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(MMRP) Gender-Responsive Project Proposal Template

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Gender Responsive Project Proposal: A Reference Guide for LGUs

TABANG SA JOURNO: Participation

Project Location Looc

List of LGUs covered by the project

Implementation Schedule Start End

Cost of Program Attributed GAD Budget

HGDG Checklist Used HGDG Score

Intended Beneficiaries Male Female Total

Baseline Disaggregated Data of Intended Beneficiaries (Answer Box 7 Item 2.0)

Indicator Male Female Total

B. RATIONALE / BACKGROUND (The rationale is the result of the gender analysis conducted)

Chapter IV ,Sec. 35 entitled Protection of Girl-Children of the Magna Carta for Women stipulates that “
government agencies, LGUs and other concerned institutions shall pursue measures to eliminate all
forms of discrimination against girl-children in education, health and nutrition and skills development”.
Subsection E further stipulates to ensure that girls and boys have equal treatment and opportunities for
academic honors, leadership in school/class organizations , leadership in school activities , journalistic
endeavours and the like. In Looc National High School, most students belong to the marginalized sector of
the society as predominantly, the source of income of the family come from fishing and farming .Hence,
due to economic reasons, students, most specially girls were deprived of opportunities to participate in
academic and non-academic competitions, trainings, seminars and other activities in the division, regional
, national and international levels.
As much as LNHS would like to expose the students to participate in all levels of competitions and
involvement in trainings, seminars and other activities, the number one problem is the budget needed for
transportation, registration, food and accommodation of the participants which are not covered in the
school MOOE. Every travel would usually cost around P5,000.00 excluding the registration and such
amount is a big chunk in the family coffers for a student who comes from below average income family.
As a result, most students end up in school level only and they were deprived of the opportunity to
upgrade or level up their capacity to do better . When given opportunity , girl journalists will have equal
opportunity to show their best in all levels of competitions , trainings, seminars and workshops for the
underprivileged but deserving .

● Provide Background on the following:

✔ Primary gender issue/gaps/inequalities identified?

✔ Other issues identified?

✔ Possible Sources/basis for analysis

● (1) Sex-disaggregated database (SDD), (2) key informant interviews (KIIs), (3) Focused group
discussions (FGDs), (4) Consultations conducted to women and men stakeholders, (5) Client
satisfaction survey results, (6) Remaining issues identified in the LGU’s GAD Accomplishment Reports,
(7) Review of the GAD fund audit, (8) Results of program and project evaluations, among others];
✔ How was the problem identified?

✔ Are women and men involved during consultation and identification of problem (Answers Box 7 Item 1.1 & 1.2)

✔ Describes the rationale why the program/project is proposed.

● Provide background on gender concerns and issues whichever applies: (Answer Box 7 Item 3.1, 3.2 & 6.0)

✔ Gender gaps and inequalities related to gender roles;

✔ Perspectives and differentiated needs;

✔ Access to and control of resources and benefits; and

✔ Constraints to women’s participation and opportunities related to attaining gender equality.

● LGU may also highlight (if applicable);

✔ Information on the issues and problems the community is facing and identifies how these will be addressed by
the proposed program/project;
✔ It also highlights the legal bases, policies and plans on which the proposed program/project anchors

✔ LGU-specific GAD mandated basic services the proposed program/project intends to implement/ enhance or the
gender issue/s it aims to address;
✔ National and local GAD policies and plans of which the proposed program/project is supportive

C. OBJECTIVES (This section describes what the proposed program/project aims to achieve to address the issues identified
and contribute to the overall improvement of the quality of life of the identified beneficiaries;)

Long Term Impact on Women’s Girl -students will be able to show their best in all
(Answer Box 7 Item 6.2)
Socio-Economic Status and activities and competitions be it in division, regional, national or
Empowerment international level. It would boost their self-esteem as well as self-worth
as they will be given exposure to the different areas of self-improvement.
Self-improvement and development shall be given focus at an early age
which is envisioned to improve their future and life in general. Students
shall be trained to become pro-active, productive and excellent.

Goal/Outcome: (Answer Box 7 Item 4.0)

Objectives/Output: 1)
● It describes the Outcomes and specific Outputs of the proposed program/project.

✔ Outcome refers to the intermediate changes as a result of the program/project’s activities.

✔ Output refers to the immediate results of the program/project’s activities. It must also explicitly refer to women
and men.(e.g. To provide family planning services to both women and men)
● This part also includes indicators and targets in the reduction of gender gaps and improving women’s participation;

● The objective usually states: (a) What does the project want to achieve; (b) How does the project want to achieve it; and
(c) Who are the main beneficiaries. Objective should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and
D. TARGET BENEFICIARIES (Answer Box 7 Item 6.1)

Target Beneficiaries Male Female Total

Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
● This section describes and identifies the proposed program/project’s Direct and Indirect beneficiaries disaggregated by sex,
by geographic area/political subdivision and by vulnerable sector [i.e., indigenous peoples (IPs), children, persons with
disability (PWDs), elderly, among others] whichever is applicable.
● Present the beneficiaries using sex-disaggregated data by location and by sectoral stake in the project and break down the
total number of beneficiaries into the relevant classificatory categories e.g. how many are men/women, children, physically
disadvantaged, and vulnerable groups, among others


Strategies and Performance Target Gender Issues to be Timeline/

Activities and/or Indicator addressed Duration

Program/project’s Performance Indicators

strategies and specific are quantitative or
component activities that qualitative means to
Gender Issues are
need to be done to measure achievement of Timeframe/Duration of Office /
presented in the
achieve the desired results of the proposed the implementation of the Persons
rationale/background of
outcome, objectives activity; Performance activity Responsible
the proposal
and outputs; Activities Target specifies the LGU
that respond to the intends to achieve
identified gender issues (Answer Box 7 Item 7.0)

● Ensure that identified program/project’s strategies and specific component activities matched the


Budgetary Requirement and Other Inputs Source of

Strategies and Activities Total

● It may also specify if the proposed program/project is sustainable or with some cost-recovery features and include the cost
of hiring a GAD practitioner or expert (if applicable) who will mainstream gender equality and women’s empowerment in
the program/project design and implementation.

G. IMPLEMENTING TEAM (Answer Box 7 Item 9.2)

Overall Project Supervisor:

Project Manager
Members of the
Sex GAD-related Trainings Attended Expertise
Implementation Team
Ex. Coordination Skills,
Facilitation Skills
Required Capacity Development Trainings of the Implementation Team
Members of the
Required Capacity Development Trainings
Implementation Team

● This section describes the composition by sex of the implementation team, its technical capability (e.g., facilitation and
coordination skills, with gender and development (GAD)-related trainings, among others) and its line of coordination with
and support from the top management (or the Local Chief Executive) in the implementation of the program/project.
● This section describes who will implement the proposed program/project and in what way, if applicable, is the top
management supportive of the program/project; who will be managing/supervising the proposed program/project
● This section discuss the required capacity development trainings for the team (e.g., Gender Sensitivity training) for team
members who will implement the proposed project/program and if there is a need to hire a GAD expert to guide the
implementing team.

H. PARTNERSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY (Answer Box 7 Item 10.1, 10.2 & 10.3)

● This section highlights LGU’s efforts and strategies to encourage strong partnership with the private sector and other
stakeholders and ensure sustainability of program/project beyond its completion. It also specifies whether the
program/project commits to build capacities to promote gender equality; build and sustain the GAD-related initiatives of
other organizations; and execute an exit plan/strategy to ensure sustainability of GAD efforts and benefits.


M&E Activity/Scheme/Mechanism Schedule/Frequency Monitoring Tools to be Used

ex. Ocular Inspection, Interview with
the Project Beneficiary, Status Report Ex. Quarterly, Semestral, Annual

● It should also state the following:

✔ Database (e.g., baseline, end line) requirement disaggregated by sex, whenever applicable; (Answer Box 7 Item
✔ Roles, composition and competencies of the M&E Team;

✔ External M&E Team or a GAD Expert/consultant (if applicable);

✔ Inclusion of target beneficiaries in the M&E process; and

✔ Inclusion of gender equality indicators to measure gender equality output/outcomes of the proposed project.

Possible Risk Preventive measures and strategies Mechanisms to Monitor Risks
ex. Natural, Social, Political, (Activities to hinder or mitigate detrimental
Economic, among others effects of the identified external risk/s)

Strategies to avoid/minimize negative impact on women’s

(Answer Box 7 Item 6.3)
status and welfare
● This section may also highlight possible risk factors that may negatively affect and/or exploit marginalized women and girl
children and gender-based risks that may be observed when other risks occur [e.g., gender-based violence
(encompassing physical, sexual, psychological and economic) and reproductive health issues (during calamities
especially in temporary shelters)].


Always use gender-fair language

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