Account Closure Format
Account Closure Format
Account Closure Format
Account Number:
I/We wish to close my/our Savings Account and request ICICI Bank to transfer the closure proceeds
as below:
Transfer to ICICI Bank Account Number held in the name of:
Bank name:
Account Number:
Customer Declaration
I/We understand that at the time of Account closure:
In case the Account is dormant/inactive, it will be activated to process the closure request
There are no pending transactions, lien or ‘freeze’ in this Account
No transactions are to be initiated and no cheques should be issued
Access to all channels linked to this Account will be disabled
Existing Quantum Optima Accounts will be closed
All ATM/Debit Cards, unused cheques and Standing Instructions linked to this Account shall
be cancelled
All NACH/ECS/Auto-Debit mandates linked to this Account have been amended
If a Salary Account is closed, Employee Reimbursement Account (ERA), if any, will also be
Closure proceeds will be paid after deduction of bank charges, if applicable.
Customer signature(s):