Physics 92606
Physics 92606
Physics 92606
January, 2OL8 g. Draw the .de-Broglie standing wave formed' in fourth orbit of hydrogen
General Instructions:
il All parts are compulsory.
2xS = 1O
II. Answerany FIVE of the following questions:
iif Answers without relevant diagram / figare/circuit wherever necessary
will not carry any marks.
surface is zero?
iii) Direct answers to the numerical problems without detaiied solutions wili
is 4'20 at
not carry any marks. 12. What is the.resistance of a coil at 0"c if its resistance
the material
PART - A 100"c and the of resistance of
I. Answer ALL the following questions: 1 x 1O = 1O is O.0O4"C-1?
1. .What happens to the electrostatic potential ener$/ of a charged 13. Define declination and inclination at a place'
and write its
parallel plate capacitor when a dielectiic slab of constant k is inserted 14. Explain the need. for introducing displacement current
between the plates? expression.
2. Write the colour code of carbon resistor having resistance 5.6kOt10%.
J. Define pitch of a helical motion of a charged particle in uniform 16. How Rayleigh scattering explains blue colour of sky?
magnetic field. of emf by a solar cell'
17. Explain the principle involved in the generation
4. State Curie Weiss law.
[T\rrn over
proPagation d'ePends'
-3- Code No. 33 Code No. 33 -4-
28. Define drift velocity. Assuming the expression for drift velocity,
ilI. Answerany FM of the following questions: 3x5 = 15 derive an expression for resistivity of a mater ial P =
19. Mention any three properties of electric field lines.
29. Using Biot-Savarts Iaw, derive an expression for the magnetic field
20. Arrive an expression for the force acting on a current carrying
strength at a point on the axis of circular current loop.
straight conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field.
21. Obtain an expression for time period of osciilation of magnetic dipole V. Answer any TWO of the following questions: 5x2=1O
pivoted. in a uniform magnetic field. 30. Derive lens maker's formula.
rt 31. Write Einstein's photoelectric equation and using this, explain
22. Derive an expression for the instantaneous value of induced emf of a il
coil rvhen rotated in uniform magnetic field rn'ith uniform angular experimentai observation of photoelectric effect.
speed. 32. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the rvorking of n-p-n transistor
23. What is resonance in LCR series circuit? Derive the expression for in Ctr mode as voltage ampliher rvith input and output waveform.
resonant frequency.
VI. Answer any THREE of the following questions: 5x3=15
24. Using Huygen's \,vave theory shou, that angle of incidence is equai to
33. Tr,vo point charges 5x10-8C and -3x10-8C are located 16cm apart in
angle of reflection in case of reflection of planewavefront bv a piane
air. At what points on the line joining the tu,o charges is the electric
potentiai is zero?
25. Cbtain an expression for velocity of the electron in nrh orbit of
34. Calculate the potential difference across the galvanometer in the
h)rdrogen atom using Bohr's postulates
Wheatstone's network shor'trr below.
26. Explain the working of a Zener Diode as a voltage regulator.
I Turn over
-5- Code No. 33
35. A s.-:rusoidal voltage of peak value 32OV and frequency SOHz
(iii) power d'issipated in the circuit'
Find the total mass of uranium required if the reactor is to