9 ENGLISH UT 2 Set A 23-24
9 ENGLISH UT 2 Set A 23-24
9 ENGLISH UT 2 Set A 23-24
TIME: 2 HRS. M.M.:-40
(i) All the questions are compulsory.
(ii) Write in a neat handwriting.
Q.1. Read the passage carefully and answer the Questions that follow. [10]
1. Happiness is not something far away and unattainable. Happiness does not depend on circumstances or
objects. It is an inseparable part of our consciousness, of our essence, but hidden and covered from sight by
our thoughts, desires and worries. We all seek happiness but few, very-few, indeed, get it. We are unhappy
partly because we desire much more than what we can hope to attain.Our countless desires are hard to be
satisfied. And that is what makes us so sad in life. The secret of happiness lies in the simplification of life.
Simple living encourages high thinking. It leads to contentment. Contentment gives us inner wealth, the
wealth of the mind and of the soul.
2. A contented man devotes himself to virtues; a man can feel true happiness. I do not mean that for
simplification of life, a man should become an ascetic. The happiness of a sadhu is of a negative kind. I want
positive kind of happiness. For this I must live in the midst of life and faithfully carry out my responsibilities
to my home and my country. But all this should be done in the spirit of selfless service.
3. A man, who wants to lead a happy life, should also make others happy. In making others happy he will
taste real and lasting happiness. There is a kind of joy in serving others with virtuous motives, in sacrificing
what one has for the good of others. An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. The secret of perfect
happiness lies in renunciation.
4. Wealth may give us joy for a while and fame may provide us with fleeting excitement. But they cannot
give us permanent happiness. Kings have everything to make them happy and yet they feel unhappy. It is
because they do not practise renunciation. There is a sense of joy in doing one’s work honestly and
efficiently. A research-worker feels joy in research and a journalist in writing.In doing one’s duty sincerely,
one feels peace of mind which is an important essence of happiness. It is only by cultivating spirit of
renunciation, self-sacrifice, contentment and science work that one can really be happy. The strings of
misfortune spare none but they will not cow such a person.
5. Happiness is like the sun, it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and desires. We have to
scatter and dissolve them to experience happiness. You don’t have to create happiness. All you have to do is
calm your mind, because when there is a quiet mind and inner peace, there is happiness.
(v) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.
“Life is about creating and living
experiences that are worth “Imagination is more
sharing.” important than knowledge.”
-Steve Jobs -Albert Einstein
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(vi) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?
(viii) Doing one’s work sincerely hardly makes one happy. (True/False)
(ix) Select the option that makes the correct use of “unattainable”, as used in para 1.
(a) Unattainable development implies a long-term perspective.
(b) Keep goals small so they are more easily unattainable.
(c) Diabetes is unattainable but not curable.
(d) Some economists think that 100% employment in India is an unattainable goal.
d) The Teacher said to me,” why are you wasting your time in gossiping?”
e) Rohit said to Rahul,”we will go to watch a match tomorrow?”
One day you were commuting through DTC bus.your wallet was left at home.The conductor gave you the ticket for
free.Describe the conductor in 100-120 words.
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