The Types of Process Flow Diagrams
The Types of Process Flow Diagrams
The Types of Process Flow Diagrams
Chemical Engineering Process flow diagram are the diagram that will help us
understand the chemical process with the help of diagrams. These diagrams are the
fundamentals diagrams that will provide you the overall details of the process in
any chemical industry.
The PFD shows the general arrangement of the process units in a plant. It does not show
the detailed information such as pipe sizes, equipment types, or operating conditions. The
PFD should include all major unit operations and supporting systems, such as utilities.
The Block Flow Diagram is the simplest form of a Flow Diagram for a chemical
engineering process and typically shows the major pieces of equipment and the process
steps. It is a good way to get an overview of the process, but it does not show all the
A Block flow diagram usually resembles a general material flow composed of rectangle
boxes that includes the major equipment of the process industry. This type of diagram
includes the chemical process flow along with equipment to provide an overview of the
chemical plant and process.
Example of block flow diagram
Example 1:,
A block flow diagram for a simple distillation process might look like this:
The feed (liquid to be distilled) is heated in the boiler to create vapor. The vapor rises into
the distillation column, where it comes into contact with the cooling water utility from
the condenser. This causes the vapor to condense, and the condensed liquid flows into the
reflux pot from that the condensed liquid is then collected in a collecting vessel.
Example 2:
The below diagram is an example of a block flow diagram. As you can see the whole
manufacturing process is described as a block diagram. The process flow is described in a
block flow diagram consisting of chemical process equipment in rectangular and square
and process flow is described as arrow. In block diagram. The Block diagram does not
include pipes, valve, interlock, etc, only the flow of the process through equipment are
2. Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
The Process Flow Diagram goes a little deep than the Block Flow Diagram in that it
provides more detail about major equipment, subsystems, and process flow path. The
Process flow diagram may or may not includes the process parameters like pressure and
temperature information as well as the main parameters of the chemical plant and
Now let us understand the process flow diagram with examples. You can see the below
figure of a process flow diagram. Process flow diagrams resemble the chemical process
through symbols and processes in detail compare to block flow diagrams. The process
flow diagram contains a specific diagram of the equipment containing information in
Process flow diagrams Examples