Part 1: Complete the form below.
Questions 1-8
Five- Star Caterers
Customer Booking Form
Event: ...............party............
Customer name: Mr (1)..................................
Daytime telephone number: (2).......................................
Telephone number after 5 pm: As above (If no one answer, (3)................................)
Number of guests: (4)..........................................
Date: (5).........................................
Shape: (6).......................................
Size: (7)......................................
Number of tables: (8)......................................
Your answers:
1. 3. 5. 7.
2. 4. 6. 8.
Questions 9-10
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D
9. The man decides to book______
A. a three-couse meal. B. a buffet C. a banquet
10. The man will have to pay______
A. £750 tomorrow B. £100 per head C. £1,500 on the day of the party.
Your answers
9. 10.
Part 2: You are going to hear somebody giving their opinion about the media and its influence on
society. For questions 11- 20, complete the sentences with one missing word. Write A, B, C or D
in the box given.
There is no (11)________ the fact that the media has become one of the most powerful influences
in our lives. TV, radio and newspapers are the (12)_________ main forms of media that we have daily
contact with. Because of their importance it is(13)_________that controversy will often go hand in
hand with such a powerful force.
The media is not always used (14)__________or responsibly and is often a source of gossip,
scandal or propaganda. Politicians use it in their political campaigns in order to gain support.
Entertainers and celebrities use it to (15)________themselves and keep themselves in the public eye.
This is of course to their advantage but on the other hand they are also open to the disadvantages of
publicity. Private lives are brought out into the open and the word private no longer suits the situation.
Celebrities find themselves being followed and at all times of day or night and in the most personal
situations. A survey has been (16)________ out asking people what they thought of this invasion of
privacy and a massive(17)________thought that celebrities were asking for it, 11 % (18)________they
were still entitled to their privacy and 4 % had no opinion either way. The (19)________also asked
which form of media people felt they were most influenced by. Over two (20)________of the people
asked said TV, rather than radio or newspapers.
Your answers:
11. 13. 15. 17. 19.
12. 14. 16. 18. 20
Part 2: Read the passage below which contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes
Your answers:
Do you think computer games is just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be
(1)_____ to learn that the game industry now (2) ______more money than Hollywood. (3) _____a
family buys a new PC, all they really want to do is to play games.
It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (4)_____ one of the most popular (5) _____of
entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (6)_____, capture your
imagination and play with your emotions.
The big (7)_____, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (8)_____ You have no say in
how the plot (9) _____ or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the
(10)_____ and that is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (11)_____game is likely to signal the
beginning of a lasting love (12)_____ with the interactive (13) _____of make-believe.
It is (14)_____to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the
(15)_____growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.
1. 4. 7. 10. 13.
2. 5. 8. 11. 14.
3. 6. 9. 12. 15.
Part 2: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. Write the words in the box given
Many people believe that watching television has resulted in lower reading standards in schools.
(16)However, the link between television and printed books is not as simple as that. In many(17)cases,
television actually encourages people to read: for example, when a book is turned into a TV series, (18)
its sales often go up.
One study of this link examined six-year-old children who (19)were viewing a special series of 15-
minute programmes at school. The series was designed to encourage love of books, as (20)well as
develop the basic mechanical skills of reading. Each programme is an animated film of a children’s
book. The story is read aloud (21) while certain key phrases from the book appear on the screen,
beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read, it is also highlighted on the TV screen.
One finding was (22) that watching these programmes was very important to the children. If anything
prevented them (23) from seeing a progamme, they were very disappointed. What’s more, they wanted
to read the books (24) which the different parts of the series were based on.
The programmes also gave the children (25) more confidence when looking at these books. As a result
of their familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read the srories aloud to each other.
Your answers:
Part 3 Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Hight up on the Qionglai moutains in Chine lives a black and white, barred-shaped furry animal.
This animal feeds on bamboo shoots. Have you heard or read about this animal? The Giant Panda is
one of the most famous animals in China. It is not only a very rare animal but an endangered species
too, with only 1,000 of them existing in the wild.
Many people fear the panda may disappear soon because it cannot find the food it needs. As it is
slow and clumsy, the panda finds it difficult to catch animals for food. Hence, it has adapted itself to
feed on the fresh bamboo leaves and stems that the bamboo forest provided. However, modern
development has destroyed a lot of bamboo forests which the panda need. Furthermore, the bamboo
forests die from diseases. In the 1970’s, most of the bamboo forests died and more than one hundred
pandas starved to death.
Since then steps have been taken to the hostital the pandas from becoming extinct. Panda
reserves were set up and now, many zoos all over the world are doing their part to encourage the
reproduction of pandas through both natural and artificial ways.
This is not easy for two reasons. Firstly, pandas reproduce poorly in captivity. Secondly, the
female panda gives birth to only two cubs at a time. The mother can look after one cub so the other is
often left to die. Pandas also do not move in herds. They live on their own except when mating. How
then do pandas’barrel-shaped bodies and padded paws enable them to move through bamboo forests
gave caused the population of pandas to dwindle.
No one knows how long pandas can live in the wild. In captivity, pandas have lived as long as
30 years. The panda is China’s national treasure. People who are caught harming pandas are sentenced
to jail.
26. What can be the title of the passage?
A. The environment Pandas live in B. Panda- China’s National Treasure
C. How to Develop Pandas D. Pandas- an Endangered Species
27. The word “it” refers to_________.
A. the fact that pandas are slow and clumsy B. the fact that pandas are not good at hunting
C. the panda itself D. the pandas’source of food.
28. Which of the following is mentioned as a reason of the death of pandas?
A. Pandas have caught dieases from the bamboo forests.
B. There was a shortage of food.
C. Pandas were hunted a lot.
D. The panda’s natural habitat was polluted.
29. The word “artificial” in the paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. man-made B. chemical C. cloning D. duplication
30. The word “captivity” in the paragraph 4 refers to_________
A. the state of being kept in a special place B. The good condition of keeping pandas
C. Area for panda’s reproduction D. Panda’s natural habitat
31. All of the following statements are mentioned as method of preserving pandas EXCEPT______
A. punishing those who hunt pandas B. setting up zoos for pandas
C. trying to reproduce themselves D. extending bamboo forests
Part 4. Read the article about treasure hunters. And answer the questions from 36 to 50
Treasure Hunters
A. Jason Pritt
I’m a salvage diver by profession, working for an international company that helps to retrieve items
from under the water- anything from cars to whole ships. Like many other people who earn their living
as divers, I also do it for pleasure. In my free time I look for sunken treasure. There are still many ships
lying at the bottom of the sea with cargoes of gold and silver just waiting to be discovered. But it is a
very time – consuming hobby, with a very high failure rate. It requires a lot of research into the history
of shipwrecks, and even with the latest technology it can be difficult to locate them. Many marines
archaeologists object to people like me diving for treasure, as they claim it can disturd underwater
historical sites. However it is perfectly legal to seek out treasure under the sea. Also, if I find
something I think is of historical value, I hand it over to a museum, so I think I actually help historians.
Of course, anything else I find I sell to collectore.
B. Steve Adam
When I was alittle boy, I really used to enjoy digging around in our back garden and at the beach,
looking for anything of interest. So it’s hardy surprising that I grew up to become an archaeologist. I
wouldn’t say it was easy getting to the top of the profession, and it took me many years to become a
respected leader in many field. It’s usually hot, hard work on an archaeological dig, sifting carefully
through layers of ancient dirt under the sun all day long. It is very rewarding , though. I’m very proud
of the priceless objects that have been uncovered at the sites I’m in charge of. I believe that I have
helped to give the world some beautiful ancient artefacts that we would never have found otherwise,
and that this has contributed both to our world heritage and to our knowledge of the past.
C. Mike Irin
I used to work as an office manager, but when I realised that I was actually making more money from
my hobby, I handed in my notice and became a full – time antique collector and dealer. Most collectors
have a speciality, and mine is Art Deco objects, jewellery and furniture. This is a style that was very
popular in the 1920s and 30s, and which is still popular with many collectors today. My favourite
hunting grounds are flea markets, car boot sales and jumble sales, because I can often find items at
amazingly cheapprices and sell them on for a good profit. I sometimes go to antique fairs, too, but I
don’t usually go to auctions, as they tend to be quite expensive. If you want to succeed in this business
you need to have a very well- trained eye in order to be able to tell which pieces are authentic and
which ones are simply modern replicas of the Atr Deco style. I’m very lucky, in that I can make a good
living doing something I enjoy so much.
D. John Lessing
During the week, I’m a schoolteacher- I teach Maths- but at the weekend I need to take a break from
my usual routine, so my son and I becomeamateur treasure hunters. Every weekend we take our mental
detectors to the countryside to scour the fields for interesting objects. Some of the best places are fields
that were once battle grounds, as you can come across all sort of fascinating items. Most of the time we
tend to unearth things such as old coins or uniform buttons. We keep our best finds in the dining room
at home, so we can show our collection to friends and visitors. I’ll always remember the time we
actually discovered a Viking hoard that had been buried for over a thousand years. It was one of the
most substancial and valuable finds ever made in our region, and it is now on exhibit at our local
Which person…. ( use A, B, C or D)
1 36. Pursues his hobby as a change from his everyday life? 36.
37. Turned his former hobby into a profitable job? 37.
38. Says success doesn’t come often in his hobby? 38.
39. Tries to find objects of a specific type? 39.
40. Has a job which involves something he enjoyed from an early age? 40.
41. Says that certain people disapprove of what he does? 41.
42. Mentions where he prefers going to look for objects? 42.
43. Mentions those who look at the objects he finds? 43.
44. Emphasises that his activities are not against the law? 44.
45. Is a recognised expert at what he does? 45.
46. Has a hobby which is similar to his job? 46.
47. Mentions the ability to spot whether an object is genuine or not? 47.
48. Has been responsible for a number of important discoveries? 48.
49. Mentions that he is not alone when he hunts for objects? 49.
50. Does n’t mention if any of his finds are in a museum? 50.
Your answers
G. Everyone around you is fighting his/her own fight. Even a five-year-old has his own
challenges and tasks to do. Everyone is busy thinking about himself, so take care. Yes, you need to
love and care for the person whom you see in the mirror because college is over and your friends
aren't there.
College life is something that teaches us many things. It tells us how irritating and annoying can people
be in the beginning; yet at the end these people are the ones whom we call our best buddies.
The reading passage has seven paragraphs A – G
For questions 51 – 56, choose the correct heading for paragraph A – G from the list of heading
below. Write the correct number i – x in the corresponding numbered boxes.
List of heading
i. It is important that you keep marching ahead. Life is a journey, not a destination.
ii. In life, skills matter.
iii. The art of communicating.
iv. Saving money isn't easy.
v. Everyone is really busy, so you need to take care of yourself.
vi How to judge people correctly.
vii In relationships, actions speak.
viii Making mistake is fine but it must be a new one each time.
ix The courses and classes can't be used much.
x. You check yourself: what you say, how you say and to whom you say.
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. She was so charming that every boy in the class ran after her.
=> Such was a charming girl that every boy in the class ran after her
=> Such charming she was that every bot in the class ran after her
2. Had he not helped me, I couldn’t have passed the exam.
3. We rarely met such a beautiful film star.
Rarely did we meet such a beautiful film star
4. I am sure she was very beautiful when she was young.
She must have been very beautiful when she was young
5. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week.
There has been a considerable fall in the value of sterling in the past week
Part 2:You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. Recently a new neighbour moved
in and has been making a lot of noise, which disturbs you. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:
• explain the situation
• describe why it bothers you
• suggest a solution
Part 3: Parents should teach children about the importance of money. Do you agree or disagree. Give
your own reasons and include examples from your knowledge and experience in about 350 words,
offspring = children
EX 1 ( results) : help them avoid potential debt that they can’t anticipate
9. B 10. A
Part 2: (2pts x10 Qs)
11. escaping 13. inevitable 15. promote 17. 85% 19. survey
12. three/3 14. wisely 16. carried 18. believed 20. third
Part 1 (1pt x 15Qs)
16. However 18. its 20. well 22. that 24. which/that
17.cases/instances 19. were 21. and/while/as 23. from 25. more
Part 3: (30pts)
1. Length: (2pts) about 350 words
2. Organazation and style: (3pts) ideas are organized and presented with coherence, style and
clarity appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students.
3. Ideas (15pts): a provision of main ideas and appropriate details and exemples.
4. Vocabulary and grammar (10pts) a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate
to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students.