Isolation and Identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria in Vegetable Crops in West Africa (Côte D'ivoire)
Isolation and Identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria in Vegetable Crops in West Africa (Côte D'ivoire)
Isolation and Identification of Phytopathogenic Bacteria in Vegetable Crops in West Africa (Côte D'ivoire)
Yield losses in food crops due to plant pathogenic bacteria are significant and increasing over the
years. The increasing losses caused by bacterial plant pathology are explained by the emerging
resistance of bacteria to the chemical agents used in plant protection. Moreover, these chemical agents
harm the environment through residue accumulation leading to soil pollution and the perturbation of
the soil's inner ecosystem. The most important bacteria causing plant pathology belong to the genera
of Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Agrobacterium, Xanthomonas, Erwinia, Xylella, Pectobacterium, and
Dickeya. However, in Côte d'Ivoire, only the Ralstonia species have been identified. Therefore, this
study aims to identify plant pathogenic bacteria present in market garden plants in Côte d'Ivoire. Three
sites in the cities of Anyama, Abidjan, and Bingerville were selected for the sampling and the detection
of Pseudomonas syringea, Erwinia carotovora, Clavibacter michiganensis, Ralstonia solanacerum, and
Xanthomonas campestris. The samples consisted of healthy and affected plant leaves and soils. In
brief, 70 bacterial strains were isolated and phenotypically identified in this study. Among them, we
noticed that 20% were isolated from the leaves and 80% from the soil. Regarding the bacterial species,
C. michiganensis (37.14%), E. carotovora (18.57%), R. solanacerum (15.71%), X. campestris (14.28%),
and P. syringae (11.42%) were identified. The molecular identification has confirmed the identification of
the 5 plant pathogenic bacteria within all the studied sites. To the researchers’ knowledge, this study is
the first to describe the identification of P. syringea, E. carotovora, C. michiganensis, and X. campestris
isolated in plant crops in Côte d’Ivoire.
Vegetables contribute to more than 33% of world (Kanda et al., 2014). Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum),
agricultural production and employ 800 million people red pepper (Capsicum spp.), and, eggplant (Solanum
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License 4.0 International License
168 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
melongena) are among the 40 most cultivated plant collected and at the base of each plant, soil samples were also
species in the world (FAO, 2008). In sub-Saharan Africa, collected. All in all, for each site, 3 soil samples and 3 leaves
samples were collected per plant. Soil samples (10 g) were taken at
market gardening represents an important sector of 15cm depth (Popoola et al., 2015). The leaves were cut off at the
activity because of the nutritional material produced, but base of the petiole. Healthy and diseased leaves were collected at
also because of the source of income that it provides the rate of 10 leaves per plant (Gracein et al., 2012). Plant samples
(Djiéto-Lordon, 2007). In Côte d'Ivoire, the market collected were carefully bagged, shipped to the laboratory, and
gardening of vegetables represents an average of 27% of processed immediately or stored at 4°C and processed within 48 h.
the gross national product (GDP). In addition, the
demand for vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, and Pre-treatment
pepper is increasing due to population growth. Then,
farmers are intensifying their production to cover the Small pieces of leaves were cut aseptically; the surface of the leaf
needs. However, this production faces many biotic was sterilized in 70% alcohol and washed in three series of sterile
constraints such as bacterial diseases causing high distilled water to remove traces of alcohol. The leaves were
suspended in tubes containing 3 ml sterile distilled water for 15 to
losses, especially in tropical climates (Lebeau, 2010).
20 min (Gracein et al., 2012; Nakahara et al., 2021). One gram of
The plant pathogenic diseases led to the decrease in soil sample was weighed and added to a test tube containing 10 ml
agricultural yield and the increase in the prices of the of physiological water (9% NaCl). Then, the tubes were shaken for
products on the market. Therefore, there is need to 30 min, 50 rpm at room temperature to allow the separation of
identify bacteria responsible for plant pathogenic bacteria from the soil (Popoola et al., 2015 modified).
diseases in Côte d’Ivoire to propose a solution to
overcome the problem. According to their scientific and Isolation and characterization of phytobacteria
economic importance in the world, five bacterial species
were highlighted (Mansfield et al., 2012). Firstly, Isolation
Ralsotonia solanacearum is responsible for bacterial wilt
in tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes. The bacterium, A serial decimal dilution of the bacterial suspensions obtained after
initially, infects the roots and then, invades the vascular pretreatment was carried out in 9 ml of sterile distilled water when
the water contained in the tubes became slightly cloudy. Then, 1 ml
system of the plants (Nakahara et al., 2021). Next, of the diluted bacterial cell suspension was poured onto sterilized
Pseudomonas syringae an epiphytic bacterium that Petri plates containing nutrient agar King B or YPGA. The
survives on weed roots, asymptomatic plants as well as inoculated plates were incubated at 28° for 24 to 48 h. Depending
seeds is known to cause symptoms of bacterial speckling on the appearance, coloring, and morphology of the bacterial
(black dot surrounded by a yellow halo) (Canzoniere et colony; an isolated colony was picked and plated again on nutrient
al., 2021). Xanthomonas campestris, for its part, is agar using a Pasteur pipette (Table 1). This step was repeated
three times to allow purification of the isolated strain (Chartier,
responsible for black rot and causes vascular disease in 2005; Amkraz et al., 2010; Gracein et al., 2012; Huynh et al., 2019).
some plants or leaf spots in others (Vicente and Holub,
2013). Following this, Clavibacter michiganensis spreads
through plant vessels and causes symptoms such as Bacterial detection by polymerase chain reaction
wilting, stem canker, vascular discoloration, and cell habit
(Yim et al., 2012). The contaminated seeds by C. The DNA extraction of isolated bacteria was performed using
michiganensis remain the main mean of bacterial Qiagen® DNA extraction kit following the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Fives colonies of bacteria were diluted in 100µl
propagation. Finally, Erwinia carotovora enters the plant water (Qiagen, 2003).
through wounds. The plant walls are then degraded and The PCR analysis was performed to amplify conserved genes for
the tissues are macerated by pectolytic enzymes causing each phytobacterium. The reaction mix contained
soft rotting of stems and fruits (Boumaaza et al., 2018). 1XFirepolMasterMix (SolisBiodyne), 16 µl molecular water, 5 µl of
Regarding the economical and nutritional implications of DNA extract, and 0.5 µM specific primers for each bacterium (Table
bacterial plant diseases, this study aimed to detect the 2). For amplification, initial denaturation was carried out at 95 °C for
10 min, followed by 32 cycles of denaturation at 95°C (30 s),
presence of cited bacteria that can cause infections in annealing at 54°C (30 s), and elongation at 72°C (1 min). Finally,
tomato, eggplant, and chili pepper. the elongation of 5 mn was carried out. The amplification program
was conducted on Applied Biosystems (9700 PCR System
thermocycler). PCR products were visualized using 1.5% (wt/vol)
MATERIALS AND METHODS agarose gel electrophoresis and a 100-bp DNA ladder (Promega).
Samples collection
Bacterial activity tests
The sampling sites chosen are fields where organic culture is
practiced. Eggplant and pepper plant samples were collected from Bacterial growth in vitro
site 1, located in a forest of the city of Anyama and near a
waterway. Tomato plant samples were collected from site 2, located The bacterial count makes it possible to know the exponential
in the city of Abidjan. Finally, eggplant and pepper plant samples growth time of the bacteria used. This count is done at different
were also collected on site 3 in the outskirt of Bingerville city (Figure times (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24h). A stock solution of fresh phytobacteria
1). For each plant, samples of diseased and healthy leaves were is serially diluted up to 10-8 and then plated on King B or LPGA
Adioumani et al. 169
C. michiganensis 271 16S-23S Yim et al., 2012
X. campestri 304 rpfH Kiran et al.,2019
P. syringeae 525 HrpZpst Zaccardell et al., 2005
170 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
agar. The tests were repeated in triplicate. The dishes were between 1.4 and 2.1. The table shows the concentration
incubated at 28°C for 24 h. and purity of the PCR-positive strains (Table 4).
Bacterial growth curve
Collection of samples and bacterial identification
The number of colony-forming units (CFU) was evaluated
A total of 70 bacteria were isolated. The strains isolated at different dilutions of isolates at different times. The
from site 1 are 23 in number, 25 from site 2, and 22 from isolates used are the PCR positive isolates. The number
site 3. Among them, 20% were isolated from the leaves of colony-forming units (CFU) was assessed at different
and 80% from the soil. According to the bacterial species, dilutions of isolates at different time points. The isolates
there were 38.57% of Clavibacter sp; 17.14% Erwinia sp, used are the positive PCR isolates. The highest bacterial
14.728% Ralstonia sp; 12.85% Xanthomonas sp, and growth was observed in E. carotovora; followed by one of
14.42% Pseudomonas sp. 36% of the bacterial strains the Ralstonia strains. Two of the strains of Clavibacter
were isolated from site 2, while for sites 1 and 3 we had had similar bacterial growth. They could be the same
33 and 31% of isolated bacteria respectively (Table 3), strain or a neighboring strain. Clavibacter strain 18 has
(Figures 2 and 3). The five investigated bacteria were much weaker growth than the previous two strains. All
recovered in the 3 sites. like the two strains of Xanthomonas and Erwinia which
could come from distant strains (Figure 10).
of the leaves while small yellow to brown spots have one month after inoculation in the plant. Symptoms of C.
been observed on the leaves of plants infected with X. michiganensis were manifested by the appearance of a
campestris. C. michiganensis and Pseudomonas appear burning color on some leaves as well as their wilting. One
172 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
Isolate Concentration (ng/µl) Purity (260/280) Isolate Concentration (ng/µl) Purity (260/280)
Isolate 1 56.6 1.97 Isolate10 165.1 1.94
Isolate 2 163.7 1.79 Isolate11 135.1 2.11
Isolate 3 109.7 1.92 Isolate12 165.5 2
Isolate 4 151.4 1.24 Isolate13 117.7 1.96
Isolate 5 246.7 2.02 Isolate14 33 1.82
Isolate 6 21.4 2 Isolate15 80.2 1.34
Isolate 7 36.3 1.99 Isolate16 218 1.62
Isolate 8 123.7 2.1 Isolate17 16.3 2.09
Isolate 9 68.1 1.96 Isolate18 120.8 2.05
Figure 5. Molecular identification of Clavibacter michiganensis. L: Ladder, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7: Sample of eggplant; 8,9,
10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15: Sample of tomato.
appearance of leaves infected by Pseudomonas was was assessed weekly after inoculation. The bacteria
characterized by the appearance of yellowish to brown concentrations obtained were listed in Figures 10 and 11.
spots on the leaves. The bacterial count of each strain The figure showed that from 0 to 4 days, the bacterial
Adioumani et al. 173
Figure 7. Molecular identification of Erwinia carotovora. L: Ladder (Promega 100pb); Bacteria sample of
tomato from site 1.2.3.
concentration of all bacteria was almost zero. Between chemical-free. The constituent elements of the
14 and 10 days, the concentration of bacteria increased rhizosphere have therefore been preserved. And there is
slightly. From day 10, bacterial growth of Clavibacter; a close connection between subsoil microbes and
Xanthomonas, and Erwinia on leaves increased aboveground components of the plant ecosystem (Kumar
exponentially. As for Ralstonia and Pseudomonas, et al., 2017). Previously used as a household waste
growth remained low throughout the experiment. dump 36% of the phytobacteria were isolated from site 2.
Indeed, this waste was the growth biotope of several
microorganisms of bacterial, viral, and parasitic origin.
DISCUSSION And Cissé's study demonstrated that a biotope where
contamination is high presents a high risk for cultivated
This study confirms the presence of phytopathogenic plants (Cissé, 1997). C. michiganensis responsible for
bacteria in leaf and soil samples from the sites. A bacterial canker, was the most isolated phytobacteria on
collection of 70 bacterial strains was isolated. The the three sites with 38.57% confirmation. The results
bacteria isolated from site 1 are 33%. The results coincide with those of Ftayeh and Nandi who state that
corroborate those of Kumar et al, 2017 in their study Clavibacter is a devastating emerging disease for crops.
which shows that the rhizospheric bacteria were a It is a serious disease in the world and new epidemics
mixture of antagonists and neutral and mutualistic have recently been reported in several countries (Ftayeh
pathogens. Site 1's cultivation system was organic and et al., 2011) hence its strong presence in these soils has
174 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
Figure 9. Tomato plants inoculated with phytobacteria. A1-A2: Plant without bacteria (negative culture); B1:
Tomato plants inoculated with Xanthomonas campestris after 3 days; B2: Tomato plants inoculated with
Ralstonia solanacerum after 3 days; C1: Tomato plants inoculated with Xanthomonas campestris after 15
days; C2: Tomato plants inoculated with Ralstonia solanacerum after 15 days; E: Erwinia carotovora; R:
Ralstonia solanacerum; C: Clavibacter michiganensis; X: Xanthomonas campestris; Cfu: Colony forming
Adioumani et al. 175
caused significant crop losses. It is also considered one Although the hrp gene is unknown in virulence and
of the most devastating plant diseases of crops (Nandi et pathogenicity, this region is essential for the production of
al., 2018). It is followed by E carotovora preferentially symptoms in the host (Zaccardelli et al., 2005). It is
isolated on site 2 at 17.14%. The results are contrary to considered a stable gene using 16S-DNA. In Côte
the results of a previous study by Benada which showed d'Ivoire in seven agroforestry regions, the study by
that Erwinia sp is a bacterium that preferentially infects Guessan (Guessan et al., 2012) described a high
fruits and potatoes (Benada et al., 2019). Damaged fruits prevalence of 87% for Ralstonia phylotype I. In this study,
and potatoes deposited on the plot of site 2 formerly used 36% of Ralstonia solanacerum were confirmed by PCR.
as a dump could be the cause of the appearance of this The isolates of C. michiganensis (21.42%) are Pcr
bacterium. And the insect vectors par excellence have positive. ITS region sought for molecular confirmation of
allowed the spread of this bacterium in plants (MHMED, Clavibacter is a relatively variable area. Yim et al. (2012)
2019). showed a difference of more than 50% between the ITS
One of the most important bacteria in peppers and regions of tomato and pepper crops. And a diversity of
crucifers is Xanthomonas campestris. It is seed-borne genetic variation exists between Clavibacter populations
and can survive in weeds and plant debris for months. in several countries (De Leon et al., 2009). Our
These matrices are a biotope for surviving Xanthomonas pathogenicity test results showed that R. solanacerum; E.
(Laala et al., 2021). Xanthomonas campestris was carotovora and X. campestris induce symptoms on
isolated with a percentage of 12.85% in tomatoes. A tomato plants. The first symptoms appeared after 14
previous study isolated xanthomas in rice and it was days. And according to the literature the first symptoms
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzicole in Ivory Coast (Diallo appear after an infection time of 14 days (Iiyama et al.,
et al., 2010). However, strains of Xanthomonas 2021). These bacteria are preferentially present in the
campestris have just been isolated for the first time in rhizosphere. They, therefore, infect the plant through the
Côte d'Ivoire. At the level of molecular characterization, roots and invade the vascular system. The bacteria grow
50% of Pseudomonas isolates were PCR positive. and produce extracellular polysaccharides which cause
176 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
obstruction of the first symptoms on the plant and the CONFLICT OF INTERESTS
death of the latter (Nakahara et al., 2021). The Ralstonia
strains used induced infection in tomato plants. It could The authors have not declared any conflict of interests
therefore be race 3. Indeed, according to a study by
(Kumar et al., 2017), the strains capable of infecting
Solanaceae are part of race 3.
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