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File System Basics File Compression Archiving and Backup

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Learning Objectives

Learners will be able to…

Use the following commands:

- gzip
- bzip2
- zip
- tar
- xz
- cpio
- dd

What is file compression?

File compression is a way to reduce the size of a file, or set of files. The
advantages of compressed files are that they require less storage space and
in the case of files that will be downloaded or uploaded, their reduced size
reduces transmission time.

Two types of compression

There are two types of compression, lossy and lossless.

Lossy compression
With lossy compression some of the original data is discarded and the file
cannot be reconstructed to its original form. This form of compression is
often used on images and sound files, for example jpeg and mp3 formats.
For image files the number of colors might be reduced and for sound files
the number of samples. This type of compression can result in loss of

An example of image lossy compression is chroma subsampling, color

information is reduced by averaging sets of adjacent color values and
setting them all to the same value.

Audio compression algorithms remove sounds that are outside of human

hearing capacity, this technique is called perceptual audio coding.

Lossless compression
With lossless compression methods the original file can be reconstructed
from the compressed file. In a nutshell, these methods recognize repeated
patterns, replace them with a smaller placeholder and then keep the actual
pattern in one place to be later substituted when the file is uncompressed.

The gzip compression tool

The name gzip refers to both the tool that does the compression and the file
format of the resulting file. This tool has been around since 1992 and is still
being maintained. The compression algorithm used by gzip is known as
DEFLATE. The two main advantages of DEFLATE are speed, and memory
efficiency, during the compression process. It only compresses a single file
and the resulting file is given a .gz file extension.

A few useful options for this command:

| Option | Purpose |
| -d | Decompress |
| -k | Keep input files |
| -l | List compressed size, uncompressed size, ratio |

You can see all options by referring to the man page:

man gzip

Before gzip (notice the file size of Lesmiserables.txt is 3369045):

You can also view the file size by typing ls -l Lesmiserables.txt

1. Zip the large text file:

gzip Lesmiserables.txt

After gzip (notice the file size is now 1290580, much smaller!):

2. Get information about the compression using the -l option. It tells you
about the compressed size, the uncompressed size and the ratio of the
two. The file size was reduced by 61.7 percent.

gzip -l Lesmiserables.txt.gz

3. Now unzip the file - gunzip is equivalent to gzip -d

gzip -d Lesmiserables.txt.gz

4. Now take a look at the file and see that it is once again the exact same
size as before being compressed.

ls -l Lesmiserables.txt
The bzip2 compression tool

The bzip2 compression tool was first introduced in 1996. The algorithm
used by bzip2 is called Burrows–Wheeler transform (BWT), another name
for it is block-sorting compression. Compared to the gzip compression
utility, bzip2 outputs a smaller compressed file but due to the complexity of
the algorithm, it takes much longer for the process to complete. It also
requires more memory during the compression process than gzip. It only
compresses a single file and the resulting file is given a .bz2 file extension.

Try bzip2:

bzip2 Lesmiserables.txt

Check the file size of the zipped file:

ls -l Lesmiserables.txt.bz2

The bzip2 results in a smaller file but the time difference for the
compression as compared to gzip is insignificant with a file of this size.

Unzip the file:

bzip2 -d Lesmiserables.txt.bz2

Check the file size after unzipping:

ls -l Lesmiserables.txt

View the man page for more information on this utility:

man bzip2

The xz compression tool

The xz compression tool is the newest of the tools on this page, it was first
released in 2009. The algorithm used by xz is called LZMA2, it has a greater
compression ratio than the two previous tools. Like bzip2 the greater
compression ability comes at the expense of the speed of the process. In
some cases it can take 4-5 times longer than bzip2. It only compresses a
single file and the resulting file is given a .xz file extension.

Try xz and view the resulting file size:

xz Lesmiserables.txt
ls -l Lesmiserables.txt.xz

You can view statistics about the compressed file using the -l option:

xz -l Lesmiserables.txt.xz

Uncompress the file using the -d option:

xz -d Lesmiserables.txt.xz

You can view more information about the xz command on the man page for

man xz
Archiving is the process of combining multiple files or directories into one
single file. Archiving is useful when you are backing data up or sharing it.
For example, if you have multiple files you want to send to someone it is
more efficient to turn them into a single archive, send them one file and
they can extract the files when they receive it.

The tar command

The word tar is short for Tape Archive and the command refers back to
the early days when backups were made to magnetic tape drives.

Common tar flags:

Flag Function
-c Create an archive
-f Use an archive file
-r Append to an archive
-t List contents of an archive
-v Verbose output
-x Extract contents of an archive
-z Compress the archive using gzip

View all the options for tar:

man tar

The directory images on the left contains 53 files. If you wanted to send
them to someone in an email, attaching all the files would be cumbersome.
Instead you can use tar to create an archive file and send that.


Note: tar is recursive by default

It will archive all files in the hierarchy of whatever you supply as the
input argument.
The tar command tar, flags, archive name, input files

This is the most common invocation:

tar -cvf images.tar images

We can list the contents of the images.tar file:

tar -tvf images.tar

You can also create an archive and zip it with one command:

tar -zcvf images.tar.gz images

ls -l images.*

Notice that the compressed file is smaller

You can extract a single file - first we will rename the images directory
because by default it extracts to the same hierarchy

mv images imagesbak
tar -xvf images.tar images/concat.png
ls -l images

Extract a compressed archive to a different directory - the directory

must already exist

mkdir extracted
tar -zxvf images.tar.gz -C extracted

The cpio command

The cpio command is used to copy files into and out of archives. The name
refers to its functionality, “copy in copy out”. It is similar to tar but there
are some distinct differences:
1. cpio is not recursive by default
1. cpio will not overwrite newer data file whereas the default for tar is to
Common cpio flags:
| Flag | Purpose |
| -o | copy out mode copies files into an archive |
| -i | copy in mode copies files out of an archive |
| -p | copy pass copies files from one directory tree to another |

View all the options for cpio:

man cpio

Archive all the files in the images directory to a file named


cd images
ls | cpio -o > imagedir.cpio
ls -l imagedir.cpio

The zip and unzip commands

The zip command archives and compresses a set of files. It is a popular
cross-platform tool and that makes it ideal for sharing files with people on
different systems.

zip is not recursive by default, if you want it to zip everything in a

directory you need to specify the -r flag. First we need to get out of the
images directory.

cd ..
zip -r images.zip imagesbak
ls -l

You’ll notice that the .zip file is smaller than the .tar file, that’s because
zip compresses by default.

To unzip the archive:

unzip images.zip

Notice that it won’t overwrite automatically, it prompts to see what you

want to do.

Use man zip and man unzip for more information about these commands.

The dd command
The dd command can be used to convert and copy files. You might use it to
create a bootable usb version of your Linux operating system or to backup
files. It uses a different command line syntax than most other Linux
commands. Rather than -option the syntax looks like this - -option=value.

Try this command:

dd if=trydd.txt of=outdd.txt conv=ucase

ls outdd.txt

This command copies the contents of trydd.txt to outdd.txt using the

conversion ucase which turned it all to upper case characters.

Learn more about the dd command:

man dd

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