Management of Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia Solanacearum) of Potato: Focus On Natural Bioactive Compounds
Management of Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia Solanacearum) of Potato: Focus On Natural Bioactive Compounds
Management of Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia Solanacearum) of Potato: Focus On Natural Bioactive Compounds
4(1), 2018
Senior Scientific Officer, Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI),
Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh; 1Department of Entomology, Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural
University, Agargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is an extremely destructive soil borne
bacterial pathogen to potato. It appeared as rapid and fatal wilting symptoms in the host. The pathogen entered
through different wounds and easily disseminated via infected biological material, soil, contaminated irrigation
water, surface water, farm equipment etc. and could survive for many years in association with alternate hosts.
It is a widely distributed and very much diversified soil borne pathogen having an unusually broad host range
with long-term survivable ability. Direct yield losses caused by the pathogen varied from 30 to 90% depending
on different factors such as cultivar, weather factors, soil type, cropping pattern and strain etc. Bacterial wilt
continued to be an economically serious problem for field-grown potatoes in many tropical, subtropical and
warmer areas of the world including Bangladesh. But the effectiveness of conventional management is limited
because of some special biological features of the bacteria. Mostly protective methods and chemical control
remain ineffective, antibiotics show hardly any effect, and efficacious biocontrol method has yet to be
developed against the organism. However, during the recent decades, some natural bioactive compounds, viz.
propolis, honey, turmeric, magnesium chloride, cow dung, aromatic rice extract, iodine, sodium bicarbonate etc.
have got attention for their effectiveness in inhibiting a range of serious bacterial pathogens from both Gram
positive and Gram negative types. As no conventional method has been found effective alone, such compounds
could be tested for their effectiveness against the very successful soil borne bacteria to overcome the traditional
management limitations.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is cultivated and recognized as a popular vegetable throughout the
tropical and subtropical regions (Hayward 1991a). Potato is best known for its carbohydrate content
(approximately 26 grams in a medium potato) and it is a high energy food that contains about 80 kcal
per 100 grams of fresh product. The potato has vital role to human nutrition (Horton 1987). It produces
more carbohydrates than either rice or wheat. It has great economic significance. Its production provides
jobs and food security to some 800 million people globally (Hoffler and Ochieng 2008). Bangladesh is
the 7th producer country in the world by producing 86.03 lakh tons of potato. However, the yield of
potato is comparatively lower in the country to the major potato growing countries like- Ireland and
India. Lower soil fertility, inadequate supply of certified seeds, use of low yielding varieties, different
pests and diseases etc. are the reasons behind the lower yield. Among those, soil borne diseases are
considered to cause a yield loss of as much as 10–20% annually (USDA 2003).
Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith, 1896) is the most destructive soil-borne pathogen (Yuliar et al.
2015) that affects potatoes in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions by causing bacterial wilt or
brown rot disease (Champoiseau et al. 2009). The Gram negative bacterium normally invades plant
roots from the soil through wounds or natural openings, colonizes the intercellular space of the root
cortex and vascular parenchyma, and eventually enters the xylem vessel and spreads into the stem and
leaves (Yuliar et al. 2015). Infected potato plants die rapidly within 3-4 days and disease severity mostly
increases when it is found associated with root nematodes (Sitaramaiah and Sinha 1984). The tuber
carries the pathogen in vascular tissues, on tuber surface and within lenticels as tolerant or latent carrier
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(Ghosh and Mandal 2009). Yield losses due to the disease varied from 33 to 90% in the potato growing
areas of the world (Elphinstone 2005). Direct yield losses caused by R. solanacearum depending on the
host, cultivar, climate, soil type, cropping pattern and strain. The total value of Egyptian potato exports
fell from a peak of US$ 102.12 million in 1995 to US$ 7.7 million in 2000 mainly due to brown rot
quarantine, imposed by the European Union (EU) (Kabeil et al. 2008). In India, this disease causes 50%
crop loss in a regular manner (Mukherjee and Dasgupta 1989) and up to 75% losses are reported in some
areas of Karnataka (Gadewar et al. 1991). In Bangladesh more than 30% of potato crops affected by R.
solanacearum, with over 14% reduction in yield (Elphinstone 2005).
Geographic distributions of the pathogen are highly influenced by the factors like availability and
abundance of the host(s), and suitability of the climatic conditions etc. Its world-wide distribution and
destructive nature over 450 plant species resulted it to be the most important bacterial plant pathogen
(Kelman 1998, Prior et al. 1998). The bacterial wilt pathogen is very diversified, widely distributed and
has an extensively wide host range (over 200 species) with major host crops like potato, tomato, Musa
spp. etc. and some minors like groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea), brinjal (Solanum melongena) and ginger
(Zingiber officinalis) (Denny 2006, Hayward 1991a). Moreover, the bacterium is known to enter in
VBNC state (viable but not culturable) under unfavorable conditions (van Elsas et al. 2001). Such
biological phenomena of the pathogen help it to build up the inoculum potential which lead it to induce a
destructive economic impact (Kelman 1998). R. solanacearum is a very successful plant pathogen. Due
to the speciality in biological features of it, several difficulties are created in effective management
through traditional practices which include: i) controlling the pathogen through preventive options is not
applicable to infested location; ii) cultural options show limited success because the pathogen is able to
survive in a very wide host range along with asymptomatic weed hosts and in soil for a long period of
time ((Mbaka et al. 2013, Saddler 2005); iii) the complexities due to pathogen strain(s), host and
environmental interactions make the resistant breeding extremely difficult (Tung et al. 1990); iv) using
antibiotics against the pathogen is a challenge. Because the bacteria localize inside the xylem, and
antibiotics (viz. streptomycin, ampicillin, tetracycline and penicillin) could show hardly any effect; in
fact, streptomycin increases the incidence in Egypt (Farag et al. 1982); v) soil fumigants show either
slight or no effect except chloropicrin among other fumigants like methyl bromide, DD MENCS (a
mixture of methyl isothiocyanate, dichloropropane and dichloropropene), and metham (Enfinger et al.
1979); but it was used as tear gas and “vomiting gas” during „World War I‟ and scientists warned about
chronic exposure of chloropicrin which might result in “very high” cancer risks (Froines 2010); vi)
biological control has been investigated with some positive reports with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens,
Ralstonia pickettii and Pseudomonas mallei but efficacious biocontrol agents with easier application
method and survivability of the agent(s) remain as a major barrier for large scale application in the
field(Yuliar et al. 2015).
During the recent decades, many natural bioactive compounds have been extensively tested and a
good number of reports have documented the antimicrobial effects of such compounds as effective
inhibitors of dangerous strains of phytopathogenic bacteria (Leksomboon et al. 2000). A wide range of
pharmacological attributes of curcumin from turmeric has been well documented for antimicrobial and
protective properties (Nagabhushan and Bhide 1992). Cow dung and urine have been used as
insecticides and reported that they contained antibiotic agents (Waziri and Suleiman, 2013). Oyarzua et
al. (2014) showed that the magnesium salts in the microbiological experiments are associated with
positive effects. It focuses on the usefulness of magnesium (in form of MgCl2) as a stress enhancer
against Escherichia coli. The reduction of wilt has been noted by Chellemi et al. (1992) with natural
and organic amendments. Two traditional aromatic rice genotypes, viz. Kalijira and Chinigura,
effectively inhibit the Gram negative type Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Mannan et al. 2014). Iodine
(mixed with a transporter known as iodofore) can inhibit aerobic Gram positive and Gram negative
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bacteria (Estrela et al. 2006). Sodium bicarbonate has shown antibacterial properties against different
types of bacterial and fungal pathogens (Kelly and Kristin 2005, Malik and Goyal 2006, Arslan et al.
2009). However, a review work has been performed to investigate the success of such antibacterial
properties of different natural bioactive compounds against severe starin(s) of bacterial pathogen as
alternative approach of management. Therefore, the present study emphasizes the review of
effectiveness and inhibition capabilities of such bioactive compounds as antibacterial agents which may
be considered during the management of R. solanacearum in potato crops.
Table 1. Identification of biovars of R. solanacearum based on the utilization of certain carbohydrates (Hayward 1994).
Charbohydrate Biovar 1 Biovar 2 Biovar 3 Biovar 4 Biovar 5
Mannitol - - + + +
Hexose alcohol Sorbitol - - + + -
Dulcitol - - + + -
Lactose - + + - +
Disaccharides Maltose - + + - +
Cellobiose - + + - +
„+‟ indicates utilization of hexose alcohol and acid production
This test requires specialized media and it may take several days to several weeks. The strains of R.
solanacearum can be sub-classified into phylotypes and then into sequevars using PCR and gene
sequence analysis (Champoiseau et al. 2009). Many standard methods for the detection (of latent
infection), identification and preparation of media for R. solanacearum, used in official EU testing
schemes. Detection of latent infection is performed by an immuno-fluorescence test and/or selective
plating on SMSA medium eventually combined with optional PCR assays, ELISA or fluorescent in situ
hybridization tests which can be performed for added sensitivity. A combination of at least two different
complementary tests is required to identify the species and biovar unambiguously. Unequivocal
identification of R3bv2 must rely on at least two distinct methods of screening and biovar test
(Champoiseau et al. 2009). SMSA medium as modified by Elphinstone et al. (1996) has been used
successfully in Europe for latent infection (Elphinstone et al. 1998). A presumptive test in the field can
be the water streaming test as described under disease symptoms or a serological agglutination test using
a field kit in the form of a lateral flow device (Danks and Barker 2000).
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Colony character
On solid agar media, individual bacterial colonies are usually visible after 36 to 48 hours growth at
28°C. the colonies of the normal or virulent type are white or cream-colored, irregularly shaped, highly
fluidal, and opaque. A tetrazolium chloride (TZC) medium (Kelman 1954) can differentiate the virulent
and non-virulent colony types by appearing as white with pink centers (Fig. 1) of virulent colonies and
dry, uniform round and dark red of non-virulent/ mutant colonies. However, it has the ability of
changing state from virulent to avirulent, termed as “phenotypic conversion” (PC) by reduced
production of extracellular proteins and polysaccharides due to some environmental stress (Shekhawat
and Perombelon 1991).
a b c D
Fig. 1. Bacterial wilt infected potato stem: a) early symptom, b) cloudy thread like bacterial streaming; brown rot infected
potato tubers: c) vascular browning symptom, (d) colonies of R. solanacearum on Kelman‟s TZC medium.
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Only Philippines have all of biovars 1-4, and biovar 3 predominates in the lowland regions in Asia and
Bangladesh (Ahmed et al. 2013).
Table 2. Diversity eequivalences among phylotypes, biovars and races of R. solanacearum (Fegan and Prior 2005).
Group Diversity eequivalences
Phylotype I II III IV
Biovars 3 4 5 2T 1 2 2T 1 2T 1 2 R B
Races 1 4 5 1 2 3
R= Ralstonia syzygii, B= Pseudomonas celebense; Origin: I=Asia, II=America, III=Africa, IV=Indonesia.
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Disease severity mostly increases by changing the physiology of the plants and increases the
susceptibility if R. solanacearum is found in association with root nematodes (Chen 1984). It cannot be
detected in seeds with a water content of less than 10% (Zhang et al., 1993). Therefore, seed-borne
latent infection may result in severe out-breaks of bacterial wilt and/or brown rot of potato.
Table 4a. Success and limitations of different management practices against bacterial wilt pathogen.
Types of Management Success Limitation
Quarantine, phytosanitary It is successful where the Not applicable in infested location.
ii. Application of the organic Reported to reduce the No limitation has been observed.
amendments disease (Chellemi et al.
iii. Disinfected equipment, Limited success has Because- i. the pathogen is able to survive
controlled use of flood been recorded (Mbaka et in the soil over a long time in asymptomatic
irrigation and avoiding overhead al. 2013) weed hosts within a very wide host range
irrigation use of crop rotation etc. (Saddler 2005).
It is difficult to control Because- i. the bacteria localize inside the
bacterial with chemicals xylem and its ability to survival in the soil;
(Grimault et al. 1994). ii. there are no known eradication
bactericides available for chemical control
of the bacterial wilt disease (Hartman and
Elphinstone 1994).
i. Fumigants (Enfinger et al. 1979) Chloropicrin was the Fumigant pesticides pose serious health
only formulation that risks and degrade soil health. One hundred
provided significant years ago, chloropicrin was used during
control throughout the World War I as tear gas and “vomiting
season among others gas.” Scientists have concluded that chronic
Chemical measures
Cultural options has been limited success because the pathogen is able to survive in the soil over a
long time with asymptomatic weed hosts and a very wide host range ((Mbaka et al. 2013, Saddler
2005). The complexities of host-pathogen-environment interaction make breeding for resistance
extremely difficult (Tung et al. 1990). There are no known eradication bactericides available for
chemical control of the bacterial wilt disease (Hartman and Elphinstone 1994). Antibiotics,
streptomycin, ampicillin, tetracycline and penicillin showed hardly any effect (Farag et al. 1982).
Biological control has been investigated and gained popularity in recent years. But efficacious
biocontrol agents have yet to be developed. Positive results were achieved with the antagonistic
bacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Ralstonia pickettii, Pseudomonas mallei (Yuliar et al. 2015).
However, different problems (formulation of user friendly application and poor performance due to
inconsistent colonization in the field) have been reported challenging to use on a commercial scale
(Akira et al. 2009).
Environment friendly management options to be considered against bacterial wilt disease of potato
During the recent decades, many natural bioactive compounds have been extensively tested and a
good number of reports outlined the antimicrobial effects of those compounds for dangerous pathogenic
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strains and documented as effective inhibitors of phytopathogenic bacteria (Leksomboon et al. 2000).
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is a medicinal plant. It is used as a food additive (spice), preservative and
colouring agent in Asian countries, including China and South East Asia (Khattak et al. 2005). It is
effective against different virulent strains of R. solanacearum in India (Narasimha et al. 2015). The
chemical composition, medicinal and antibacterial activity of propolis from bees has been reported by
Velikova et al. (2000 a,b). Honey contains antioxidants and flavonoids that might function as
antibacterial agents. Propolis, a flavonoid-rich product of honey comb, exhibited antibacterial properties
(Bosio et al. 2000) against both Gram negative and positive type bacteria. Honey inhibited the growth of
dangerous bacteria from both Gram negative and positive type such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Salmonella etc. (Zumla and Lulat 1989).
Table 4b. Success of biological management practices against the bacterial wilt during 2005-2014 (Yuliar et al. 2015).
Microorganisms **Inoculation method and application rate Mechanisms Success in yield
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Pouring, 6.8×1010 cfu plant−1 (SQR-7), Production of indole 25–38%
SQR-7 and SQR-101 and acetic acid and
7.5×1010 cfu plant−1 (SQR-101),
B. methylotrophicusn siderophores
SQR-29 8.2×1010 cfu plant−1 (SQR-7)
Ralstonia pickettii QL-A6 Stem injection, 10 µL of 107 CFU mL−1 Competition Not Applicable
Pseudomonas monteilii (A) Stem cuttings were dipped in A (9.1×108 mL−1), Increased plant nutrient 54%
+ Glomus fasciculatum (B) B (53 infective propagules) was added to each uptake (N, P, K) and reduced
cutting, and A was then poured again the pathogen population
Brevibacillus brevis L-25 + Mixed with soil at a density of 7.3×107(L-25) Decreased root 87–100%
and 5.0×105 (L-9) cfu g−1 of soil
Streptomyces roche L-9 + colonization by the
organic fertilizer pathogen
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Mixed with soil at a density of 5.5×106 Plant growth promotion 64–65%
+ bio-organic fertilizer
(BIO23) and 7.0×106 (BIO36) cfu g−1 of
(BIO23) B. subtilis + bio-
organic fertilizer (BIO36)
** Limitations remained with such inoculation method and rate of application on a large scale infected field.
Shrivastava and Pal (2014) had been evaluated cow dung extract for antibacterial properties against
E. coli, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus. Mannan et al. 2014 reported the of fluids of
unpolished rice grain of two traditional aromatic rice genotypes viz. Kalijira and Chinigura were
effectively inhibited the Gram negative type Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Jarvis et al. 2001 found that
cattle manure could be treated with sodium carbonate to eliminate E. coli and Corral et al. 2006 found
sodium bicarbonate (SB) to inhibit the growth of different bacterial pathogen in agar media. Such
alternative antibacterial compounds should be tested for effectiveness against R. solanacearum which
could be considered as alternative options of effective, biologically safe and environment friendly
measures of different plant pathogen management.
Propolis (honey bees) consists of about 50 constituents, primarily resins (50%), waxes (30%),
essential oils (10%), pollen (5%) and others (5%). Propolis is flavonoid-rich product of honey comb,
exhibits antibacterial properties (Bosio et al. 2000).
The higher concentration of propolis the greater the inhibition zones against Gram negative type
Escherichia coli and Gram positive type Staphylococcus aureus by disc diffusion method (Fig. 2). It is
very powerful natural antibiotic (Miorin et al. 2003). The antibacterial activity of propolis may be
related to the presence of flavonoids (Bosio et al. 2000). The extent of effectiveness of honey or propolis
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and their chemical composition varies depending on the bee species and geographic region (Miorin et al.
Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm)
5.48 2.74 1.37 0.68 0.34 0.17 0.09 0.04
Propolis concentration (mg/ml)
Fig. 2. Inhibition zone of propolis against Gram -ve and Gram +ve by disc diffusion method (Rahman et al. 2010).
The antibacterial activity of honey varies very significantly, and depends on the floral source of the
honey. The important antibacterial factor in most honeys is hydrogen peroxide, produced in the honey
by the action of glucose oxidase which is added to the honey by the bee, but some antibacterial activity
is due to substances which are derived from the flowers (Allen et al. 1991).
Balan et al. (2016) found effectiveness of manuka honey against a range of serious bacterial
pathogens both from Gram positive and Gram negative type and the higher concentration of honey
(from 2.5 to 20%) the greater the inhibition was observed. Manuka honey (MH) is produced from the
flowers of two New Zealand plants (Fig. 3). The occurrence of high amounts of methylglyoxal (MGO)
in New Zealand MH was well documented. MGO was identified as a bioactive compound which is
responsible for the antibacterial activity of MH samples (Mavric et al. 2008).
Turmeric is used as a food additive (spice), preservative and coloring agent in Asian countries,
including China and South East Asia (Khattak et al. 2005). It is the source of curcumin (diferuloyl
methane), a yellow lipid-soluble polyphenolic dietary compound, produced as the rhizome of turmeric.
It is widely used in numerous medicinal benefits. Pathological researchers have shown great interest in
curcumin (Gupta et al. 2012). A wide range of pharmaceutical attributes of curcumin, such as
antioxidative, antimicrobial and wound-healing-protective properties, have been well documented
(Aggarwal and Harikumar 2009, Frenkel et al. 2013).
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10% (w/v) turmeric powder extract (Fig. 4) showed an inhibition zone ranged from about 15 to 25
mm against several virulent strains of R. solanacearum (Narasimha et al. 2015). Curcumin was tested
for their antimicrobial activities against both Gram positive (Bacillus subtilis NCTC 6276,
Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8530) and Gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli NCTC 10863,
Escherichia coli O157:H7CDC strain G5244, Salmonella typhimurium CDC AMO 3398). Curcumin
@100 mg/mL against Gram positive type and @250 mg/mL against Gram negative type was required to
inhibit 100% growth of those strains (Balan et al. 2016) (Fig. 5). However, fat soluble extracts of
turmeric and its curcumin component exhibit strong antioxidant activity.
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium is an element essential for life and is found ubiquitously in all organisms. It has the
properties in a microbiological context with healing and antiseptic characters. The different cations play
important roles as enzymatic co-factors, as signaling molecules, and in stabilizing cellular components.
Oyarzúa et al. (2014) showed that the magnesium salts in the microbiological experiments typically
associated with positive effects (Fig. 6). It focused on the usefulness of magnesium (in form of MgCl2)
as a stress enhancer against Escherichia coli (K-12).
Table 5. Antimicrobial activity of cow dung extract against different bacterial pathogens (Waziri and Suleiman 2013).
Extract Test microorganisms
(mg/mL) B. subtilis IZ C. bacteria IZ E. coli IZ S. aureus IZ
0.20 -- -- -- --
0.35 -- 7.0±0.32 -- 10±0.36
0.70 -- 8.0±0.22 -- 11±1.54
2.50 0.5±0.01 8.5±0.43 -- 13±2.25
Values expressed as mean±SD, n=6, IZ= Inhibition zone in mm
Cow dung
Different parts of plants & oils, animal‟s wastes have been used by traditional healers in treatment of
different categories of diseases with great success. Cow dung and urine has been used as insecticides
and has been reported to contain antibiotic agents (Singh 2001, Khanuja 2002). The use of cow dung in
the bioremediation of toxicants in the environment (Randhawa and Kullar 2011). It is referred to as
chow chips or cow pit in British English while a deposit of the dung is referred to as cow pie in
American English (Perry and Morton 2009). Furthermore, a large number of microorganisms which
have biological activities and presently in use as antibiotics and antitumor agents have been reported
(Carte 1996).
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A study against E. coli, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus showed that cow dung was highly
effective against both of those Gram positive and Gram negative microbes (Shrivastava and Pal 2014).
The study revealed that cow dung extract possess antimicrobial properties, which can be used to fight
against certain pathogenic diseases and other ailments. Table 5 shows that the cow dung extract has
antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtillis, Staphylococcus aureus and was helpful in establishing
the antibiotic property of the extract (Waziri and Suleiman 2013).
Aromatic rice
Use of plant-based compound including vegetables, cereals etc. plays a pivotal role in disease
prevention. A great deal of recent research has been focused on the development of new bioactive agents
from cereals (Wenzig et al. 2005, Chung et al. 2006, Saikia and Deka 2011). Rice possesses special
dietary importance and availability in Asia (WCRF and AICR 1997). Rice-fluid does show an antibiotic
effect on Gram negative type Helicobacter pylori and their effect (Ishizone et al. 2007 and Kawakami et
al. 2006).
Methanol extract of unpolished grain of two traditional aromatic rice genotypes viz. Kalijira and
Chinigura were assayed for their activity on the growth and initiation of crown-gall tumors caused by
Gram negative type three Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains (A. tumefaciens- AtSl0105, AtTa0112, and
AtAc0114) on potato disks (Fig. 6). The results demonstrated a high correlation between the ability of
aromatic rice to inhibit the initiation and growth of A. tumefaciens strains on potato disks. It was also
observed that tumor inhibition was maximum at higher concentrations (1,000 ppm) of Kalizira and
Chinigura rice. Fang et al. (2004) suggested that the pure rice phytochemicals were more potent against
the pathogenic activity(Duthie et al. 2000, Kong et al. 2003).
Negative control 10 ppm 100 ppm 1000 ppm Positive control
Fig. 6. Tumor inhibition through methanolic extract of Kalijira grain at different concentration caused by Gram negative soil
bacteria A. tumefaciens strains (after: Mannan et al. 2014).
Estrela et al. (2006) reported that iodoform‟s action in releasing iodine gives a higher level of
reactivity by precipitating proteins and oxidizing essential enzymes (Table 6). Iodine can be dissolved in
aqueous potassium iodide, alcohol or make an assembly with a transporter (known as iodofore) and they
are classified as disinfectants (Secor and Gudmestad 1993).
In direct exposure test different pastes with and without iodoform (iodine releasing) shows effective
inhibition of different bacterial colonies from both Gram positive and Gram negative type except for B.
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Table 6. Antibacterial effect of different pastes with/ without iodoform (iodine releasing) against different Gram
positive and Gram negative type bacteria by direct exposure test (Estrela et al. 2006).
Different pastes S. aureus AGPC E. faecalis AGPC P. aeruginosa AGNR B. subtillis AGPR
24 --- --- --- +++
CHS 48 --- --- --- +++
72 --- --- --- ---
24 --- --- --- +++
CHIS 48 --- --- --- ---
72 --- --- --- ---
24 --- --- +++ +++
IS 48 --- --- --- +++
72 --- --- --- +++
(CHS= Calcium Hydroxide + saline; CHIS= Calcium Hydroxide + Iodoform + saline; IS= Iodoform + saline;
AGPC= Aerobic Gram-Positive Coccus; AGNR= Aerobic Gram-Negative Rods; AGPR= Aerobic Gram-
Positive Rods, spore forming; +++ = presence of growth & --- = absence of growth.)
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, has particular significance in its ever-growing use for its safety, low
cost, low abrasivity, water solubility, acid buffering properties, and, antibacterial properties (McCombs
et al. 2001, Barnes 1999). The hypertonic (with greater osmotic pressure) sodium bicarbonate solution
causes the more hypotonic microbial cell to lose water, consequently dehydrating and eventually killing
the cell (Lawrence and Block 1968). Although these are all desirable outcomes, some studies have
shown that the sodium bicarbonate must be allowed to interact at least 30 minutes with the bacteria cell
to be fully effective. Fletcher et al. (1984) proved that sodium bicarbonate had no effect on the viability
of S. mutans when exposed only for a short time. In many cases, sodium bicarbonate was found to be
effective against different microorganisms (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7. The effect of sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen per oxide on S. mutans (Kelly and Kristin 2005).
Although sodium bicarbonate has been used mostly to formulate toothpaste and cosmetic products
for its antibacterial and acid-neutralizing properties (Kelly and Kristin 2005). It has been reported to be
virucidal and inhibited the growth of several fungi (Malik and Goyal 2006, Arslan et al. 2009). Sodium
bicarbonate has also been shown to enhance the effectiveness of other agents for controlling mould
growth (Wan et al. 2003).
Kelly and Kristin (2005) experimented on the growth of Streptococcus mutans where, row A was
filled with distilled water without S. mutans; row B had 10% sucrose without S. mutans; row C had 10%
sucrose and S. mutans alone; row D had 10% sucrose, sodium bicarbonate and S. mutans; row E had
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10% sucrose, sodium bicarbonate, 3% hydrogen peroxide and S. mutans; row F had 10% sucrose, 3%
hydrogen peroxide and S. mutans; and row G had S. mutans alone (Fig. 7). Rows A (without S mutans),
B (without S mutans), C (with S mutans), and G (with S mutans) were used as experimental controls and
rows D, E, and F were the experimental groups. Significant statistical differences were observed in
Rows D (sodium bicarbonate), E (sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen per oxide), and F (hydrogen per
oxide) as compared to row C (S. mutans in succrose) and G (S. mutans alone) in the study. However,
Rams et al. (1985) shows a five-minute exposure to sodium bicarbonate quickly immobilized the motile
rods and they also reports that higher concentrations of sodium bicarbonate may not only suppress
harmful bacteria, but also lead to increase in healthy bacteria. Barnes (1999) shows S. mutans to be
susceptible against 4% sodium bicarbonate. Additionally, a four-week study by Legier-Vargas et al.
(1995) establishes that using a concentration of 65% sodium bicarbonate lowered the level of S. mutans.
As no conventional method was found effective in controlling the pathogen, it is urgent to search
and test the effectiveness of environment friendly bioactive compounds to overcome the management
limitations against the wilt pathogen.
Aggarwal, B. B. and K. B. Harikumar. 2009. Potential therapeutic effects of curcumin, the anti-
inflammatory agent, against neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic,
autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. Int. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 41: 40-59.
Ahmed, N. N., M. R. Islam, M. A. Hossain, M. B. Meah and M. M. Hossain. 2013. Determination of
Races and Biovars of Ralstonia solanacearum Causing Bacterial Wilt Disease of Potato. J.
Agricul. Sci. 5(6): 86-93.
Ajanga, S. 1993. Status of bacterial wilt in Kenya. In: G. L. Hartman and A. C. Hayward (eds).
Bacterial Wilt: Proceedings of an international conference held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Australian
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