2024 Blue Crescent Charities Scholarship Application
2024 Blue Crescent Charities Scholarship Application
2024 Blue Crescent Charities Scholarship Application
To be eligible to receive the 2024 Alfred Washington, Sr. Scholarship, the following rules apply:
1. Must be presently enrolled as a high school senior at a high school located in one of the Florida
counties of Clay, Duval, Nassau or St. Johns. Previous winners are not eligible.
2. Must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA at the application deadline.
3. Demonstrate academic excellence and noteworthy community service.
4. One (1) scholarship per recipient will be awarded. The number of scholarship awards is at the sole
discretion of the Blue Crescent Charities (BCC) scholarship committee.
5. The scholarships will be worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) each and they are non-renewable.
The award will be paid to the student in one payment at the beginning of either the fall or spring
semester (whichever comes first) in which they first enroll.
6. The scholarship must be used at a college or university (trade schools are not allowed) with
validated enrollment.
7. The BCC scholarship committee will judge the submitted scholarship applications and it is solely at
the discretion of the BCC scholarship committee to make the determination of which applicants
followed the guidelines as set forth in the application. All decisions by the Scholarship Application
Evaluation Committee are final and any attempts by applicants to lobby or persuade the committee
during the process will result in immediate disqualification.
8. Finalists will be selected based on the application and attached documents. The scholarship
recipient will be chosen and notified by Monday, June 24, 2024. The BCC scholarship committee
reserves the right to conduct an interview of the finalists
9. Scholarship checks will be mailed out to the student once enrollment verification is received (mid-
to late-September at the earliest, depending on the institution).
10. There may be a presentation ceremony for the award recipients in July 2024. The award winner
would be required to be in attendance.
11. Winners will have sixty (60) days after the end of the college/university’s add/drop period of the
registered semester to provide proof of enrollment to BCC. If after that period, proof of enrollment
is not received, the scholarship will be rescinded.
Complete the scholarship application form, including all attachments listed on the Scholarship Application
Package Checklist below. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.
Applicant Name:
Permanent Address:
City State ZIP
Applicant Email Applicant Phone
Applicant DOB
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Email
Parent/Guardian Phone
School Presently Attending:
School Address:
City State ZIP
School Phone
Colleges where you
were accepted
Program Director Applicant Phone
Applicant DOB
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Email
Parent/Guardian Phone
AS AN ATTACHMENT TO THIS APPLICATION write about ONE of the following topics:
1. Describe how YOU have demonstrated LEADERSHIP in and out of school.
2. Discuss an accomplishment, event or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a
new understanding of yourself. Share your process of transformation before, during, and after.