P R2
P R2
P R2
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write only the letter.1.
It is done to check the correctness and verify the findings of the study.a.
In this type of research, the investigator tries to probe the significance of relationship between two or
more factors or characteristics.a.
Correlational b. Experimental c.
Ex-post facto
d. Survey8.
Feeling for today, military title and year level are examples of __________ variable.a.
The researcher defines who will benefit out of the findings of the study.a.
The purpose of this form is to examine the body of theory that has accumulated in regard to an issue,
concept, theory and phenomena.a.
Historical review b. Argumentative review c. Theoretical review d. Systematic review16.
Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for education and social science
research?a. APA b. MLA c. Chicago d. Harvard18.
Which of the following is not an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans?a.
Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completes.c.
Which is a set of principles to guide and assist researchers in deciding which goals are most important
and in reconciling conflicting valueswhen conducting research?a.
This refers to the overall plan and scheme for conducting the study.a.
You talk to the right people c. You ask the right questions to a number of people
You talk to the right number of people d. You ask the right questions and analyze tha data you get in the
right way
Examples of descriptive research designs are the following EXCEPTa.
This type of sampling is affected by drawing units at regular intervals from a list.a.
This is a generic term that researchers use for a measurement device like survey, test, questionnaires,
and more others.a. Instruments b. Procedure c. Methods d. Designs31.
Which kind of research is the collection and analysis of numerical data in order to explain, predict
and/or control a phenomenon?a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. Narrative d. Ethnographic36.
A list of behaviours, characteristics or other entities that the researcher is looking for.a.
Which is the most common and stable measure of central tendency that is commonly used by
researchers in analyzing the data gathered?a.
The process of summarizing data and displaying it in compact form for further analysis.a.
ended questions directly provide quantitative data based on the researcher’s predetermined response
Close-ended questions directly provide qualitative data in the participants own words.46.
Miss Dacon is writing her daily observations of a student and writes, without interpretation that the
student is not completing the class workand is constantly speaking out of turn. Which of the following
objectives does she appear to be using?a.
After reaching the method section of a quantitative research report, you should know
Which l
Which of these quantitative data gathering strategies is effective when the researcher needs to prepare
structured and unstructuredquestions?I.
The following are the key components of data analysis EXCEPT __________.a.
in studying
2Direction:Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encirclethe letter of
your answer
.1.What is the process of acquiring knowledge through a purposive, organized anddesigned program of
activities?a.Hypothesisc. Researchb.Inquiry d. Related Literature
4.Which of the following research designs is illustrated when a group of respondentsare randomly
selected to undergo a particular research-imposed treatment todetermine the effect of such treatment?
a.Correlation research designc. Experimental research designb.Descriptive research designd. Historical
research design
5.What methods of collecting data that obtains information through an oral exchangeof questions and
answers by the researcher and the respondents?a.Document methodc. Observation methodb.Interview
methodd. Questionnaire method
6.Which of the following is necessary in obtaining informed consent?a.A description of the purpose of
researchb.A description of the reliability and validity of test instrumentsc.A description of the statistical
analyses that will be carried out d.A list of publications that the researcher had in the last ten years
7.What research instruments consists of a series of questions (or the other types ofprompts) for the
purpose of gathering information from respondents?a.Bar graphc. Interviewb.Documents and
8.What is sample size?a.The result of sampling bias.b.It is the number of elements in the sample
set.c.Subset of population chosen to participate in the study.d.Tentative theory regarding the topic
under investigation.
9.In which of the following methods does not belong to the group?a.Interviewc.
Questionnaireb.Observationd. Survey
10.What do you call to the process of selecting samples from a target population?a.Cluster samplingc.
Sampling errorb.Probability samplingd. Sampling technique
11.What happens when a sampling bias happens?a.The response rate will be low.b.A sampling error
would occur.c.Nothing, everything will remain the same.d.All of the above.
12.In which of the following descriptions describe stratiied sampling technique?a.It is used when the
population is dispersed over a wide geographic region.b.The target population is divided into strata
according to certain predeinedcharacteristics.c.An improvement of the random sampling process when
a pre-selection system isin place to complete the randomness of selection process.d.None of the above.
15.Miss Generali is writing her daily observations of a student and writes, withoutinterpretation, that
the student is not completing the class work and is constantlyspeaking out of turn. Which of the
following objective does she appear to be using?a.Descriptionc. Explanationb.Prediction d. Exploration
17.Which is the most common and stable measure of central tendency that iscommonly used by the
researchers in analyzing the data gathered?a.Meanc. Modeb.Mediand. Variance
19.Find the sample size required for a population size of 1000 if an error of 0.05 istolerated.a.n=286c.
n=298b.n=287d. n=285
20.What theory, principle or model that the researcher chooses to guide him in theconduct of the
study?a.Qualitativec. Theoretical framework b.Quantitative d. Conceptual framework
24.What plan calls for the behavior of the sample to follow the behavior of thepopulation?
a.Experimental planc.Sampling planb.One-way pland. Two ways plan
25.When can we say that the research topic is good?a.It involves practices that may harm or affects
participants.b.It holds the researchers interest throughout the entire research.c.The topic is stated with
an effort to determine what should be done.d.It may not contribute to the improvement or
understanding of educationaltheory or practice.
26.How would quantitative research work?a.You talk to the right people.b.You talk to the right number
of people.c.You ask the right questions to a number of people.d.You ask the right questions and analyze
the data you get in the right way.
27.What is the goal of all scientiic endeavor?a.To compare sources of knowledgeb.To explain, predict
and/or control a phenomenon.c.To entail recognition and deinition of a problem.d.To collect dificult
data and make some conclusion
28.What is the most common used margin of error in standard research?a.0.01c. 0.1b.0.05d. 0.5
29.Get the sample size given the population 2000 and 0.05 margin of error.a.428c. 571b.570d. 763
30.How to cite an article of a single author in APA style?a.(Villalor, 2013)c. (J. Villalor, 2018)b.(Year
2013, Villalor)d. (Jude Villalor, 2018)
31.How do you describe literature review?a.It is an account of what has been published by other
researchers.b.It is systematics, explicit and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating
andsynthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced byresearchers.c.Both a
and b.d.Neither a nor b.
32.What research design make use of historical data to predict the behavior of avariable?a.Correlational
c. Experimentalb.Descriptived. Historical
33.What method of collecting data obtains information through an oral exchange ofquestions and
answers by the researcher and respondents?a.Document methodc. Observation methodb.Interview
methodd. Questionnaire method
34.What quantitative research design uses questionnaires and interview to gather dataabout a group of
people?a.Correlational c. Experimentalb.Descriptived. Historical
35.What is a conceptual framework?a.Those chosen that are known as the subject of the study.b.The
process of selecting samples from a given population.c.A tentative theory regarding the topic under
investigation.d.All of the above.
36.Epe and Lozano are known researchers of Catbalogan City, they conducted aninterview through
questionnaire as their primary strategy to collect data. Whatquantitative research design is manifested?
a.Correlationalc. Experimentalb.Descriptived. Historical
37.A research study entitled “The Effects of integrated care on quality of work innursing homes”, what
research design is best suited for that research?a.Causalc. Experimentalb.Correlationald. Historical
38.Which of the following does not belong to the group?a.Cluster Random Samplingb.Snowball Random
Samplingc.Stratiied Random Saplingd.Systematic Random Sampling
39.What is the sample size of; N=250 using a margin of error of 4%?a.177c. 178b.178.57d. 179
40.What is the sample size of; N=250 using a margin of error of 2%?a.226c. 227.27b.227d. 228
41.You as the researcher use secondary sources and a variety of documentaryevidence, such as; logs,
diaries, oficial records, visual recordings and many others.What research design is manifested?a.Causal
c. Experimentalb.Descriptive d. Historical
42.How to cite an article when two or more articles by authors with the same surnameare cited in the
same parenthesis?a.(E. Babon, 2018; J. Babon, 2017)b.(Babon & Babon, 2017, 2018)c.(Erica Babon and
Jade Babon, 2017, 2018)d.(E.B,2017 & J.B,2018)
46.What research design would you use in a business environment to quantify theeffect that a change to
its present operations will have future production levels toassist in the planning process?a.Causal c.
Experiment b.Correlationald. Historical
47.What method of collecting data wherein data is acquired on an actual situation andrecorded through
the direct observation by the researcher?a.Document methodc.Observation methodb.Interview
methodd. Questionnaire method
48.Researcher C primarily uses questionnaires and interviews to gather data about agroup of people as
his study. What quantitative research design is manifested?a.Causalc. Descriptiveb.Correlationald.
49.After getting the sample size. Thus, get the 35% of 286 for males and 65% forfemales. What is the
frequency of males and females respectively?a.186 and 100c. 156 and 130b.100 and 186d. 136 and 150
50.In which of the following deinitions best deines research?a.It is an important part of a study.b.The
quest for truth, information or knowledge through questioning.c.The acquisition of new knowledge
through a purposive, organized and designedprogram of activities.d.All of the above.
51.What methods of collecting data may be done face to face or through telephone andmobile phone?
a.Document methodc. Observation methodb.Interview methodd. Questionnaire method
52.A group of respondents are randomly selected to undergo a particular research-imposed treatment
to determine the effect of such treatment. What research designis illustrated?a.Causalc.
Experimentalb.Descriptived. Historical
54.How to cite an article with three to ive authors using APA style?a.(Gil, Sy and Lee, 2015)c. (Gil and
Lee, 2015)b.(Lee et.al., 2015)d.(2015, Gil et.al.)
55.In what research does statistical analysis heavily focused in making inal report?a.Ethnographic
studyc. Qualitative researchb.Phenomenological studyd.Quantitative research
56.In descriptive research, which of the following is considered in the questionnaires?a.Careful selection
of variablesb.Validation of the questionnairec.Well-deined criterion variablesd.Critical identiication of
extraneous variables
57.What type of inquiry where relations are established through the collection ofnumerical data which
are analyzed to derived generalization?a.Ex-post facto studyc. Quasi Researchb.Qualitative
Researchd.Quantitative Research
59.What research design is best suited to test the research question “Is constructivistteaching method
more effective for increasing students’ mathematics achievementthan traditional teaching method”?
a.Causal c. Historicalb.Experimentald. Survey
60.To test the hypothesis, “Listening to music lowers blood pressure levels”, whatquantitative research
design/s would you use?a.Experimentalc. Surveyb.Historicald. Both a and c
63.A research which involves the height and weight of the respondents where youcorrelate those
variables is an example of what research?a.Causal c. Experimentalb.Correlationald. Historical
64.In which of the following research samples is not an example of historical research?a.High school
graduation diplomas from the 1920s.b.Essays written by elementary school during the Civil
Warc.Attendee record form different school districts over a 40-years old periodd.Effect of romantic
relationships to the academic performance of the grade 12 ictstudents.
70.What is the rate of usable responses?a.Response ratec. Sampling errorb.Sampling biasd. Population