Bsi Haccp GMP Guide
Bsi Haccp GMP Guide
Bsi Haccp GMP Guide
! !
!!Benefits of Certification
12 steps to developing !
a HACCP Plan: BSI HACCP & GMP certification ! is a great way for food
manufacturing and food service companies to operate
! to a standard that is focused on customers receiving
safe and legal food. Companies certified to the BSI
1 Assemble the HACCP team !! HACCP & GMP standard also get to use the associated
Assurance Mark. BSI Assurance Marks are internationally
Describe the product !!
2 recognized symbols of quality, reliability and continual
! improvement, providing the companies awarded
them with a powerful marketing advantage over their
3 Identify intended use competition.
Combining the assurance mark: Manufactured/produced under a
BSI certified HACCP & GMP system
If you have more than one standard or scheme with us you’re
able to use the personalized multi-scheme BSI Assurance Mark.
The multi-scheme BSI Assurance Mark consolidates all of your
standards within one logo, like the example shown here. HACCP ISO
& GMP 9001
Food Safety Quality
Email [email protected] with your certificate numbers of Management Management
each standard for your multi-scheme BSI Assurance Mark.
Your journey to BSI HACCP & GMP Certification
There are two paths you can take to achieve your certification to HACCP & GMP.
Smaller sized organizations who don’t require or who aren’t ready to undertake a full
GFSI certification audit, but want to demonstrate their efficiencies in producing safe,
legal food may find path B more useful.
Path A Path B
Undertake a complementary BSI Business Undertake a complementary business review
1 1
Review with one of our Client Managers with one of our Client Managers
Decide which GFSI food safety scheme is Ask your Client Manager for details and
right for you with the help of your Client 2 quotation for BSI HACCP & GMP certification
Read the BSI HACCP & GMP standard,
Ask your Client Manager to add the BSI and perform any actions and/or training
3 HACCP & GMP certification to your audit, on necessary to comply to the clauses of the
a complementary basis 3 standard before your audit. (Your client
manager can assist you with booking this
Read the standard, and perform any actions training, or putting you in touch with a
and/or training necessary to comply to the consultant if necessary)
clauses of the standard before your audit.
(Your Client Manager can assist you with 4 Undertake an audit to the standard
booking this training, or putting you in touch
with a consultant if necessary) Successful completion and certification to
5 BSI HACCP & GMP Standard, certificate
Undertake an audit to GFSI Certified awarded
Standard & the BSI HACCP & GMP Standard
Utilise logo pack and start promoting your
Successful completion and certification to 6 achievement to clients and prospects, in line
6 BSI HACCP & GMP Standard, certificate with usage guidelines
Ask your Client Manager for details
Utilize Assurance Mark pack and start
7 promoting your achievement to clients and
prospects, in line with usage guidelines Want to attend a BSI award
ceremony and pick up your
Complementary, when booked and audited at certificate in front of the
the same time as your BRC Food Safety or FSSC industry?
22000 certification*
Let your Client Manager know…
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