Book The Contemporary World

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THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Tumoroh C. Brazalote Ryan M. Leonardo rs Bernardino C. Ofalia Digital Content Editor © &E Publishing, Inc. 2019 Batt, ma 1. History, modern—20th century. 1 secnardo, Ryan M._ I Tile Book Design: Francis A. Casupanan Cover Design: Ruth Anne D. Ellorin one 5: ion to Global Concepts of Globalization tures of Globalization The Global Economy Market Integration Section 3: ‘TheGlobal Interstate System Section 4: Contemporary Global Governance : A World of Regions Section 1: The Global Divides: The North andthe South 6 Section 2: Asian Reglonaltsm : A World of Ideas Section 1: Global Cultureand Media Section2: The Globalization of Religion Global Population and Mobility Section: Global City Section2: Global Demography Section: Global Migration Won 6: Towards a Sustainable World Section 1: Sustainable Development Section2: Food Security Aslan regionalism and global cities, global dem sustainable development and food security are given importance, 1e same goals with the General Educ: ic devel in the context of the Philip; global community wherein the Filipino student recognizes and respects fundamental humanity ofall, respects and appreciates diversity, and cares about the problems that affect the world” (CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, 6 2018). independent and collaborative a reports. jaracteristic of the West and of North America while relegating the their culture. Filipinos have become alien met has also made the world smaller and the consumption of Wester ideas Globalization is Land the world The world that we live in now isa product of globalization he past 3. The United Nations isa global government. and ideals that are accepted as ‘action designed to solve common problems. Norit is people. nersalism—values that embrace all humanity. >24 r3« ‘changing marks ofthe interests and assets that comprise the foundation of | the international political economy—specifically, the expanding structural differences of those interests and as slobalization isa itas an ideology. Freeden (2003) posits that globalization denotes a range of processes nesting under one rather unwieldy epithet. In part, its conceptual Concept of bainiton Exercise 1: Globalization and | Name: ate least two (2) reasons to support your choice. Groiip No. Section: Group Members: coer Pong 4. Choose a member who will explain your presentation to the class wat ito agree if you think the st ment is correct; otherwise, Economic globalization includes borderiess exchange of ‘goods and services. nal corporation. Economic globaliza integration of economies around the world. v6 economic dimension, Economic globalization refers to the expandi ‘world economies. Shangquan (2000) interdependence of tothe growing scale of and Spanish envoys were in search of spices, colonization. In the contemporary period, foreign expatriates come to the country to manage their company’s foreign subsidiaries. Likewise, the Philippines sends thousands of stlled workers to the Middle East as construction workers, seafarers, and nurses. Interconneéted dimensions of economy, n of trade of goods and services; (2) globalization markets; 3) globalization of technology and tion; and (4) globalization of production. The first dimension of lerconnectedness is demonstrated in the establishment of the ‘World Trade Organization (WTO) that cases trade among countries. WTO, established in 1995, “ensures that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, ‘and frocly as possible” (WTO, 2012). Another indicator is the emergence of China as a major supplier and exporter of manufactured goods that has affected the world economy China-made products or parts are sent to the United States. To meer this demand, China creates more jobs for oftrade subsidiaries in the country? Cheap labor cost, English proficiency, and customer service skis are the common reasons. The second dimension is. the liberalization of financial and capital markets. This is seen in 1ea-Cola Company is an USA, the company only Toyota Motor Corporation is also an MNC. Through its subsidiaries in Japan ‘and in the other parts of the world, It has been selling millions of vehicles ‘every year since 1998. vag economic globalization is that of Szentes’ ‘world economy an ‘organic system’ by Ins to more and. pendencies among, the world economy is no longer controlled by ‘must be seen from aglobal context—the reliance f world economies. To illustrate, the price mover pines are affected not only by the national Tax ind inclusion’ (TRAIN Law) excise tax on fuels, but te. At the same time, this exchange id the international economy's and the United States M, Uniqlo, Accenture, A forming the natio, Module? > TheSraturescttaeston {Eee c jes have expanded outside their home country as they are preset 1¢, US, and the rest of Asia, Aecording to Geret prompted the foundation of a new European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). National currencies were abandoned and member states delegated monetary policy onto a supranational level administered by mn, 2008). The development With the nation-states, global corporations, and international ‘monetary systems as actors of economic globalization, the world is now confronted with a number of ongoing debates as to whether economic globalization unites or divides the world. Benczes (2014) believes Scion > The Global enomy a natural resources of poo Some even destroy nature wi arena of world systems. It further divides the world for t leads to inequality according to expert ion brings unity ofall economic! believe that globalization furthers the separs around the world, pare 6 er Module? > Te Sats of Gakaton 4 3, Tused to think thet. is section examines how the global market becomes coherent global corporations and international financial institutions. —— he creation 4. The three (3} questions that I want to ask about the readings arc. 2% narrate a short history of global market integration in the 20th century; and the attributes of global corporations, tructions: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write disagree. 2,,, $M Investment Corporation 3: The Asian Development Bank’ is headquartered in ‘Singepore. 4. Chowking is a Filipino-b: ‘expanded in Indonesia and the itl mental After the Second World War, almost all countries around the world faced the great challenge of bringing their feet back on the ground. As and promote shared pros ‘There are five organizations and Investment Disputes. These organizations facilitate the granting of loans and financial assistance to developing countries. The IME, also an intergovernmental institution, works to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability facilitate international trade, and out). Like the WB, It also grants financial assistance ing countries. regional development banks were established: the Aslan Development Bank (ADB) in 1960 and the African Development Bank (AMDB) in 1964. These two are intergovernmental financial institutions ‘that were created to spur social progress and economic growth in order ‘to address and reduce poverty. As financial institutions, ADB and A{DB are anchored on the goal of fostering sustainable development in their respective member countries. “There are also private international financial institutions such as (Cistgroup and Mernill Lynch. Citigroup is an American multinational {Investment banking and financial corporation. It is the fourth largest bank in the US ( On the other hand, Merril Lycah is the wealth, ‘management division of the Bank of Americe. Both institutions provide investments around the world. Investments can be in the form of foreign. direct investments, stocks, or financial loans. Both intergovernmental and private financial institutions help facilitate the functionality of a global economy by lending money to theit ‘member states and global corporations. For example, the World Bank helps ‘and the global economi: Global market integration did not happen overnight. twas the result pave jonal, transnational, and global companies: ‘+ International companies are importers and exporters with no investments outside their home countries. ‘+ Multinational companies (MNCs) have investments in other lave a coordinated producto re focused on adapting the services to each individual local market. ‘+ Global companies have investments and are present in many ‘countries. They typically market their products and services to ‘each individual local market. * ‘Transnational companies (TNCs) are more complex organizations that have investments in foreign operations, have central corporate facility bus give dec! king, research and development, and marketing powers to each individual ing internationally were at a great id no competition. They had the ‘bute products because America ly traced the start of the American corporations oper advantage after the war for the capacity to produce, organize, and di ‘was not devastated by the war. Literatures off ‘major economies of the world. Gereffi (20 ‘of global corporat three structural periods in the existence operating outside the economy of the investor in which their purpose is. 324 ‘management of the enterprise (UNCTAD, as the major drivers of global corporate ims were characterized by large amounts of concentrated capital focused on large-scale or capital- ive manufacturing. More so, digital globalization affected the ion of global corporations since technology became integrated in tion. Producer-driven value streams have ures to reduce the effects of time and, inding, and advertising are driven by digital oper 1¢ ascent of global corporations isa reflection ofa globalized ma their global annual growth target by exploiting the environment. In the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, global corporations brought chaos to the play an important tole in the social and economic develop sof developing and {ransitional nations. They are instrumental inthe funetionality ofthe global economy which is reliant on global corporations. ae 2 The three (3) things that are stil unclear to me are... ! egfeler z — oF esti ¢ 4 & } eee fi aR S tl ail te Pb Be he Se Eo lg] PS ele ae OO. Abies 2S ae BaP ae He iv bia? 25 1 Be ges BE BE 3286 ae ar 22 2F ee : : E a a : E i HGS TEST Et i : I a 5 i 3 i Nl | I) 4 il i HI MN as a compulsory political vent that maintains the legitimate dynamics of nation-states in the context of their agency as legitimate holders of force in thelr jurisdiction. United Nations (UN) First, globalization is seen to impose a forced choice upon nation states. Either they conform to the neo-liberal ideas and free-market. principles of deregulation, privatization, and free trade or run the risk of being left behind in terms of development. Of course, the nation-states, in this contemporary age, are forced to submit themselves to the demands of globally accepted free-market principles. Friedman in Steger (2005) claims that nation-states are in danger of losing important elements of economic sovereignty because of the notion that neo-liberalism is. vane Seon) The ltl erate i EE EEE eee tation as an aspect of globalization. In other words, nation: .gral to their economic development eit economic movement. Though dhe region's economic act The second effect of globalization on nation-states isthe establishment ofeconomic and political integrations. One good example s the European, EU) and the North America Free Tracie Agreement (NAFTA), BU has become a supranational body with 28 members. Ithas a single currency and ye mechanismn to resolve crises and assist those in need, and with, jercontinental jurisprudence in the case of the European Court of Justice he European Court of Human Rights. The statehood of the members is ‘of globelization. Two of them are the Universal Declaration mar Rights that affirms an individual's rights and the other is the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea that defines the rights of nation-states on the use of the world’s oceans. Mec 2 > 5 ebatzton aspects of and individu Policies should not be vi ‘The fourth effect of globalization is the rise of tra (TNA). Such happens when activist groups of heir counterparts in other states, For example, an advocacy-based ganization in the Philippines may connect itself with and get support government to realign its stance and actions in upholding human tights. When ang te recognizes international interventions and changes its behavior in response to international pressure, it reconst rolationship among the nation-state, its citizens, and intern: (Keck & Sikkink, 1998). now technologies in communicatio here. People can exchange political persp therefore stiring political discourse on an online se ofthe so-called network society (Castell, 2009), nation- selves to become part of global networks in the jower to air their sentiments, and also, serves as an avenue to discuss Issues. Government websites can also be avenues to formally forward concerns to particular government offices. Many nation-states also establish icular, an become an alternative to mainstream, biased perspective. In order to fat fields; 5) provide as and research installations 1d administrative sphere: and greater use of agriculture and industries; 7) advance Southeast 3 and beneficial collaboration with, ions with similar aims and ippines, Singapore, Thailand, re the members of ASEAN. ternational and regional poses ( Indonesia, Mal aos, Myanmar, and Camb oase k ‘Seeion3 > The Gebal tertate Syste evered through reason. He adopted tive gue of nations in his concept of ‘ocialist internationalism, on the other hand, contradicts This form of internationalism is based on the view ‘The European Union (EU), an GO with 28. ‘members, was established in November 1933. are 1) to promote pesce, its values, and the well-being of ltscitizens;2) offer freedom, security, and justice without internal borders; 3) uphold sustainable development Me based on balanced economic growth and price rs toca extusonanddctiminaton; (a anette rages / SES Stereo inanrin ctsin (27 and solidarity among member countries; 7) respeet | 2 wy g ‘cultural and linguistic diversity; and 8) es or ceonomic nd near union europe) ‘The World Trade Organization (WTO) has 164 member: the sole 1GO that caters to rules of trade on a global scale. ‘to ensure that trade runs as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible, also encourages trade by lowering trade barriers that may hinder how products and services low from nation to nation. ‘Some other examples of GOs are the fnternational Criminal Court (ICC), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and Organization of Over Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). All GOs serve purposes based on the common interest of their member-states that is deemed beneficial to, all parties involved, Interstate system is a facet of contemporary hat seeks to form collaboration among nation- :ment of intergovernmental organizations. It sd on the idea of internationalism. Experts on interstate relations \ot discount the numerous effects of neoliberalism on the rise of new ‘The intensification of relations among nation-states gave birth to Si barSin netirocis uliliéed by governenonls the dea of internationalism and globalism. The formers the theory and Practice of interdependent collaboration while the latter i tude. ichored on the opinion that nationalism, should be outrun because links that bind people of different countries are more powerful than those that disconnect them (Anora, 2014). Moreover, in order to avert wars, Immanuel Kant (1795) stated that agreements among nations must be reached. He conceptualized the ‘dea of liberal internationalism which proposes that nations must give up their feed bycommon rare nomic Cooperation (APE) 1s Children’s Fund (UNICEF) ronment Facility (GER) 149 Choose one effect which you will explain on behalf of the group. Write your answer on the space provided. Eun a RaG 2 gee & fee 2 ED Eg lil i FoF é fs 5 5 106 e three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are. fations' (UN) organs, Mode? > Te Smuts of Geblanten tat I a al ‘Today, global governance makes world affairs systematic, secured, and order. Though global governance is rule-based, However, there are systems for international relationships that bind the states, people, and society together, ‘Since the United Nations (UN) has the most number of members ion, policy review, policy dialogue, and advice on social, economic, and environmental issues. The Trusteeship Councilis the organ tasked to administer international oversight for 11 trust territories and te procedures are taken for independence and Currently, with the world being faced. peace, UN serves as an actor in confronting these. In 1948, UN was Setion4 ) Contemporary abl Governance resolve problems c inions between and among >sre knowledge, UN, is underappreciated regarding how ‘convening capacity and mobilizing power are utilized to help {and consolidate knowledge from outside and ensure its discussion and dissemination among governments. 1es of social behavior indifferent fa normative propositions, problems occur when only the le the helping hand of non Iso be places where ideas are comered and left and processes for enforcing compliance particular agencies. ‘The Security Council's veto power over resolutions is one of the challenges that UN has been facing since the organizat ‘example, the UN resolution in December 2017 that Donald Trump to withdraw the recognition of Jerusalem as the cay of Israel was vetoed by the United. the resolution was not passed. Some states and statements especially since the membership is on voluntary basis ‘The new government of Lebanon openly defied the Security Coun ‘many resolutions on the Isreeli-Lebanon conflict In 2017, the Philippines voted against a United Nations General Assembly committee draft resolution on the human rights crisis in Myanmar concerning the Rohingya people. These challenges seem to hinder some of the functions ‘of local and transnational realms ‘To conclude, contemporary global governance defines the political slobalization. Cooperation among nation-statesis the only way m and advance the roles and functions of interstate relationships real challenges being faced by United Nations. 58 596 2, The three @) things that are sil unclear to me are... k Secicn 1 > The lal Ovies: The Noth ad the South tough despite the remittances country gains from hermore, they cannot escape the reality that their occasional in the Philippines are temporary because they would need to \ck to work in order to continue making a living in another country. is reflection of the global divide between the north and the south as perienced by these! ‘This section enables the leamers to know the concept of th South and how this is seen in both affluent ‘end of this section, you are expected to: 1. explain the term Global South; 2. differentiate the Global South from the Third World. Instructions: Write agree ifyou think the statement is correct; otherwise, write disagree 1. Thehitippinesis an example of Global South 2. ies are communist nation-states. 3. Second World countries include the United States of America, 4, ‘The Philippines is a Third World country. 5. A Global South country is characterized as a poor nation. 1nd New Zealand, As stated by Claudio (20) ues to be imagined and re-imagined by those who dominate it Notie3 > ANd ofRegons 4 even as movements from below reshape these constructions through resistance.” in Europe, Australi t people from developed people from developing. »70« acon > Te Global Dds: The Noth and te South a eal ome v7ae Scien 1 > The Glbl Dds The Neth ad th South a ee ee eed | Hi HA | | IM II il - An tl ou" 'Fe. oe Motes > ANd es China is the home of more than 1.4 billion people based on the 2018 population projection of the United Nations. the economic super giants of the world. After the Se policies to the dictates of the West and consequently, (the global economy. On the other hand, Singaps I these countries belong ted from the West, particularly from Ancient Greece. jpulation of at 1! Asian Nations 5 or the ASEAN 5 and Thailand) had an average of 6.3% and 5. ; respect for sovereignty and independence ofits members through consensus to the different factors that bring about better tes The oficial emblem of ASEAN lenges ly and separately address. they are facing are discussed. The terms regionalization and globalization are both related to integration. As defined in Module 1, globalization is the expansion and. tegration within a region and tothe often undirected processes of scope anmne in Ain Scie aps Hey present among countries (Mansfield & Wilmer, 1993). Regionalism also var The political security community gives importance to human help each other cope: ized regionalism in the Similar to the goal of ASEAN in achieving greater integration within the region, other countries form groups for various reasons. The North ‘American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a free trade pact between tw ensure free movernent of people, goods, services, ngle market (EU, 20188). ging and developing economies + Asian countries get the labor services of theast Asians market their goods within the ocery products to 24-hour convenience stores. Vietnam and Indonesia sell their bags and clothing to the region. It was only in recent years that teamwork among Asian governments has been exerted, though with a certain distance. (ADB) wer established, Concevedin the 190s, ADB promotes soci and ‘economic development in Asia. Composed of 67 mx se from the Asia-Pacitic region, the financial institution and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity nents. Initially, ADB focused its assistance on food production and development to serve a predominantly agricultural region. ‘Third, economic grants and overseas development assistance are made available by better Asian economies. For example, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) aims to work on human security and quality growth. The agency targets to promote international cooperation and the development of the Japanese and global economy by supporting the socio-economic development, recovery, or economic stability of developing regions. Fourth, production networks have expanded. Economies are mainly ‘on comparative advantage through the regional division of labor. The Philippines’ major exports are electronic products and copper products tonamea few. Indonesia sells palm oll, rubber, and natural gas within the region, South Korea produces machinery products and motor vehicles, Fifth, cooperation among the ASEAN and the ASEAN +3 Finaneial Ministers’ Process that est structures—the Chiang Mai Initiative and the As Initiative. The process aims to strengthen policy dialogue, coordination, and collaboration on common financial, monetary, and fiscal isstes. Mote} > AWaia Reins 4 rules-based, ASEAN follows a consensus rule as an ‘king. This process prevents collision of cultural ies that are understandably not easy to unite because ofthe regon’ diversity of facing the challenges ‘countries have segeniaavn regional alternatives as big group, small ‘group, and As a big group, in the form of loans, gras terrorism and regional securit form of training and reseau for the greater utilization oftheir agri trade, improve their transportation raise the living standards of their people: 7) to promote: ‘Studies; and #) to maintain close and beneficial cooperation. Section? > Adan Reon “More so, Asian countries respond to globalization as a small group. th, and many others. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to China, Chinese leaders expressed. we concrete dialogue in formulating vistons, 1aps for regional cooper their boundaries to prevent the e ta, 2017) nd exit ofthe terror group OCRACY 3 DERN OCRAEY central bank in a village. This homemade currency can only be used in ase Ives how the Philippines Low. Choose only two (2) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ‘sian Development Bank (ADB) (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 2 The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are. Wy a A Tom 4! AMWorldiofideas S23 ¥ , Historically, media underwent five stages of development from the earliest form: to the complex one. These stages affect globalization progressively (Lub, 2014). ‘This section exposes the learners to the different forms of media in. worldwide integration and how local and global interactions affect cultural wdrance Atthe end ofthis section, you are expected to: 1. analyze how different forms of media drive various manifestations of plobal integration; and 2. explain the dynamics between local and global cultural production, he statement is correct; otherwise, Television isa form of media Cultures are never erased nor forgotten. ( Alleultures are equal. 1 2, 3. Cultures are static and fixed. 4 5, Globalization of culture will not happen without media. ic media includes the telegraph, telephone, dio, film, and tetvision, The wide reach of these media continues to open §w perspecties in the economic, political, and cultural processes of 1. Radio was the avenue for global products to be advertised. snq(Coca-Cola. Television, the analogue type, was primarily ld watch US Presidents’ delivery of speeches and UN vase ‘Security Council meetings. Both radio and television became medium to Media isa carrie of culture. Itis a aol forte interaction of people with different cultures. However, the real media isthe pample. Marketing people seek the world for their cultural products, and managers facilitate interactions of culture for profi. Others bring cultural exchanges of beauty and power. These interactions result in the integration of cultures, Peterse (2004) asserts re. Take the example of K-pop to dress up like their South Korean ' in support of Koreanovelas, Idols. A Jot of them have also joined fan pore 2, The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are... ___1. More than 50% of slam believers are found in the Arab world. has affected their attitudes, characters, and perspectives not exclusive to Fllipinos, It is true to most ofthe former ies, and even the West. entails a personal or organized system of religious beliefs an (On one end, globalization has affected religion in various ways. 20a) First, globalization gave rise 1o religious nationalism that came about after the Second World War. Nationalism was closely associated with Particular religious beliefs and afiliations, For example, in the crafting the law is sometimes anchored on the lawmakers’ Christianity In 201, a National Bible Day was declared sa special working holiday. Islam-ruled states in the Middle East, cimilary, are influenced by liberation theology and Is fundamentalism, from private sphere into public life (Cassanova, 1994 is a good example of this, Religion goes beyond the administration of ‘sacraments for Catholics and focuses more on the social concerns of the oor and the oppressed inside and outside the church, anchored on the belief that a supreme being grants violence in the act of >106« Soeton? > The Globalzaton of elon ata ome a central issue faced by their duty to fulfill God's State of aq and Syria (ISIS), 8 Murawi Siege for five months. globalization prompted the increase of individual religiosity nut by the individual's need to rely on his or her beliefs and ‘a reaction based on thers, they just -d the appearance of "religious traditions in places reviously had been largely unknown or considered a idometof, 2014). This is called the deterritortalization of region, Deterttorialization isa cultural feature that blurs the lines between culture and place and thus transcends territorial boundaries. This is highly characteristic of migration amidst globalization. To illustrate, the presence of 'siam in Europe and of Catholicism-Christianity in Arab nations due to the workers, however cteate asense ofatachment or eitcism towards the ‘cious traditionin their home tate For instance the oversas movernent oflndians has ereated a network of finances and religious identiieations, ‘vnereby the problem of cultural reproductit of Hindus abroad islinked to the polities of Hindu fundamentalism in india (Appacurs, 190) Global migration also resulted in what Camp! asterntzation of the West. The West, which is the starting point for the spread of world religions, is now the recipient of a new system of beliefs from the Bast. There is also a rise in the number of believers of Asian rdigions like Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. On the other end, religion is influenced by global trends and impulses and is forced to respond to newfound situations (Roudometef, 2014) One good exampleis the use of social media asa tool for evangel ‘American Evangelists Joel Scott Osteen and Kirk Thomas Cameron make tse of Facebook and other social media platforms to spread their betiels, Assueh, they made a global and borderless reach, Another example is «all for ecumenism among Christian churches to have closer relationships ‘and better recognition. In 2006, the Catholic- Orthodox dialogue transpired. »rore the blending of universal reli with local languages. tance, Arabic is used sacred language even outside the Arab world, while Greek and Latin remains to be the primary langus vernacularization of religion also 2. Indigenization transforms a universal religion t ‘of aparticular ethnic group. An example is the_ bby various ethnie groups in the Zamboange pe ‘example is the blending of African traditional form: ‘and Christianity in Brazil and the Caribbean. 3. Nationalization constructs a link between the nation and 4, Transnationalization has complemented religious nationalization bby focusing groups on identifying specific religious traditions of real or imagined national homelands. iglesia ni Cristo is one good ‘example of this. This Christian organization is national in scope international reach that is easily identified as Filipino ‘sand central authority. ‘The globalization brought two opposing results. Starting from the late 20th century, religion has been a source of global conti and peace. Reading international news stories from the plobal mass me giants, one can readily observe that religion plays a role in global conf In Britain, Muslims were linked to the jihadist attack in June 2017 London Bridge. Jewish extremists in israel were accused of targeting and beating Palestinians also in june 2017. The American-based o "New Christian Right questioned the teaching of evolution in schools in the Rs St i aed actions. Juergensmeyer (2014) claims that the conflicts are about identity and economics and privilege and power. Osama bin Laden's attack on the World Trade Center! ‘was triggered by the American exploitation East, but the jihadist warriors carried out to be martyred in the name of Allah, The {SIS-Maute group alliance was responsible, groupis quest for Bangsamoro identity and power over its exclusive jurisdiction. Also, Hindu nationalism sparked the Saffron terror inIndia. Juergensmeyer (2014) also| religious rebeition against the secular state—i.e, revolt against secularism, wherein localized uprisings go up against the state’ less moral authority to govern; internationalization of religious re growing: global war, wherein there is an expansion of range ant > 109 igion is also a source of peace. rid peace. The teachings o Instructions: Choose one international religious organization. Paste a principles and values are necessary tools ite your source. Write a short n of the organization's background, accomplishments, and future ‘plans for humanitarian assistance, organi helping children, ty and injustice. Also faith-centered mediation is driven by the sea one of the actors of cultural globalizat vie la | i 2st century is a hub for the closer relation of states and for a wider in technological development. As theintorconnectvty of nations. Iti globalization -9 each other. According to Thomas Friedman in from the attractiveness of a country’s -." When these policies are deemed. ‘Technological innovation is a factor of human. Iinterconnectedness, ae world is changing dramatically and there are six driving World Banks an example of a multinational corporation, in this global change. One of the drivers of global change is the i vee among wide array s.a conglomeration of cultures ina particular geographical es are hubs for high ial corporations (MN« slobal economy and enjoy a mi ‘access to vast amounts of wealth they draw from their inco immortality toa certain extent, and the ability to pit themselves against another. Nation-states are the centerpieces ofthe global community to at MNCs threaten nation-states themselves (Gore, 2013). MNC ‘are also more flexible and independent in comparison to nation-stat ‘which seem to lack the capacity to dictate how MNCs ought to behave. ‘Therefore, from these established premises, one can as well, alongside nation-states in fin themselves anall-encompassing banner of commerce and economy. Products and, goods have che intrinsic capability to attract a target market regardless of eographical location and political ideology. MNCs, in a sense, have the capacity to erase and transcend the borders ofthe world. MNCsand the ireutable continuity of nation-states act as key actors of the global community. With these, the world, at least figuratively, seems_ tobe smaller and more connected, The evidence of such connectivity isthe ‘concept and actual manifestation of the global city. The global city serves as a hub for production, finance, and k to globalization, Som ics ofa global city are 1) the cultural diversity of the people; activites that marks globalization; and 4) global reach performance. These characteristics are observed in famous global cities such as New York, ‘Tokyo, Singapore, and Seoul. According to New York ranked the highest in tems of vity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience, and, established, The 21st century brought the countries toget! litical engagement. New Yorkis followed by London, Pats, Tokyo, and competition In the coming decades the number of global cities will Hong Kong (ramatically increase. vate 1» Globatry Ecce ae ructions: Create: leading global cd vi23« Mod ) llRopaionané ekity VL Reasons why your chosen city qualifies as a global city, Journal of World Affair, 1, ‘The three (3) things ly learned from the readings are. ‘VIL. Ways to develop your global city to achieve global competitiveness, 2 The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are. vate ih l Hh pores Pee on Moule» Gal epson and Mobaty ill According to Fried: One thing he learned from, tury world is becoming more globalized ies by Country, 2037 Percentage of World Mi Swizeriond —— Koiea 3% Bane »130« Section? > bal Deno : tn il li dren is more costly income; developing nati table whether hi her lower popul Number of HighNet Worth Individuals by Country, 2014 0 ;; ln é ISLIP EAL LG # HBB 2" population by lev! of fertility over time (10 a Meg Lee (2003) explains that the tr influenced by the reduction of contagious and infet by advancements in medicine and improved nutrition because of the presence of focal and international markets due to better transportation of goods. Meanwhile, the factors that led to low fertility rate are the preference over child survival than number of child births and the assumption that overpopulation in some areas of the country, vise« pias MeckieS > Goa Pepaton and by " idl V. Analysis on how these figures affect global demography rarned from the readings tome are. Il (| | MANN _ 4 tT MocleS > Gob Pepin and aby During the Cold War, leaders all over the globe agreed to classify the world into three (3) categories: First World refers to states: id by the Western Bloc (Ui 1e Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union. \wherein he asserts that all human beings are of equal moral wor hee concept acknowledges the element of genera fee was changed into two: are countties that have. ‘technological infrastructures while ism requires an in-depth people. Through this, ‘cosmopolitanism in the way that itenables people to agree on acommon tandard which is influenced by how different cultures come in contact with one another as people move from one place to another. we are two types of migration—internal and ing they are aspiring for. This ongoi another is called migration, of people fis As physical and human geographies develop, the world is becoming connected. Connectedness of ‘end in the international arena, Civliza yas ole 5» GlbalPopaton ed Maity .own as local migration and has always been riven by economic sustainability ization, nations around the world engage in trade migration exists. apes and is shaped by broader social and economic structures and emnational Migration Inst owever, migration is not only rooted in ons. This is because both processes the defi ora ‘of economic stabi global south such ‘usually seen in the con: the regions of Asia and Africa. People ries which have steadily growing, labor markers and can provide them high salaries. Th ‘of them are managers and professionals, 6.5 percent of them are ‘clerks, and the rest are operato 2008), r145« til iT FO——WWeqTaanan——anae ’ nN Jalal | | | making. @ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [es »186« tee eer eer) eg ee Se eo 1, policies and strategies of governments must be intertwined yvironment must continuously be at the center of ‘only logical and practical, in asense, to constantly into consideration the environment in the decision-making and ‘making processes of a nation-state where people build .ods on, and which suffers wher ‘blind eye in terms of developing, By using ecological sustainability as an underpinning principle pment, governments can simultaneously advocate tion, and preservation of the integrity of the Earths ‘ecological systems (Ross, 2008). Thismakes the environment more resilient ‘hallenges and threats and in turn, making civilizations resilient in the efit when, ious and substantial consideration. As such, ‘actions to strive better to attain sustainable development. Developing and ‘enacting policies that situate environmental concerns atthe forefront and practicing decision-making processes that similarly give importance to the ‘environment are al necessary steps that must be undertaken to achieve a sustainable environment. Educating individuals about the importance enduring ecosystems will >1s7« | 2, Environmental Issues and Challenges Sein 2» od Secity ascii ven able ina omic and agrclurl efor hae ety ours in te case of chia, ona he most populated ie egan reforms in these sectors the recent decades, i supplies in countries such as FOOD SECURITY & CLIMATE BENEFITS THROUGH NATIONALLY) APPROPRIATE Mi population of the country Indeed, food plays functioning, and ev le by receiving subsidies from ri ter will be pressured to increase food production ca ‘hcountries may also struggle with handling food security issues and the foreign level (Kannan, Mahendra Dev, & Narain »te7« i Additional Instructions: After discussing the importance of food security in these aspects, explain how food security will help the Philippines develop as a country. Papua New Guinea | Note: The class assessments shall be sunmed after all the groups’ {presentations are completed. Section: Instructions: Read the referenced article and complete the statements that follow. + United ons (2010, he set of fd necro Ha oes inarmatonal pie eosin fe domestic eonorie and {food security?Rome, Italy: tas eats Cueto United Nations. three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings fi wl = \ S global village irrespective home ae section presents the concept of differ) as members ‘and the impact of er people’ actions re to one’s own (Pac, 2003). In brief, global ‘3. Gitizenship and its significance in economy : y 4. Global citizenship as a tool for the developm global education must be holistic and requires the eff educators but of parents, peers, and even policy makers ( ical them to effectively interact with people from other cultures. Engaging with people of different nationalities with these attributes Citizens know that humankind must acquire a symbiotic relationship with, fone another for the entire human species and human culture to survive. vire« Name: Section: + & Spitz, G. (2012), Global ‘participation. Amsterdam, ‘ernational Cooperation and. The three (3) things that I signifi are, ly learned from the readings The three (3) things that are still unclear 1o me are, 163 Move? > Gil Cestip 3. Tused to think that... Module 1 Section 1 Al-Rodhan, N. (2006). Definition of globalization: A comprehensive overview Wn. Government aid Opposition, 3202), 270-271. ideology: A very short introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. logy: A definitional analysis. Political Research | K, (2006). Global norms as a challenge to the i global norms of the twenty frst century. New Castle, UK: Cambridge School Press. McGrew, A. (1990). A global society: Modernity and its futures. Cambridge, UK: Polity. Metuhan, ). Understanding media: The extension of man, New Books. Reich, What is globalization? Four possible answers (Working Paper). The Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies. rss« -comporations-bigger than-nonway-25 Module 2 (Vol. 1, pp. 139-151 Bordo, M.D. & Rockoff seal of approval. Jou Boyer, R.& Drache, D, States agal W/spaces. In Boyer, R. & sof globalization. London, UK: Routledge. Caroll, W. K. (2003). The network of groups: A structure} ‘Networks, ol Cohen, B. (2000). Money and power in world politics, In Lawton, T. C., \.C, (Eds,), Strange power. Farnham, UK: 10 years of Economic and Monetary Gereffi, G. (2005). The global economy: Orgar ‘governance, and Handbook of Press. A brief overview. Issues corg/external/np/ext! "National Research Council. (1995). Globalization of financial mé owing the money: US Finance in the world economy. Was DC: The National Academies Press. The end of the nation-state: The rise of regional "New York, NY¥: Simon and Sch ons: Preparing ourselues for 21% century . (2007). International economies. Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley & 1es/steveschaefer/2016/05/25/the- preve ‘Analysis Division, Departments of Econ York, USA, Steger, M. (2014). Approaches to the Study of Global sby, & J Siracusa (Eds). The SAGE handbook of globalization 7-21). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. y67« Seentes, (2003). World economics 2:The politcal economy of development 190« eect a ad World Population Review. (2018), 2018 world po Retrieved from Module 4 Section 1 Kraidy, M, lobalization of culture through the media, In J. R. Thousand Oaks, CA: Soye Publications Pleterse, J. (2004). Globalization and culture: Global mélange. Lanham, MA: Rowmai Section 2 Appadurel, A (1890), Disjunctive and difference in the global cultural economy. Theory, Culture & Sociery, 7, 295. dot: 10.1177/026327690007002017 Campbell, C. (2007). The Easternization of the West: thematie account of. cultural change in the modern era. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. Casanova, J. (1994), Public religions in the modern world. Chicago, I: University of Chicago Press. Juergensmeyer, M. (2014). Ri Battersby, & J. Siracusa (Wol.2). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Martin, G. (2017). Essentials of terrorism (4th attack tobe released bythe end of this year. juhadwatch.orgon vige« ee a ae Na ll, Module 5 Section 1 Friedman,"t, (2005). The world is lat:A brief history ofthe nventy-first Sassen, S.(2005).The of World Affairs. Section 2 Friedman, . (2005), The world is flat:A bri ‘century. New York, NY: Fa Heywood, A. 2010) Global polities. Ba ). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson. Section 3 Boswell, C. (2002). Addressing the causes of migratory and refugee us: The role of EU (Working Paper). institute for Peace esearch ane Security Policy, University of Hamburg, Germany. Heywood, A. (2011), Global Politics. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Huntington, 8 (1996). The clash of civilizations and the reraaking of world ‘rider, New York, NY: Simon & Set pias Sa Module 6 Section 1 llchenko, esenrch, 66(1), 375-416, Retrieved fro 40971318 3919-8922, Retrieved from ible/4409916 Singer, F 2018, February 23). Venezuelans going to bed hungry deepens. >196« Ferenc Module 7 Section 1 Douglas, L. (2001). Valuing global citizenship. Teaching Geography, 26:2), 89-90, Pae, H. (2003). Chapter nine: Global educ: perspective: To become a »195«

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