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Mbror Package

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MBROR Package

Tourism & Hospitality Marketing

Submitted by:

Hanan alhassani 442014538 Noor Anwar Alharbi 442014543

Shahad Abdullah Alhazmi 441007333 Rana Tawfiq Khoj 442003926
Feda fahad Muzaffar 439001987 Fay Althagafi 441011491

Shahad Abdullah Hamid Diwan 442008727

Dana Mashhoor Al-Sarawani 442003544
Sara Nasser Aldaajani 442015609

Group Assignment #1
Section: 2

Submitted to:
Ms. Ohood Al-Zaidi

Date of submission:
12 February, 2023
Project Name: Mbror Package
Target group: special needs and the elderly
Package ingredients:
Provide a personal assistant for every three persons
Provide translated languages
Provide an intermediary between the airline and the customer
Accommodation includes ready meals
Providing a Braille Quran for the blind
Transportation to and from the Grand Mosque in cars with people with special needs
A tour of the Revelation Gallery to live an experience that simulates religious places such
as Hira Cave and narrates the stories of the prophets

Hanan Alhassani
Meaning of Hajj Mbror
Kindness to people and treating them with kindness and good manners with them.
In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked about righteousness,
and he said: “Good manners.” This is something that the pilgrim needs a lot, so he
should have it and strive himself to achieve it, so he treats people with kindness and
treats them kindly in word and deed.

Basics of choosing a logo:

1- Choose the symbols expressing the topic.
2- Simplicity and ease of understanding.
3- Choose a symbol indicating a specific country.

Feda Muzaffar
Our Services
The package targets many segments and different countries, so providing unique services
is one of the basics of Mbror. This is why the package is interested in providing the best
amenities and ease for the guests of Albayt Al-haram by providing various services and
programs that suit all groups. These include:

Accommodation including main meals.

Providing an intermediary between the airline and the customer.
Availability of transportation in the country of the pilgrim to take them from their
homes to the airport, and upon their arrival, transfer them from the airport to the hotel.
Transportation to and from the Al-Haram in cars that support people with special needs,
Offers an assistant to help with the check into the hotel and take care of other
There are assistants who are proficient in the language for each country in addition to
headphones that translate languages.
Providing the Quran and Supplications for all rituals, from ihram to farewell tawaf in all
Our Services
One of the unique services is providing people with special needs with the Quran in
Braille and an assistant for them during the performance of rituals and wheelchairs in
request in both during travel and performing of rituals.
Providing bracelets for people with special needs to facilitate their entry into Al-Haram
and guide them, in addition to containing tracking devices in case they get lost, and
bracelets for the elderly that contain their health information and track their health
status. The colors of the bracelets differ according to their conditions. The elderly
without needing special assistance wear green bracelets, and the elderly with special
cases have yellow bracelets, orange bracelets for the deaf, red bracelets for the
speechless , and purple bracelets for the blind.
A tour of the alwahi exhibition to live an experience that simulates religious places such
as Hira Cave and telling the stories of the Prophets.
Providing food and drink services during the performance of Alhajj rituals and medical
services for pilgrims are one of the basics provided by Mbror package.

Types of package

Basic Budget Premium

(Incl. transportation (land or air) to
and from Makkah Al-Mukarramah, in addition, Tour in addtion Tour in
tax, transportation 24h Makkah, in Makkah, and visit the Al- Makkah and visit Al-
Mina / Arafat / Muzdalifah, Catering, Wahy exhibition 22,000 SR Madina 27,000 SR
accommodation(hotel, tent, camp),
medical insurance, facilities suite for
each person) 20,000 SR

For The Local Community

The package helps create a vibrant community based on love of

help and taking care of the guests of the house during the Hajj
period. It also creates many job opportunities and existing
cooperations between local companies and increases the love of
learning among the local community for other languages ​and
cultures and dealing with them and increasing Islamic awareness
and reminding the local community of the history of Islam and the
stories of the prophets and holy places in Mecca and transfer this
knowledge to the pilgrims.

Brand positioning





What problem will we solve with our package?

From the mother country to Mecca and then departure

suitable experience
Providing requirements suitable for the pilgrim such as a wheelchair, foods suitable for his health, insurance in
anticipation of any emergency, comfortable transportation, translation service for each category, and a hotel on low

Time management
To deliver them to the place of rituals at times before the peak, so that they do not
feel exhausted along the way, and to facilitate entry to them.

Medical need
Measuring blood pressure and diabetes daily, vaccinations that pilgrims need, and appointing
several nurses to supervise a certain number of pilgrims to understand their needs and wants.

current market main trends and
According to what was reported on the website of The first package: its
inside : the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, the number of price is 10,596.10 Saudi
companies and institutions for internal Umrah is riyals
472 The second package:
As for Hajj establishments and companies, they are 8,092.55 Saudi riyals
187 The third package is
13150.25 Saudi riyals
With regard to prices, 4 Hajj packages are
The fourth package:
available through the unified electronic platform
3,984.75 Saudi riyals
for domestic pilgrims

outside : While the number of companies or agents abroad

In Indonesia: 119 agents, or 5.42%.
Bangladesh: 114 agents, or 5.19%
Malaysia: 17 agents, or 0.77%.
Turkey: 111 agents, or 5.05%
Based on the information available on the site

Hanan Al-hassani
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Targeting


Region Domestic, international

Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Qassim, Tabuk, Al-Madinah Al-

Domestic regions name: Munawwara, Al-Jouf, Jazan, Riyadh, Eastern, Asir, Hail, northern,
Najran, Al-Baha

International regions name: Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria

Density Rural

Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Targeting


Age 35-44 , 45-54, 55-65

Gender Male, Female

income above average, high-income earners

Occupation employee, retried

Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Targeting


Degree of loyalty Non

Benefits sought Spirituality, comfort, providing them with appropriate services

User status The elderly, people with special needs

Personality Determined, isolated, careful

Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Targeting


Social class Upper-class, Middle-class

Lifestyle They like to be surrounded by people, routine

Designed specifically for you, unforgeable experience, a service

Positioning that suits your needs, you are first and most important

An outstanding product that
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has attached great importance to highlights a category that
people with special needs in its budget, and obligated hasn't been given much

governmental and private institutions to equip their buildings in attention which gives us the
upper hand over other similar
a way that suits this category.


Since our product depends heavily on seasonality, during It will create many cooperations with large Since it is an idea that has not been circulated much,
off-season times there will not be much work to almost companies that will provide us with opportunities there will be no confidence from the target group or
non-existence, and the profits will be very few. Other risks to gain the trust of customers and break the fear sufficient awareness of the importance of the product
that we may face are epidemic diseases such as Corona of taking this step، It is possible to bring in and the amount of facilities that we provide. The lack
virus and others, and avoiding these risks will be very translators from other countries to create of commitment of many private institutions to
difficult given that our dealings and mixing with people expansion in other countries and give us many community participation for this category, because
would be hesitant, Direct and indirect competitors. Lack of one of the goals of Vision 2030 is a vibrant society
opportunities. Opening the door for investments
support for this project, which affects the quality of services based on activating community partnership
to foreign countries in the Kingdom of Saudi

Dana Alsarawani
Sara Aldaajani

Who will we collaborate with?

The social service staff
The cooperate with the social service staff will give us a statement to help the elderly
and people with special needs because dealing with them from the perspective of an
ordinary person is very difficult and the idea of ​the social service staff was very useful.

Accommodation transportation
companies companies airlines catering hospitals
rooms are prepared for the provide buses that
provides companies
elderly and people with special wheelchairs to Equipped with
allow wheelchairs
needs, which are suitable for take them to the nurses to visit as
them, and special meals are access
plane needed
provided for the
marketing study
is the methodical collection, documentation, and analysis of data, both
qualitative and quantitative, about problems pertaining to the
marketing of goods and services.
Marketing study is usually used to analyze the best way to promote
a good or service.

The study of marketing is often associated with the

The goal 'marketing mix'. Its goal is to improve the efficiency
of the company's marketing strategies.

Shahad Alhazmi
The five Market

components of Research

the marketing Product


study Research Sales


Shahad Alhazmi
We made a questionnaire to find out the community's awareness of this

Fay Althagafi
The questionnaire results:
The results of the questionnaire were that there is a large percentage of
them who have full awareness of this category and they constitute 87%,
and many suggested ways to reach them through a general
questionnaire that was published in the accounts of social sites,
especially in the months close to the month of Hajj.
Indirect competitors
Makkah Makkah Makkah Makkah

Al Dhafra Company Al-Mahmal Company Charity Campaign Rawahel Al Mashaer

A victorious campaign is organized All Hajj services are provided to The charity campaign aims
during the Hajj season in order to facilitate the pilgrims and provide to facilitate the pilgrimage Rawahel Al-Mashaer is a private
provide services to the pilgrims of means of comfort and safety for for the pilgrims and company that transports pilgrims
the Holy House of God. Al-Dhafra the pilgrims of the Sacred House provide services for them between the holy sites and
Company also aims to facilitate Hajj of God. It also strives to be to devote themselves to provides transportation that
for pilgrims, provide means of distinguished by its services, as it performing the pilgrimage helps them perform the Hajj and
comfort and safety for them, and has transport buses for pilgrims and devoting themselves provides means of comfort and
help pilgrims to perform the Hajj equipped with the latest to worship, reverence and safety for them. The services of
with ease and ease without being technology. The shop campaign closeness to God. Rawahel Al Mashaer Company are
preoccupied with services. characterized by high quality and
is considered the best Hajj
campaign for its distinguished efficiency.
Feda Muzaffar
Shahad Alhazmi

Indirect competitors
Riyadh Riyadh Hasa Dammam

Al-Furqan Campaign United Islam Campaign Elite Campaign Al-Qurashi Campaign

The campaign provides sites
Which is considered one of the The United Islam Campaign, This campaign provides the most close to the Jamarat with less
best Hajj campaigns in Riyadh, a through its Hajj campaign, is luxurious services through first- than 50 meters, and the
huge program of visits and keen to provide the closest class airline tickets, air-conditioned
distinguished buses, in addition campaign provides feelings
places to the Jamarat cars to and from the airport, and
to guides from the people of train and luxury buses, and
stoning sites and to provide transportation between all rituals.
Makkah, provides cultural and health
open food and drink It provides separate rooms for
It provides air conditioning in all services for pilgrims.
services to pilgrims, in each pilgrim with an open buffet
tents and three meals throughout addition to a variety of
the day through an open buffet
for all meals, in addition to Al khobar
religious and cultural educational and entertainment
for pilgrims, in addition to the
programs and medical Faisal Al-Dhafiri
programs accompanied by
presence of 24-hour security campaign
services that it provides to specialized medical teams, and the
guards and trained medical
pilgrims of both sexes. proximity of its hotels and tents to
teams of all specialties. It is a campaign distinguished by
all rituals. its services in the eastern region
Package Mbror Markrting Plan

Noor Alharbi
In this regard, the elderly and people with special needs were highlighted, and a
unique pilgrimage experience was created for them through the website that we
created, which links accommodation, transportation, aviation, catering and
hospitals companies to provide their needs and ensure their comfort.
Also, we have solved the problems that they may face when they come to
perform their rituals so that they can perform them comfortably and
spiritually. We have also made marketing plans and identified the categories
that our product can attract. Therefore, we created the Mabroor Package,
which is not just a campaign that connects you to the holy sites, but also cares
about preserving your convenience.
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