Information Electrical Installation: 1.1 Basic Requirements

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Electrical Installation

1. Electrical supply ................................................1 3. Voltage Fluctuations......................................... 4
1.1 Basic requirements ...................................1 4. Safety Regulations ........................................... 4
1.2 General connection values........................1 5. SIngle-phase Socket ........................................ 5
2. Preliminary Fusing ............................................4 6. Connection to a Plant Logging System ............ 6

1. Electrical Supply
1.1 Basic requirements
Controls conform to international regulation IEC 60204-1 (International Electrotechnical

 The AC mains supply must meet the requirements laid down in IEC 60204-1.

1.2 General connection values

 Compare the electrical connection values for weaving machines specified in our order confirmation
precisely with the values of your electrical installation (supply grid conditions and power

1.2.1 Types of mains supply

The weaving machines can be connected to the following types of mains supply: TN-C mains supply

Mains supply with earth lead, but with no
neutral lead
A = Installation operator
S = Sulzer Textil supply
1, 2 = Weaving machine

P 7150 / P7250 / Plean 800.0

G 6200 e – 11.12.2000 1
/ / / TN-S mains supply

Mains supply with earthed neutral lead and
additional earth lead
A = Plant operator
S = Sulzer Textil supply
1, 2 = Weaving machine

1.2.2 Frequency
The weaving machine electrical installation is designed to be connected to the following mains
supply frequencies:
50 Hz or
60 Hz

1.2.3 Voltage
The weaving machine electrical installation is designed to be connected to the following mains
supply voltages: P7150 and Plean

Voltage HM Output Preliminary fusing per Min. connection cross-
3x weaving machine sectional area of a copper
lead at a max. temp. of
[V] [kW] [A] [mm ]
200 5 40 10
220 5 40 10
245 5 35 10
260 5 32 6
346 5 25 4
380 5 25 4
400 5 20 2.5
415 5 20 2.5
440 5 20 2.5
480 5 20 2.5
500 5 16 1.5
550 5 16 1.5
580 5 16 1.5
200 6.5 50 16
220 6.5 50 16
245 6.5 40 10
260 6.5 40 10
346 6.5 32 6
380 6.5 25 4
400 6.5 25 4
415 6.5 25 4
440 6.5 25 4
480 6.5 20 2.5
500 6.5 20 2.5
550 6.5 20 2.5
580 6.5 16 1.5

800.0 P 7150 / P7250 / Plean

2 G 6200 e – 11.12.2000
/ / / P7250D/F
Voltage HM Output Preliminary fusing per Min. connection cross-
3x weaving machine sectional area of a copper
lead at a max. temp. of
[V] [kW] [A] [mm ]
200 5 40 10
220 5 40 10
245 5 32 6
260 5 32 6
346 5 25 4
380 5 25 4
400 5 20 2.5
415 5 20 2.5
440 5 20 2.5
480 5 20 2.5
500 5 16 1.5
550 5 16 1.5
580 5 16 1.5
200 6.5 50 16
220 6.5 40 10
245 6.5 40 10
260 6.5 35 10
346 6.5 32 6
380 6.5 25 4
400 6.5 25 4
415 6.5 25 4
440 6.5 20 2.5
480 6.5 20 2.5
500 6.5 20 2.5
550 6.5 16 1.5
580 6.5 16 1.5 G6200
Voltage HM Output Preliminary fusing per Min. connection cross-
3x weaving machine sectional area of a copper
lead at a max. temp. of
[V] [kW] [A] [mm ]
Plain/flat 200 7.5 63 16
220 7.5 63 16
346 7.5 40 10
380 7.5 40 10
400 7.5 35 10
420 7.5 35 10
450 - 460 7.5 35 6
500 7.5 32 6
560 - 570 7.5 32 6
600 7.5 32 6
Terry 200 7.5 63 16
220 7.5 63 16
346 7.5 50 10
380 7.5 50 10
400 7.5 50 10
420 7.5 40 10
450 - 460 7.5 40 6
500 7.5 40 6
560 - 570 7.5 40 6
600 7.5 40 6

P 7150 / P7250 / Plean 800.0

G 6200 e – 11.12.2000 3
/ / /

2. Preliminary Fusing
Each weaving machine must be individually protected with safety fuses or a line safety cut-out
switch (activated at >12x specified current) in accordance with the following table.

Only providing fuse protection for groups of weaving machines is not permitted.

These preliminary safeguards are not supplied by Sulzer Textil.

It is not possible to employ an F1 protective device for the whole machine (EN 50178: 1997,
VDE 160) in the case of weaving machines fitted with frequency converters.

3. Voltage Fluctuations (EN 60204)

Voltage Continuous operating voltage: 0.9…1.1 of the specified voltage.
Frequency 0.99…1.01 of the specified frequency (continuous);
0.98…1.02 (short-term).
nd th
Harmonic oscillations The harmonic distortion for the sum taken from the 2 to the 5
upper harmonic waves may not exceed 10% of the overall effective
voltage between the live feeds. Additionally, 2% of the overall
effective voltage between the live feeds for the sum of the 6 to the
30 harmonic waves is permissible.
Voltage asymmetry Neither the voltage of the negative sequence system nor the voltage
of the zero phase system may exceed 2% of the positive sequence
system in AC supply systems.
Voltage interruptions Voltage interruptions or voltages of zero volts may not occur for
longer than 3 ms at any given time within a period of supply. A time
gap in excess of 1 s must be present between successive
Voltage surges Voltage surges may not exceed 20% of the peak supply voltage for
more than one period of supply. A time gap in excess of 1 s must be
present between successive surges.

4. Safety Regulations
With regard to the electrical installation within the weaving hall and the connection of the weaving
machine, the regulations in force at the site location must be observed. A main switch which can be
locked by means of a padlock is integrated into the weaving machine. After the weaving machine
has been connected electrically, the main switch may only be operated in the presence of a Sulzer
Textil service technician after an acclimatisation period of at least 24 hours.

800.0 P 7150 / P7250 / Plean

4 G 6200 e – 11.12.2000
/ / /

5. Single-phase Socket
Cable, fuses and transformer taps for a socket are provided within the machine in accordance with
the diagram below. The socket can be used for connecting specially insulated equipment
(stroboscope, belt welding device, knotting machine etc.).

A qualified, registered electrical engineer must connect the socket in accordance with the
appropriate national regulations.

P7150, P7250
Only for use with mains voltages of 380 V and 400 V
Socket voltage: 230 VAC
P7150 P7250

For all mains voltages
Socket voltage: 230 VAC

P 7150 / P7250 / Plean 800.0

G 6200 e – 11.12.2000 5
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6. Connection to a Plant Data Logging System

The weaving machine can be equipped to enable connection to the following plant data logging
− Uster Loomdata 2 (parallel), only in conjunction with „LODA-MES/4-Stop extension“
− Uster Loomdata 3 and 4 (parallel)
− Loepfe Millmaster (parallel)
The „conventional data station“ can be connected.
− Barco Sicotex (parallel)
A series, bi-directional interface, VDI 3665, is available.
It is possible to differentiate between 4 causes of stoppages using a parallel connection: weft, warp,
spool, other (interface required).
Further data can be conveyed using a series connection, if this can be processed by the production
management system manufacturer.

800.0 P 7150 / P7250 / Plean

6 G 6200 e – 11.12.2000

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