Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
What is a Presentation?
A presentation is a
purposeful communication. In other words, it is the process of
presenting a topic to an audience, with a specific purpose.
Every one. The skill to make a powerful presentation has now become an essential
prerequisite for people from different walks of life.
Students need to make presentations on various academic topics.
Teachers make presentations as part of theirteaching.
Business professionals
make presentations to customers to
enhance their
business prospects or to their peers to inform them of something.
to inform?
t o explain something?
to entertain?
to persuade or dissuade?
they business men? Are they
Who arethe audience? Are they students? Are
professionals? This information will help you
use examples related to the
field of your audience.
a small group of four colleagues or
What is the size of the audience? Are they
Use this information to help you prepare
a large gathering of forty competitors?
distribute and think of the activities you plan
handouts that you may want to
to have (pair work/group work etc).
Presentation Skills
H o w many visuals do you want to use? This depends on the type and the
amount of information you would want to use.
Do you want to use humour? If your presentation is mainly to entertain your
audience you could use humour. In a formal presentation, use humour sparingly.
Explain the structure of your presentation.
Keep to your structure.
Signpost' throughout. Use signalling devices such as firstly, secondly, finally
Summarise your presentation.
Remember to thank your audience.
Invite questions and offer to answer them if you can.
Plan ahead
do that.
76 A Handbook for English Language Laboratories
Overhead projector
overhead projector (OHP) is used to show overhead transparencies (OHTs). Using
an OHP might add variety to your presentation. However, make sure that you
know how it functions so that you will be able to do some amount of
troubleshooting yourself in case of any problem.
Here are a few tips for using slides effectively:
U s e large fonts on your transparencies so that the text is readable to the
entire audience.
Position the projector and the screen centrally so that the audience can view
the slides comfortably.
Include only key ideas on the slide. Do not have long texts.
Do not read aloud the text on the slides. Allow the audience to do it themselves.
Explain and elaborate the key ideas on the slide.
PowerPoint presentation
A PowerPoint presentation is made using slides displayed on a computer. Most
of the points mentioned about the use of OHP slides hold good for PowerPoint
slides tobo.
PowerPoint slides offer many more options such as animation, use of colour
and use of audio and video files. However, do not overuse colours, graphics
and sound effects.
Ensure that there is little light around the screen.
Organise your slides carefully and learn how to go back and forth while making
your presentation.
Presentation Skills 77
Handouts are any documents or samples that you 'hand out' (distribute) among
youraudience. Prepare them in advance and make adequate copies. Take care to
distribute them at the appropriate time during your presentation. If there is a lot
of information which may not be appropriate for presenting using the equipment
mentioned above, you may consider giving handouts.
Visual aids
Use pictures, photographs, drawings etc. to present information to your audience.
However, make sure that:
Suitable Expressions
TO start
Let me start/begin
to begin with
I would like
. . . .
to begin with
I deem it appropriate
. . .
TO Conclude
my presentation to an end.
That brings
That's it for now!
That's all I have to say on
To give examples
For instance..
For example...
As an illustration...
A good example of this is...
on a topic
To conclude discussion
I have looked at....
spoke to you
to say about...
That's all T have
on to....
Let me move
next point
And the
A Handbook for English Language
To respond to
That's a good question!
To answer your question...
question later?
Can I get back to your
I'm gladthat you've asked
A sample presentation
of my presentation today is
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. The topic
of my presentation is to
'How to Structure a Presentation Effectively'. The aim
inform you about the three essential parts a presentation usually has. My
will be on the introduction, the body and the conclusion of a presentation.
Finally, I'Tl be glad to answer your questions.
Firstly, I'd like to talk about the introduction. This is an important point because
the introduction gives the audience their first impression about you. You can
show the audience that you are good at what you are doing by opening your
presentation in a way that captures their attention. You can perhaps use
estions/rhetorical questions, quotes, statistics, shock statements, proverbs
or anecdotes. You will have to be careful while deciding wBich of these
methods suit your audience, the purpose of the presentation and the occasion.
You should also explain. the ground rules for
questions and announce the
estimated time you need for your
Secondly, I'd like to talk about the body of the presentation, In the body of
your presentation-you might want to use the 3Ts tell audience what
you are going to tell them, tell them what you are tellingyourthem and tell them-
what you have told them. You should
learn to keep to the structure and use
your notes as you present your topic. You must use
It is also
important that you present the subject with appropriate expressions.
Finally, let me talk about how to close the
main ideas it is time to
presentation. Having discussed the
idea about the them so that
your audience have a clear
topic and the major points you have covered. But remember
not to add
any new points while
audience and invite their summing up. After having a recap, thank the
questions or comments.
Presentation Skills
ne maln points I talked about were: firstly, what to have in the introduction
secondly, what to have in the bodv of a presentation, and finally, what to say
or a
in the conclusion. I recommend that vou 1earn about these parts
presentation and use them in your presentations.
much for your time.
Thatbrings my presentation to arn end. Thank you very
do hope that you will find the information useful in bettering fromn
again. And I'd like to invite questions
presentations. Thanks, ornce now