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Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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A hybrid renewable-based solution to electricity and freshwater problems

in the off-grid Sundarbans region of India: Optimum sizing and
socio-enviro-economic evaluation
Dibyendu Roy a, *, 1, Rakibul Hassan b, 1, Barun K. Das b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, 711103, West Bengal, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Rajshahi, 6204, Bangladesh


Handling Editor: Zhen Leng Stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems have been proven as a promising pathway towards reliable and
sustainable electrification of remote rural off-grid communities. The present study proposes such a system for a
Keywords: location near the Indian part of the Sundarbans, an area rich in biodiversity and endangered species. The hybrid
Hybrid renewable energy system system comprises solar photovoltaic modules, wind turbine, biomass generators with an electrolyzer-fuel cell-
Cost of energy
based storage system and can potentially replace the current kerosene-based arrangements, which have a sig­
Excess energy
nificant damaging effect both on the surrounding ecosystem and the health of the residing population. The excess
Human health
Eco-system generation from the system is diverted to a reverse osmosis desalination system to meet the fresh water demands
Desalination of the community. The sizing optimization of the hybrid configurations, performed in the MATLAB environment
Multi-objective optimization using a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, minimizes the cost of energy ($/kWh) and the damage to
human health (DALYs) caused by the system while maintaining a demand supply reliability defined by the loss of
power supply probability index. The optimized systems are analyzed based on crucial socio-enviro-economic
indicators such as: cost of water ($/m3), lifecycle emission (kg CO2-eq/yr), carbon emission penalty ($/kg),
ecosystem damage (species⋅year), job creation, and human development index. The results indicate that the best
configuration has an energy cost of 0.1967 $/kWh with a water cost of 0.86 $/m3. With the least carbon emission
of 56,345 kg CO2-eq/yr, 7.89E-2 DALYs of damage to human health, and 4.47E-4 species⋅year damage to the
ecosystem, this system also imparts a positive effect on the community by creating 2.484 jobs and improving the
living standards of the people with a human development index value of 0.5885. Moreover, the proposed hybrid
system is able to mitigate 75,832 kg/yr of CO2 emissions, preserving the ecological quality of the region.

1. Introduction and distribution infrastructural facilities, and difficult-to-reach terrains

(Maisanam et al., 2021).
1.1. Background and literature review Renewable energy resources, which are abundant and environmen­
tally friendly, have the potential to provide affordable, sustainable, and
In today’s world, having access to clean water as well as affordable clean energy to address the problem of energy scarcity in remote areas
and sustainable energy is a basic requirement. However, global demand and climate change. However, because of their intermittent availability,
for freshwater and energy is increasing annually as a result of population energy systems based on a single renewable energy source are not reli­
growth, industrialization, and economic development. In countries such able (Hassan et al., 2022). The concept of a standalone hybrid renewable
as India, despite government efforts, some remote areas still lack access energy system (HRES) can be a promising alternative in remote areas,
to electricity or have inadequate access to electricity (Sarkar et al., particularly on remote islands where grid connection is practically
2019). There are numerous challenges in electrifying remote locations, impossible. HRES uses multiple energy sources, mostly renewable en­
such as long distances from the national grid, insufficient transmission ergy resources, and sometimes in conjunction with a grid to meet a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Roy).
These authors contributed equally.

Received 12 May 2022; Received in revised form 10 July 2022; Accepted 19 August 2022
Available online 26 August 2022
0959-6526/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

region’s electrical power demand. HRESs offer the benefit of depending parameters that should be addressed when modelling hybrid systems for
on multiple renewable resources to produce power, which overcomes long-term viability (Sawle et al., 2018). However, these indicators are
the unreliability of a single renewable energy resource yet maintaining often neglected, and only a few research publications have been found in
low greenhouse gas emissions (Baruah et al., 2021). which social indicators were taken into account. Khan et al. (2021)
In a typical HRES, diesel generators are commonly used to improve optimized a PV/WT/DG/BAT-based system using HOMER Pro software.
the reliability of the system. However, there are several issues with They took into account social elements such as the human development
diesel generators when they are used in HRES on remote areas. The index (HDI) and job creation (JC), as well as techno-economic and
primary challenges related with the use of diesel generators are fuel environmental parameters. Maqbool et al. (2020) investigated the social
supply, transportation costs, and environmental pollution. In this indicator JC as well as the economic metrics of a PV-Biomass-Grid-based
context, fuel cells can be alternatively applied in HRES as an environ­ optimum hybrid system based on locally accessible resources.
mentally sustainable solution if the necessary hydrogen is produced Dufo-López et al. (2016) employed a multi-objective evolutionary al­
through renewable sources (Rezaei et al., 2021). In addition, excess gorithm to optimize a PV/WT/DG/BAT system in order to minimize net
energy generated by the HRES can effectively be stored in a hydrogen present cost while maximizing HDI and JC. In the HRES-based in­
tank through an electrolyzer, thus avoiding the deployment of battery vestigations, only a few studies considered the aspects of damage to
storage, which has disposal issue. This is especially important in areas human health and the ecosystem. Kiehbadroudinezhad et al. (2022)
where the environment is endangered, such as the Sundarbans investigated the performance of a ROD plant integrated with a
mangrove area in West Bengal, India. Installation of fossil-based power stand-alone HRES and estimated the damage to human health and the
plants in this location may not be a good option, as traditional ecosystem caused by the diesel generator. A summary of recent HRES
coal-based power plants generate a lot of solid waste, uncontrolled based works are presented in Table 1.
ashes, heavy metals, and other harmful materials (Flues et al., 2013).
This could have a negative impact on the region’s biodiversity. As a 1.2. Bibliometric analysis
result, the installation of HRES appears to be a promising option in this
region. In addition to the aforementioned literature overview, the authors
Hybrid system optimization, on the other hand, is a critical issue that undertook a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software (VOS­
will require a lot of thought and research effort. The first and most viewer, 2022) to provide a comprehensive and data-driven graphical
important step in this direction is to undertake comprehensive techno- representation of how scientific research in the field of HRES design
economic studies in order to assess possible risks and trade-offs be­ works. It enables the authors to provide a perspective on the knowledge
tween design costs and energy production (Mytilinou and Kolios, 2019). base and research trends in the examined field.
Design and optimization of typical HRES is usually implemented using The Scopus database has been used to perform the bibliometric
software tool packages such as HOMER (Homer Energy,USA, 2022), analysis on 2000 relevant original research articles published in peer-
IHOGA/MHOGA (IHOGA/MHOGA, 2022), RETScreen (RETScreen, reviewed journals in the recent four years which were relevant to the
2022), etc. or popular metaheuristic techniques such as genetic algo­ scope of HRES. Fig. 1 shows the VOSviewer network visualization map
rithm (GA) (Nagapurkar and Smith, 2019), Non-dominated Sorting of the keyword “hybrid renewable energy system” by the authors in their
Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) (Deb et al., 2002), particle swarm opti­ title, abstract, or keywords by co-occurrence cluster.
mization (PSO) (Shahid et al., 2022), many-objective population
extremal optimization (MaOPEO) algorithm (Chen et al., 2019a), con­ 1.3. Observations and research contributions
strained multi-objective population extremal optimization (CMOPEO)
algorithm (Chen et al., 2019b) etc., According to the literature study and bibliometric analysis, the re­
The effort has been made by various researchers for the advancement searchers’ primary focus was on the techno-economic optimization of
of HRES technology in order to provide efficient and cost-effective HRES. Social indicators are frequently overlooked in techno-economic
electricity for community scale applications. In a recent study, multi- analyses, with just a few research articles mentioning them. According
criteria decision making (MCDM) based design optimization of an to the preceding discussion and to the best of the authors’ knowledge,
HRES integrating photovoltaic (PV), Wind Turbine (WT), Biogas optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system utilizing PV, WT,
generator (BG), Battery (BAT) and Hydro turbine (HT) was investigated ROD plant with fuel cell-electrolyzer based storage facility aimed for
by Ullah et al. (2021) for Ghulam Shah township, Pakistan. Gökçek electricity and freshwater production in an isolated place has not been
(2018) investigated an HRES integrating PV, WT, BAT, diesel generator investigated.
(DG), and reverse osmosis desalination (ROD) system in Bozcaada Is­ This paper proposes a novel integrated system that includes solar PV
land, Turkey, employing the HOMER Pro software to meet the electrical modules, a wind turbine, a biomass generator, and a ROD plant with a
demand and produce freshwater. The system’s levelized cost of water fuel cell-electrolyzer based storage facility for the remote off-grid Sun­
(LCOW) and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) were reported to be darbans region, West Bengal, India. The designed system is capable of
$2.20/m3 and 0.308 $/kWh, respectively. Kasaeian et al. (2019) providing electricity as well as fresh water for the region. The frame­
investigated an Iranian rural electrification system comprised of PV work of the present study is depicted in Fig. 2. The main contributions of
module, BG, and DG and determined that the optimal LCOE was 0.193 the present work are summarized below:
$/kWh. Das et al. (2022) used GA, PSO, and GA-PSO hybrid algorithms
to optimize a hybrid PV/WT/BAT/DG/ROD system for supplying elec­ • An integrated hybrid energy system entailing solar PV module, wind
tricity and freshwater on Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh. Vishnupriyan turbine, biomass generator, and a ROD plant with a fuel cell-
et al. (2021) conducted techno-economic and multi-criteria decision electrolyzer based storage facility is proposed and the system is
analysis of renewable energy-powered ROD plants aimed at Indian cit­ comprehensively evaluated based on crucial socio-environmental
ies. Murugaperumal and Vimal (2019) investigated the and economic indicators.
techno-economic feasibility of a bio-powered DG/WT/PV/BAT system • A detailed framework and energy management strategy have been
for rural electrification in India. The hybrid system’s optimal LCOE was developed to satisfy the freshwater and electricity demands, where
estimated to be 10.18 Rs/kWh. Rajanna and Saini (2016) studied a HRES water demand is mostly satisfied by utilizing the excess energy
comprised of PV/WT/HT/BG/BAT through GA optimization technique generated from the hybrid energy system.
for a remote area in India. The system provided LCOE of 0.089–0.108 • The study considers human health damage due to the GHG emissions
$/kWh along with excess energy production of 5.28–10.73%. from the hybrid energy system as one of the objective functions of the
Recent research has identified social indicators as important sizing optimization along with the cost of energy.

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

Table 1
Summary of recent HRES based works.
System structure Software/Tools used Location Load Type Consumption type Performance criteria Year Ref

PV/WT/BAT/DG/ HOMER, GA, PSO, GA- Kutubdia Island, Remote island Electrical, COE (0.234–0.265 2021 Das et al. (2022)
ROD PSO hybrid algorithms Bangladesh Freshwater $/kWh);
NPC ($ 871,880-$
EE (24,038–160,100
PV/FC/EL/DG/ HOMER Khorfakkancity, Urban Community Electrical LCOE (0.346 $/kWh), 2021 Salameh et al. (2021)
SC/BAT UAE RF (68.1%)
PV/WT/BG/BAT/ HOMER Leopard Beach, Rural Community Electrical COE (0.201–0.256 2020 Li et al. (2020)
Grid China $/kWh),
EE (26.6–36.3%),
NPC ($587,013-
PV/WT/BAT/DG/ HOMER Abo Ramad, Egypt ROD plant Freshwater COE (0.164 $/kWh), 2020 Elmaadawy et al.
ROD NPC ($3.12 M) (2020)
PV/DG/BAT/ROD HOMER Sinai Peninsula, ROD plant Freshwater COE (0.107 $/kWh), 2020 Atallah et al. (2020)
Egypt NPC ($502,662),
RF (93.1%)
PV/WT/DG/BAT/ HOMER Canary Islands, ROD plant Freshwater COE (0.404–0.478 2019 Padrón et al. (2019)
ROD Spain $/kWh),
RF (92–96%)
PV/DG/BAT/ROD HOMER Khorasan, Iran ROD plant Electrical, LCOE (0.3975–0.5975 2018 Wu et al. (2018)
Freshwater $/kWh),
CDWP (1.59–2.39
PV/WT/BAT TRNSYS, jEPlus + EA Hong Kong Residential building Electrical LCOE (0.1251–0.5252 2020 Liu et al. (2020)
PV/DG/BAT LoadProGen,NGSA-II Soroti, Uganda Rural area Electrical LCOE, NPV, MIRR 2020 Fioriti et al. (2020)
PV/WT/BG/BAT HOMER UK and Bulgaria Urban Communities Electrical LCOE (0.197–0.260 2019 Tiwary et al. (2019)
PV/WT/PHS/BAT PSO China Remote island Electrical COE (0.196–1.32 2021 Javed et al. (2021)
PV/WT/BAT/ HOMER Iran Academic Institution Electrical and LCOE (0.09 $/kWh) 2021 Eisapour et al. (2021)
PHS/MGT-CHP/ Thermal NPC (M$ 42.5)
PV/WT/BAT HOMER, MATLAB Saudi Arabia Residential house, Electrical LCOE (0.4263–0.5702 2021 Al-buraiki and
Vehicle $/kWh) Al-sharafi (2021)
NPC ($ 91,007-$
PV/WT/DG/BAT/ HOMER Egypt International airport Electrical, Heat, COE (0.0897–0.3683 2021 Elkadeem et al.
Boiler/MGT- and Freshwater $/kWh) (2021)
PV/DG/WT/BAT MATLAB Maldives Remote Island Electrical LCOE (0.12$/kWh) 2021 He et al. (2021)
PV/WT/BAT/DG EnergyPlus, MATLAB, Algeria Residential building Electrical COE (0.21–0.26 2021 Mokhtara et al.
PSO,ArcGIS $/kWh) (2021)
PV/WT/DG/BAT PSO, GOA, Yobe State, Nigeria Remote community Electrical COE (0.3656–0.3674 2020 Bukar et al. (2020)
CSA $/kWh)
PV/WT/BG/BAT HOMER Hassanabad,Iran Rural Community Electrical COE (0.128 $/kWh) 2020 Jahangir and
NPC ($904513) Cheraghi (2020)
PV/WT/BG/BAT HOMER Korkadu, India Rural Community Electrical COE (12.99–13.72 2020 Murugaperumal et al.
Rs./kWh) (2020)
NPC (1.18–1.26 Rs.in
PV/BAT/ROD/ HOMER Al Minya, Egypt Isolated region Electrical and COE (0.059$/kWh) 2019 Rezk et al. (2019)
BWS Freshwater
PV/WT/BAT HOMER Crete Island, Greece Seaport Electrical COE (0.08–0.241 2021 Sifakis et al. (2021)
PV/WT/BG/Grid HOMER Kallar Kahar, Rural Community Electrical COE (0.0525–0.0713 2018 Ahmad et al. (2018)
Pakistan $/kWh),
NPC (M$ 166.35- M$
PV/BG/PHS/BAT HOMER, WCA, MFO India Radio transmitter Electrical LCOE (0.4864–0.4865 2019 Das et al. (2019)
station $/kWh)
PV/WT/DG/BAT/ HOMER Iran Urban Community Electrical, Heating, COE (0.32–0.345 2019 Akhtari and Baneshi
EL Hydrogen $/kWh) (2019)
PV/WT/FC/EL NSGA-II, CRITIC China Urban city Electrical/ LCOE (0.226 $/kWh) 2020 Xu et al. (2020)
Hydrogen LPSP (4.01%)
PAR (2.15%)
PV/WT/DG/FC/ HOMER Turkey Vacation homes and Electrical/ COE (0.282–0.743 2018 Duman and Güler
EL/BAT small market place Hydrogen $/kWh) (2018)
PV/WT/BAT/TLC HOMER, GA Australia Community Electrical/Heating COE (0.226 $/kWh) 2021 Das et al. (2021a)
NPC (1,243,383 $)

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

*BG: Biogas Generator, BWP: brackish water pumping, CRITIC: Criteria Importance Though Intercriteria Correlation, CSA:cuckoo search algorithm; EL: Electrolyzer,
GOA: Grasshopper optimization algorithm; LPSP:Loss of power supply possibility, MIRR: Modified internal rate of return, MFO:Moth flame optimization, PAR: Power
abandonment rate, PSO: particle swarm optimization,SC: Super capacitor, WCA:Water-cycle algorithm.

Fig. 1. VOSviewer network visualization map of the keyword “hybrid renewable energy system” by the authors in their title, abstract, or keywords by co-
occurrence cluster.

• Key performance indicators such as reliability, lifecycle CO2 emis­ 2.2. Renewable resources
sions, job creation, problem associated with the ecosystem due to the
GHG emissions, human development index, etc. have been exten­ The selected study location is abundant in renewable energy sources.
sively investigated. The solar irradiation and wind speed statistics for the study location
were obtained from the NASA database using the HOMER software. The
2. Case study time series data of the solar irradiation of the targeted location is pro­
vided in Fig. 4.
2.1. Geographical and socio-economic information Fig. 5 shows the wind speed data for the location. The annual average
wind speed in the area is around 3.01 m/s. The study location is also
The location selected for the analysis is Mousuni island, West Bengal, abundant with local biomass.
India (21.6624◦ N, 88.2023◦ E). The island is approximately 28 km2 in
size and it is a part of the Sundarbans region. More than 20% of the 2.3. Load assessments
population of Mousuni in the Sundarban region is socially backward
(Samanta et al., 2017). Approximately 68.15% of the population lives in Table 2 shows the daily load requirement of the community in the
poverty, with an income of less than $1.25 per day, and only 2.15% of selected location. Here in this study, 250 households, 2 schools, street­
individuals work in the organised sector (Samanta et al., 2017). People lights, 1 primary health center, 20 small shops, 1 post office, and 2
in Mousuni make their living mostly through farming and fishing. business centers are considered. For the summer and winter seasons, the
However, the tourism industry on Mousuni Island is flourishing due to total daily community load demand is 1992.23 kWh/day and 1535.43
its scenic beauty. Lately, it has become a popular tourist attraction, and kWh/day, respectively.
many small-scale businesses with resorts and campgrounds have sprung The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies that around 20 L of
up. Fig. 3 shows the location of the investigated area. This mangrove freshwater per day is required for every person (Ibrahim et al., 2020).
area and its ecosystems contribute numerous social, economic, and Therefore, for the 1500 people, approximately 30 m3 of daily freshwater
environmental benefits through fishing, tourism, wood, and non-wood is needed for the study area. Moreover, a ROD system with the capacity
products. However, its biodiversity and ecosystem are under threat of 1 m3 of daily freshwater production requires 4.38 kWh electric energy
due to numerous reasons including industrial pollution, overuse of forest (Ibrahim et al., 2020), hence the total electrical energy of 131.4
resources, oil spillage, increased salinity level, and sea-level rise etc. kWh/day is needed to desalinate for the study area. The monthly
(Paul, 2017). Therefore, it is paramount to establish a renewable-based average load profile of the study is shown in Fig. 6.
energy system for the electrification of the study area.

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

Fig. 2. Methodological framework of the present study.

Fig. 3. Location of the investigated area.

3. Proposed hybrid system plant which caters to the community need of drinking water. Any sur­
plus energy, after meeting the electricity demand of the community and
The proposed hybrid renewable energy system is formed integrating the desalination system, is converted to hydrogen via an electrolyzer and
solar photovoltaic modules and wind turbine generators as the primary stored. A proton exchange membrane fuel cell facilitates conversion of
energy sources with biomass generator as the backup. The system- the stored hydrogen back to electrical energy to compensate for the
generated excess energy is directed to a reverse osmosis desalination deficiency in demands when that occurs. Energy excess to the storage

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

1200 capacity is dumped via a resistance heater. A bidirectional inverter is

exploited for the conversion of alternating current to direct current and
vice-versa. A conceptual diagram of the proposed system is presented in
Solar irradiation (W/m2)

800 Fig. 7.

3.1. Mathematical modelling


200 Wind Turbine: The output power generated by the wind turbine can
be determined as follows (Chedid et al., 1998):
0 876 1752 2628 3504 4380 5256 6132 7008 7884 8760 ⎧ ⎫
Time step (h) ⎪
⎪ 0; V ≤ Vcut,in ⎪

⎨ 3 ⎬
a*V − b*Wrated ; Vcut,in ≤ V ≤ Vrated
WWT = (1)
Fig. 4. Time series data for solar irradiation for the study area. ⎪
⎪ W ; V ≤ V ≤ V ⎪

⎩ rated rated cut,off

0; V > Vcut,off

2400 where,
Wind distribution


Electric load (kW)




0 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Wind speed (m/s) 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Fig. 5. Frequency of wind speed for the study area. Fig. 6. Monthly average electric load data for the study area.

Table 2
Estimation of load requirement for the study area.
Summer (Mar–Oct) Winter (Nov–Feb)

Rating(W) No. of use Operation time (h) Wh/day Operation time (h) Wh/day

(i) House demand

Fan 70 2 7 980 0 0
CFL bulb 25 4 7 700 8 800
TV 100 1 6 600 6 600
Refrigerator 150 1 24 3600 24 3600
Mobile charger 6 2 3 36 3 36
Water Pump 746 1 1 746 1 746
Total (for 1 house) 6662 5782

Demand for 250 houses(kW/day) 1665.5 1445.5

(ii) School demand
Fan 70 10 7 4900 0 0
CFL bulb 25 15 8 3000 8 3000
Computer 100 1 8 800 8 800
Water Pump 746 1 1 746 1 746
Total for 1 school 9446 4546

Demand for 2 schools(kWh/day) 18.892 9.092

(iii) Primary Health Center
Fan 70 10 10 7000 0 0
CFL bulb 25 20 12 6000 12 6000
Computer 100 2 12 2400 12 2400
Water Pump 746 1 3 2238 3 2238
Refrigerator 150 2 24 7200 24 7200
Total (for 1 centre) 24838 17838

Demand for 1center (kWh/day) 24.838 17.838

(iv) Business center (2) + small shop (20) + Post office (1)
Fan 20 600 10 120000 0 0
CFL bulb 25 600 7 105000 7 105000
Computer 10 100 10 10000 10 10000
Refrigerator 10 100 24 24000 24 24000
TV 5 100 8 4000 8 4000
Total (Wh/day) 263000 143000

Total (kWh/day) 263 143

(v) Street lights
CFL bulb (Wh/day) 25 100 8 20000 8 20000
Demand in kWh/day 20 20
Grand total load demand (i + ii + iii + iv + v) (kWh/day) 1992.23 1535.43

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

Fig. 7. Proposed hybrid energy system architecture for supplying electricity and water.

Wrated Inverter: A bidirectional inverter enables the conversion of power

a= (2)
Vrated 3
− Vcut,in from DC to AC and vice versa. The output power Pout (t) at the load side
after conversion can be determined by the following equation (Das et al.,
Vcut,in 2021b):
b= 3 3
− Vcut,in Pout (t) = ηinv × Pin (t) (7)
In the above equations, Wrated (kW) is related to the rated power,
Vcut,in (m/s) refers to the cut-in wind velocity, Vrated (m/s) corresponding where Pin (t) and ηinv refers to the input power at any time and the
to the rated wind velocity, and Vcut,off (m/s) belongs to the cut-off wind inverter efficiency, respectively.
Electrolyzer: The electrical energy sent to electrolyzer at any time
velocity. The actual electrical power developed by the wind turbine can
step can be determined as follows:
be estimated as follows (Chedid et al., 1998):
EElectrolyzer (t) = [EPV (t) + EWT (t) − (EElec (t) + ERO (t))] × ηinv (8)
We,WT = WWT *Asw *ηw (4)
The electrical energy is converted to hydrogen in electrolyzer and the
where, total swept area and efficiency of wind turbine are denoted by hourly hydrogen generation, HElectrolyzer (kg), can be determined as fol­
Asw and ηw , respectively. lows (Ceylan and Devrim, 2021):
PV module: The output power from the photovoltaic module can be
determined as follows (Mousavi et al., 2021): HElectrolyzer (t) = 1.43 × 10− 3 + 2.39 × 10− 2 EElectrolyzer (t) − 4.32
( )
IT × 10− 5 EElectrolyzer
(t) (9)
WPV = YPV × fPV × [1 + μ(Tc − Ts )] (5)
IS Fuel Cell: Fuel cell supplies necessary electrical energy during
deficiency conditions. The energy requirement from FC is determined as
where, YPV is the rated power of the PV module, fPV is the derating follows:
factor, IT is related to the solar irradiation incident, IS is the solar irra­
diation at the standard test conditions, μ is the temperature coefficient, [EElec (t) + ERO (t) − (EPV (t) + EWT (t))]
EFC (t) = (10)
Tc is the cell temperature, and Ts is the cell temperature at standard ηinv
The quantity of hydrogen required to be converted by the FC, HFC
The cell temperature can be estimated as follows (Mandal et al.,
(kg), to supply the aforementioned energy deficit is determined by the
following equation (Gharibi and Askarzadeh, 2019):
( ) (
Tc,NOCT − Ta,NOCT η )
Tc = Ta + IT × 1 − PV (6) EFC (t)
IT,NOCT 0.9 HFC (t) = (11)
where, Tc,NOCT , Ta,NOCT , and IT,NOCT denote nominal operating cell tem­
where, ηFC and HHVH2 are fuel cell electrical efficiency (50%) and the
perature (NOCT), NOCT at the ambient temperature, and solar irradia­
higher heating value of hydrogen (37.8 kWh/kg), respectively (Gharibi
tion at NOCT, respectively and ηPV refers to the PV panel efficiency.

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

and Askarzadeh, 2019). Biomass generator: Yearly electricity generator from biomass
Hydrogen storage: At any timestep when total production exceeds generator can be estimated as follows (Baruah et al., 2021):
the demand, the hydrogen storage stores any surplus energy converted
EBG = PBG × CF × 8760 (14)
by the electrolyzer governed by the following equation:
HHS (t) = HHS (t − 1) + HElectrolyzer (t) (12) where, PBG and CF denote the rating of biomass generator and the ca­
pacity utilization factor, respectively.
where, HHS (t) and HHS (t − 1) are the total quantity (kg) of hydrogen The highest rating from the biomass generator can be estimated as
stored in the storage at time step t and (t − 1) . follows:
At deficit conditions, stored hydrogen is converted to electrical en­
BGtotal × 1000 × CVBG × ηBG
ergy. At such a condition, the hydrogen stored in the storage is deter­ PBG = (15)
365 × 865 × H
mined as follows:
HHS (t) = HHS (t − 1) − HFC (t) (13) where, BGtotal is the total amount of available biomass, CVBG denotes
calorific value of the biomass, and ηBG is the efficiency of converting
where, HFC (kg) is the quantity of hydrogen taken from the storage and biomass to electricity and H represents hours of operation.
converted to electricity.

Fig. 8. Energy management strategy of the hybrid energy system for meeting electricity and water. Background colour notation: Red-ENet(t) < 0, Purple- ENet(t) > 0,
Green- ENet(t) = 0.

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

3.2. Energy management strategy

Cfuel = Pfuel *Ffuel (21)
The control algorithm governing HRES operation is described in k=1 (1 + i)k
Fig. 8. Using the input parameters comprising load demands of electric
The cost associated with the RO can be obtained as follows (Maleki,
and water along with renewables and temperature data, the control
algorithm determines the demand-generation status and controls the
storage strategies as follows: TCRO = CRO + O&MRO + CWTa + CMR + CChem (22)

• Renewable energy generation is higher than the demand, ENet(t) where CRO, O&MRO, CMR, and CChem are the capital cost, O&M cost,
>0: In this scenario (indicated in purple background in Fig. 8), membrane replacement cost, chemical cost of the RO system, and CWTa
electric demand is fully served and some energy is found as excess is the capital cost of the freshwater tank, respectively.
(EExcess(t) = ENet(t)-EElec(t)). With excess energy sufficient to meet Cost of Energy: The COE is the indicator of the economic viability of
the entire RO demand (EExcess(t) >ERO(t)), the RO demand is met and a hybridized project and is determined from Equation (23), whereby
rest of the surplus energy is used to produce hydrogen via electrolysis NPC is the total net present cost of the hybrid components, Es is the
process and is stored in the H2 tank at its highest capacity. For annual load served, and CRF (i, L) is the capital recovery factor.
insufficient excess energy situation, the stored hydrogen is dis­ NPC × CRF(i, L)
charged and via fuel cell operation, rest of RO demand is met. In any Min COE = ∑8760 (23)
t=1 ES
case, when the highest H2 storage capacity is reached and all the
demand is met, the remaining excess energy is dumped via resistance The value of CRF(i, L) depends on the real annual interest rate (i) and
heater. the project lifetime (L), and is determined by Equation (24).
• Renewable energy generation is equal to demand, ENet(t) ¼ 0: In
the scenario (indicated in green background in Fig. 8), renewable i(1 + i)L
CRF(i, L) = (24)
production meets both the electrical and water demands where the (1 + i)L − 1
later, in particular, is supported by the stored hydrogen via fuel cell. The cost and technical details of all the components of the HRES have
• Renewable energy generation is less than the demand, ENet(t) been reported in Appendix (Table A1).
<0: In this scenario (indicated in red background in Fig. 8), hydrogen Lifecycle emission: The life cycle emissions over the year of the
fuel cell meets the shortage of electrical demand by discharging the HRES can be determined by the following Equation (25) (Das et al.,
H2 tank. However, in any case when the deficit exists, the biomass 2017).
gasifier delivers energy to satisfy demand given the condition of the
load demand is the 30% of rated power or more. Any load demand ∑∑
LCE = ψ m Em,i , m ∈ {PV, WT, BG, FC, Electrolyzer, INV, ROD}
below this threshold is termed as unmet load. m i=1

3.3. Indicators of HRES performance
where, ψ refers to the lifetime equivalent CO2 emissions and E refers to
Net Present Cost: The NPC can be calculated from Equation (16) the amount of energy stored (via FC and electrolyzer) or converted (by
(Kaabeche and Bakelli, 2019): PV module, wind turbine, biomass generator, and inverter) while
NPC = Ccap + CO&M + Crep − Csalvage (16) meeting the load demand over the period of T (8760 h).
Damage to human health and ecosystem: The CO2 emission
The capital cost (Ccap ), operation and maintenance cost (CO&M ), caused by the system components will have certain contribution in
replacement cost (Crep ), and the salvage value (Csal ) for each component elevating the global mean temperature, the effect of which will cause
can be determined using following equations. adverse effect on the ecosystem and human health (Shi et al., 2022). The
damage to human health (HHD) is quantified by disability adjusted life
Ccap = Ncomp *Ccap,comp (17)
years (DALYs), which represents the years of life lost due to premature
Nrep− mortality, or years of healthy life lost due to disability (WHO, 2013). The
∑ comp

Crep = Ncomp *Crep,comp

(18) unit for measuring ecosystem damage (ESD) is species⋅yr which is
j=1 (1 + i)Lcomp *j defined as the total loss of local species integrated over a year. In this
study, the human health and ecosystem damage factors have been

1 considered as 1.40E-06 DALY/kg CO2-eq and 7.93E-09 species⋅yr/kg
CO&M = Ncomp *Co&m,comp (19)
k=1 (1 + i)k CO2-eq (Huijbregts et al., 2017),respectively.
Human development index (HDI): Human development index
( )
Rrem,comp 1 (HDI) represents the socioeconomic development of people in general. It
Csal = Crep,comp * (20) may also be seen in the energy usage patterns of communities in a
Lcomp (1 + i)Lcomp
certain area (Sawle et al., 2018). Here, it is considered that the annual
excess energy can be used by local small enterprises, which may improve
where Ncomp is the number of optimal hybrid system components, and
the standard of life and hence the HDI. The HDI can be estimated by the
Ccap, comp is the capital price of the component, Crep, comp is the
following relation (Maqbool et al., 2020).
replacement cost of the component at the termination of its lifetime,
[( ( ))]
Nrep-comp is the number of replacements of a component during its life­ Eload + min fex,max ⋅Eex , fload,max ⋅Eload
time, Rrem, comp is the remaining lifetime of the component, Lcomp is the HDI = 0.0978 ln − 0.0319 (26)
Number of people
component lifetime, Co&m,comp is the operation and maintenance cost of
the component, and k is the index for project lifetime. where, Eload and Eex represent annual AC load and annual excess energy
For the biomass gasifier generator, the cost of the fuel can be of the system. The values of factors fex,max and fload,max are considered as
determined by Equation (21), whereby Pfuel is the fuel cost ($/L), and 0.2 and 0.5, respectively (Maqbool et al., 2020).
Ffuel is the annual fuel consumed (L/year). Job creation (JC) factor: The job creation (JC) factor refers to the
process of creating new jobs, which aids in the reduction of unemploy­
ment in a certain location. The job creation (JC) factor is estimated by

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

the following relation. Energy balance constraints: The total energy generation from all
the system components in an hour must be equal or greater than the
hourly load demand.
EPV (t) + EWT (t) + EBG (t) + EFC (t) − EElectrolyzer (t) = EL (t) + EExcess (t) (30)
EPV EWT , and EBG are the energy generation from PV, WT, and BG
where, JCPV , JCWT , JCBG JCFC , and JCROD are the number of jobs per MW where,EFC and EElectrolyzer are the electrical energy supplied and stored
of PV energy, number of jobs per MW of the wind turbines, number of while meeting the total electrical demand EL (t) at that hour.
jobs per MW of the biomass generator, number of jobs per MW of the fuel Energy storage capacity constraints: The hydrogen storage ca­
cells and jobs created by ROD plant per m3 of water demand, respec­ pacity in the system is governed by the following constraint:
tively. The major input parameters required for estimating JC factor are
provided at Table 3. HHS,min < HHS (t) < HHS,max (31)

where, HHS,min and HHS,max are the minimum and maximum capacity
4. Optimization framework
(kg) of the hydrogen energy storage.
Reliability constraints: The reliability of the HRES is assessed using
4.1. Objective functions
the loss of power supply probability (LPSP), a widely accepted reliability
index, which refers to the probability of the system’s failure to satisfy the
The study considers minimization of the COE and the human health
load demand over a period of one year. The LPSP is determined using
damage (HHD) while supplying both electric and fresh water demands
Equation (32)(Das et al., 2017).
under specific load reliability (LPSP = 1 ± 0.5) in the development of
optimization as follows: t=1 LPSP(t)
LPSP = ∑ T (32)
F = min{COE, HHD} (28) t=1 EL (t)

The COE is a widely used economic indicator to determine the LPSP is calculated at the worst-case scenario of power supply when
optimal sizing of hybrid energy system configurations with greater the renewable, supplementary and the storage systems fail to generate
transparency (Elkadeem et al., 2021) and has received pronounced or supply any power to meet the demand. It can be found over the period
acceptance amongst the investors. On the other hand, lifecycle GHG of T (8760 h) using Equation (33).
emissions is an important parameter for determining the environmental ∑
T ∑
( [ ] )
suitability of the hybrid energy system implementation leading to an LPSP(t) = EL (t) − EGen (t) + EFC,max (t) × ηinv (33)
overall sustainable development. However, quantification of GHG t=1 t=1

emissions alone cannot adequately reflect the consequences for the The system reliability constraint is then expressed as:
common people, particularly those living in the rural areas. Therefore,
the study considers minimizing human health damage as one the LPSP ≤ LPSPDesired (34)
objective functions of optimizing the proposed hybrid renewable sys­
where, LPSPDesired refers to the required reliability of the system and is
tems to increase the acceptance of these system amongst general public
considered as 1 ± 0.5% for this study.
by addressing the concern of their well-being. Such consideration will
also help raise social awareness about the environmental soundness and
health implications of the present means of utilities. 4.3. Optimization algorithm

NSGA-II is the multi-objective variant of the genetic algorithm, a

4.2. Constraints
widely known and utilized evolutionary algorithm, which features an
elitist strategy that allows more rapid sorting of the non-dominated
Range of decision variables: The decision variables are the number
solutions than most of its counterparts. Along with better conver­
of system components for optimizing the size of the HRES. In the process
gence, NSGA-II maintains a diverse spread of solutions on the Pareto-
of optimization, the solution space is subjected to predefined upper and
optimal front. The multi-objective GA has higher effectiveness in
lower ranges to achieve the efficient computation as follows:
finding global optima of objective functions than other types of opti­
Nm,min ≤ Nm ≤ Nm,max , m ∈ ( PV, WT, BG, FC, Inv, H2 Tank, Electrolyzer) mization tools like PSO along with the capability of handling larger
(29) numbers of parameters (Erdinc and Uzunoglu, 2012). The details of the
algorithm can be found in (Deb et al., 2002). In this research, a sensi­
where Nm represents the number of a system component of m, and Nm,min tivity analysis has been carried out to determine the different optimi­
and Nm,max refer to the minimum and maximum number of system zation parameters and these are adopted according to the outcomes as
component of m, respectively. The upper and lower bounds are used to illustrated in Table 4.
limit the solution space to reduce the processing time. This is determined
at an early stage of optimization after running the process on a trial-and-
4.4. Determination of final solution
error basis.

A set of non-dominant solution on the Pareto front is found from the

Table 3
multi-objective solution, therefore, a decision-making technique is
Major input parameters for JC factor estimation (Das et al., 2022;
Dufo-López et al., 2016; Sawle et al., 2018).
Table 4
Components Factors
NSGA-II optimization parameters.
PV module 2.7 jobs/MW
Optimization Parameters Value
Wind turbine 1.1 jobs/MW
Biomass power generation 1.64 jobs/MW Population size 500
Inverter 0 Maximum generation 500
Fuel cell 1.2 jobs/MW Crossover rate (SBX crossover) 0.9
ROD plant 0.056 jobs/m3 Mutation rate (Poly mutation) 0.1

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

required to find the best possible solution (trade-off) on the Pareto front. 0.084
In this study, fuzzy decision-making process is used to choose the
optimal solution from the Pareto front. The fuzzy membership value of

Human health damage (DALY)

the jth objective function is calculated as follows (Biswas et al., 2018), 0.082

whereby Fjmax and Fjmin is the maximum and minimum fitness value of the
jth objective function. 0.080

⎪ 1 for Fj ≤ Fjmin

⎨ F − Fj
χj = max min for Fjmin < Fj < Fjmax

⎪ Fj − Fj

⎩0 for F ≥ Fmax j j 0.076

The normalized membership function, χ k for each non-dominant

solution is defined as (Brka et al., 2015): 0.074
∑Nobj k 0.180 0.190 0.200 0.210 0.220 0.230 0.240 0.250 0.260
χj COE ($/kWh)
k i=1
χ = ∑M ∑Nobj
χ kj
Fig. 9. Pareto front for PV/WT/BG/FC-based HRES. The red box indicates
k=1 j=1

optimal solution using Fuzzy decision-making process.

where M and Nobj are the non-dominated solutions and the objective
function number, respectively and final solution is achieved from the
normalized membership functions with the maximum χ k value. 160 Dumped energy (a)
140 Electrolyzer
5. Results and discussion BG
Power (kW) 80 PV
This study considers optimization of hybrid renewable systems 60 Electric demand
comprising PV, WT, BG, FC, electrolyzer, and hydrogen storage for 40 RO demand

simultaneous supply of electricity and potable water to a remote area 20

adjacent to the Sundarbans. To understand the effect of hybridization on 0

the KPIs, three different hybrid scenarios have been studied. The opti­ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
mized outcomes of these systems are summarized in Table 5. A multi- -60 Hours
objective genetic algorithm or NSGA-II gives a well-defined Pareto
optimal solution as reported in Fig. 9 and final solution is determined (b)
using fuzzy decision-making process. 200

Power (kW)

5.1. Technical performance 50

5.1.1. System sizing and energy balance
Fig. 10 represents the energy interaction scenario for the three 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

hybrid systems in a typical day. As it can be observed, middle part of the -100 Hours

day exhibits high volume of renewable production exceeding the de­ 1000
mand, the larger share of which comes from PV due to the higher solar 800
potential of the area. BG-integrated systems receive a substantial
contribution from this non-renewable source as it covers the peak de­
Power (kW)

mands incurred throughout the night and the earlier parts of the day
when there is little or, no renewable production. This is also reflected in 200

the annual energy production scenario (Table 5) as BG shares around 0

50–55% of total production in these two systems (PV/WT/BG/FC and -200

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Table 5 -600 Hours

Summary results of the optimized HRES.
Fig. 10. Power interaction scenario for (a) PV/WT/BG/FC (b) PV/BG/FC and
(c) PV/WT/FC system in a typical day. Positive Y-axis indicates production and
PV module (kW) 170 300 811 supply while negative axis direction indicates storage and disposal of addi­
Wind turbine (kW) 90 – 910 tional production.
Biomass generator (kW) 150 150 –
FC (kW) 30 38 226
H2 tank (kg) 24 36 1068 PV/BG/FC). Exclusion of BG from the system (PV/WT/FC) radically
H2 Electrolyzer (kW) 42 120 264 increases the size of all the components, leading to a subsequent jump in
Converter (kW) 130 150 815 the excess energy production as evident from Fig. 10 (b). For all the
PV energy (kWh/yr) 264,956 467,240 1,263,637
Wind energy (kWh/yr) 152,176 – 1,538,671
systems, recourse to FC can be observed especially for meeting RO de­
Biomass energy (kWh/yr) 506,112 462,202 – mands at night-time, at the later part of the day with a demand sur­
Excess energy (kWh/yr) 49,960 14,061 1,392,700 passing renewable production, and when the BG’s start-up threshold is
Total Electric Demand (kWh/yr) 803,547 803,547 803,547 more than the demand itself. With no BG to back-up, night-time energy
Total RO demand (kWh/yr) 39,967 39,967 39,967
supply become FC-oriented, leading to a large overall increase in the size
Unmet electric demand (kWh) 4919 7518 8252
Unmet RO demand (kWh) 625 1123 323 of this component as well. Absence of wind turbines in the system causes

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

around 43.33% increase in the PV size with unchanged BG size to meet

the demand, but reduces excess energy production by 72%. On the other
hand, integrating wind turbines scales down the sizes of FC, H2 tank, and
electrolyzer by 21.05%, 33.33% and 65%, respectively.

5.1.2. Energy system efficiency analysis

The energy system efficiency identifies the effectiveness of the HRES.
It is defined as the energy supplied to meet the demand to the energy
generation from the HRES. Results as reported in Table 6 reveal that
both PV/WT/BG/FC and PV/BG/FC have comparable but relatively
higher energy system efficiency. The energy loss occurs due the AC-DC
conversion and the loss associated with the FC energy conversion pro­
cess. The PV/BG/FC-based HRES has higher loss than the PV/WT/BG/
FC one due to higher contribution of the PV module for the former than
the later one. However, the excess energy for PV/WT/BG/FC-based
HRES are larger (49,960 kWh/yr) than the PV/BG/FC (14,061 kWh/
yr). This is because of the higher PV and wind energy share for meeting
load demand in the PV/WT/BG/FC-based HRES than the PV/BG/FC
one. Without backup generators in the system, the variable load demand
leads to oversizing of the system components, which in turn results in a
substantial quantity of excess production. Moreover, absence of AC
backup system, the AC-DC conversion and FC energy conversion
Fig. 11. Breakdown of total net present cost of the three systems.
requirement significantly increases. The higher loss associated with such
frequent conversion and the over-production cumulatively cause a
considerable reduction in the overall system efficiency, as it is observed
for PV/WT/FC system.

5.2. Cost analysis

Fig. 11 represents component-wise share in the total net present cost

of the three hybrid systems. For the BG-integrated systems, one of the
largest cost shares is associated with biomass generator and the corre­
sponding fuel costs. For PV/WT/BG/FC system this two expense covers
respectively 32.84% and 22.38% of the total expenses, while for PV/BG/
FC it is 30.19% and 20.35%, respectively. In these two systems, aggre­
gated cost of renewable generators is comparable. However, the differ­
ence in electrolyzer cost marks the difference between these two systems
as in PV/BG/FC system this increases by 185%. Higher size of electro­
lyzer causes this cost hike, which also attributes to the reduced quantity
Fig. 12. Net present system cost, cost of energy, and cost of water of the
of dumped energy from this system. Exclusion of BG makes the system
three systems.
cost-intensive as the size of each of the components increases radically.
Around 48% of this cost is due to the wind turbine generators. Fig. 12
environment by the emission of equivalent CO2 throughout the lifecycle
depicts the cost comparison for electricity and water from these systems.
As it can be observed, the least energy cost (0.1967 $/kWh) is offered by by each of the components. Moreover, how such emissions affect the
human health and the ecosystem of the study area are also taken into
the PV/WT/FC/BG system with a water cost of 0.86 $/m3, also the
lowest of those offered by the other systems considered. account. As presented in Fig. 13, PV/WT/BG/FC causes the least emis­
sion of the three systems and consequently the estimated damaging ef­
fect on human health and ecosystem is also the least. In the yearly total
5.3. Impact on human health and environment
of 56,345 kg of CO2 emission, about 54% is from BG and the least (3%) is
This study quantifies the impact of the hybrid energy systems on

Table 6
Energy system efficiency for the different HRESs.
HRES Energy Total energy Excess Energy Energy
served generation energy loss system
(kWh/yr) (kWh/yr) (kWh/yr) (kWh/yr) efficiency

PV/ 797,596 923,244 49,960 75,688 86.39

PV/ 795,512 929,442 14,061 119,869 85.59
PV/ 795,295 2,802,308 1,392,700 614,313 28.38
Fig. 13. Impact on human health, ecosystem, and social benefit creation by the
different HRESs.

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

caused by wind turbines, as it can be observed from Fig. 14. Without 5.4. Social benefits
wind turbine in the system, BG emission drops down by 8.67%, but
higher PV size and corresponding higher emission factor of PV modules In this study, two important social benefit factors, viz. HDI and JC are
causes around 76% increase in the emission of this component itself and estimated for the optimized conditions. Excess energy from the energy
results in 7% increase in the overall emission. Sizeable hardware com­ system has the ability to improve the people’s standard of living in the
ponents considerably increase the total emission from PV/WT/FC-based studied area. As reported in Fig. 13, the HDI values for the PV/WT/BG/
system, where the emission from PV alone is found to be greater than the FC, PV/BG/FC and PV/WT/FC configurations are estimated to be
entire emission from the least carbon-emitting system. 0.5885, 0.5877 and 0.6153, respectively. The higher values of JC factor
denote the higher potential of creating jobs. The PV/WT/FC configu­
5.3.1. Carbon emission penalty ration has the highest JC factor (4.871), followed by PV/BG/FC (2.736)
In this study, the CO2 emission penalty has been assessed by the and PV/WT/BG/FC (2.484). With the electrification based on the hybrid
lifecycle emission of HRES components. Renewable sources generate no renewable system, the basic lighting of the community will improve
operational CO2 emission during their operating process; however, the replacing the prevailing kerosene lanterns. Such improvement will
HRES have the LCE, which is the equivalent CO2 (kg CO2-eq/kWh). The enhance the home study hour of the children reducing eye-strain and
LCE incorporates equivalent CO2 emissions from the HRES used to other associated health damage (Sharma et al., 2019). Availability of
manufacture, transport, and recycle the system components. Results better lighting will increase the participation in study as well which will
show that the PV/WT/BG/FC-based ROD system generates 56345 kg of potentially contribute to improving the current rate of literacy. The
CO2-eq/yr. The study considers the carbon tax is 0.015$/kg of CO2 business situation in the community will also upgrade with longer
emission in association with the literature (Maisanam et al., 2021). The night-time lighting hours made possible by the reliable supply of elec­
annual cost due to the emission is found to be $845. In addition, carbon tricity by the proposed system.
penalty costs for the PV/BG/FC and PV/WT/FC-based ROD system share
$906 and $1359, respectively. The COEs including the carbon penalty
are 0.1987 $/kWh, 0.2146 $/kWh, and 0.6898 $/kWh, respectively for 5.5. Comparison with literature
the PV/WT/BG/FC, PV/BG/FC and PV/WT/FC-based HRES systems.
Amongst the three optimized systems, PV/WT/FC/BG-based offers
5.3.2. Estimation of fuel savings and CO2 mitigation the least energy cost of 0.1967 $/kWh with 56,345 kg CO2-eq/yr of
The study estimates kerosene savings, which is currently being used lifecycle emission. The economic and environmental performance of this
for household lighting in the study area. Substantial benefits would be system has been further validated by the published literature and a
achievable by switching the kerosene lanterns to the electrification with comparative depiction of energy costs amongst the studies is presented
the proposed HRES. It is estimated that the specific kerosene con­ in Fig. 15. The study carried out by Das et al. (2022) offered the least cost
sumption for a typical lantern is 0.04 l/h and each lantern can provide of 0.234 $/kWh with 40,239 kg CO2-eq/yr of emission. Salameh et al.
lighting for around 4 h (Chaurey and Kandpal, 2009). Each household (2021) optimized PV/FC/DG/FCESS-based system which offered energy
uses two lanterns or wick lamps for lighting while business center uses cost of 0.341$/kWh and emitted 3,844,051 kg of CO2 per year. A PV/FC
one lantern. The total kerosene consumption of the area is, therefore, based system studied by Peláez-Peláez et al. (2021) fetched an energy
around 30,950 l/yr. The CO2 emission coefficient for kerosene is 2.45 kg cost of 0.8399 $/kWh. The optimal PV/WT/FC-based proposed by Xu
CO2/l (Chaurey and Kandpal, 2009). Therefore, the proposed HRES et al. (2020) offered an energy cost of 0.226$/kWh. The optimization
system is likely to mitigate the CO2 of 75,832 kg/yr when installed. study of Duman and Güler (2018) found a PV/WT/FC/DG-based system
with an energy cost of 0.282 $/kWh. The system proposed by the present
study offers significantly better and competitive economic and envi­
ronmental outcomes.

6. Conclusions

The study examines the performance of a fuel cell storage-based

hybrid energy system for meeting electric and freshwater demands of
a remote off-grid area near the Sundarbans region in West Bengal, India.
A methodological outline has been developed so as to utilise the excess
energy to meet the freshwater demand. This research analysis considers

Present Study
Duman and Güler (2018)
Previous works

Xu et al. (2020)

Peláez-Peláez et al. (2021)

Salameh et al. (2021)

Das et al. (2022)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

COE ($/kWh)
Fig. 15. Comparison of present study with previous works. The vertical line
Fig. 14. LCE contributions from the different components of the represents the energy cost offered by the optimum HRES (PV/WT/FC/BG)
hybrid systems. proposed in the present study.

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

the cost of energy and human health damage due to GHG emissions as instance, the safety and security of hybrid components (from theft) can
the objective functions to determine the optimal component sizing while be an issue with the implementation of these hybrid systems in remote
satisfying allowable reliability criteria. Several key performance in­ places. In some areas, the overall understanding of the electrification
dicators have also been evaluated during the optimization process. The system in the community can create a dissonance between the objective
relevant outcomes are listed as follows: of the modelers and common people: the consumers, even the stake­
holders. Therefore, investigation of social acceptance can be of profound
• The lowest energy cost (0.1967 $/kWh) is offered by the PV/WT/ importance. The future works should consider these matters. Moreover,
BG/FC system, with the least water cost (0.86 $/m3). The integration the future works should also investigate the resilience of the stand-alone
of BG into the PV/WT system offers substantial cost-benefits by microgrids during natural disasters.
reducing the dependency on FC-based storage.
• The PV/WT/BG/FC generates the least GHG emissions of the three CRediT authorship contribution statement
HRESs, and subsequently, the estimated effect on human health and
ecosystem damage is also the lowest. In the yearly total 56,345 kg of Dibyendu Roy: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
CO2 emissions from the PV/WT/BG/FC system, about 54% is from Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
BG and the least (3%) is caused by the WT. In the process of imple­ Rakibul Hassan: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Visuali­
menting the optimal HRES, the total kerosene consumption savings zation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Barun K.
would be around 30,950 l/yr and it would likely mitigate the emis­ Das: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Supervision, Writing –
sion of around 75,832 kg/yr of CO2. review & editing.
• The annual carbon penalty cost due to GHG emissions is found to be
$845 for the PV/WT/BG/FC-based ROD system, whereas the costs Declaration of competing interest
for the PV/BG/FC and PV/WT/FC-based ROD systems are $906 and
$1359, respectively. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
• The HRES system with the desalination unit has substantial social interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
benefits, including creating jobs and improving the human devel­ the work reported in this paper.
opment index. Results from this analysis have confirmed estimated
JC and HDI values remaining within 2.484–4.871 and Data availability
0.5877–0.6153, respectively.
Data will be made available on request.
In a world experiencing a transition in the energy sector, the op­
portunity to design energy systems capable of promoting sustainable Acknowledgement
socio-environmental development alongside revenue generation is
enormous. While the present study takes into account some of the DR acknowledges the support from the Department of Mechanical
crucial design factors to model the proposed system, there are emerging Engineering, IIEST Shibpur. RH and BKD recognize the support from the
issues regarding renewable micro-grids that require attention. For Department of Mechanical Engineering, RUET.

Table A1
Technical and economic details of the proposed HRES.

Components Technical specifications Data Economic details Data

PV module (Cano et al., 2020SunPower, 2016)

Model SPR-E20-327 Capital cost 1300$/kW
Nominal power, RPV 327W O&M cost 20 $/kW/yr
Panel efficiency, ηPV 21.4% Replacement cost 0
Rated voltage, Vmpp 54.7V
Rated current, Impp 5.98A
Power temp. coefficient, αp − 0.35%/◦ C
Derating factor, fpv 88%
Lifetime 25yrs

Wind Turbine (Akhtari et al., 2020) Rated capacity, RWT 10 kW Capital cost 1295 $/kW
Rotor diameter, d 15.81 m O&M cost 25.2 $/kW/yr
Cut-in wind speed, Vcut-in 2.75 m/s Replacement cost 0
Rated wind speed, Vrated 6.5 m/s
Cut-out wind speed, Vcut-out 20 m/s
Hub height, H 20 m
Lifetime 20 years

Biomass gasifier (Rajbongshi et al., 2017)

Rated capacity 50 kW Capital cost 1600$/kW
Lifetime 25,000 h O&M cost 0.025$/h
Replacement cost 1280$/kW

Inverter (Das et al., 2021c) Nominal power, Pinv 1 kW Capital cost 300 $/kW
Conversion efficiency, ηinv 96% O&M cost 0
Lifetime 15 years Replacement cost 300 $/kW

(continued on next page)

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

Table A1 (continued )
Components Technical specifications Data Economic details Data

Fuel cell (Jamshidi and Askarzadeh, 2019)

Rated power 2 kW Capital cost 3000 $/kW
FC efficiency, ηfc 50% O&M cost 0.02 x Capital cost
Lifetime 5 years Replacement cost 2500 $/kW

H2 tank (Jamshidi and Askarzadeh, 2019)

Rated capacity 6 kg Capital cost 660 $/kW
Lifetime 20 years O&M cost 0.02 x Capital cost
Replacement cost 660 $/kW

Electrolyzer (Jamshidi and Askarzadeh, 2019)

Rated capacity 2 kW Capital cost 2000 $/kW
Lifetime 15 years O&M cost 20 $/unit
Replacement cost 1500 $/kW

RO system (Wu et al., 2018)

Rated capacity 30 m3/day Capital cost 532 $/m3/day
Annual number of membrane 2 O&M cost 0.2 $/m3
Replacement cost 0.06 $/m3
Chemical cost 0.06 $/m3
Water tank cost 255.4 $/m3


Asw Total swept area (m2)

Ccap Capital cost ($)
Cfuel Fuel cost ($)
CO&M Operation and maintenance cost ($)
Crep Replacement cost ($)
Csal Salvage value($)
E Energy generation (kWh)
fPV Derating factor of PV (%)
Ffuel Annual fuel consumed(L/year)
H Hours of operation (hours)
i Annual interest rate (%)
I Solar irradiation (kW/m2)
L Project lifetime (year)
Ncomp Number of components
Pfuel Fuel cost ($/L)
Tc PV cell temperature (˚C)
Ts Cell temperature at standard conditions (˚C)
Vcut,in Cut-in wind velocity(m/s)
Vcut,off Cut-off wind velocity(m/s)
WPV Power generation by PV (kW)
Wrated Rated power (kW)
WWT Power generation by WT(kW)

Greek symbols
μ Temperature coefficient
ηBG Conversion efficiency of BG(%)
ηinv Inverter efficiency (%)
ηPV PV efficiency (%)
ηw WT efficiency (%)
ψ lifetime equivalent CO2 emissions

BAT Battery
BG Biomass generator
CF Capital utilization factor
CRF Capital recovery factor
COE Cost of energy
DG Diesel generator
FC Fuel cell
HDI Human development index
HHD human health damage
HHV Higher heating value

D. Roy et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 372 (2022) 133761

HRES Hybrid renewable energy system

INV Inverter
JC Job creation
LCE Life cycle emission
LCOE Levelized cost of electricity
LPSP Loss of power supply probability
NSGA-II Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II
NPC Net present cost
PV Photovoltaic
ROD Reverse osmosis desalination
WT Wind turbine

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