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6-44-0016-Rev 6 - Standard NDT
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yn0o8"\ STANDARD SPECIFICATION — STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS 6-44-0016 Rev. 6 OF PIPING Pogo tof 24 uefit & sears ate at aeraaaat tq are farreer STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS OF PIPING ae TioN CELL] a 3 toros0 AVEDA NCO ASETO, enCATON Fn _AGg) ep "om @ Ona? REED A SSIEDASSTDSFEORCATON =m ~~”SCDSCOM 1 anoige”KSLED NOOMORATYWTHETD NST yw Gowan 3 18.04.95 _ ISSUED IN CONFORMITY WITH STD PMS REV-2 MP AKG NS AS 2 23.04.92’ ISSUED AS GENERAL REVISION AKG/BPV NSIBN GRR RNS 1 16.03.89 _ SITE COMMENTS INCORPORATED. Sis GRR GRA RePC ‘Standards — Standards’ Checked | Committes Bureau fev. one Prpese Prope heated Convenor Charan Aroved by Tema SaD0I0FF Re 0 [at Tee Ae voredSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. CARE ONRI Rim LORNON OESTRUCINE,, cancots v8 OF PIPING Page 20621 Abbreviatic DP/LP : ‘Dye/Liquid Penetrant MPO: ‘Magnetic Particle cs. z Carbon Steel. ase Alloy Steel ss zi Stainless Steel ASTM : American Society for Testing & Materials “ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers JBR + Indian Boiler Regulations PMS: Piping Material Specification Piping Standards Committee Convenor: — Mr. §.Chanda Members: Mr A.T, Dharmik Mr VK. Bhatti MrPX. Bali MrR Nanda MrLB Ajwani Mr D. Khare (HMTD) MrP P Lahiti/ Mr S, Ghoshal (SMMS) Mr GK. Iyer (Construction) Mr RK. Bhandari(Proj) See TT) TRG ‘Copyright EL All ightorosarvedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. EM ORARO exiuninonnecumensnrs — SHON® Revs OF PIPING. Page Sot24 CONTENTS 10 GENERAL...... sreeseen wd 2.0 VISUAL EXAMINATION wesc oe 3.0 ‘NON DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 49 TABLE-1 (with applicable Notes to Table-1)... Format Ho, €00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 TAAq ‘Gopyight EIL—Alrights reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. SE AN FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE s@arieieits SROWUMIED exqMINATIONREQUIREMENTS 44-0018 Rev. 6 OF PIPING. Page aot 24 10° GENERAL 1 Scope This specification covers the general requirements for ion destructive examination of shop & field fabricated piping. 12 Related Codes & Engineering Standards Referred codes / standards are as follows. Latest editions of the Codes/Standards referred to shall be followed. 4) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes, Section V & VIII (Div.1) including addenda, ») ASMEB31.3 ©) ASMEBIO.S 4) ASMEBIO34 ©) Standard Piping Material Specification, 6-44-0005 1) Welding Specification Charts for Piping Classes, 6-77-0005 8) Standard Specification for Fabrication & Brection of Piping 6-44-0012 hy ASTMEIO i) Welding Specification for Fabrication of Piping, 6-77-0001 4) Design Guide for Radiography Requirements, 8-77-0010 k) Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR) 20 ‘VISUAL EXAMINATION 2A ‘Weld shall be visually inspected wherever accessible in accordance with the following requirements: a) Intemal misalignment 1.5 mm or less b) Cracks or lack of fusion not permitted ©) Incomplete penetration Depth shall not exceed the lesser of 0.8mm or 0.2 times thickness of thinner component joined by butt-weld. The total length of such imperfections shall not exceed 38 mm in any 150 mm of weld length. 4) Surface porosity and not permitted exposed slag inclusions + For nom. wall thickness 4.7 mm and less) Format No. 8-00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 Ase ‘Copyright Ei — All rights reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. eSBBE ORAM, FORNON DestRUCTIVE o IMITED — exaMINATION REQUIREMENTS 44-0046 Rov. 6 OF PIPING Page 5 of 24 ©). Concave root surface For single sided welded joints, concavity of the root surface shall not reduce the total thickness (Suck up) of joint, including reinforcement, to less than the thickness of the thinner of the components being Joined. f) Weld ripples irregularities 2.5 mm or less. 2) Lack of uniformity in bead 2.5 mm or less. width h) Lack of uniformity of leg 2.5 mm or less. length i) Unevenness of bead 2.0 mm or less. 3) Weld undercutting 0.8 mm or 1/4 thickness of thinner components Joined by butt weld, whichever is less. shall be ‘smooth finished) 4) Overlap 1.5 mm or less 1) Bead deflection 2.5 mm or less 1m) _Extemal weld reinforeement and internal weld protrusion (when backing rings are not used) shall be fused with and shall merge smoothly into the component surfaces. The height of the lesser projection of external wold reinforcement or internal weld protrusion from the adjacent base material surface shall not exceed the following limi ‘Wall thickness of thinner Weld reinforcement or internal weld protrusion ‘component joined by butt (mm) max, weld (mm) 64 and under 16 Over 6.4 -12,7 32 Over 12.7 -25.4 40 Over 25.4 48 a) ‘Throat thickness of fillet welds: ‘Nominal thickness of the thinner component x 0.7 or more. 0) —‘Flattening Flattening of a bend, as measured by difference between the nominal outside diameter and minimum or maximum diameter at any cross section shall not exceed 5 % of the nominal outside diameter of pipe. p) Reduction of wall thickness Reduction of wall thickness of a bend, as measured by difference between the ‘nominal thickness and minimum thickness shall not exceed 10 % of the nominal wall thickness of pipe, amelie 6000001F1 Rov 0 TART ConvigR I Agha evenedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No, eae SORA FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE 6-44-0016 Rev. 6 22 3.0 ad 32 TUR es koianaieers” EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS OF PIPING ego 60124 Welds having any of imperfections which exceed the limitations specified in various clauses of 2.1 shall be repaired by welding, grinding or overlaying etc. Number of times of repair welding for the same weld, however shall conform to applicable notes to Table 1-Note 6(6)b.5, NON DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION ‘The type and extent of weld examination shall be in accordance with Table-1. All visual ‘and supplementary methods of girth weld examination shall be in accordance with ASME B31.3 & the requirements of this standard specification. ‘Welds between dissimilar materials shall be examined by method & to the extent required for the material having the more stringent examination, FomatNo, 840000041 Re0 chem Sepa ELA ge arenSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. 22 AND FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE sSar pics SNOMED EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS Sra ee ine’ OF PIPING Page 7 of 21 ‘TABLE-1 (with applicable notes) TABLE |: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION INSPECTION CLASS: I PaPPLIGABLA) —TWPEOF "FPL OF WELD EXAMINED PIPING | EXAMINATION] CLASS lexrecony Bf up service fare ae fase b» lpevores.ea) REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE : 1, _LPTESTNOT APPLICABLE TO NON-MBTALLIC CLASSES 2 MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY If SPECIFIED IN PMS. Toma 0000011 Rev 0 as apa EL Aha oranSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. JENNER. FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE ede ORD EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS 44-0016 Rev. OF PIPING. Pago 621 TABLE 1: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: II ‘Envier PRICE WWEOF Walp ELAMINED, TATTACH Pat [Steer JpRaNcH jeu wren » 1A, AEA, ATA, > Hisuat esoiocrane [vores evar gore REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE: 1, BXTENTOF HARDNESS TEST FOR ALIA 1 100%. 2, _MITRES é FABRICATED REDUCERS ARB PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN PMS, Format No, 8.00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 1984 ‘Copyright EIL - Allrights reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No, JENGNEERS, see} FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE sarees PNOAUMIED pe xayINATION REQUIREMENTS 440016 Rev. § OF PIPING Page 90f2 ‘TABLE 1; CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: II Ae TVATOF WD ETD Bree |etass| Pirin | KXAMIAATION ‘cuss ne lane facet PeracHan— TERR liveuo [asenr [oRancn |wetos. jweiD pore |wnun jweLns jor jerore) I» Jvsuat l» Feroiconaney fi f= = lovoras) ym orm su [ean [ADA BA, STEEL (BR) joon [REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE: |. RORLIRR SERVICE ADA, 2A. O2ANOTE-81 ALSO APPLICABLE. 2. _-MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN PMS 3. FORASQA 8 ARSY FIRE WATER SERVICE, NOTE 1218 ALSO APPLICABLE. Format No, 6-00-0001 1 Rev. 0 [ass “Copyright EIL—Alldghte reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. si REOaaiin FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE 6-44.0016 Rev. 6 Greevene konami EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS. OF PIPING Page 100121 TABLE “LASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: Ill (CONTD.) TREC FS ER] CN | TEST TTS ROTTS ‘hore | mo roe] Cag] "rge” | mation mes] Goa Bi laa oer Fan — Barr wa [sun [eaicn [tos fino lecreapces wee" [or [Rote fares fous tt |puvomana. [e-osne Semes Graa” | 5 » leew fe fen fom fo Ic ose, on, oaeeris 3S, i eee sores bs Raoooranr we | | | how Eskoriows, TOTOMO| GO es aT aoe a |-05Mo | 3 a oe 5 = ie ton leewroer oa pm raw >, an Htuovass hore» ores jones {rore2 vena REMARKS FOR ANOVE TABLE: 1. rowumesenines xp. ti ao AMUCABLE 2. MITRES& FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY Wf SPECED VPS. Format No. €-00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 1984 ‘Gopyight Ei —Allighte reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. eSB ORR iio FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE 6-44-0016 Rev. 6 Wceees necasamany — EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS: OF PIPING Page $401 24 ‘TABLE 1; CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD,) INSPECTION CLASS: Ill (CONTD.) Tau] PRESS | APPLICABLA] ‘TVEOF WELD EXAMINED DECC] CLASS [PIPING | EXAMINATION best | CLASS ae [ener [ATTAGYAR. [FAB lburr fweud [atenr fora: [wets lweib [Korzajweuo |wecos. lor [nore |sarrees 7 ss 7 7 Tea a 8 ‘0 or ome froom ow ae nogramiy |'% f= |= 1308 [AIK ATI, BS) 10 lain Ae sn p, wow | pa 10 jiore7 [Nore REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE: 1. WoTe-7 FORSARDNESS IS HOT VALID FOR P.NOS. 8898, | 2. _MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN PMS, Forman, 800000171 Rov SF Coppi EL AT aSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. SIMS NA Rie _. FORNON desrructive eae ORAa EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS Geet: OF PIPING Page 120f2t TABLE |: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: II (CONTD.) Tir oF weLD HOMIE BOCKETATIACHT RAD ram, Loner [pRAwen |WeLos lore ajwain |weus lor \ecore » [srrees Inevuc) homme loxonza. leavony Formato 0900141 Rex 0 [Se apan ENG areneSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No, FORNON DESTRUCTIVE 440 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS __° 0440016 Rev. 6 OF PIPING Pago 9021 ‘TABLE 1: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: III (CONTD.) REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE : 1. _BXTENTOPHARDWESS TEST FOR CLASSES ASA ABSA 1S 10% & FOR CLASSES AIGA, BIEA, AISA RBIPAT 18 100% 2, MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN FMS, Format No, 8-00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 TSF ‘Copyright EiL—Allnights reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. ei SRR ee 6-44-0016 Rev.6 Seas enanmemse!” EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS OF PIPING. Page 14 0f 24 ‘TABLE 1: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: IV Tor TPE OF WELD EXAMINED. EXAMINATION na — Ta Japan jweios lweups. Jor \rore:» Jurrees JReuc) ly —orocnany sre. sa) [ores REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE 1. FORIBR SERVICE EDA & F2A NOTE. #18 ALSO APPLICABLE, 2, BRTENT OF HARDNESS TEST FOR CLASSES BSA, FSA 10%. 3, MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN FMS. Format No. 8-00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 FU? “Copyright E1L— Al rights reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. SSE NNER FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE 644-0 eae OR EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS. ee ee : ‘OF PIPING Pago 180124 ‘TABLE |: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: IV (CONTD.) TG, oar bac, Is cegrerE= joss) ra ce /MP eee joioreas.r04 [REMARKS FOR ABOVE TABLE: FORIDR SERVICE F2D NOTE 15 ALSO APPLICABLE. 2. MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN PMS, Format No, 8-00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 aay Copyright EN. —Allfghts reservedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONNo. FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE eae OR EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS caeanieinay 8 OF PIPING Page 160124 ‘TABLE 1: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: IV (CONTD.) ‘rericanee Tir OF WELD DAMNED PIPING a lcneni [ROCKET ATTACH TAR, jsuer |weun [scene iweb Te, BE eisai, 35, 0, [oes ese [SERVICES lsubrect ro [seven cveuc| lconorrions. IspacAL. Kserviees "ACEO, H, ‘Aust KPecraL. Iseevices jaincz. on, (eave) Jaursenvices [REMARKS FOR ABOVE. TABLE : 1. NOTE- FOR HARDNESS SNOT VALID FOR FNO9B, 2, EXTENT OP HARDNESS TEST FORCLASS DSA 10% & FOR CLASSES DIGA, DIVA, EIA FIDAITIS 10%, 3. _MITRES & FABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED IN PMS. ermal No 800007 Rov TT envi ELA ha vendSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE BBEREE OO NONUMIED exaMINATIONREQUIREMENTS 40016 Rev 6 OF PIPING Page 17 of 21 TABLE |: CLASS, TYPE & EXTENT OF WELD EXAMINATION (CONTD.) INSPECTION CLASS: IV (CONTD.) TA] RETR Tan] [PTY EF aaa Era nore | na| mass nme | exantATion neabal [GIRTH|SOCKET[ATTACHPAD. "[FAD. Jeri [ea fosanca} ats \woreafen |weeys or rs fc To IEEE cl Can DS aD OB aces — ATT w fserio formes ue ff jcovrofsvins (steae res l eseoons beeun, (0% free form ion fe eae bow fs — pa ene, all oa a " roorapay i |= r a ‘ae ae ba fone nore [nas eee [sioW TEMP. [300 ALL KSK |LP/MP (NOTE | pee eee bene ia mas an pa, feoreshore1 fore? fore? fuore? exes co re) peas REMARKS FOR ABOVE-TABLE: 1. MITRES & PABRICATED REDUCERS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SPECIFIED INPMS. Ferman 6000001 F1 Rav 0 Tas CopyraR EA goedsen! Theta Aoanmuwmys EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS STANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE 6440086 Rev.6 OF PIPING Page 18 0f21 Applicable Notes to Table-1 1 2 4, Branch welds shall consist of the welds between the pipe & reinforcing element (if any), nozzles & reinforcing element and the pipe & nozzle under the reinforcing element. Reinforcing element tobe interpreted as pads, saddles, weldolets, sockolets etc. Seal welds of threaded joints shall be given the same examination as socket welds, ‘Unless specifically stated, all materials shall be for "Non-IBR" service. Magnetic Particle & the Liquid Penetrant method of examination shall be in accordance with Section V of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Article VI and VI respectively. The entire area of the accessible finished weld surface shall be examined. Selected root runs, subject to « maximum of 10%, before finished weld, may also be examined, at the discretion of the engineer-in-charge. 8) Wherever MP / LP testing is specified, either MP or LP test may be used. But wherever only MP test is specified, LP method of examination may be used only if MP examination is impracticable in the field as concurred by BIL site-in charge. b) "Random 5%" of Liquid Penetrant / Magnetic Particle test shall mean testing, by applicable test, one weld for each twenty welds or less made by the same welding procedure. "Random 10%" shall mean testing, by applicable test, one weld for cach ten welds or less made by the same welding procedure. Similarly "Random 20%" shall mean testing, by applicable test, one weld for each five welds or less made by the same welding procedure. ©) When Liquid Penetrant examination is specified, the surface shall be free of pened discontinuities 4) Inspection shall be performed in the welds excluding those for which radiography has been done, ©) Girth weld, branch weld, attachment weld & socket weld of 3-1/2% Ni steel shall bbe Liquid Penetrant tested only when welded with austenitic material where MP test has been specified. Radiography: 8) "Random 5%, 10% or 20% radiography" shall mean examining not less than ofte from each 20 welds or less in case of "Random 5% radiography", 10 welds or less in case of "Random 10% radiography", one from each five welds or less in case of "Random 20% radiography" made by the same welding procedure. Irespective of percentage, no. of welds to be radiographed shall be minimum 1. However first two welds made by each welder shall also be radiographed in case of "Random radiography". Welds selected for examination shall not include flange welds and shall be radiographed for their entire length. However, where itis impossible or impracticable to examine the entire weld length of field welds for either random or 100% radiography, and if the same impossibility is agreeable to BIL site-in- charge, then a single 120 deg. exposure of the weld length may be given a Magnetic Particle test or Liquid Penetrant test. However in such cases for ferro-magnetic materials, only MP test shall be acceptable for classes higher than * 6008. b) _In-process examination shall not be substituted for any required radiographic examination, Formatne 60080071 Rex. 0 TTT Sea EIAs aonSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. aN. FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE egeees ORM EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS 440046 Rev.6 OF PIPING Pago 19 0f21 ©) Number of radiographs per one circumferential weld shall be as per ASME Sec.V Articles 2 and 22. 6 ‘When radiography or other non destructive inspection is specified, acceptance criteria for repairs or defects shall be as follows: a) In case of 100% examination, any unacceptable weld shall be repaired and reinspected. b) __Ifrequired random examination reveals a defect requiring reper, then: bl b2 b3 ba bs "b6 ‘Two additional examinations of same type shall be made of the same kind of item (if welded joint, then by the same welding procedure or operator cor both). If the group of items examined as required by b.1 above is acceptable, the items requiring repair shall be repaired_or replaced and reexamined as required and all items represented by this additional examination shall be accepted: If any of the items examined as required by b.1 above reveals a defect requiring repair, two further comparable items shall be examined for each defective item found by examination. If all the items examined as required by b.3 are acceptable, the items requiring repair shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined as required, and all items represented by this further examination shall be accepted, ‘Number of times repair welding could be done for the same weld before acceptance shall be as follows: Material No. of times repair welding is allowed CS, upto 300 # 3 orless CS, above 300 # 2 o less Killed steel 2 orless Low alloy stee! 2 orless Austenitic S.S, 2 or less 3.5 Nisteel 2 orless AL& Al base alloy 2 orless ‘Cu & Cu base alloy 2 or less Others 2 orless ‘Welds not found acceptable for allowed number of times of repair as per 'bS above shall be replaced and reexamined, Format No, 8-00-0001. Rev. 0 FAS Copyigh EL ~ Al ghiarasoredSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No. Se Ra FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE eedgees ORAM EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS) 44-0048 Rev. 6 ba 1. Hardness Test: 8) » 4) % 8) OF PIPING Pago 200124 If any of the items examined as required by b.4 above reveals a defect requiring repair, all items represented by these examinations shall be either: = repaired or replaced and reexamined as required. - fully examined and repaired or replaced as necessary, and reexamined as necessary. Hardness test shall be in accordance with ASTM specification E10. Hardness tests of the heat affected zone shall be made at a point as near as practicable to the edge of the weld. One test per weld shall be performed. Hardness test where specifically called out in Table-1 of this specification or in PMS, shall bo carried out irrespective of thickness and to the extent (Hage) as mentioned therein, All welds which are given heat treatment shall be hardness tested. Hardness test shall be performed after final heat treatment. A minimum of 10% of welds, hot bends, and hot formed components in each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those which are locally heat treated shall be hardness tested. Hardness test requirement not covered in this specification shall be as per ASME B31.3. ‘The hardness limit applies to the weld and heat affected zone. Following hardness values shall be maintained: Base Metal Group Maximum Hardness (BANC) cs 238BHN/RC22 CS (NACE), Caustic, 200BHN Amine, H2 Cr Upto 2% 225BHN Cr2.25%-10% 241BHN_ 18/8 SS (NACE) RC22 Jn caso hardness values aro mentioned in both Welding Specification Charts for Piping Classes, (6-77-0005) & table given in Note-7(f), the lower of the two values shall be applicable. 8 For IBR service lines, following IBR requirements shall apply in addition to the notes 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 and Table 1. In case of conflict between above notes and these requirements, the more stringent ones shall apply. IBR piping shall be erected of IBR inspector approved material and Format No, €-00-0001-F1 Rev. 0 (446 Copyight BIL ~ Al igh esarvedSTANDARD SPECIFICATION STANDARD SPECIFICATION No, Set HANA, FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE 6-44-0016 Rev. 6 10, 12, 13. 14, Tenors vmsneuann EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS ‘OF PIPING. Page 21 of 21 construction procedure, Erected piping shall be hydrotested, inspected and approved by IBR inspector. a) Piping over 102 mm (4") bore: 10% of welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a minimum of two welds per ‘welder, selected at random, shall be subjected to radiography, b) Piping 102 mm (4") bore and under, but not less than 38 mm (1-1/2") bore: ‘Two percent of welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a minimum of one weld per welder, selected at random, shall be subjected to radiography or may be cut for visual examination and tests. ©) Piping less than 38 mm (1.5") bore: Special tests are not normally required but 2% of welds by each welder on a pipe line may be cut out from the pipeline for the visual examination and bend tests. 4) Retests: any test specimen is unsatisfactory, two further weld specimens for retests shall be selected from the production welds and subjected to tests. In the event of failure of any retest specimens, the production welds carried out by this welder subsequent to the previous test shall be given special consideration. For fabricated fittings LP test shall be done on the final pass of welding only, in addition to visual examination. For mires and fabricated reducers, LP / MP test shall be done on root pass in addition to radiography applicable to circumferential joint of respective piping class. For branch connections, LP/MP test shall be done on root pass and final pass. 10% of the butt weld joints shall be radiographed, however, 50% of these butt weld joints shall be field weld joints. In addition to radiography, butt weld joints for A16A, BI6A and D16A classes shall be wet fluorescent magnetic particle tested. For lined specs, testing (MP/LP/Radiography ete.) shall be performed before lining. Salkeosotie aT Sa
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From Everand
Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1058)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
From Everand
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (275)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (814)
The Outsider: A Novel
From Everand
The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1953)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
From Everand
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (443)
Brooklyn: A Novel
From Everand
Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Toibin
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2029)
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (424)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
From Everand
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2272)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
From Everand
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4851)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (270)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (125)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1941)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4255)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2587)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (232)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4042)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2411)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
From Everand
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)