Five Anchors of Organizational Behavior (Mne210)
Five Anchors of Organizational Behavior (Mne210)
Five Anchors of Organizational Behavior (Mne210)
Premise: OB should develop from knowledge in other disciples, not just from its own isolated research. 2. Emerging fields from which OB knowledge is acquired: a. Communications e.g., knowledge management, electronic mail, corporate culture, and employee socialization. b. Information systems c. Marketing B. The Systematic Research Anchor 1. Premise: OB researchers believe in the systematic collection of data and information about organizations. a. Utilizes the scientific method by forming research questions, systematically collecting data, and testing hypotheses. C. The Contingency Anchor 1. Premise: Any particular action may have different consequences in different situations. 2. No single solution is best in all situations. D. The Multiple Levels of Anchor Analysis 1. Organization behavior topics are grouped into three levels of analysis: a. Individual: includes the characteristics and behaviors of employees as well as the thought process attributed to them. Includes motivation, perceptions, personalities, attitudes, and values. b. Team looks at the way people interact. Includes team dynamics, decisions, power, organizational politics, conflict, and leadership. c. Organization focuses on how people structure their working relationships and on whom organizations interact with their environments. E. The Open Systems Anchor 1. Premise: Organizations are open systems because they take their sustenance from the environment, and, in turn, affect that environment through their output. 2. External Environment and stakeholders a. External environment the natural and social conditions outside the organization. b. Stakeholders shareholders, customers, suppliers, governments, and any other group with a vested interest in the organization. 3. Systems as interdependent parts a. Organizational systems: consist of many internal subsystems that need to be continuously aligned with each other.