Sca100t 4

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SCA100T Series


The SCA100T Series is a 3D-MEMS-based dual axis inclinometer family that provides instrumentation grade
Data Sheet
performance for leveling applications. The measuring axes of the sensing elements are parallel to the mounting
plane and orthogonal to each other. Low temperature dependency, high resolution and low noise, together a with
robust sensing element design, make the SCA100T the ideal choice for leveling instruments. The Murata
inclinometers are unsensitive to vibration, due to their over damped sensing elements, and can withstand

mechanical shocks of up to 20000 g.

Figure 1. Functional block diagram
• Dual axis inclination measurement (X and Y)
• Measuring ranges ±30° SCA100T-D01 and
± 90° SCA100T-D02
• 0.0035° resolution (10 Hz BW, analog output) • Digital SPI inclination and temperature output
• Sensing element controlled over damped • Comprehensive failure detection features o
frequency response (-3dB 18Hz) True self test by deflecting the sensing
• Robust design, high shock durability elements’ proof mass by electrostatic force.
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Rev.B2 sensing element interconnection
The SCA100T Dual Axis Inclinometer Series.........................................................................1


Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................
12 VDD 2
1 Electrical Specifications.......................................................................................................3
Sensing Signal conditioning
1.1 Absolute Maximum
element 1 Ratings........................................................................................................3
and filtering
11 OUT_1

1.2 Performance Characteristics......................................................................................................3

A/D conversion
10 ST_ 1 Self test 1
1.3 Electrical Characteristics............................................................................................................4
Sensor 1 SCK
1.4 SPI
9 ST_ Interface
2 SelfDC
test 2Characteristics................................................................................................4
SPI interface
1.5 SPI Interface AC Characteristics.................................................................................................4
Sensing Signal conditioning
5 OUT_2
1.6 SPI Interface Timing
element 2 Specifications...........................................................................................5
and filtering

1.7 Electrical Connection...................................................................................................................6


1.8 Typical Performance Characteristics.........................................................................................6

SCA100T Series

1.8.1 Additional External Compensation..........................................................7

2 Functional Description......................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Measuring Directions...................................................................................................................9

2.2 Voltage to Angle Conversion.......................................................................................................9

2.3 Ratiometric Output.....................................................................................................................10

2.4 SPI Serial Interface.....................................................................................................................10

2.5 Digital Output to Angle Conversion..........................................................................................12

2.6 Self Test and Failure Detection Modes.....................................................................................13

2.7 Temperature Measurement........................................................................................................14

3 Application Information......................................................................................................15
3.1 Recommended Circuit Diagrams and Printed Circuit Board Layouts..................................15

3.2 Recommended Printed Circuit Board Footprint......................................................................16

4 Mechanical Specifications and Reflow Soldering............................................................16

4.1 Mechanical Specifications (Reference only)...........................................................................16

4.2 Reflow Soldering........................................................................................................................17

1 Electrical Specifications
The SCA100T product family comprises two versions, the SCA100T-D01 and the SCA100T-D02
that differ in measurement range. The product version specific performance specifications are
listed in the table SCA100T performance characteristics below. All other specifications are
common with both versions. Vdd=5.00V and ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.

1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Supply voltage (VDD) -0.3 V to +5.5V
Voltage at input / output pins -0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V)
Storage temperature -55°C to +125°C
Operating temperature -40°C to +125°C
Mechanical shock Drop from 1 meter onto a concrete surface
(20000g). Powered or non-powered
ESD Protection:
-Human Body Model ±2 kV
-Charge Device Model ±500 V
Cleaning Ultrasonic cleaning not allowed

1.2 Performance Characteristics

Parameter Condition SCA100T SCA100T Units
-D01 -D02
Measuring range Nominal ±30 ±90 °
±0.5 ±1.0 g
Frequency response –3dB LP (1 8-28 8-28 Hz

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SCA100T Series

Offset (Output at 0g) Ratiometric output Vdd/2 Vdd/2 V

Offset calibration error ±0.11 ±0.23 °
Offset Digital Output 1024 1024 LSB
Sensitivity 4 70 2 V/g mV/°
between 0…1°
Sensitivity calibration ±0.5 ±0.5 %
Sensitivity Digital Output 1638 819 LSB / g
Offset temperature -25…85°C (typical) ±0.008 ±0.008 °/°C
dependency -40…125°C (max) ±0.86 ±0.86 °
Sensitivity temperature -25...85°C (typical) ±0.014 - ±0.014 - %/°C %
dependency -40…125°C (max) 2.5...+1 2.5...+1
Typical non-linearity Measuring range ±0.11 ±0.57 °
Digital output resolution 11 11 Bits
0.035 0.07 ° / LSB
between 0…1°
Output noise density From DC...100Hz 0.0008 0.0008 / Hz
(4 (3
Analog output resolution Bandwidth 10 Hz 0.0035 0.0035 °
Ratiometric error Vdd = 4.75...5.25V ±2 ±2 %
Cross-axis sensitivity Max. 4 4 %
Note 1. The frequency response is determined by the sensing element’s internal gas damping.
Note 2. The angle output has SIN curve relationship to voltage output
Note 3. 1st degree low pass filtered output Resolution = Noise density * √(bandwidth*1.6)
Note 4. Typical value for most of the components

1.3 Electrical Characteristics

Parameter Condition Min. Typ Max. Units
Supply voltage Vdd 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
Current Vdd = 5 V; No load 4 5 mA
Operating -40 +125 °C
Analog resistive Vout to Vdd or GND 10 kOhm
output load
Analog capacitive Vout to Vdd or GND 20 nF
output load
Start-up delay Reset and parity check 10 ms

1.4 SPI Interface DC Characteristics

Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit

Input terminal CSB

Pull up current VIN = 0 V IPU 13 22 35 A
Input high voltage VIH 4 Vdd+0.3 V
Input low voltage VIL -0.3 1 V
Hysteresis VHYST 0.23*Vdd V
Input capacitance CIN 2 pF

Input terminal MOSI, SCK

Pull down current VIN = 5 V IPD 9 17 29 A

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SCA100T Series

Input high voltage VIH 4 Vdd+0.3 V

Input low voltage VIL -0.3 1 V
Hysteresis VHYST 0.23*Vdd V
Input capacitance CIN 2 pF

Output terminal MISO

Output high voltage I > -1mA VOH Vdd- V
Output low voltage I < 1 mA VOL 0.5 V
Tristate leakage 0 < VMISO < ILEAK 5 100 pA

1.5 SPI Interface AC Characteristics

Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units

Output load @500kHz 1 nF

SPI clock frequency 500 kHz

Internal A/D conversion time 150 s

Data transfer time for 8bit command and @500kHz 38 s

11bit data

1.6 SPI Interface Timing Specifications

Parameter Conditions Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Terminal CSB, SCK

Time from CSB (10%) to TLS1 120 ns

SCK (90%)
Time from SCK (10%) to TLS2 120 ns
CSB (90%)
Terminal SCK

SCK low time Load TCL 1 s

capacitance at
MISO < 2 nF
SCK high time Load TCH 1 s
capacitance at
MISO < 2 nF
Terminal MOSI, SCK

Time from changing MOSI (10%, TSET 30 ns

90%) to SCK (90%).
Data setup time
Time from SCK (90%) to changing THOL 30 ns
MOSI (10%,90%).
Data hold time
Terminal MISO, CSB

Time from CSB (10%) to stable Load TVAL1 10 100 ns

MISO (10%, 90%). capacitance at
MISO < 15 pF
Time from CSB (90%) to high Load TLZ 10 100 ns
impedance state of MISO. capacitance at
MISO < 15 pF
Terminal MISO, SCK

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SCA100T Series

Time from SCK (10%) to stable Load TVAL2 100 ns

MISO (10%, 90%). capacitance at
MISO < 15 pF
Terminal CSB

Time between SPI cycles, CSB at TLH 15 s

high level (90%)
When using SPI commands TLH 150 s
between conversion cycles, CSB
at high level (90%)

Figure 2. Timing diagram for SPI communication

1.7 Electrical Connection

If the SPI interface is not used SCK (pin1), MISO (pin3), MOSI (pin4) and CSB (pin7) must be left
floating. Self-test can be activated applying logic “1” (positive supply voltage level) to ST_1 or ST_2
pins (pins 10 or 9). Self-test must not be activated for both channels at the same time. If ST feature
is not used pins 9 and 10 must be left floating or connected to GND. Inclination signals are
provided from pins OUT_1 and OUT_2.


Ext_C_1 11



OUT_2OUT_2 5Ext_C_2


Figure 3. SCA100T electrical connection

No. Node I/O Description

1 SCK Input Serial clock
2 NC Input No connect, left floating
3 MISO Output Master in slave out; data output
4 MOSI Input Master out slave in; data input
5 Out_2 Output Y axis Output (Ch 2)
6 GND Supply Ground
7 CSB Input Chip select (active low)
8 NC Input No connect, left floating
9 ST_2 Input Self test input for Ch 2

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SCA100T Series

10 ST_1 Input Self test input for Ch 1

11 Out_1 Output X axis Output (Ch 1)
12 VDD Supply Positive supply voltage (+5V DC)

1.8 Typical Performance Characteristics

Typical offset and sensitivity temperature dependencies of the SCA100T are presented in following
diagrams. These results represent the typical performance of SCA100T components. The mean
value and 3 sigma limits (mean ± 3 standard deviation) and specification limits are presented in
following diagrams. The 3 sigma limits represents 99.73% of the SCA100T population.

Temperature dependency of SCA100T offset

specification limit
0.8error [degrees]

0.2 Average
0 +3 sigma
-0.2 -3 sigma


specification limit
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temp [°C]

Figure 4. Typical temperature dependency of SCA100T offset

Temperature dependency of SCA100T sensitivity

1.00 specification limit

0.50 error [%]


-0.50 Average
+3 sigma
-1.00 -3 sigma



-2.50 specification limit

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temp [°C]

Figure 5. Typical temperature dependency of SCA100T sensitivity

1.8.1 Additional External Compensation

To achieve the best possible accuracy, the temperature measurement information and typical
temperature dependency curves can be used for SCA100T offset and sensitivity temperature
dependency compensation. The equation of fitted 3rd order polynome curve for offset compensation

Offcorr 0.0000006*T3 0.0001*T2 0.0039*T  0.0522


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SCA100T Series

Offcorr: 3rd order polynome fitted to average offset

temperature dependency curve T temperature in °C (Refer to paragraph 2.7
Temperature Measurement)

The calculated compensation curve can be used to compensate the temperature dependency of
the SCA100T offset by using following equation:

OFFSETcomp Offset Offcorr

OFFSETcomp temperature compensated offset in degrees
Offset Nominal offset in degrees
The equation of fitted 2nd order polynome curve for sensitivity compensation is:

Scorr 0.00011*T2 0.0022*T 0.0408

Scorr: 2nd order polynome fitted to average sensitivity temperature dependency curve
T temperature in °C

The calculated compensation curve can be used to compensate the temperature dependency of
the SCA100T sensitivity by using following equation:

SENScomp  SENS *(1Scorr/100)

SENScomp temperature compensated sensitivity
SENS Nominal sensitivity (4V/g SCA100T-D01, 2V/g SCA100T-D02)

The typical offset and sensitivity temperature dependency after external compensation is shown in
the pictures below.

Temperature dependency of externally compensate

SCA100T offset

0.8error [degrees]
0.2 Average
0 +3 sigma
-0.2 -3 sigma

-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temp [°C]

Figure 6. The temperature dependency of an externally compensated SCA100T offset

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