A Big or A Small Family

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A big or a small family

In our days the traditional big families become inreasingly rare due to the development and
changes that happend in the last century and small families started become more popular.

But which is better: living in a small or a large family?

It is hard to say, because both family types has it’s benefits and downsides.

Small family:
A small family contains parents and one or two kids.
On the one hand:
 it’s better for parents, because they can be really close knit to their kids and they get to
spend more time together. Furthermore they don’t have to share their attention, it is easier
to keep things organized and they also get better off financially.
 Children in small families are also said to be more indipendent, because they couldn’t ask
for help from their siblings. Statics also show that only children can achieve better
academical results in their studies, bacause parents are tend to be stricter with them.

On the other hand:

 In small families you have to learn to be more self-reliant as you don’t have much
possibilities to turn to somebody with your problem.
 Moreover, only children are usually said to be spoilt and selfish, because they get
everything they want as their parents have more money to spend on their children. They
don’t have to share their toys, which is good for them, but that way they won’t learn how to
share, which will be a big problem for them in the future.

Big famiy:
Big families ususally consist of three or more children, parents and sometimes grandparents.
Personally I’m in favour of large families, as I grow up in one and even though some people say
that there are a lot of drawbacks of big families there are more advantages.
 First of all, you will never be lonely, there will be many people to talk to and discuss your
problems with. And a problem that is brougt by one will be shared by all the others.
 In multi-generational grandparents can help with the upbringing of the children, they can
help with the household chores. And if they won’t be able to take care for themselves there
will be their family to support and help them.
 Even if they don’t have as much money the kids get more important values. They learn
discipline, they have to learn to share things fairly and forego little things that may not be

Of course there are some disadvantages, which have to be mentioned:

 In multi-generational families the generation gap can be a problem, which means that the
needs and the life style of the generations differ, which can lead to confrontations. For
instance, while grandparents want to rest and enjoy the peace teenagers want to go to
parties and enjoy their youth.
 Growing up in a big family also means that you have to adopt to a lot of peole different
 There can be financial problems and it can be a problem for parents to provide their kids
higher education, so these children have to work if they want to go to university.
To sum up, both family types have it’s advantages and disadvantages and it’s impossible to say
which is better. But personally I would prefer big families, because as the saying says „the more,
the marrier”.

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