Digital C 2017

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1. Jed inserted four pictures into a mult imedia presentation slide. He added an Animation effect to each picture.

..,_ ..... ....... r,.,,000,11 t.11 ,� Qt'\! stlcitSIIOW Ruitw ,_

• '"
' ,\

.. *, ..
. "
,,,,._ '"'""'J,)ft .t.u.cfll
.. r.n1n,1
{•1 •U••WOl'i·•·• ,, ,,..,.,., •·• • :)q·Z·••l·• ·ll·•·!·••:l·!·l , .... ,.�-,.,..,.,., .. ••·•N•-11.,� "'""'111,0nP-� • )C

� Mi,.,)
13(( Picture 5 [J
2 � Picture 7 I
� Picture 8 []
3-11( Picture 6 !]

�· ··O ,,
• •

Which picture is named 'Picture 6' in the Animation Pane?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Sura; wanted to make this image larger. However, he wanted to keep the width and height of the image in
the same proportion.

Which handle must he use to resize the image?





: P�, 0 f;> lJNS�\I Gklt:i;:,I Pfy U""'6<1

2017 ,C,\S Dig.ta& T,:dinoloyu.m 2
3. Xiang changed Photo 1 to look like Photo 2.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Which formatting did Xiang use to create Photo 2?

(A) Transparency
(B) Shadow
(C) Cutout
(D) Blur

4. Jamil opened the Settings app on his tablet. Under General settings, he tapped on 'Passcode Lock' to turn
it on.

" ";
�· '
� ACCtSSibility
l co)

Mtlltltaskfn9 Gestu<es

Lock Rotau',;�'"'"'"'"


�tqr lOQ(ll � IWloflllllf fl! CC,-ll!Qi CPJIIH


6..<t(k()fOl•Od APs:> R.<·frt.�h

• This allows him to

.. Auto•Loc'..c. 10 Mlnvtes

(A) unlock his tablet.

9,asscode Lock Orf

(B) set a passcode.

set the Jock time-out.

(D) access his passoode.

lock I Un oOC co

5. Monique downloaded an Excel workbook file from the internet.

Which of these could be the name of her file?

(A) Top_games.xlsx
(B) Top_games.exe
(C) Top_games.pptx
(D) Top_games.xml

6. This screenshot shows a series of emails shared by a group of friends.

I Dele� j Spam R.cply .. j rorw�rd 1-to-ve- •

Fw: Re: Gala Oay Photos

Harley Diva <h;,rteytli'J@gm>
To: -Jordan Zdrn· <?a"1J10-Czoho .com>

thought you migh t bke to see 1.-hese photos of the oala day_,,

Sent: Tuasday, Fcbru..:,ry 0:2: $ i.016 at l l:30AM

From:· Taylor \'triohr" <ta\lfo.rwrigh[@>
Yo: "less Lee" <i@z375§:;1110Y!tl.coo»; .. H..lrtey Ofya .. <h;trSgyB7]@qmx .com>
Subject: Re: GaJa Dav Photos
These are great. Thanks for sending them!

From: Jess Lee <i.ess.375G@m34 com>

fo: ·Harley Oiya.. <bf1Elcy871@gmx s:;gm>; "Toyfot V.'righC <tnvlorwright@mysett- com>
Sent Tuesday. 2 Februaey 2016. 09:17
Subject: Gala Oay Photo.s

Hi Hailey and Taylor

Here are some photos from the Sa$1cetbaU Gata Day

Who sent the original email with the subject 'Gala Day Photos'?

(A) Jess Lee

(B} Jordan Zani
(C) Harley Diya
(D) Taylor Wright

7. Jacinta created a table in a word processing program to create her class timetable. Her cursor is in the last
cell of the table.

Jacinta needs more rows to complete the full timetable.

Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing
2 Maths Reading Spelling Reading Spelling
Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess
3 Music Art Sport Drama I
Which key can she press repeatedly to create more rows for her table? (C) (0)

8. Sonny had permission from his parents to register for a new account at a games website for kids.

As part of registration, he needed to create a username and a

PLEASE SIGN IN password. He could use his email address as his username.
USERHAME An acceptable password had to be at least:

• 8 characters in total
PASSWORD • 1 special character (e.g. $)
• 1 number
• 1 capital letter.

Which one of these passwords can he use for this website?

{A) $6jb!38 (6) sbjb$597s (C) $6jb25181 (D) $6jb1425&

9. Toby wanted to find some information about freshwater fish in Australia.

He did a search on the internet using the word 'fish'. His search returned a very large number of results.

Kids Search

fish Submlt

>.bout 650,300,000 rasuft:s {0.43 seconds)

Which search option will give Toby the lowest number of results?

(A) "fish in Australia"

(B) "freshwater fish Australia"
(C) fresh + water+ fish + Australia
(D) freshwater OR fish OR Australia

10. Tom started typing his handwritten notes about his basketball game for the school newspaper.

Handwritten Notes Typed Notes

Finals Basketball Which of these words will

' Yesterday we playd a championship NOT be detected by the spell
match aggainst Glemtown High check as having incorrect
School. It was a vry clooe tame. spelling?
Glomtown H.S. won the championship
last season and \11e were very lucky to (A) aggainst
reach the finals this season. (6) playd
(C) tame
(D) vry

5 2017 ICAS Oigi!:, I Tr.,c;hn�i; Pl'll)Ot I) t: UNS'N CIOl)31 Pty LitnM:d

11. The images show some cable plugs and different ports on computers.

Cable plugs Ports

Mobile Device CD-• :)


®-....u ,,

,__ilil._ Headphones

Which option matches each cable plug with the port that it fits into?

Mobile Device Keyboard Headphones Ethernet

(A) 2 2 4 3
(8) 2 2 1 4
(C) 3 3 1 4
(0) 3 3 4 2

12. Priyanka has a 16 page document. She wants to print only some of the pages of this document.
This is part of the print settings screen she will use.

�\\glob,'.p<Ol\lwscbc,yJr_oTP_K..,,,,_cs!.::J e,opcrt;u I �I
hgcs to Pri1>1
::f r Print in g;r�<Aletblklt Jr,d�e)
Co.m_m� & Forms
r All JDocument Md Markups ..:]
r Cll"fnt p,ag•
t> ,,,,... �,,-.6-,1-6
_. Mott Options
J !:O x 11.69 lnchts
•• Swng & K,odilog ©
I f3 SJ,• 85' Po,tcr
r. fit
('" Ac.;tu1l $1:C
r Shrint oo;crsi;ed poges
( Cu:ctom Scale �"

r C:hoos� Pl�f sourc.cby POf 1149e si;.@

How many pages will be printed when she clicks the 'Print' button?

(A) 16 (8) 7 (CJ 6 (0) 1

2()-17 ICAS °'(.!ital Techn®gl'3$ P.ipo::r O Q UNS'.V GIOb31 Piy L� 6

13. Tessa saved a video file to her 'Videos· folder.

Which of these could NOT be Tessa's video file?

(A) MyMovie.gif (B) MyMovie.avi (C) MyMovie.mp4 (D)

14. Ben is using music editing software to create a podcast about rainforests. He has added
two music files and a voice narration called 'Rainforest' t o this section of the podcast.

How many seconds will the music play for in this section of his podcast?

(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 14

15. The manager of the local car dealership created this database.

He highlighted a record to delete from the database.

::,,- .
10 Brand Model �l�ur· Year of Manufacture Condition Price · Click to·
1 Mercedes-Benz G Blue 2001U $5,000.00
2 Innocenti 990 Red 1992U $7,000.00
3Jeep Liberty
• 4 Mazda
Green 2012 N $25,000.00

,. 5 Lexus
Midge White 1996U $2,000.00

• 6Subaru
1997U $2,100.00

• 7 Ginetta G34 Grey

2002 U $7,000.00

• 8 Daihatsu Rocky Red

• XS
.. 9BMW
10 lnfiniti QXS6
• 11 Toyota Prius Lime 2003U $4,200.00
� 12 lancia Musa Grey 2008U $21,000.00
' 13 lancia Lybra Maroon 2004U $3,300.00
" 14Buick Century Lime 1994U $1,500.00
lSAcura TL 2004U 53,600.00
16 Mazda 1996U $5,200.00
" �7BMW $45,000.00
18 Chevrolet Impala Blue 1996U $6,000.00
Record: t-4 1 17of20 > >I > I'?:. ,.. ;;,ae-, J 11

How many records will be in the database after this record is deleted?

(A) 20 (B) 19 (C) 17 (D) 16

16. Jenna designed a gaming application. In her game there are instructions to change lhe appearance of a
grey circle.

The instructions must be carried out in the right sequence (1-2-3-4).

Step Instructions
1 Draw a horizontal line to divide the circle into two equal parts.
2 Shade the top hal f of the circle black.
3 Rotate the circle half a tum.
4 Stamp a white circle in the middle of the top half.

The diagram below shows what the circle will look like at the end of each step.

An error occurred and the steps were carried out incorrect ly in this order (4-1-3-2).

What did the circle look like after the incorrect sequence of instructions was run?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

17. Gina wants to select all the data from the 'Marks' sheet.

Which option allows her to do this easily?

1rl;l=-=-::'f!�"'"'lxtI l :::;:::;-;
(A) (B) (C) (0)

A 'I'
A B C D £ f
Student !f Asslenment Assignment% Exam /100 Ma,SC , Grade
1 _ ---T
.,..,. .... WY - ,;Tl,.. ·-
2 �---..... ·� _34�--1-----.,..,..!--1���-l 00
J $\)lly\"Jong 30 88j 92 91 HIGH01$TINCTION
4 J3mts Tere 18 82 98 93 HIGH OIST!NCTION
S Rich�rd Sumner 2� 62 87 79 DISTINCTION
Ci Jennlfe< Tang 19 56 82 74 CAEOIT
7 Tom Singh 31 91 85 87 HIGH DISTINCTION
8 M1tthew Oalton 30 88 90 89 HIGH DISTINCTION
9 Sheltv Smith 29 85 70 75 CREDIT
10 J�nel\e Craft l2 65 7S 72 CREDIT
12 __
13 Grades Table
14 <SO IF'All �
15 ___ --"5=; PASS=---
1 '-'
16 -- 66 CRCDIT
7G 01$nNCT!ON
Marks Sheet2 @

2017 tCA$ Digital Ted'll'dogles Pap(lor O@VNS\I'/ Glob.II Ply Umiled 8

18. James created this routine as part of a game program he was working on. Jason runs this game program.

When the sprite touches the edge of the screen, it will

(A) move 30 steps.

(B) turn 90 degrees anti-clockwise.
(C) turn 90 degrees clockwise.
(D) move 20 steps.

19. Jing wanted to edit some text in a report that was in a non-editable PDF format. He downloaded a free
online PDF converting tool.

This tool allowed him to do the following conversions:

0¢i �¢0
PDFto Word Excel to PDF
convert i� to Conv.,-t stides In Convffl vour PDFs Convert· Excel
POFs e)(&ctly lflC POF!l to Powcrftoint to \V'ord tn the spreadsheet to i>O� Which conversion option would
way vou want c,n:!.enlalicns best q1,1;,.llt:y possl.ble allow Jing to effectively edit tile
text in his report?

PDF to Excel
Word to PDF
PDF to Excel
coovert PowetPoint Converl sptel!dshce"".:; Convert your 'Nord Convert POF p119e:, to (C) Word to PDF
present.i-tlons to PDF In POr to do¢1,1mc:-nt.s to POF Images or ex'tract
files editable Excel mes fom,;:it plctu"es lfom ywr PDF' (D ) PDF to Word

20. This is an image of Anderson's computer screen.

D � D ®
· Tablet mode Rotation lock Note All settings

IQ] i ctii <?c:>

Connect Project Battery saver VPN Anderson wants to change

'1' � ..!J
the background image of his

Bluetooth 100% Oungo... vHome Quiet hours Which button must he click on?

(A) Project
<() � (B) C onnect
Location Flight mode {C) All settings
(D) Tablet mode

21. Tina was looking for muffin recipes online. She entered the following text in the search box:

Recipes "berry muffins" -chocolate

Part of her search results are shown below.

•.l, ..... 4'11 lu•*

Serr)' Muffins R•clpe •

\VV."A !ooc to11'.\ttelpt.'1>fny.m1,1mns--,r
1 ..
,:. •
••*••n.,11111 .. 1' l!Wtl",V> .u:n,,n u ti,.,
Th�is.,• rr� ,,..tAt'1t1 I.Mt ,«:f,.� V\olt I rNflir,d, 1� 11, o, 1, 111.11..M,
dth:u:.a, �en 11:,·•mt1a<1 I I.I\• ,::c:tn ilf!:11\ f'TIX :nt•lil' um,b�

What recipes would be included in her search results?

(A) all recipes for berry muffins w thout chocolate (Bl all recipes for berry muffins with chocolate
(C) all recipes for chocolate muffins (0) all recipes for marzipan muffins

22. Adam created a presentation about Sea Creatures. He added a transition and timing to each of the slides.



.-,..1,o\il'ct'll'JO�Ull'ldJ • a\!Mtlugid.e-
.• Ourab0111 �I
,,, !ffeo 03. SO O!I Muo.r.e(loc\

No� ;:
o,.,,.. f":.c..,p1yToAII • t., tJt� 00:02.0Q

Sea Creatures
2 .
5 ..

How many seconds will the Reveal transition take to complete?

(A) 05.50 (8) 03.50 (Cl 02.00 (0) 01.50

23. Huan took a photograph that was 8 megapixels in size.

Whal would be the approximate pixel dimensions ( width and height) of his photograph?

(Al 1024 x 768 (8) 1024 x 1024 (C) 3827 x 2592 (Ol 3264 x 2448

2017 ICAS Oi!llt(II Technologiet Papet 00UN$VI Glot>al PlyLimitod 10

24. Joshua is creating a website for his father's business. He would like to include some images from the internet.

He found these guidelines on how information from the internet can be used.

Fair Use
Public Domain
Work may be V$$d Any work copied, used or Allows tho ceproduction of Work can be used. copied
• without pennission from
the copyright holoor but
published needs to have copyrighted matetlaJ for
or published wiU,out
the permission of the certa n purposes, such as obLaining permjssion from
1hcre may 00 conditions copyright holder. teaclling, without obtaining the copyright holder
as to how this work can permission from me
be used. copyright holder.

Which symbol allows him to use images without any restrictions?

© (B) (C} (D)

25. Ryan was developing a drawing game.

This image shows the code he used to make the pencil draw a straight blue line.


/ e;.w

CW·i :lfiM··i0J
.. X:�'(; lml

'4- :.;'!t•t.. � I .!ii 0


When Ryan clicked the nag, the pencil moved but he could not see a tine.

What change must Ryan make to solve this problem?

(A) 'set pen colour to•·

(B) change 'pen down' to 'pen up'
(C) insert the 'change pen size by' block and set the value to 50
(D) insert the 'set pen size to' block and set the value to 10

26. Many websites are now designed to display a mobile version for users when they are browsing the sites on
their smartphones or tablets.

These are images of the same website homepage displayed on a computer and on a smartphone.

Computer version Smartphone version

Educational Assessment Australia

.. _.
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_ , __ -
W.ltolM 10 EOJt.,t.bNI AUHSmtnl

.....__,.__.,,,..,., ...
.. ,..,. ........ ... ,"......
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,_ .
___- --

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, •t.•"l••- ....... u,.,�t'.J.l �,_."-.�1.1,ot.,.•-•.r-,...,.,_....,,_.,._�., .. ,....,-,.J,..._ -••Ml
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-.1r,.........,....,_ ..,.,r<1�, ...... ,.,.,• .,., ,,_•'"•".-r.1-,-u,,,,..,..,,,..,.,.,...,,M,. Comp,lltlotlt & M1,f'Um•na

_,_ "&....,

_,.. ....
- 1,1 ..

, .. .
Which statement about browsing websites on a smartphone is correct?

(A) Horizontal navigation is increased. (B) Vertical navigation is minimised.

(C) Data usage is reduced. (0) All features are displayed.

27. Jenny used an app on her smartphone to search for some cloth,ng items to purchase.

She applied some filters to her search.

� Filter x
�(ll:cl tr,
8c,;t M.:ttch •




XS s
0 Xl

<;OLOOII Which option best describes the items that will be displayed after the
'Apply Filters' button Is pressed?
@ ·@
Items Size Colour Price of items
$10 S120
( A) All s black or blue $10-$120
(B) All M green or blue $10-$120
(C) All s green or blue $20-$60
(OJ All M black or blue $20-$60

2()17 ICAS Di.flit:11 TeehoolOgles Papor O ¢ UN$\•/ Globol P!'f limilOO 12

28. Andrew's Geography class is worl<ing on a group assignment. Each group must submit a table showing
what they aim to achieve in each lesson that week.

Andrew created the following table:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

He then realised that there are two Geography lessons on Monday.

Andrew formatted the cell below Monday, using the Split Cells function and entered some text.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Period 1
Period 7
Which option did Andrew use to create more cells below Monday before entering in the text?

SplotCcU, Spl•<dh ,.""'.

tlu.mb.t1 of 10Jumns: �J 14un:ibtt of s_olumns: l '-"' Num�r ot toJumns: � I
Nvrnb('r of !OWS: ,. Numb(f of !QYIS: t-Jucnlnr OI {OWS: !2
t.ittoc r.Us sptd

Ol ) [ C�nctl or I I """' I, I O< 11 C.n<d

(A} (B) (CJ (D}

29. Jacinta is planning a birthday party. She typed this list of tasks to be done.

She then highlighted her list as shown.

Birthday party preparation

1. Create invitation
2. r nd out Invitation
3. pook the venue
4. �reate list for food
What will happen if Jacinta presses the Enter key once?
5. Buy food
6. �et up venue ( A} The list will be deleted.
7. �rrange seating plan (B) Only the highlighted text will be deleted.
8. et up podium (CJ The list will shift down.
(DJ Only the highlighted text will shift down.

30. In order to view images and texts on a computer, you need a monitor or a screen.

Which hardware component enables monitors and screens to

display images and texts?

(A} keyboard
(BJ video card
(C) sound card
(DJ hard disk drive

31. This diagram shows the URL of a webpage. A URL consists of different sections that help the browser
navigate to the correct website or webpage.

One of the sections is the domain name.

I https:l/ I ��¢A
Which section of this URL is the domain name?

(A) https (B) WWW (C) (D) digital-technologies

32. Mr Walker made this spreadsheet to record the results for the long jump at the sehool sports carnival.

A B c D E F

1 Under 10 Girls Long Jump Results

2 Last Name First Name 1st Jump (m) 2nd Jump (m) 3rd Jump (m) Best Jump (m)
3 Chen Daisy 2.73 2.78 2.65 2.78
4 Smith Quinn 2.96 2.94 3.01 3.01
5 Lee Jade 2.$6 2.57 2.8$ 2.85
6 Brown Mary 2.$2 2.66 2.72 2.72
7 Jang Olive 3.22 3.15 3.18 3.22
8 Buros Ruby 2.83 2.67 2.86 2.86

He used the MAX function to work out the best jump for each girl.

Which formula did Mr Walker use in cell F3 before it was filled down to F8?

(A) MAX(C3:F3) (B) MAX{C3:E3)

(C) =MAX(C3:F3) (0) =MAX(C3:E3)

33. Joanne is adding some Tab stops to her word processing document using this dialogue box.

Tabs ill�
Iab stop position: Default ub rtops:
10.s cm
3.S cm
1.17 cm i:.11
3.Scm Tab stops to be cleared;
13.5 cm


- !_.....
I .C,enter \. RiQht
, l Qf:cimal
... I J,ar
How many Tab stop positions have already
c� !None c 1 ....... 02··-·- been set by Joanne on the document?
I 1•t 11 Cltar
11 Clear 811
I (A)
11 Caoc:el
I (C)

2017 ICAS Di:;iltll Tucht'IOl:)gil."S PtlpctOOUNSV,' Gl'Ob31 Ply UMi!OO 14

Use the following information to answer questions 34 and 35.

Celia used a spreadsheet to create a budget for her birthday party.

She used a formula to calculate the percentage of the total budget that each item made up.

A • c D E G H K M

' ,..,,,
C:elJa's Birthday Patty Budaet

No 1equ!Jed Costpethom TotafGOst P•rcenl*j_
s Peu:.eJ,t;ige
• 1 • tnf';r<1��Ullt
bi"hd.ry $ S0.00 13%
soft (trinks (l lltte bottle} s s s.oo $ 2�.oq_ . '"' ·-('-In
• u:ft <i,irA, f) llttfl:,!7ttlo!
balloons (padc of 20)
l.00 $ 30.00
,.so $ 15.00 .,'".
biillllMl.(pod r.l�O)
7 �rtyhats 10 $ LOO $ 10,00

8 cutlery rpack at SO) .,..-ry1oru
1 $ 9.95 $ 9.95

9 p;pe, pl91" (p!lcl< of SO) l $ 8.$0 29\ • oi!l,,v{ e:riC,
10 cup caJ:es 10 $ 2.50 s lS,00 • IMP• oh,e:s 111,<t of :.ct•

11 lolliielt (ll:$$0ttcd packs) s s .�. 50 .s 27,SO ·�n1o••
UJ�.imcrs 10 $ 2.20 $ - 2- 2.00 G" -1a11.. ,:�'.&9"<.,p�1�1
13 �ityb!&S 10 s 10,0:, $ 100.00
14 ftuitplatter 2 $ fS.CO $ 30.00 S'J!
s s ,o" t.,...
• •ct,,;i:y
ts ��_dsn�plattt-1 l 12. .SO 37.50

. "'
16 'rotal $ 390AS • rru11. p1,n.,.
17 • �Odlll,.Cbi=,l<lt!M

18 Max $ 100,00

34. What formula did Celia enter in cell E3, before it was f lled down to E15, and how did she format the data in
column E?

Category Decimal Places
(A) =03/$0$18 Currency 0
(B) =03/$0$18 Percentage 2
(C) =031$0$16 Currency 2
(O) =031$0$16 Percentage 0

35. Celia also presented this information in a pie chart

What data range did she select to create the chart above?

( A) 82:815 & 02:015

(B) 82:816 & 02:016
(C) A2:A15 & E2:E15
(0) A2:A16 & E2:E16

15 2017 ICAS Oig11a1 lec:l�Ologit."S Pr,potl< OOUNS\'/ C!oOOI Ply Limi!OO

The following table shows the questions you a1)swe(e<I conecUy 0 and shades the questions that you iE
answefed inootte<:tryO. The questions arc ranked from hardest at the t-op to easiest at the bottom.


ii, g
0 ue$tlon content Area a'5sess- ed 0 0 >- "'
"" Predk:l (he effect <Ji the EfltcrtR(!turr1. koy on nighlighted lelCI WOfd Processing � A c 13%
� Estimate Iha pbc'el dimensions of a pt,oto grvcn its Size Graphies!Multimedia

c 23 0 B 17%
� Apply a formu la 10 a sproo::lshoei given .-i rcquircmcn1 Spreadsheet/Database � 0 ./ 20%
Identify the c:orroo1 file usina Its me C)lltCOSKln Goo0<a1 Skills 5 ,\ ./ 20%
COotrasl between mobile btm\':$in9 and C$OSktOp browsing JAtemcl/Emall 26 c
8 OOtQ1'mine tho length oJ the ml..J$ic kl a P()(f(;ast Crapliics/Multlmcdla 1'1

ls ldonwyu,o kQyOf'I a mndard ke\'board 10 c::reate more CO\vs in a tabJc Word Processing 7

B 33%
Identify U'lc Sencl(H of !he original email within an emall thrcJ<l 1memetl'Emait 6 A ./ 37%

ldcn1dy tJlo haraware dO\iico used '°'

Identity ll'le formula and Jormauing used en a spreac:fsheet
displaying images
Identity the Cf.lta range US90 to er�.ato a chan in a spreadsheet
General SkJlb
./ 3�o
Interpret the Tabs dlafOOUC bOX wo,d Process:ing 33 B c 40%
Identify video files by file extension G(t:iphicslfv1uttinedia 13 A ./ 41%
Pred ict the result given printer,sel'l)ngs Wold Processing 12 8 ./ ,12%
JnlorP(Cl tho meaning Di an inl;emel $-ea<ch $1ring tntcmctlEmail 21 A B 45'Y.
lefcntify the nurrber of recocds in a database $p1"0.l<.lsticcvoa1at:iasc 15 a ./ 4!1'%
kJcotify the domain nan19 givE!f1 a UAL lntemctlf::mail 31 c ./ 60%
Jc1en1lfy the sctliOgs used ror sp61tin9 cells given the resutl Word rtocesslng 28 A ./ 61,.o
�pfy correa sea!°Ctl $yl'lttix giwn a reciuiremenl lnlemetfemail 9 B c 62%
klentify the Select AH button in a spreadsheet Spreadsheet/Da1aoose 17 A ,/ 62o/o
Identify 100 effact l)..,o;ecl ro ctlange the appc.amoce ol an unl'.lge Graphics/Mu lrimedia 3 A ./ 68%
Identify the applictttion software tor a rcqutrcef funcliOn woru Processing 19 D ./ 69%
ldentily thE> symbol used 10 cl."tssify mfo�tion Jll IJ'lc pubfiC <Jomain lnlCl'OOV[mail ?4 0 ./ 00%,
lntctprct the user int()rface ol a slide show program Graphics/MulthnOdia 22 8 ./ 72%
PtcOCI lho rosull Ol .l sequence of instructions Programming 8 ,/ 75%

Identify the passwot<l lJlJt lulli ls lhG roquirad criteria tnremet/Emal 8 D ./ 7()'%
Recognise the limi1aOOns ol ltlc spoll Chad< tuoclion Word Processing c
10 60%
Identify the function of a partlcutar setting on a mobile devioe Gene,al Skits 4 B c 8�.4
Interpret basic control strv�ures In a l)lven script Progr.::unming 18 <.; ./ 85%
c Matcll Ille cable plugs with the different lYJ)es of PMS on a computer Gcncml Skills II B ./ 86%
�•• Debug a basic SCiipt
1csco1i ly 1hc co<1cct hanclle lo resize an image w thoui chang ,ng tho as.,EolC'I ralio
./ 89%
6� Interpret the 1uso!lS 01 a s�uch tiller
./ 89'-'o

General Skins 27 D ./ 89%
ld,en1 f•1 the l)Utton used 10, a pa.ilieula, Lask Gener.:11 Skills c
20 ./ 90"o
ldemify the graphic-: e1eme111 !Jivco its user inturrace label in a preseniation GraphicslMut1imarlr.) 1 c ./ 9�'7'o

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