Bentley 2019 Affordances
Bentley 2019 Affordances
Bentley 2019 Affordances
ing (PCGML) (Summerville et al. 2018). Using the model terms, which is vital in a co-creative mixed-initiative setting.
described earlier, it is easy to imagine a level designer Coming from the opposite direction of the VGLC, au-
sketching out an affordance map and running the model in tomated game design learning (AGDL) is a broad project
a DeepDream-like setting to find an image which optimizes which has as its goal the automatic extraction of high-level
the probability of predicting that particular affordance design elements (Osborn, Summerville, and Mateas 2017b).
map (Mordvintsev, Olah, and Tyka 2015). Since we have While AGDL focuses on learning game rules from observa-
per-sprite and per-tile affordance data, we could come tion and experimentation, our work abstracts specific rules
up with an embedding from 16 × 16-pixel graphics to away to focus on broad classes of interaction, and (for now)
affordance labels, and attempt to perform vector arithmetic requires manual tagging.
in affordance embedding space to procedurally generate
new game graphics. Conclusion
We also see this work as complementary to existing Our immediate next step is to expand the corpus, both in
efforts like the Videogame Level Corpus (VGLC) (Sum- terms of depth (screenshots and object coverage in each
merville et al. 2016). One interesting interaction is to ob- game) and breadth (more games in different genres, with
tain and tag level data from the VGLC. We could also use different art styles). Besides manual annotation, we hope
the model described above and an automatic mapping sys- to explore the use of instrumented emulators to identify
tem like Mappy (Osborn, Summerville, and Mateas 2017a) tiles and sprites (Osborn, Summerville, and Mateas 2017a)
to create new maps and interaction-aware legends to ex- and to capture object interactions (Summerville et al. 2017;
pand the VGLC. Combining both corpora could also provide Summerville, Osborn, and Mateas 2017). We also believe
richer features for PCGML algorithms. that there are natural semi-supervised learning tasks on this
corpus: for example, pasting sprites into a sprite-free im-
Related Work age at random locations, or reassembling a game screenshot
The most direct related project is the Videogame Level Cor- which has been broken up like a jigsaw puzzle (Noroozi and
pus, which contains structural level layouts and per-game Favaro 2016). Finally, augmenting our dataset with cultural
semantic tags for 12 games. The VGLC format required a information in free text could help form a fuller understand-
combination of hand and computer annotations and static ing of why game objects seem to afford certain uses.
file analysis to complete, and its plain-text labels for tile This work is a first step towards helping computers see
types range from game-specific (particular enemies in Super games as people do, which seems to be a necessary step to-
Mario Bros.) to general (e.g., “solid”, “breakable”). Our cor- wards more sample-efficient game playing algorithms. Even
pus is complementary, focusing on object affordances and though we have focused on instrumental affordances, we
interactions in a universal schema, and working at the level have already seen promising initial results in predicting af-
of pixels instead of tiles. Importantly, we are concerned with fordances from screenshots. We have also shown that this
game screenshots and not game levels, so our schema and affordance-oriented view of game images will be useful in
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