.
roll a die, with the highest roll going first at that point Possible Move Actions are listed in detail in the ACTIONS section.
in the Initiative Order. You get one Move Action on your Turn unless you also use your
Standard Action as a Move Action.
Characters use the same Initiative Check Result for
each Round of the Conflict. If characters join a Con- FREE ACTION
flict after it begins, the newcomers roll an Initiative
A Free Action is simple and fast and requires almost no atten-
Check when they join in and act when their Turn
tion, such as dropping something your character was holding,
comes up in the Initiative Order.
falling to the ground, speaking, or stopping an activity they were
SURPRISE already doing. You can perform as many Free Actions on your
Turn as your GM thinks is reasonable.
Sometimes enemies leap out from ambush, or a
stealthy hero gets the drop on a villain, resulting REACTION
in the SURPRISED Condition (see page 17) for one
A REACTION is something that you do as a reflex or in response
or more characters. Characters are most often Sur-
to something else and doesn’t even need to happen on your
prised when they fail a Perception Check to notice
Turn. The game rules specify when you can use your Reaction
an opponent at the start of a Conflict.
to do something. You can perform one Reaction per Round and
A character with the Surprised Condition is Stunned regain your Reaction at the start of your Turn if you used it on
and Vulnerable for one Round. Typically, this is the the previous Round.
Game Play
ACTIONS you make a disarm attempt with a melee weapon and lose
the Opposed Check, the defender may immediately at-
The most common actions characters take during Conflicts are tempt to disarm you; make another opposed Damage vs.
described here. The GM should use these as guidelines for deal- Strength Check. If this disarm attempt fails, you do not get
ing with any unusual actions that players might try. The Valiant an additional attempt to disarm the defender.
Adventures Hero’s Handbook details added actions and modifi-
ers to actions. DROP PRONE FREE ACTION
Dropping prone, gaining the Prone Condition, is a Free
Action, although getting up normally requires a Move
If your character is close enough to attack an opponent, they can Action (see STAND). While Prone, you can only move by
attempt to aid an ally in close combat with that opponent. Make crawling at half your normal ground speed.
an Attack Check against DC 10. If you succeed, you don’t hit or
affect the opponent but rather grant your ally a +2 Bonus on an ESCAPE MOVE ACTION
Attack Check against that opponent or a +2 Bonus to Defense You attempt to escape from a successful GRAB (follow-
against that opponent’s attacks (your choice) until the end of ing). Make a Strength or Dexterity against a DC of your
their next Turn. Three or more Degrees of Success on your Check opponent’s Effect Rank +10. If you succeed, you end
grant your ally a Bonus Die on an Attack Check or impose a Pen- the Conditions of the Grab and can move away from
alty Die on the opponent’s attacks against your ally instead. your opponent, up to your normal Speed Rank −1. If
you fail, you are still grabbed.
By taking a Standard Action to carefully aim, you get a Bonus to FEINT STANDARD ACTION
hit when you make an attack. If you’re making a Close Attack or You attempt to mislead an opponent, leaving them un-
a Ranged Attack at Close Range, you get a Bonus Die on your prepared for your real attack. Make an Attack Check or
Attack Check. If you’re making a Ranged Attack from a great- a Deception Skill Check (your choice) opposed by the
er distance, you get a +2 Bonus to the Attack Check. You are better of your target’s corresponding Attack Bonus, De-
Vulnerable while aiming until after you attack; and it requires ception, or Insight. If your Check succeeds, the target
a Sustain Action to maintain your aim before you make your is Vulnerable against your next attack until the end of
attack. If you are unable to maintain it, you lose its benefits. your next Turn (see VULNERABLE on page 17).
ATTACK STANDARD ACTION You can attempt to Feint as a Move rather than a
Standard Action, but have a Penalty Die on your
You make an Attack Check against an opponent within your at-
Check if you do so.
tack’s range. If the attack is an Area Effect or Perception Range,
no Attack Check is needed. See the specific attack’s description GRAB STANDARD ACTION
for what happens if your attack is successful.
You attempt to Grab a target. Make a Close Attack
CONCENTRATE STANDARD ACTION Check against the target. If successful, make an Op-
posed Check using your Strength Rank against the
Your character concentrates to maintain an Effect with the Con-
target’s Strength or Dodge Rank (their choice).
centration Duration. So long as you continue to take this action
on each of your Turns, the Effect continues. • FAILURE: You Grab the target, but fail to hold them.
Add your Defense Rank to 10 to determine your DEFENSE CLASS
against attacks targeting that Defense. This is the DC of an op-
ponent’s Attack Checks against you:
See the CONDITIONS section (page 15) for details on the ef-
fects of the various Damage Conditions.
One special category of foes is MINIONS, who are easier to
overcome. Minions may be weak or strong, ordinary, or
blessed by strange powers, but they are not as resilient,
resourceful, or lucky as major heroes or villains.
Minions work according to the following rules:
• Minions cannot achieve Added Successes against
• If a non-minion’s Attack Check Modifier equals or
exceeds a Minion’s Defense Rank, their attack on
that Minion automatically hits. So, an attack with
a +10 modifier automatically hits a Minion with a
Defense Rank of 10 or less.
• If a Minion fails a Resistance Check, the Minion
suffers the worst degree of effect, regardless of
the actual degree rolled. So, a Minion failing a
Resistance Check against non-lethal Damage, for
example, is automatically Incapacitated. If it’s le-
thal Damage, they’re automatically killed! Attack-
ers can choose to have a Minion suffer a lesser
degree of Effect if they want.
Game Play
• Non-minions can take the Overwhelm Action (see page RECOVERY TIMES
12) against groups of Minions. The group makes a sin-
gle Resistance Check against the Overwhelm Action as
a whole but does not automatically suffer the worst de- Dying Stabilized
gree of Effect for failing, as an individual Minion would. Incapacitated 1 Minute
Wounded 1 Day
You can damage nonliving things but Dazed, Stunned, and Injured 1 Hour
Staggered Conditions have no Effect on inanimate objects Bruised 1 Minute
since they do not take an action. Objects capable of an ac- Stunned 1 Round
tion—like cars, robots, or laser turrets—can be Dazed, Stunned,
Dazed 1 Round
and Staggered normally.
Characters remove the Dying Condition when they sta-
Animate objects have their own Defense Classes. Inanimate ob-
bilize or when they are Dead (see DYING, page 16). Char-
jects are Defenseless.
acters automatically recover from being Stunned or
Attacking an object held or worn by another character is a Dazed due to Damage at the end of their next Turn, with
Smash Attack (see MANEUVERS). no Recovery Check required.
A success on the Resistance Check applies a HIT to an object, im- Objects without a Stamina Rank do not recover from
posing a –1 Penalty on Damage Resistance Checks. Failure on Damage Conditions on their own. Instead, they must
the Damage Resistance Check imposes the BROKEN Condition be repaired, requiring time and a suitable Skill Check,
on an object, while two or more Degrees of Failure mean the such as Mechanics, in place of the Recovery Check.
object is DESTROYED.
The Toughness Ranks of some common materials for objects CONDITIONS
are: Heroes run into their share of difficulties. One way the
Mutants & Masterminds system models this is with dif-
TOUGHNESS RANKS FOR MATERIALS ferent CONDITIONS—persistent limits on a character’s
MATERIAL EXAMPLES TOUGHNESS RANK Traits or Actions. Conditions are shorthand for the
Paper, Soil 0 game modifiers imposed by Effects, Maneuvers, or
Glass, Ice, Rope 1 other circumstances.
Wood 3 This section describes the different Conditions that
Stone 5 can affect characters in the Quickstart. If multiple
Iron 7 Conditions apply, use all of their Effects combined.
There are added Conditions described in the Valiant
Reinforced Concrete 8
Adventures Hero’s Handbook as well.
Steel 9
Titanium 15 BLIND
Super Alloys 18+ The character cannot see (Visually Unaware). They
are Hindered, Visually Unaware, and Vulnerable, and
RECOVERY may be Impaired or Disabled for activities where vi-
sion is a factor.
Characters can recover from their Damage Conditions over
time. Recovery always starts from the most severe Damage BOUND
Condition and proceeds to the least severe in this order:
A Bound character is Defenseless, Immobile, and Im-
A Defenseless character loses their Dodge and Par- An Incapacitated character is Defenseless, Stunned, and Un-
ry Bonuses (if any) typically reducing their Defense aware of their surroundings. Incapacitated characters generally
Class to 10 (10 + 0). also fall Prone, unless some outside aid keeps them standing.
A Destroyed object has been completely broken The character is unaffected by any other Conditions.
apart, usually into pieces, perhaps even reduced to PRONE
fragments or dust.
A Prone character is lying on the ground, Hindered, and has a
DISABLED Penalty Die on Close Attack Checks. Opponents receive a Bonus
A Disabled character has a Penalty Die on all Checks. Die on Close Attack Checks but a Penalty Die on Ranged Attack
If the Penalty applies only to specific Checks, they are Checks against the character. Prone characters are Hindered.
added to the name of the Condition, such as Attack The Stand Action (page 12) removes the Prone Condition.
Disabled, Fighting Disabled, Perception Disabled, etc. RESTRAINED
DYING DAMAGE CONDITION A Restrained character is Hindered and Vulnerable. If the re-
A Dying character is Incapacitated and near death. straints are anchored to an immobile object, the character is
When the character gains this Condition, immedi- Immobile rather than Hindered. If restrained by another char-
ately make a DC 15 Fortitude Check. If the Check acter, the restrained character is Immobile but may be moved
succeeds, nothing happens. With two or more De- by the restraining character.
grees of Success, the character stabilizes, becoming STAGGERED DAMAGE CONDITION
Incapacitated. If the Check fails, the character re-
mains dying. Three or more total Degrees of Failure A Staggered character is Dazed and Hindered.
mean the character dies. Dying characters make a STUNNED DAMAGE CONDITION
Fortitude Check each Round until they either die
or stabilize. Another character can stabilize a dying A Stunned character cannot take any Actions, including Free
character with a successful DC 15 Treatment Check. Actions or Reactions.
Game Play
A surprised character is Stunned and Vulnerable, caught
off-guard and unable to act. Surprised normally only lasts
for one Round.
The character is oblivious to their surroundings. If the
Condition applies to a specific sense, it is added to the
name of the Condition, such as Visually Unaware (or
blind), Tactilely Unaware (or numb), etc. Everything ef-
fectively has Total Concealment from all of a character’s
Unaware senses.
Vulnerable characters are limited in their ability to defend
themselves. Attacks against them gain a Bonus Die. De-
fenseless supersedes Vulnerable.
Heroes rarely let their limitations define them. They routine-
ly face threats more powerful than themselves. That’s when
real heroes dig deep and give it their all! To simulate this part
of Valiant Adventures stories, the Mutants & Masterminds sys-
tem uses EXTRA EFFORT.
Extra Effort lets your character push themselves past their lim-
its, straining body and mind to do more when it really counts.
Using Extra Effort is not an Action, although it may modify Ac-
tions characters take. When you use Extra Effort, you may do
one of the following listed actions.
RENEWED ATTEMPT: Some Effects require Extra Effort in order At the start of your next Turn after using Extra
to use or attempt them again within the same Scene (or Effort, your character gains the Fatigued Condi-
other defined period of time). This use of Extra Effort sim- tion. A Fatigued character who uses Extra Effort
ply makes the Renewed Attempt possible; it provides no becomes Exhausted, and an Exhausted character
other benefits. who uses Extra Effort becomes Incapacitated. You
can spend a Hero Point (following) to immediate-
RESISTANCE: You immediately make another Resistance ly Recover from the Fatigue of using Extra Effort,
Check to recover from an Ongoing Effect, like an Affliction. meaning your Condition doesn’t change.
Game Play
play and make your hero’s life more difficult. Your GM may
also reward you with a Hero Point when you act heroical-
ly (especially when it makes things more challenging or
gives the villain an opening), such as saving a bus full of
schoolchildren instead of fighting, or whenever the GM
introduces a plot Complication that puts the heroes at a
Players are welcome—indeed, encouraged!—to take ac-
tions that will earn their characters Hero Points and to sug-
gest to the GM situations and changes in the story that could
do so. If you notice a perfect opportunity for one of your he-
ro’s Complications to come into play or to make things more
challenging and interesting for your hero, suggest it!
All your Hero Points go away at the end of an adventure,
and you start the next adventure with the automatic 1 Hero
Point, so spend your Hero Points when it feels important, es-
pecially during the adventure’s thrilling climax!
RE-ROLL: You can re-roll a d20 result you just rolled. If the
die on your re-roll shows a 1-10, add +10 to the result, so
the re-roll is always an 11–20. If you are using a re-roll on
a Check where you have a Bonus Die or Penalty Die, you
can re-roll one of the dice of your choice, but the Bonus
or Penalty still applies, making you either take the highest
result (for a Bonus) or the lowest result (for a Penalty) of
Pre-Generated Characters
The following pages contain ready-to-play Valiant Adventures characters for RE:GENERATION. The characters are all young
psiot subjects of Project Rising Spirit’s program in Rook. Players should feel free to change names, backgrounds, and de-
scriptions as they wish.
Kapt'n Krunch
especially if he can have some fun and prove that he is the
greatest hacker in the world in the process.
Along with his ability to control and affect machines, Kapt’n
Krunch can use his technopath talent to channel raw bursts of
electricity (a crude, high-powered version of his normal elec-
trokinesis) and he has a high-tech suit he’s designed with a com-
pact jet-pack and protective layering for “field operations.”
STRENGTH 2 FIGHTING 4 GADGET: Kapt’n Krunch can produce a gadget, a tempo-
STAMINA 2 INTELLECT 5 rary device with one Power Effect of Rank 8 or less, either
throwing it together from available parts or declaring he
AGILITY 3 AWARENESS 4 already “happened” to have it with him. Each additional
gadget he produces after the first requires him to spend
DEXTERITY 3 PRESENCE 2 a Hero Point first.
SKILL MASTERY – COMPUTERS: When making a Computers Skill
POWERS Check, Kapt’n Krunch can choose to treat the die as a 10
rather than rolling. So, he succeeds automatically on any
FLIGHT SUIT: Kapt’n Krunch wears a high-tech flight suit with a Computers Skill Check with a DC of 24 or less.
jetpack that lets him fly at 125 kph (250 meters per Round).
The suit gives him a +4 increase to his Toughness Rank.
MACHINE INTERFACE: Kapt’n Krunch can mentally interface with
computers in his line of sight, letting him use his Computers COMPUTERS 9 (+14), ELECTRONICS 4 (+9), INSIGHT 2 (+6),
Skill with them as if he were accessing them directly. PERCEPTION 4 (+8), RANGED COMBAT: TECHNOPATH 5 (+8)
ALL-OUT ATTACK: Throwing caution to the wind, when she takes an
Attack action, Fetch can take a Penalty of up to –5 to her Dodge
ABILITIES and Parry Ranks to add the same amount, up to +5, to her Attack
Check. The changes last until the start of her next Turn.
17) she can gain two of the listed benefits at the cost of
STAMINA 1 INTELLECT 2 becoming Exhausted rather than Fatigued on the next Turn.
either when she can avoid it.
Link feels like she knows how everyone else feels, and what they
think. She tries to avoid prying with her powers, but sometimes
other people’s thoughts and feelings are too “loud” for her to
easily screen them out. If she’s in mental contact with someone,
she literally feels their pain, which can sometimes be overwhelm-
ing. This makes Link driven to help people, and sympathetic with
Panacea’s desire to do the same.
17) she can gain two of the listed benefits at the cost of be-
STAMINA 2 INTELLECT 2 coming Exhausted rather than Fatigued on the next Turn.
AGILITY 2 AWARENESS 5 TEAMWORK: When Link takes the AID Action (see page 11)
she gets a Bonus Die on the Check.
DEXTERITY 2 PRESENCE 2 WELL-INFORMED: Link can make an immediate Investigation
or Persuasion Check to see if she knows about something
POWERS happening in the area or community when encountering
that situation.
MENTAL AWARENESS: Link can sense when psionic powers are
used in her presence with a DC 10 Perception Check. The DC
increases by +1 per 3 meters distance.
ATHLETICS 2 (+4), DECEPTION 4 (+7), EXPERTISE: Streetwise 4
TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION: As a Free Action, Link can establish
(+6), Insight 5 (+10), Perception 3 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+7),
telepathic communication with any willing mind known to
Sleight of Hand 2 (+4), Stealth 4 (+6)
her across a distance of a hundred kilometers or so.
TELEPATHIC DEFENSE: By subliminally reading an opponent’s inten-
tions as a Free Action each Turn, Link gives herself a +6 bonus
to Dodge and Parry Defense and a +4 bonus to Toughness Re- INITIATIVE +2
sistance Checks.
TELEPATHIC PROJECTION: Link can use her telepathic power to per- CONTROL DC 18 WILL CHECK
form one of the following effects per Turn as a Standard Action:
• EMOTION CONTROL: Overwhelm a target in line of sight with emo- OVERLOAD DC 18 WILL CHECK
tion. The target must make a DC 18 Will Resistance Check: On
a failure, they’re Impaired, two Degrees of Failure, Disabled, UNARMED +2 CLOSE, DAMAGE 2
and three or more Degrees of Failure, Incapacitated. Targets
get a new Resistance Check at the end of each of their turns
to eliminate the Impaired and Disabled Conditions every
minute to eliminate the Incapacitated Condition. DODGE 8/2 FORTITUDE 4
• MENTAL OVERLOAD: Blast the mind of a target in line of sight PARRY 8/2 TOUGHNESS 6/2
with telepathic energy. The target makes a DC 18 Will Resis-
tance Check against Damage (see page 15). WILL 10
• MIND READING: Link chooses a target in line of sight. If the tar-
get fails a DC 18 Will Resistance Check, Link can read their COMPLICATIONS
thoughts. The target makes a new Resistance Check at the
MOTIVATION—RESPONSIBILITY: Link feels great empathy for
end of each of their turns, with success closing off their mind.
other people and a responsibility to use her abilities
to help them when and where she can.
ADVANTAGES PSYCHIC FEEDBACK: When Link is using Mental Commu-
ASSESSMENT: Link can make an Insight Check against a target’s nication or Mind Reading on someone and they are
Deception. If she wins, she learns if the target’s Attack and De- Dazed or Stunned, she must make a Will Resistance
fense Bonuses are higher, lower, or the same as hers. Check against the same DC that imposed the condi-
tion or be Dazed or Stunned herself.
ASON CREST has always been interested in expanding his
mind, and the internet has helped that with a lot of infor-
mation. He’s gone deep down some conspiracy rabbit holes
from time to time, but then his investigations into meditation and
self-actualization also unlocked his latent psionic power to man-
ifest things out of “hard light.” (That his ability to make protective
barriers out of light might show some deep-seated trust issues is
something Mason has chosen not to deal with right now.)
Mason hasn’t been able to settle on a code name that sticks hav-
ing gone through Light-Smith, the Architect, Glow-Steel, Glow-
Forge, Force-Master, and a few others. Everyone still just calls him
“Mason,” which he pretends is a code name for his “crafting” of ob-
jects. In addition to being able to make various hard-light shapes
about the size of a minivan or large shed, Mason can “release” his
hard-light energy as a blinding burst of light around him.
ACCURATE ATTACK: When making an Attack Check, Mason can
choose to lower his attack’s Rank by up to –5 in order to gain
ABILITIES the same value (up to +5) as a bonus on his Attack Check.
BEGINNER’S LUCK: Mason can spend a Hero Point to gain 5 tem-
STRENGTH 2 FIGHTING 4 porary Ranks in a Skill in which he has no Ranks. The bonus
Ranks last for the rest of the scene.
IMPROVED AIM: When taking the AIM action (see page 11), Mason
AGILITY 4 AWARENESS 2 gains a Bonus Die on a Ranged Attack rather than a +2 Bonus.
DEXTERITY 5 PRESENCE 2 LUCK: Once per game, you can choose to re-roll a die roll, as if
you had spent a Hero Point to do so (see HERO POINTS, page 18).
HARD LIGHT MANIPULATION: Mason can perform one of the
BRUISED following effects per Turn as a Standard Action:
• HARD LIGHT CONSTRUCTS: Mason forms an object of hard HARD LIGHT MANIPULATION 3 (+8), SLEIGHT OF HAND 2 (+7), STEALTH 2 (+6)
light up to the size of a minivan or so with Toughness
BRUISED 8 (see Damaging Objects, see page 15). OFFENSE
• DAMAGING CONSTRUCTS: Mason creates a volley of small
hard light objects to damage a target. Roll a Ranged INITIATIVE +4
DYING Attack Check. On a hit, the target must roll a Toughness DAMAGING -
Resistance Check against Damage 8. Two Degrees of CONSTRUCT RANGED, DAMAGE 8+
Success on the Attack Check increases the Damage to
10, Three or more increase it to Damage 13. LIGHT - 8-METER RADIUS, DC 18
• IMMATERIAL CONSTRUCTS: Mason creates a non-solid
BRUISED light construct that is just a convincing hologram of UNARMED +4 CLOSE, DAMAGE 2
whatever image he wants. It takes a DC 18 Percep-
tion Check to know if the hologram isn’t real. DEFENSE
• LIGHT BURST: Mason releases a blinding burst of
light. Everyone within 8 meters must make a DC 18
Fortitude Resistance Check: PARRY 8 TOUGHNESS 8/2
SUCCESS: No effect
Targets get a new Resistance Check at the end of
MOTIVATION—JUSTICE: Mason wants to see justice and fairness prevail
each of their turns to eliminate the Impaired and
BRUISED whenever possible, and uses his powers to help that happen.
Disabled Conditions, every minute to eliminate
the Blind Condition. OBSESSION WITH CONSPIRACIES: Mason is a bit obsessed with
conspiracy theories. His opinion is that the easy explanation
HARD LIGHT SHIELD: As a Free Action each Turn, Mason
is rarely the correct one. Not when there might actually be a
can create and maintain a hard light shield that gives
secret plot behind it!
him a +6 to his Toughness Rank.
ULIE MENDEZ’s family is Filipino, originally from the West
Coast. A minor injury in gymnastics class activated Julie’s
biokinetic powers: She recovered from the sprain within
minutes, and later discovered she could feel the “energy” of
other people and living things, and heal them with just a touch.
Panacea’s bio-manipulation lets her sense living things and
assess their health and well-being close up with a “diagnostic
scan.” She has an always-active healing effect on herself, quickly
recovering from injury within minutes. In addition to healing,
she can stimulate her own adrenal response, giving her a burst
of impressive athletic ability, or “bio-shock” other organisms,
stunning or incapacitating them.
DEXTERITY 2 PRESENCE 2 DEFENSIVE ATTACK: When making an attack, Panacea can
take up to a –5 penalty on Attack Checks to gain an equal
POWERS bonus to Dodge and Parry. The changes last until the start
of her next turn.
BIO-MANIPULATION: Panacea can perform one of the following ef- DEFENSIVE ROLL: As a Free Action for each Turn, Panacea can
fects per Turn as a Standard Action: give herself a +3 Bonus on Toughness Checks to resist
• ACCELERATED HEALING: Touching another character, Panacea
rolls a DC 10 Check with a +8 Bonus: Each Degree of Suc- IDNJURED
IMPROVED TRIP: When Panacea makes a TRIP attack (see
cess on the Healing Check removes one Damage Condition, page 12) she has no Penalty to the Attack Check, and her
starting with the subject’s least severe condition, and work- opponent does not get an opportunity to Trip her.
ing towards the most severe. She can make one Healing
Check per subject per Scene. Additional uses on the same INSTANT UP: Panacea can perform the STAND Action (see page
12) without an Acrobatics Check or becoming Hindered. STUNNED
subject in that Scene require EXTRA EFFORT (page 17).
• ADRENAL SURGE: Panacea gains a +12 bonus to her Athletics
Checks. The bonus is reduced by 1 at the end of each of her SKILLS
Turns until it is gone.
• BIO-STUN: Roll a Ranged Attack Check against a target. On a (+8), PERCEPTION 4 (+6), PERSUASION 4 (+6), RANGED COMBAT:
hit, they are required to succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude Resis- BIO-STUN 6 (+8), TREATMENT 8 (+10)
tance Check: DYING
Targets get a new Resistance Check at the end of each of
their turns to eliminate the Dazed and Stunned Conditions, UNARMED +8 CLOSE, DAMAGE 1
every minute to eliminate the Incapacitated Condition.
ENHANCED IMMUNE SYSTEM: Panacea is immune to diseases and DEFENSE
toxins and can survive twice as long as normal without food DAZED
or water. DODGE 9 FORTITUDE 8
FAST HEALING: Panacea can make a Recovery Check (see page PARRY 9 TOUGHNESS 6/3
15) from being Injured by resting for one Turn (taking no
actions) and from being Wounded after four minutes, rath-
er than a day. She has a total +5 Bonus on Recovery Checks
(including her Stamina Rank). COMPLICATIONS
LIFE-SENSE: Panacea can sense living beings nearby with a DC MOTIVATION—DOING GOOD: Panacea wants to do good and
10 Perception Check. The DC increases by +1 per 3 meters dis- heal and help people with her abilities.
tance. She can also sense their overall health and any Damage
HELPFUL HEALER: Panacea feels honor-bound to use her
Conditions they have with two or more Degrees of Success on
abilities to help heal those in need where possible.
the Perception Check.
E:GENERATION is a starter story for Valiant Adventures, intended to introduce a group of players to the world of Valiant
Universe and provide an opportunity to try out the Mutants & Masterminds game system. “Re:Generation” should be
playable in a single three- to four-hour game session, although new players and groups might proceed more slowly
to get the hang of the rules and game-play.
a reality. Ousting Project Rising Spirit, Generation
Zero declared Rook a “free city”—a haven for those First, decide who will be the Gamemaster. The GM moder-
in need, particularly psiots. Unfortunately, Genera- ates the game, handles any rules questions, and chooses
tion Zero’s “free city” was short-lived. A H.A.R.D. Corps the actions of the non-player characters. The Gamemaster
strike team raided Rook and killed most of the young should read all of the rest of the adventure before play begins.
psiots. Once the U.S. government reestablished Proj- If you’re going to be a player, do not read any further! You might
ect Rising Spirit, it was free to take up using Rook as spoil some surprises. (Hey, didn’t we tell you to stop reading?
a base again after “order was restored.” Go on! Shoo! Give this book to your GM. Avoid temptation.)
Cronus, the leader of Generation Zero, was a capable Okay, Gamemaster, have your players choose which char-
tactician, however. Knowing he and his team were acters they want to play from the pre-generated psiots on
under threat, Cronus took steps to safeguard those pages 20–25 of this book and either give them copies of
who came to them looking for sanctuary. Genera- the character sheets or time to copy the character stats down on
a piece of paper for reference. If two or more players want to play
the same character, you can have them “roll-off:” each player rolls
the die, with the highest roll getting to pick first. A dream version of BLACK SHEEP (see her write-up at the
end of this adventure) is leading the break-in. She’s ac-
Briefly familiarize your players with the material from the
companied by a number of criminals equal to the num-
rest of this book. If there’s time or you have multiple cop-
ber of Player Characters: two guarding the hostages, the
ies of the Quickstart (or both), you might want to have the
rest with her in the vault room. Use the PRS TROOPER stats
players read through the BASICS section on their own to familiarize
from the end of the adventure for them, but they’re
themselves with how the game is played. Otherwise, feel free to
dressed in dark civilian clothing instead, with nothing
summarize and show them how to play as the game goes along.
associating them with Project Rising Spirit.
the hostages are held. It only takes a DC 10 Interaction on the Challenge Sequence, they can get past those guards
Skill Check to get the liberated hostages to do some- into the vault room unnoticed. The guards come running to
thing. help the others at the first signs of conflict, leaving the hostag-
es unguarded. If the heroes choose to deal with the guards first
THE VAULT ROOM to free the hostages, they have to do so quickly and quietly to
Black Sheep and the remaining criminals are breaking avoid alerting the criminals in the vault room; if either guard
into the vault. Black Sheep is pacing impatiently while gets a turn during the conflict, they call for help, if possible.
one criminal works at hacking the advanced electronic
lock on the vault. If the heroes enter the room and ob-
serve for more than three Rounds, she utters a frustrat- Alternatively, the heroes might just walk right into the Inno-
ed sigh, orders the hacker out of the way, and rips the vation Center and fight anyone who gets in their way. In this
vault door off with her bare hands! This should give the case, the criminals know the heroes are there pretty much im-
Player Characters a good indication of what they’re up mediately. Black Sheep rips open the vault on the first Round,
against, and that Black Sheep isn’t just someone with a the time for subtlety over, and orders two of her men to start
penchant for cosplay. looting the place while the rest cover the door. They use their
first turn to Ready an Attack Action to shoot at anyone coming
The Vault Room has some technical equipment in it.
through the door (see READY on page 12).
Whether or not any of it is of use to the Player Char-
acters depends mostly on if any of the players want The guards outside the conference room holding the hostages
to spend Hero Points to Edit the Scene. If so, then order the heroes to stop and either withdraw or surrender, or
any small, useful, high-tech gadget might be lying else they will strafe the room with gunfire through the glass
around. If the Player Characters look into or search panels around it. It’s up to the players whether they think their
the vault room at the end of this scene, they see characters can act quickly enough to prevent any of the hos-
something else entirely (see the DID YOU HEAR…? sec- tages from being killed, but reward any player who tries to en-
tion following). sure their safety with a Hero Point.
THE STEALTHY APPROACH Black Sheep leaps into the fray with the characters as soon as
possible. She tends to pick on the strongest-looking hero and
The heroes might try sneaking into the Innovation simply looks to punch them through the nearest wall. All the
Center to scout things out and catch the criminals while, she taunts the heroes for being dumb enough to take
by surprise. This involves a Challenge Sequence to her on and generally boasts at being far too powerful for them,
ensure they’re not detected: Each minute of their in- at least until someone scores a successful attack and she fails
filtration, one of the heroes can roll a DC 15 Check a Resistance Check. Then she gets mad and focuses all of her
using an appropriate Skill, as follows: attacks on whoever managed to hurt her.
It is up to the players to decide whether they will deal
with the criminals guarding the hostages before go-
ing into the vault room or not. If they’re successful During this initial scene, the heroes experience a few unusual
things intended to make the players wonder, in particular:
• When the heroes first act, they hear a feminine voice
TIME: 1 minute
urge them “You have to be ready!” but can’t tell where it’s
CHECKS: Stealth (DC 15), Thievery (DC 15), or other coming from and don’t recognize it.
Skills, as appropriate.
• When one or more of the heroes first engage Black
SUCCESS: Four or more degrees of success mean Sheep in combat, they hear the same feminine voice say,
the heroes are not detected entering or moving “You have to believe in yourself!” Tell the players they can
through the Center. They surprise their oppo- choose for their character to be distracted by the voice,
nents the first time they initiate a conflict. giving attackers a Bonus Die on their next attack against
CONSEQUENCES: If the heroes fail two checks, the them, in exchange for a Hero Point.
criminals are alerted to their presence. • If the characters happen to look inside the vault after
SPECIAL: At the Gamemaster’s discretion, Decep- the conflict, they see a room lit with dim, green light,
tion, Stealth, or various powers can remove the containing transparent tubes with shadowy humanoid
effects of a failed check by covering the charac- figures floating in some type of liquid suspension. The
ters’ tracks, making them less likely to be discov- feminine voice says: “You have to help them!” Move on to
ered. SCENE TWO before they can investigate further.
SCENE TWO a glimpse of something out of the corner of their eye,
EXTENDING THE SCENE You can also have the feminine voice from SCENE ONE speak to
them again, urging them: “You have to find them! Go deep-
If you want to extend this scene and make things
er.” If nothing else, you can just change the scene: The char-
even stranger, have the characters exploring the In-
acters turn a corner and find themselves separated from the
novation Center wander into “flashback” scenes from
tour group, in a completely different part of the building—if
the characters’ pasts, their real memories before they
they’re even still in the same building. Remember the events
were placed into this virtual reality. They might open
of this scene take place in the characters’ minds, so dream log-
a door or round a corner and step into a scene from
ic applies.
a character’s childhood, how they gained or acti-
vated their powers, or a formative experience that If the heroes get confrontational or belligerent with Adelle
determined their Motivation or another Complica- Poole rather than sneaking or wandering off, she maintains
tion. Encourage the players to make up and narrate her cool, pleasant, professional manner, but summons securi-
these little scenes. The Player Characters might just ty personnel to restrain anyone who gets violent or refuses to
be observers, unable to affect the scene as it plays back down. This can lead to a chase through the Innovation
out, or they could take roles in it, as you prefer. If you Center and a transition to SCENE THREE or to security capturing
choose to add these extra scenes, consider award- the characters and placing them in a conference room or the
ing the players a bonus Hero Point when they’re like. Suddenly, the lights grow dim and the corridor outside of
done, before moving on to SCENE THREE. the room is somewhere else, leading into the next scene. Play
up the surreal qualities of the scene as the characters ques-
tion exactly what is and isn’t real.
In the lobby of the Innovation Center, they
pass out temporary ID badges. “These will give SCENE THREE
you access to the parts of the Center on your
tour itinerary,” says a receptionist. Then there THE SLEEPERS WAKE
is the click of heels against the polished floor CHALLENGE
and a slim, blond woman in a black, skirted
business suit approaches your group. Her Once the Player Characters are separated from the tour group
in SCENE TWO, they find their way into a dimly lit metallic corridor
blond hair is up, and she wears dark-rimmed
in the depths of the Innovation Center. They might find it while
glasses but—it’s the woman from your
exploring on their own, taking an elevator down to a sub-base-
dream! The one in black leading the break-in
ment, or simply find themselves there without any real recol-
of the Innovation Center! lection of how they arrived—just turning a corner or stepping
“Hello, everyone,” she says, holding a slim through a doorway and ending up elsewhere.
computer tablet to her chest in one arm. “I’m
Adelle Poole and I’ll be your guide for this lit- The corridor ends in a closed metallic door that yields to the
tle excursion.” She smiles widely. “I just know heroes’ efforts to open it; you can call for a suitable check, like
Computers or Thievery, but the characters should be able to
you’re going to learn a lot here. Shall we get
manage it regardless. When they open the door to the room
beyond, read or paraphrase the following for the players:
Ms. Poole takes the students and their chaperones
The metallic chamber beyond is large, but cramped,
on a tour through parts of the Innovation Cen-
filled with the angled tubes and bulky machinery that
ter, going on about how the Center sponsors and
run along both walls to either side of the door. Pale
supports innovative research in numerous areas,
including computers, electronics, cybernetics, and greenish light from within the tubes sheds a ghastly
medicine, the kind of advancements that Rook, as glow over the room and other lights blink from display
the “City of Tomorrow” is known for. She mentions panels. The long tubes are made of some kind of thick
an “advanced placement internship program” in glass, banded in smooth, dark metal, and dark shapes
cooperation with Rook High and that she hopes float within each one.
“some of you may qualify to join us here.” Almost entranced by the sight, you feel drawn to
one of the tubes, moving closer to get a better look, al-
At some point, the Player Characters may choose
though part of you wants to turn away, to retreat out
to go off on their own to snoop around the Cen-
ter. Encourage them to do so, and lead into SCENE the door you came in and not look back. You see why
THREE. If the players don’t seem inclined for their as you look into the tube and see the limp form float-
characters to leave the tour, tell them their char- ing suspended there, look past the breathing mask and
acters feel a strange “pull” towards that, as if tube and the monitoring leads, and see … yourself.
something in the Center were “calling” to them.
The characters are remarkably close to the truth now, and what ESCAPE FROM THE DREAM
they do in their dream-world here translates into their state in
the real world, particularly if they choose to follow the guid- TIME: 1 minute
ance of the disembodied voice. Their efforts to free themselves CHECKS: DC 18 involving any suitable trait for dealing
from the isolation tubes can actually do so. They should be con- with technology, moving, or breaking things (includ-
sidered to have full access to their normal trait values for the ing Move Object and Damage effects), coordinating
Challenge: ESCAPE FROM THE DREAM. efforts (including Persuasion Skill Checks), or sheer
determination (Will Resistance Checks).
When the characters complete the Challenge, read, or para-
phrase the following to the players: SUCCESS: Six or more total degrees of success over-
rides the systems on the isolation tubes: The liquid
As the tubes evacuate the liquid inside them, you
within evacuates through the grill at the bottom, the
hear—and even feel—the hiss of hoses and support support hoses and mask detach, and the tubes open
systems detaching. The world around you goes blurry, as the scene fades from the character’s minds and
and you feel like you’re falling into a dark void as you they begin to awaken in their own, real bodies.
hear a voice speaking in your thoughts, and see a vi-
CONSEQUENCES: Three or more failed checks result in
sion of a smiling, gentle young woman with kind eyes, the characters becoming Fatigued due to the effort
her head completely bald. of trying to escape; they can spend Hero Points to
“Hi, I’m Cloud! Well … not really. Actually, I’m just a remove this Fatigue condition, as usual. Five or more
memory of me implanted in your subconscious and if failed checks before achieving six total degrees of
you’re remembering this now then chances are that success mean the life support systems shut down:
I’m dead, which is a real bummer, but then you’re alive, The characters acquire two Injured conditions be-
and almost awake, which is a win! Anyway … fore the system overrides and frees them to prevent
“Here’s the thing: You’re psiots, people with psionic them from suffocating.
powers. You activated and heard our call to come to
Rook as a haven for people like us. My friends and me— • Any Conditions they suffered from in the virtual
that’s Generation Zero—were raised by Project Rising world are removed, except for the Fatigue or In-
Spirit to make us into living weapons. We escaped, and jured Conditions they might have gotten while
we took down PRS trying to do the same thing here in escaping in the previous scene.
Rook. We made the city into a place for our kind. But • The characters have none of their equipment or
we’ve heard government retaliation is coming and, devices, just a wetsuit-like garment they were
well, again, if you’re recalling this, it probably didn’t go wearing inside the isolation tube. Award an
well for us. added Hero Point to characters who are missing
“But Chronus—he’s our leader—is always thinking equipment or devices.
strategy. I know, because I can always hear him thinking • They have the full normal use of their powers
strategy. All the time! He produced this plan to firewall and other traits.
your real memories, to stop Project Rising Spirit from Any character with a Perception Skill Bonus of +2
brainwashing you, and to eventually trigger a way out. or greater notices the flashing red lights on the dis-
“Focus. Work together and, when you get out, help plays and consoles that suggest their escape has
others if you can. You deserve your freedom and I hope triggered an alarm of some sort.
we helped you to get it. I know you might be scared, but
you’ve got this. I believe in you. Be brave. Be valiant!” SHEEP HERDING
The vision fades and you gasp for air, suddenly sit-
The real Black Sheep (see the CAST section) and a
ting up in the newly opened tube.
group of PRS Troopers equal in number to the char-
SCENE FOUR acters confront the escaped prisoners on their way
out of the building. The secret PRS research facility
BREAKOUT is indeed located underneath the Innovation Cen-
ter in a secret sub-basement, like the characters
CONFLICT experienced in their dream-visions.
At the start of this scene, award all the players Hero Points for
Exactly where Black Sheep and her men confront
their characters escaping from the Project Rising Spirit virtual
the Player Characters depends on how quickly they
reality. The heroes are now awake and aware in the real world,
try to escape and where they go. If they wait for
in the following situation:
The easiest way to extend this scene is to add a Com-
plication for the Player Characters escaping from
Project Rising Spirit. Perhaps they are not the only
prisoners being held in virtual reality; once the char-
acters are awake, they may discover other chambers
like theirs, with other prisoners, perhaps even Valiant
characters or NPCs you want to introduce to the series.
They have to decide if they are going to try to free and
help the other prisoners, or escape while they can, with
an eye towards returning and helping the others later.
and possibly some brainwashed psiot agents as well. You can ing powers to even defend themselves. Once the heroes
base additional psiots on the pre-generated characters, swap- have tracked down other prisoners and helped to free
ping or modifying their traits and powers as you see fit. Initially, them, there also becomes the question of where to take
they’ll need to find food, shelter, clothing, and transportation them and how to keep them safe.
but, eventually, they may find themselves in a position to strike
back at their pursuers, or even forge alliances with other fac- TAKING THE TOWER
tions of the Valiant universe once they get their bearings. The heroes might follow in the footsteps of their pre-
decessors in Generation Zero and try to overcome and
LIBERATORS oust PRS forces in Rook, taking over the city and turning
It’s likely the Player Characters are not the only psiots Project it into a haven for psiots and other people with pow-
Rising Spirit captured, in Rook or elsewhere. They may take it ers. Of course, to do so, they’ll need to contend with
upon themselves to find and free their fellow psiots, or other Black Sheep and any PRS-controlled psiots or superhu-
victims of PRS or government kidnapping. Some may be ful- mans, and they’ll have to be prepared for the kind of
ly-activated psiots like themselves—or people possessed of retaliation Generation Zero faced when H.A.R.D. Corps
other powers—while some might just be potential psiots, lack- slaughtered them and retook Rook.
BLASTER RIFLE: Troopers are equipped with high-tech blaster
rifles that can do up to Rank 5 Damage, lethal or non-lethal,
depending on their setting.
BODY ARMOR: PRS Troopers wear light body armor that gives
them +2 Toughness, included in their Defenses.
COMMLINK: Troopers are equipped with radio commlinks for
communication and coordination.
BLASTER +5 RANGED, DAMAGE 5 MOTIVATION—LOYALTY: Most PRS troopers are indoctrinated
UNARMED +5 CLOSE, DAMAGE 1 for loyalty to the cause and following orders.
Black Sheep PL12
DELLE POOLE is the daughter of Jason Poole, Emergency
Manager, and later Mayor of Rook. She was in high school
when Generation Zero first came to Rook, and asked her
father for superpowers for her eighteenth birthday, so she
could kick the asses of those Generation Zero punks. Keisha
Sherman, a fellow student, and ally of Generation Zero, tapped
into the effects of her Paragon Actuator and gained the power
to take Adelle out instead. Still, Adelle outlived most of Gener-
ation Zero, and has continued working for Project Rising Spirit,
smugly believing she’ll mold a new generation to give her the
respect she is due. Black Sheep is selfish, petty, and vicious and
enjoys lording her power over others.
ALL-OUT ATTACK: When she takes an Attack action, Black Sheep
can take a Penalty of up to –5 to her Dodge and Parry Ranks
to add the same amount, up to +5, to her Attack Check. The
changes last until the start of her next Turn.
BENEFIT—INFLUENTIAL: Black Sheep is an influential agent of Proj-
ect Rising Spirit and in charge of operations in Rook.
CONNECTED: Adele Poole has connections within Project Rising
Spirit she can draw upon for resources.
CONTACTS: Adele has sufficient connections to make an initial In-
vestigation Skill Check in a minute rather than an hour.
POWER ATTACK: When she takes an Attack action, Black Sheep can
take a Penalty of up to –5 to her Attack Check to add the same
INJURED amount, up to +5 to her Damage Rank. The changes last until
the start of her next Turn.
PARAGON ACTUATOR HARNESS: The technology Black Sheep
wears under her costume draws on the power of belief PARRY 10 TOUGHNESS 14/2
to turn the wearer into a true superhuman: While using it WILL 10/8
DAZED Adelle has the Strength, Fighting, Fortitude, Toughness,
and Will listed before the slashes in her stats; without it,
she has the Ranks listed after the slashes. She’s strong COMPLICATIONS
enough to lift 25 tons. Additionally, Black Sheep can fly
BRUISED MOTIVATION—SELFISH: Adelle Poole is a selfish, spoiled, mean girl
up to 500 kph, her unarmed attacks do an extra 2 Ranks
who got superpowers for her 18th birthday.
of Damage (included in her OFFENSE section), and if she
gets two or more Degrees of Success on a Toughness Re- IF YOU BELIEVE: The Paragon Actuator harness is powered by be-
BRUISED sistance Check, she takes no Damage Conditions from lief: So long as Adelle believes she’s a hero, she is, but anyone
the attack. Damage less than Rank 8 has no effect on her else nearby can potentially tap into that power themselves
at all; she doesn’t even need to make a Resistance Check. and gain similar benefits!
The following terms are listed in alphabetical order and capitalized (or not) according to their standard usage in the text.
BOLDED words in definitions refer to other definitions in this Glossary. The Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook has a more
extensive and detailed Glossary.
ABILITY: Eight basic Traits that define all characters. The eight CHECK RESULT: The total of the number rolled on the die
Abilities are Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Fighting, In- and the CHECK MODIFIER applied to a CHECK.
tellect, Awareness, and Presence. Abilities are rated in Ranks,
COMPLICATION: An element of a character’s background
with 0 being average or unremarkable.
or description that sometimes makes things more diffi-
ADDED SUCCESS: If you roll a 20 on the die for a GRADED CHECK, you cult or challenging for them. One key Complication is a
score an ADDED SUCCESS. Determine the Check’s outcome nor- character’s MOTIVATION. Some Complications have game
mally and then increase it by one Degree. An Added Success mechanics, others are primarily roleplaying prompts.
with an ATTACK CHECK is called a CRITICAL HIT. Whenever a Complication comes into play, that char-
acter earns a HERO POINT.
ADDED FAILURE: If you roll a 1 on the die when making a GRADED
CHECK, you’ve scored an ADDED FAILURE. Determine the Check’s CONDITION: A limitation or change in a character’s ca-
outcome normally and then decrease it by one degree. An Add- pabilities, Conditions are usually imposed by various
ed Failure with an ATTACK CHECK is called a CRITICAL MISS. EFFECTS, particularly DAMAGE, where they are called DAM-
AGE CONDITIONS. Each Condition has its own definition,
ACTION: A single defined thing a character does in-game. There
including how the character can recover from that
are Standard, Move, and Free Actions, as well as Reactions.
Condition and remove it.
Characters generally get one Standard and Move Action and
one Reaction per TURN and however many Free Actions seem CONFLICT: A type of SCENE involving combat or direct
reasonable. confrontation between two or more opposing sides.
ADVANTAGE: A special TRAIT that provides a character with a par- CRITICAL HIT: An ADDED SUCCESS with an ATTACK CHECK. A
ticular benefit or opportunity to bend the rules in some way. Critical Hit adds 5 to the attack’s Effect Rank.
ATTACK CHECK: A CHECK made to determine if an attack hits or miss- CRITICAL MISS: An ADDED FAILURE with an ATTACK CHECK.
es its intended target. Depending on whether the Attack Check A Critical Miss grants a Bonus Die for its Resistance
is made in close combat (a CLOSE ATTACK CHECK), or ranged combat Check; due to it being just a glancing hit.
(a RANGED ATTACK CHECK) determines the abilities that modify it and
D20: Abbreviation for “twenty-sided die,” the standard
the DEFENSE that determines the Check’s DC.
die used in the Mutants & Masterminds game system. In
BONUS: Circumstances where a character is more effective in mak- general, references to “a die” or “the die” refer to a d20.
ing a CHECK. A Bonus may be a set number added to the CHECK
DAMAGE: The EFFECT of various damaging attacks or haz-
RESULT or a BONUS DIE, typically for Bonuses greater than 4.
ards. Characters usually resist Damage with a DAMAGE
BONUS DIE: A BONUS where the player rolls an additional D20 and RESISTANCE CHECK, usually Toughness, with various Dam-
uses the higher number rolled on the dice to determine the age Conditions depending on the Check Result.
CHARACTER: A fictional individual in the context of the game. Char- Effect.
acters can be PLAYER CHARACTERS (PCS) controlled by the PLAYERS or
NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS (NPCS) controlled by the GM.
specifically to determine the outcome of DAMAGE.
CHECK: A roll of a d20, plus any associated CHECK MODIFIER. The The DIFFICULTY CLASS of a Damage Resistance Check
total, or CHECK RESULT, is compared against a DIFFICULTY CLASS, or is generally 10 + the Damage Rank and Toughness
DC, to determine if the Check succeeds or fails. Checks are the is generally the Defense used for it.
prime mechanic in the Mutants & Masterminds game system for
DEFENSELESS (CONDITION): A Defenseless character los-
determining outcomes when they are in doubt.
es their Dodge and Parry Bonuses (if any) typically
CHECK MODIFIER: A total value applied to the die roll of a CHECK reducing their Defense Class to 10 (10 + 0).
to determine the CHECK RESULT, including applicable Trait RANKS
DEFENSE: One of five TRAITS that define how effective-
and any BONUS or PENALTY. Positive and negative Check Modi-
ly a character avoids or resists certain EFFECTS. The
fiers cancel each other out, so an equal amount of Bonus and
five Defenses are Dodge, Evasion, Fortitude, Tough-
Penalty means no change to the Check Result.
ness, and Will.
of a character’s DEFENSES, determining how difficult it is OF FAILURE based on how much the CHECK RESULT is over or under
for an attack or effect to succeed against that character. the DIFFICULTY CLASS. Every 5 points over the DC is an additional
Typically, a Defense Class is 10 + the Rank of the appro- Degree of Success, and every 5 points under the DC is an addi-
priate Defense. tional Degree of Failure.
DEGREE OF FAILURE (DF): A measurement of how badly a HERO POINT: A resource available to PLAYER CHARACTERS they can
CHECK failed. Every 5 points the CHECK RESULT is below the spend to gain various benefits, including re-rolling a die roll,
DIFFICULTY CLASS equals one Degree of Failure. Multiple editing the Scene, gaining an advantage, inspiration to gain a
Degrees of Failure are sometimes referred to as FAILURES clue, instantly countering an effect, or removing certain CON-
and sometimes abbreviated “# DF” where # is the num- DITIONS. Characters earn Hero Points for their actions and the
ber of Degrees. introduction of their COMPLICATIONS in play.
DEGREE OF SUCCESS (DS): A measurement of how well a INITIATIVE: A TRAIT used as a CHECK MODIFIER for an Initiative Check
CHECK succeeded. Every 5 points the CHECK RESULT is to determine who acts in what order during a SCENE measured
above the DIFFICULTY CLASS equals one Degree of Suc- in ROUNDS.
cess. Multiple Degrees of Success are sometimes re- MINION: A type of NPC with less significance to the story. Min-
ferred to as SUCCESSES and sometimes abbreviated “# ions are less hardy than other characters, easier to overcome,
DS” where # is the number of Degrees. and particular rules apply to interactions and conflicts with
DIE: A “die” or “the die” in Valiant Adventures refers to a them.
single twenty-sided die or D20. MOTIVATION: A COMPLICATION defining why a character does what
DIFFICULTY CLASS: Abbreviated DC. A value that deter- they do and what drives them, particularly why a hero is a hero,
mines how difficult a particular CHECK is. A CHECK RESULT and a villain is a villain.
equal to or higher than the Difficulty Class is a success, NON-PLAYER CHARACTER (NPC): A character controlled and por-
while a Check Result lower than the DC is a failure. trayed by the GAMEMASTER. Sometimes, the GM may have a play-
How much higher or lower determines the DEGREE OF er temporarily assume control of an NPC.
OPPOSED CHECK: A CHECK where two or more parties each roll
GAMEMASTER (GM): The person responsible for manag- a CHECK RESULT, and whoever achieves the highest Check Re-
ing the game session. The GM prepares adventures, sult succeeds or beats the others. Some Opposed Checks are
presents the players with situations for their charac- made using the same traits or modifiers, others use different
ters, adjudicate the rules, and controls and portrays ones, depending on what the various parties are attempting
all of the NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS. to do.
PENALTY: Circumstances where a character is less effective in mak- the DIFFICULTY CLASS based on the Rank of the resisted ef-
ing a CHECK. A Penalty may be a set number subtracted from the fect. Most Resistance Checks are GRADED CHECKS, using DE-
CHECK RESULT or a PENALTY DIE, for Penalties more severe than –4. GREES OF FAILURE to determine how the character is affected.
PENALTY DIE: A PENALTY where the player rolls an additional D20 ROUND: A basic measurement of time in-game. A Round
and uses the lower number rolled on the dice to determine the is a segment of about six seconds (Time Rank 0), during
CHECK RESULT. which each character involved in a Challenge or Conflict
Scene gets a TURN to take ACTIONS.
PLAYER: Someone who creates and takes the role of a specific
PLAYER CHARACTER in the game. SKILL: A measure of learning or talent in using an ABILI-
TY in a particular way. Skills are measured in RANKS and
PLAYER CHARACTER (PC): A character controlled and portrayed by
characters with Ranks in a Skill are considered TRAINED
one of the players in the game. Generally, each player controls
in that Skill. Skill Rank is added to an underlying Abil-
one Player Character.
ity Rank to determine the CHECK MODIFIER for that Skill.
POWER: A Trait beyond a normal Ability, Skill, or Advantage, con- Characters having no Ranks in a Skill are considered
sisting of one or more Effects and their assigned RANKS, along UNTRAINED in that Skill.
with any Descriptors defining the nature of the Power.
SKILL CHECK: A CHECK made to use a particular SKILL.
RANGE: The distance at which an ACTION, usually an attack, is ef- Characters with RANKS in that Skill add their Rank to the
fective. Standard ranges are Close (or ADJACENT), Ranged (at a CHECK MODIFIER for the Skill Check. Some Skill Checks
distance greater than adjacent, based on the Effect), and Per- can only be made by TRAINED characters.
ception, a distance at which the acting character can accurately
TRAINED: Having RANKS in a particular SKILL.
perceive the target or subject.
TRAIT: A defined character aspect in the game such as
RANK: A numerical value quantifying a particular game Trait.
Ranked Traits include ABILITIES, SKILLS, DEFENSES, many POWERS,
generally quantified by RANK.
and some ADVANTAGES. In some cases, a Rank is translated into a
MEASURE of mass, distance, speed, or time. TURN: An individual character’s part of a ROUND, where
they take their allocation of ACTIONS.
REACTION: A Free Action taken in response to another Action or
Effect, typically to resist or avoid it. Reactions are largely reflexive, UNTRAINED: Having no (or zero) RANKS in a particular SKILL.
take no time, and can occur outside of a character’s normal TURN.
VULNERABLE (CONDITION): Vulnerable characters are
RESISTANCE CHECK: A CHECK made to determine if a character can limited in their ability to defend themselves. Attack
resist or overcome a particular effect. A Resistance Check usually Checks against Vulnerable characters gain a Bonus
applies one of the character’s DEFENSES as a CHECK MODIFIER with Die. Defenseless supersedes Vulnerable.
What's Next?
ow that you’ve read through this Quickstart and solved the mystery of Rook, Michigan, you’re ready to take
your next steps into the wider Valiant Universe! Green Ronin Publishing is Kickstarting the creation of two
books to fuel all of your adventures in this amazing setting.
he Valiant Adventures Hero’s Handbook contains all of the
rules you need to forge stories of your own, including a
customized version of Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edi-
tion, a robust character creation section to facilitate building
your own and iconic Valiant heroes, and rules for Gamemasters
looking to run games in this world. The new rules are designed
to reflect the visceral, gritty Valiant setting, including new
ways to handle Damage, Healing, Toughness, and Regenera-
tion, new Advantages and Skills to deepen your character’s ex-
pertise, and new Reactions to give heroes and villains an even
more robust action economy.
orlds of Valiant is your in-depth setting guide for the
diverse corners of the Valiant Universe, from the mod-
ern Earth of Bloodshot and the Harbingers to the
deepest reaches of space with X-O Manowar, Brittania to the
Stalinverse, and New Japan to the Deadside. We detail eight
specific settings with relevant rules considerations, equip-
ment, and characters. This book also has iconic statblocks for
over 80 Valiant characters! Gamemasters will find adventure
hooks for the various settings included within, as well as de-
tailed breakdowns of several nefarious organizations found
across the Valiant Universe. This is a great resource for people
who want to play the Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game,
but fans of Valiant who haven’t played Mutants & Masterminds
will find value in the detailed histories and breakdowns of
the characters and locations contained within.