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Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.2923494981
R Square 0.0854682291
Adjusted R Square 0.0757391677
Standard Error 11.163457816
Observations 96

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 1094.791035523 1094.7910355 8.7848380861 0.00384833049
Residual 94 11714.54229781 124.6227904
Total 95 12809.33333333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 15.188137896 2.464925084689 6.1617036518 1.775758E-08 10.2939713576 20.0823
X Variable 1 0.1117589869 0.037706443857 2.9639227531 0.0038483305 0.0368919587 0.186626
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
10.29397 20.0823
0.036892 0.186626
ID Recovery Time GHSS
137 10 1
141 15 1
165 15 2
197 30 10
140 45 11
126 10 12
156 13 13
110 15 13
160 8 14
135 40 14
121 10 15
197 10 15
132 12 16
119 60 16
128 16 16
197 13 19
134 30 22
197 12 23
155 14 24
130 15 25
150 14 25
112 14 26
108 10 26
100 16 26
161 13 27
163 18 34
117 4 36
169 3 36
144 10 36
106 22 36
123 25 36
157 17 44
158 19 45
129 18 46
197 19 46
159 30 48
197 26 48
177 25 49
142 20 49
115 23 55
193 24 55
102 22 55
170 30 55
186 10 55
197 19 55
113 16 56
182 41 57
197 10 59
124 12 61
183 13 63
143 14 66
197 15 66
120 19 67
178 8 73
111 14 73
127 44 74
166 30 77
152 32 77
139 10 77
109 10 77
197 22 78
176 10 79
131 27 79
197 19 79
197 15 79
197 40 79
138 50 79
180 30 86
197 19 86
197 10 86
192 22 88
197 20 88
145 10 88
116 19 88
149 17 88
197 20 88
196 30 89
185 24 89
190 26 89
148 30 89
151 45 89
197 30 89
164 22 89
114 24 90
162 26 90
167 54 93
133 10 93
118 22 94
194 48 98
179 22 98
174 14 99
181 30 99
136 34 99
197 32 99
107 45 99
125 30 99

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.4689301634
R Square 0.2198954982
Adjusted R Squ0.2073131675
Standard Error 3732.543385
Observations 127

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 486961883.1374 2.4E+08 17.4765315 2.0581291E-07
Residual 124 1727553135.02 1.4E+07
Total 126 2214515018.157

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 2070.5159624 752.3253581066 2.752 0.0068 581.453339888 3559.5785849
X Variable 1 -26.9952505 13.65818163984 -1.9765 0.0503 -54.028617844 0.0381168535
X Variable 2 71.322330116 12.27598805881 5.8099 4.95E-08 47.0247110395 95.619949192
Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
581.45333989 3559.5785849
-54.028617844 0.0381168535
47.024711039 95.619949192
ID Insurance Location Wait Time Age GHSS Cost
126 Uninsured Moore 60 11 12 $12,000
107 Uninsured Moore 25 13 99 $7,800
110 Uninsured Moore 45 16 13 $478
160 Insurance Moore 2 47 14 $1,200
128 Uninsured Moore 22 47 16 $4,600
166 Insurance Moore 12 49 77 $4,400
121 Insurance Moore 25 52 15 $4,500
124 Insurance Moore 22 57 61 $1,200
132 Insurance Moore 54 59 16 $1,200
130 Insurance Moore 55 60 25 $1,200
108 Uninsured Moore 10 60 26 $1,365
161 Insurance Moore 56 62 27 $1,200
115 Government Moore 15 63 66 $13,000
163 Insurance Moore 61 66 34 $1,400
158 Uninsured Moore 56 71 45 $1,300
138 Uninsured Moore 15 74 79 $4,900
113 Government Moore 25 78 56 $13,000
180 Government Moore 33 79 86 $12,000
182 Government Moore 34 80 57 $900
176 Government Moore 55 85 79 $1,245
177 Government Moore 60 87 49 $678
178 Government Moore 45 89 73 $450
149 Uninsured Moore 14 90 88 $4,500
193 Government Moore 34 90 99 $8,700
114 Government Moore 44 91 90 $5,000
197 Government Moore 55 89 96 $5,750
197 Insured Moore 37 89 99 $12,000
197 Government Moore 56 90 79 $10,000
197 Insured Moore 44 94 86 $55
102 Government Pelican 20 5 1 $680
165 Uninsured Pelican 11 5 2 $899
109 Uninsured Pelican 89 6 77 $12,000
152 Insurance Pelican 15 6 77 $14,000
140 Insurance Pelican 20 7 11 $9,000
174 Government Pelican 20 7 15 $6,785
155 Insurance Pelican 20 7 24 $850
169 Insurance Pelican 20 8 36 $960
137 Insurance Pelican 25 9 1 $6,000
197 Government Pelican 23 12 18 $195
143 Insurance Pelican 26 14 66 $650
135 Insurance Pelican 31 16 14 $9,000
119 Insurance Pelican 34 17 16 $1,200
196 Government Pelican 24 18 19 $1,645
150 Uninsured Pelican 23 18 25 $879
134 Insurance Pelican 36 19 22 $950
185 Government Pelican 26 19 26 $1,200
181 Government Pelican 29 24 13 $7,100
144 Insurance Pelican 44 24 36 $1,300
100 Uninsured Pelican 45 27 26 $1,500
159 Insurance Pelican 44 27 48 $15,000
131 Insurance Pelican 45 30 79 $1,500
125 Uninsured Pelican 56 30 99 $12,000
136 Insurance Pelican 45 34 99 $4,500
129 Insurance Pelican 55 43 46 $4,500
190 Government Pelican 36 44 16 $1,200
123 Insurance Pelican 56 44 36 $1,630
142 Uninsured Pelican 61 45 49 $4,680
117 Government Pelican 39 46 36 $4,950
104 Government Pelican 43 47 12 $4,977
154 Government Pelican 44 48 24 $1,200
184 Government Pelican 24 51 57 $5,500
189 Government Pelican 46 55 23 $1,300
183 Uninsured Pelican 9 58 63 $1,345
101 Government Pelican 18 59 89 $8,800
151 Insurance Pelican 14 64 89 $5,600
173 Government Pelican 13 66 23 $2,300
172 Government Pelican 55 67 69 $678
146 Government Pelican 14 67 88 $6,600
175 Government Pelican 24 74 37 $1,300
105 Government Pelican 15 74 88 $8,890
188 Government Pelican 4 76 36 $134
187 Government Pelican 3 78 69 $7,400
162 Insurance Pelican 14 88 90 $2,000
147 Government Pelican 13 88 99 $9,450
168 Government Pelican 13 91 73 $8,700
118 Insurance Pelican 13 91 94 $10,000
167 Insurance Pelican 13 93 93 $8,999
127 Insurance Pelican 14 94 74 $550
171 Government Pelican 14 98 74 $15,000
111 Insurance Pelican 12 99 73 $900
197 Uninsured Pelican 19 45 86 $4,465
197 Government Pelican 47 48 22 $1,430
197 Government Pelican 14 55 88 $12,800
197 Insured Pelican 10 65 10 $1,200
197 Insured Pelican 21 69 79 $4,458
197 Insured Pelican 27 73 66 $4,600
197 Insured Pelican 28 74 78 $7,748
197 Insured Pelican 36 76 19 $1,200
197 Insured Pelican 25 77 48 $1,400
197 Government Pelican 13 77 79 $12,000
197 Insured Pelican 44 78 79 $9,900
197 Government Pelican 25 78 99 $1,800
197 Insured Pelican 76 81 89 $4,500
197 Insured Pelican 38 82 79 $5,000
197 Government Pelican 19 89 44 $3,000
141 Uninsured West 34 31 1 $135
120 Insurance West 15 56 67 $4,450
139 Uninsured West 13 78 77 $4,850
133 Uninsured West 45 89 93 $9,850
192 Government West 20 7 13 $450
112 Government West 22 8 26 $450
194 Government West 22 9 11 $450
156 Insurance West 25 10 13 $11,000
164 Uninsured West 22 14 89 $4,500
170 Government West 24 15 99 $4,630
145 Government West 28 19 88 $13,000
179 Government West 28 22 1 $456
157 Insurance West 36 22 44 $980
186 Government West 36 34 13 $156
116 Government West 36 36 16 $4,900
148 Insurance West 48 36 89 $14,800
106 Insurance West 55 38 36 $1,356
103 Government West 46 50 56 $5,500
122 Government West 49 56 66 $1,230
153 Government West 15 56 99 $5,600
191 Government West 15 57 68 $1,340
197 Uninsured West 55 80 59 $780
197 Government West 21 19 26 $1,450
197 Uninsured West 14 29 88 $8,900
197 Government West 19 36 44 $1,200
197 Uninsured West 15 36 55 $1,300
197 Government West 17 43 99 $900
197 Uninsured West 16 44 46 $4,400
197 Government West 35 45 78 $7,780
197 Uninsured West 60 47 23 $1,200
197 Government West 46 67 67 $650
197 Insured West 22 70 15 $1,200
51.188976378 53.244094488 4486.15
Data Label Description
ID Patient unique Id number
Insurance Type of Insurance patient has

Location Clinic Location

Wait Time Wait time in minutes

Age Age of patient in years
GHSS General Health Status Score
Cost Costs associated with visit in dollars
Unique numeric
Government - provider is Medicare/Medicaid or other Government entity
Insured - Provider is private insurance
Unisured - No provider, private pay
Pelican - Pelican Location
West - West Location
Moore - Moore Location
Numeric Scaled where 0 is optimal health, and 100 is deathly ill
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance sd
moore 29 1071 36.931034483 328.42364532 18.12246
pelican 66 1892 28.666666667 298.93333333 17.28969
west 32 954 29.8125 198.60887097 14.09287

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 1421.4466581 2 710.72332903 2.5336707549 0.08347 3.069286
Within Groups 34783.403736 124 280.51132045

Total 36204.850394 126

moore pelican west
60 20 34
25 11 15
45 89 13
2 15 45
22 20 20
12 20 22
25 20 22
22 20 25
54 25 22
55 23 24
10 26 28
56 31 28
15 34 36
61 24 36
56 23 36
15 36 48
25 26 55
33 29 46
34 44 49
55 45 15
60 44 15
45 45 55
14 56 21
34 45 14
44 55 19
55 36 15
37 56 17
56 61 16
44 39 35
43 60
44 46
24 22
Date Patient Volume
1-Sep 10
2-Sep 15
3-Sep 16
4-Sep 18
5-Sep 10
6-Sep 23
7-Sep 32
8-Sep 19
9-Sep 28
10-Sep 17
11-Sep 26
12-Sep 30
13-Sep 28
14-Sep 25
15-Sep 14
16-Sep 16
17-Sep 30
18-Sep 22
19-Sep 26
20-Sep 22
21-Sep 25
22-Sep 28
23-Sep 30
24-Sep 29
25-Sep 20
26-Sep 28
27-Sep 33
28-Sep 20
29-Sep 24
30-Sep 35
1-Oct 29.71034482758
2-Oct 29.58666666667
3-Oct 29.678380763641
4-Oct 29.75528892412
5-Oct 29.89524428234
6-Oct 29.38428364976
7-Oct 29.62430819067
8-Oct 30.5143754268
9-Oct 30.58318053677
10-Oct 31.24381914123
11-Oct 31.16553245246
12-Oct 31.64064326859
13-Oct 32.43773070535
14-Oct 33.18265524907
15-Oct 33.77560837077
16-Oct 33.58199440122
17-Oct 33.37330816652
18-Oct 34.04542702419
19-Oct 34.19539178817
20-Oct 34.57653281707
21-Oct 34.65771983289
22-Oct 34.88368673025
23-Oct 35.29386723806
24-Oct 35.85839121543
25-Oct 36.38811240884
26-Oct 36.27909487943
27-Oct 36.63102596166
28-Oct 37.34060007408
29-Oct 37.16342067072
30-Oct 37.13727987513
31-Oct 37.82606683091
Date 1-Sep 2-Sep 3-Sep 4-Sep 5-Sep 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep
Patient Volume 10 15 16 18 10 23 32 19 28 17 26 30
13-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 17-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep
28 25 14 16 30 22 26 22 25 28 30 29 20
26-Sep 27-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep 1-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct
28 33 20 24 35 29.710344828 29.58667 29.67838 29.75529 29.89524 29.38428
7-Oct 8-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 16-Oct
29.62431 30.51438 30.58318 31.24382 31.16553 31.64064 32.43773 33.18266 33.77561 33.58199
17-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct 23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct
33.37331 34.04543 34.19539 34.57653 34.65772 34.88369 35.29387 35.85839 36.38811 36.27909
27-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct
36.63103 37.3406 37.16342 37.13728 37.82607

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