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Time Management and Perceived Stress in Academic Performance


A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Research Project



Alcoriza, Ace

Miranda, Kris Charm

Salimbagat, Mariel

Tapic, Wrynnel

December 2023


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Part I. Time Management:

Questionnaire Instruction: Please read each item carefully. Check the box that

corresponds to your answer. Kindly use the following scale:

Numerical Descriptive Equivalent Description


4 (SA) Strongly Agree The statement is always observed

3 (A) Agree The statement is often observed

2 (D) Disagree The statement is seldom observed

1 (SD) Strongly Disagree The statement is not observed

Personal Interest factors 4 3 2 1

1. Take responsibility of my time.

2. Finding difficulty following own plans.

3.Having a clear idea of the daily routine.

4.Able to avoid distractions.

5.Avoid procrastination.

6. I am able to say no to things that waste my time.

7.Complete my assessments within the deadline.

Social factors 4 3 2 1
1. Get enough time to study at home.

2. My study plans get affected by my family.

3. Spend more time on domestic works.

4. Phone calls from my family and friends takes a lot

of my time.

Planning and Organizing 4 3 2 1

1. Daily prepares the list of things to do.

2. Use strategies to manage my time.

3. In daily plan allotting some free time for


4. Plan and prioritize my tasks.

Home (indicator) 4 3 2 1

1. Getting enough time to study/do projects in home.

2. Facing distractions while studying in home.

3. While in home able to complete work in time.

4. Home environment is capable to study.

Transportation (indicator) 4 3 2 1

1. Study times gets affected by travel time.

2. Traveling from school to homes takes a lot of

3. Unable to plan study time due to travel


School-related factors (indicator) 4 3 2 1

1. The teacher changed the due dates of


2. The changes in the due date of assessment

submission affected my plans.

3. Assessment due dates are the same for all the

courses or almost nearer.

4. I have to back exams.

5. There are many assessments but the time is


6. Lecture timings allotted by the school is suitable.

Adapted from: Adams, R. V., & Blair, E. (2019). Impact of time management
behaviors on undergraduate engineering students’ performance.
Part II. Perceived Stress in Academic Performance:

Questionnaire Instruction: Please read each item carefully. Check the box that

corresponds to your answer. Kindly use the following scale:

Numerical Descriptive Equivalent Description


4 (SA) Strongly Agree The statement is always observed

3 (A) Agree The statement is often observed

2 (D) Disagree The statement is seldom observed

1 (SD) Strongly Disagree The statement is not observed

Measuring Seeking Academic help 4 3 2 1

1. I get some help to understand the learning material


2. I ask the teacher to go over it with me.

3. I ask the teacher to explain what I didn’t understand.

4. I get some help on the parts I didn’t understand.

Measuring View Seeking Help as Threat of a Self- 4 3 2 1

1. I stay away from people.

2. I don’t want to see anyone.

3. I don’t want to talk to anyone about it.

4. I try to keep people from finding out.

5. I make sure nobody finds out.

6. I try to hide it.

7. I don’t tell anyone about it.

Measuring Perceived Stress in Academic 4 3 2 1


Stresses related to academic expectations

1. Competition with my peers for grades is quite intense.

2. My teachers are critical to my academic performance.

3. Teachers have unrealistic expectations of me.

4. The unrealistic expectations of my parents stresses

me out.

5. Stresses related to academic work and examinations.

6. The time allocated to classes and academic work is


7. The size of curriculum, (workload) is excessive.

8. I believe that the amount of work assignment is too


9. I am able to catch up if getting behind my work.

Adapted from: Arslan, N. (2017). Investigating the relationship between

educational stress and emotional self-efficacy. Universal Journal of Educational

Research, 5(10), 1736-1740.

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