Electromagnetic Solution Manual
Electromagnetic Solution Manual
Electromagnetic Solution Manual
Introduction to Instructor
KNU International Graduate Scholarship (KINGS) Award
(Fully-funded scholarship for Ph.D. course work)
Best (Journal) Paper Award 2017 (Out of the SCI(E)
papers published in School of Electronics Engineering,
Kyungpook National University )
GCORE and BK21 Plus Postdoctoral Fellowships
Co–PI, HEC NRPU Research Grant 2021 (Funding
Rs. 8.818 Million).
Course Outline
Assign 1 5%
Electronic Devices and Circuits by Robert L. Boylestad, Louis
Nashelsky, 12th Ed., Pearson Education, ISBN 978-81-317-2529-0
Electronic Devices, Thomas Floyd, 6th Ed, Prentice Hall, 2002,
ISBN 013028484X
Reference book
Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra Smith, Prentice Hall, ISBN 00706
Lecture/Slides from Open-source internet
Tentative Modules
Module 1:
Review of semiconductor diode
Principle of working of diode
Diode clipper, clamper and rectifier circuits
Zener diode biasing circuits
Tentative Modules
Module 2:
Construction, types, biasing and operation of
BJT devices
BJT input and output characteristics,
Different BJT Bias techniques and circuit
configurations (DC analysis)
BJT ac-small signal equivalent models
Tentative Modules
Module 3:
BJT Small-signal amplifier design
Analysis for different configurations of
Importance of feedback amplifier
Feedback amplifier topologies and
determination of ac parameters
Power amplifiers and push-pull power
Tentative Modules
Module 4:
Construction of Field effect transistor
Theory of operation and characteristic of
FET/MOSFET dc biasing and analysis for
different configurations
FET small-signal analysis
Intro to Electronic & Semiconductor
Overview of electronics
Semiconductor material
Conduction in semiconductors, Free
electrons and holes as carriers
Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductor
Overview of Electronics
Applications in Daily Life
Applications in Daily Life
Semiconductor Theory
This is due to the 5th electron from the impure atom which did not
formed any covalent bond with the semiconductor atom.