BZT - JOAM 2008 - High Voltage Meas
BZT - JOAM 2008 - High Voltage Meas
BZT - JOAM 2008 - High Voltage Meas
1894 - 1897
One of the most important nonlinear characteristic of ferroelectrics is the tunabilty, i.e. the variation of permittivity with the
applied field ε(E). The tunability properties of ceramic are rarely reported since very high voltages are needed for saturation.
However, this type of characterization for bulk material is necessary to give reference value for the films characteristics,
normally used in applications. A circuit to measure the tunability with a high accuracy was designed and realized. In the
present work, the experimental method is described. In addition, tunability data of BaZrxTi1-xO3 ceramics are shown and
2.2 High voltage measurements cell (HVMC) (G) with stabilized frequency is applied to the sample (P1)
by means of a separation capacitor (CS). A current
For the high measurement voltage measurements, a dependent on the ceramic sample capacity is flowing
few precautions have to be taken. A high voltage through the resistor (RM) connected to the (P2) contact;
measurements cell (HVMC) was realized (Fig. 1). The the voltage on this resistor is applied through a pass-band
ceramic sample under measurement (S) is usually a plan- filter (PBF) on a selective amplifier (SA). These two
parallel ceramic disk with diameter between 10÷20 mm blocks, strictly accorded to the frequency of the generator
and thickness in the range of (0.6÷3) mm. Ag, Au or Pt (G) realize such a signal/noise ratio favorable to correctly
electrodes (E) obtained by sputtering or deposited from measure the capacity in the conditions of ripple and noise
electrode paste, with thickness below 0.1 mm (E) are of the high-voltage generator (HT).
commonly used.
A circuit to measure the tunability was designed and The room temperature X-ray diffraction pattern
realized (Fig. 2). The high voltage source (HVS) is of the powder resulted after presintering at 1150°C/3 hours
commanded by a function generator (FG), amplified with shows the presence of a well crystallized perovskite major
a TREK 30/20A-H-CE amplifier (PE) is applied by means phase, with the BaTiO3 structure (Fig. 3(a)). A small
of a protection resistor (PR) aimed to limit the current amount of BaZrO3 was also identified as secondary phase
through the ceramic sample in case of breakdown of the at the detection limit proving that, in the first stage of the
ceramic sample. A sine wave produced by the generator thermal treatment, the two perovskite phases individually
1896 F. M. Tufescu, L. Curecheriu, A. Ianculescu, C.E. Ciomaga, L. Mitoseriu
form from the raw materials, according to equations (1) 3.2. DC-tunability data at room temperature
and (2).
Figure 5 shows the capacitance tuning curve for a
BaCO3 + TiO2 → BaTiO3 + CO2 ↑ (1) ceramic capacitor realized with the BZT ceramic described
BaCO3 + ZrO2 → BaZrO3 + CO2 ↑ (2) before. By comparison with other literature data [1], a very
smooth ε(V) curve was found, proving the reliability of the
The rise of the thermal treatment temperature leads to present system to accurately measure the high voltage
the isomorphic integration of the BaZrO3 in the BaTiO3 tenability of ferroelectric ceramics. For this capacitor, the
crystalline lattice (eq. 3), so that after sintering at zero voltage capacitance was about 194 pF but when a
1400°C/4 hours, a single phase composition corresponding voltage of ~11kV is applied, the capacitance decreases by
to the BaTi0.9Zr0.1O3 solid solution was obtained (Fig. about one half and tends to saturate. Thus, the present
3(b)): ceramic has a rather high tunability, related to its high
density and homogeneous microstructure, which might
0.9 BaTiO3 + 0.1 BaZrO3 → BaTi0.9Zr0.1O3; (3) find some important applications.
For example, when used as an element in a resonant
circuit, a reduction in capacitance by one half corresponds
P - BaTiO3ss
* - BaZrO3 to a resonant frequency shift of 42% and similarly a 3:1
P capacitance change corresponds to a frequency shift of
x = 0,10
over 70%. An important point to remember is that the
ferroelectric capacitor has a very small leakage current,
Intensity (a.u.)
1.0 BaZr0.10Ti0.90O3
Tunability: 1-ε(V)/ε(0)
4. Conclusions
Fig. 4. Surface SEM image of the Ba Zr0.10Ti0.90O3
ceramic sample obtained after sintering at 1450°C/4 hours. In the present work, a system to measure the high
voltage tenability characteristics of a ferroelectric ceramic
High-voltage tunability measurements of the BaZrxTi1-xO3 ferroelectric ceramics 1897
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The present work was performed in the frame of the Ceram. Soc. 88, 1455 (2005).
Romanian research grant CEEX-FEROCER (2006-2008).