Astm D3359
Astm D3359
Astm D3359
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D3359 − 17
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3.1.1 adhesion, n—the molecular attraction and mechanical 5. Significance and Use
bonds between a coating and its substrate.
5.1 In order for a coating is to fulfill its function of
3.1.2 batch, n—as it pertains to tape, a unique production protecting or decorating a substrate, the coating must remain
run during manufacturing. adhered to the substrate. Because the substrate and its surface
3.1.3 blemish, n—an obvious surface flaw, such as cracking preparation (or lack thereof) have a drastic effect on the
or discoloration of the coating. adhesion of coatings, a method to evaluate adhesion of a
3.1.4 environmental conditions, n—the characteristics of the coating to different substrates or surface treatments, or of
immediate surroundings during the tests, such as temperature, different coatings to the same substrate, is of considerable
and relative humidity. usefulness in the industry.
3.1.5 immersion conditions, n—the characteristics of the 5.2 This test method is limited to evaluating lower levels of
fluid to which the test specimen was exposed, such as type of adhesion (see 1.3). The intra- and inter-laboratory precision of
fluid, temperature of fluid and duration of immersion. this test method is similar to other test methods for coated
substrates (for example, Test Method D2370 and Test Method
3.1.6 lap, n—one complete turn of the tape on a roll; the D4060), and is insensitive to all but large differences in
outer exposed layer of tape. adhesion. Limiting the range of rankings from 0 to 5 reflects
3.1.7 lattice pattern, n—one series of parallel lines inter- the inability of this test method to make fine distinctions
sected by another set of parallel lines that are at 90° to and between levels of adhesion. Users shall not use intermediate
centered on the first set. values for ranking adhesion tests within this method.
3.1.8 mean, n—the classification rating that is obtained by 5.3 Extremes in temperatures or relative humidity may
adding together the digits of the classification ratings of the affect the adhesion of the tape or the coating.
tests performed and dividing by the number of tests, frequently
5.4 A given tape may not adhere equally well to different
rounded to the nearest whole number classification rating.
coatings due to several factors, including differences in coating
3.1.9 pressure-sensitive tape, n—tape with an adhesive that composition and topology. As such, no single tape is likely to
requires some degree of pressure, and only pressure, to be suitable for testing all coatings. Furthermore, these test
adequately bond to a surface. methods do not give an absolute value for the force required
3.1.10 range, n—the span of classification ratings for a set for bond rupture, but serves only as an indicator that some
of tests, from minimum classification rating to maximum minimum value for bond strength was met or exceeded (1, 2).6
classification rating. 5.5 Operators performing these test methods must be
3.1.11 solvent, n—a liquid agent capable of dissolving or trained and practiced in order to obtain consistent results. The
dispersing contaminants from the surface of the coating or accuracy and precision of the test result obtained by using
film. these methods depends largely upon the skill of the operator
3.1.12 substrate, n—the structural foundation beneath the and the opera- tor’s ability to perform the test in a consistent
coating or film being tested. manner. Key steps that directly reflect the importance of
operator skill include the angle and rate of tape removal
3.1.13 template, n—a thin, rigid plate containing evenly and the visual assessment of the tested sample. It is not
distributed, parallel slits for use as a guide in generating the unexpected that different operators might obtain different
lattice pattern when accompanied by a single-blade cutting results (1, 2).
5.6 The standard requires that the free end of the tape be
3.1.14 test specimen, n—the object whose coatings adhesion removed rapidly at as close to a 180° angle as possible. When
is of interest. the peel angle and rate vary, the force required to remove the
tape can change dramatically due to the rheological properties
4. Summary of Test Methods of the backing and adhesive. Variation in pull rate and peel
4.1 Test Method A—An X-cut is made through the film to angle can effect large differences in test values and must be
the substrate, pressure-sensitive tape is applied over the cut minimized to assure reproducibility (3).
and then removed, and adhesion is assessed qualitatively on a NOTE 1—These test methods have been reported being used to measure
adhesion of organic coatings on non-metallic substrates (for example,
0 to wood and plastic), although related precision and bias data is lacking. If
5 scale. testing coatings on non-metallic substrates, either Test Method A or Test
Method B may be more appropriate and the method employed should be
4.2 Test Method B—A lattice pattern with either six or discussed by interested parties. Issues with plastic substrates are noted in
eleven cuts in each direction is made through the film to the Appendix X1. A similar test method, ISO 2409, permits tests on
substrate, pressure-sensitive tape is applied over the lattice non-metallic substrates (for example, wood and plaster). Precision and
pattern and then removed, and adhesion is assessed qualita- bias data on the latter is lacking. Test Method D3359 was developed with
tively on a 0 to 5 scale.
4.2.1 Subject to agreement between the purchaser and the
seller, Test Method B can be used for films thicker than 125 6
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
µm this test method.
(5 mils) if wider spaced cuts are employed.
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metal as the substrate and, in the absence of supporting precision and bias dry or prepare the surface, or both, as agreed upon between the
data, is so limited. purchaser and the seller.
8.2 Make two cuts in the film each about 40 mm (1.5 in.)
TEST METHOD A—X-CUT TAPE TEST long that intersect near their middle with a smaller angle of
between 30 and 45°. When making the incisions, use the
6. Apparatus and Materials straightedge and cut through the coating to the substrate in one
6.1 Cutting Tool—Sharp razor blade, scalpel, knife or other steady motion.
fine-edged cutting device. The cutting edges shall be in good 8.3 Inspect the incisions for reflection of light from the
condition, preferably new or newly sharpened. metal substrate to establish that the coating film has been
6.2 Cutting Guide—Steel or other hard metal straightedge penetrated. If the substrate has not been reached make another
to ensure straight cuts. X in a different location. Do not attempt to deepen a previous
cut as this may affect adhesion along the incision.
6.3 Tape—25-mm (1.0-in.) wide transparent or semitrans-
parent pressure-sensitive tape with an adhesive peel strength 8.4 At each day of testing, before initiation of testing,
between 6.34 N/cm (58 oz/in.) and 7.00 N/cm (64 oz/in.), as remove two complete laps of tape from the roll and discard.
tested in accordance with Test Method D3330/D3330M, Test Remove an additional length at a steady (that is, not jerked)
Method A, (equivalent to PSTC 101) and utilizing a 90 second rate and cut a piece about 75 mm (3 in.) long.
dwell time on a standard steel panel. 8.5 Place the center of the tape at the intersection of the cuts
6.3.1 Other tapes may be used by agreement between the with the tape running in the same direction as the smaller
parties involved. angles. Smooth the tape into place by finger in the area of the
6.3.2 Due to variability in adhesion strength from batch-to- incisions taking care not to entrap air under the tape. Rub
batch and changes in adhesion properties of tapes over time, firmly over the surface of the tape with the pressure
tape from the same batch shall be used when tests are to be run application device until the color is uniform in appearance.
in different laboratories. When use of the same batch is not This indicates good, uniform contact between the tape’s
followed the test method shall be used only for ranking a series adhesive and the coating surface.
of test coatings. Refer to X1.5 for additional information
8.6 Within 90 6 30 s of application, remove the tape by
6.4 Pressure Application Device—Although other devices seizing the free end and pulling it off rapidly (not jerked) back
may suffice, a rubber eraser or rubber roller is commonly used upon itself at as close to an angle of 180° as possible.
to ensure good and uniform wetting of the coating with the
adhesive of the tape. 8.7 Inspect the X-cut area for removal of coating from the
substrate or previous coating and rate the adhesion in accor-
6.5 Illumination—A light source is helpful in determining dance with the following scale:
whether the cuts have been made through the film to the
5A No peeling or removal,
substrate. 4A Trace peeling or removal along incisions or at their intersection,
3A Jagged removal along incisions up to 1.6 mm (1⁄16 in.) on either side,
7. Test Specimens 2A Jagged removal along most of incisions up to 3.2 mm (1⁄8 in.) on either
7.1 When this test method is used in the field, the specimen 1A Removal from most of the area of the X under the tape, and
is the coated structure or article on which the adhesion is to be 0A Removal beyond the area of the X.
evaluated. 8.8 Repeat the test in two other locations on the test surface.
7.2 For laboratory use apply the materials to be tested to For large structures make sufficient tests to ensure that the
panels of the composition and surface conditions on which it is adhesion evaluation is representative of the whole surface.
desired to determine the adhesion. 8.9 After making several cuts examine the cutting edge and,
NOTE 2—Applicable test panel description and surface preparation if necessary, remove any flat spots or wire-edge by abrading
methods are given in Practice D609 and Practices D1730 and D2092. lightly on a fine oil stone before using again. Discard cutting
NOTE 3—Coatings should be applied in accordance with Practice tools that develop nicks or other defects that tear the film.
D823, or as agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.
NOTE 4—If desired or specified, the coated test panels may be
subjected to a preliminary exposure such as water immersion, salt spray, 9. Report
or high humidity before conducting the tape test. The conditions and time 9.1 Report the substrate employed, the type of coating and
of exposure will be governed by ultimate coating use or shall be agreed
upon between the purchaser and seller. the method of cure, if known.
9.2 Report the number of tests, their mean and range.
8. Procedure
9.3 Report the adhesion strength of the pressure-sensitive
8.1 Select an area free of blemishes and minor surface tape determined in accordance with Test Method D3330/
imperfections. The area chosen for testing shall be clean and D3330M, Test Method A, (equivalent to PSTC 101) and
dry. utilizing a 90 second dwell time on a standard steel panel.
8.1.1 For specimens which have been immersed: After 9.3.1 Where the adhesion strength of the tape has not been
immersion, clean and wipe the surface with an appropriate determined, report the specific product name of the tape used,
solvent which will not harm the integrity of the coating. Then the manufacturer and the lot number, if available.
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9.4 Report an estimate of the interface at which the coating 12. Test Specimens
failure occurred as indicated by visible peeling or removal of 12.1 Test specimens shall be as described in Section 7. It
the coating. For example, between the first coat and substrate, should be noted, however, that multitip cutters9 provide good
between the first and second coats, etc. results only on test areas sufficiently plane that all cutting
9.5 For field tests, report the type of coating (where edges contact the substrate to the same degree. Check for
known), the structure or article tested, the location and the flatness with a straight edge such as that of the tempered steel
environmen- tal conditions at the time of testing. rule (11.3).
9.6 If the test is performed after immersion, report immer- 13. Procedure
sion conditions, time between immersion and testing, and
method of sample preparation. 13.1 Where required or when agreed upon, subject the
specimens to a preliminary test before conducting the tape test
(see Note 4). After drying or testing the coating, conduct the
10. Precision and Bias7 tape test at room temperature as defined in Specification
10.1 In an interlaboratory study of this test method in which D3924, unless D3924 standard temperature is required or
operators in six laboratories made one adhesion measurement agreed.
on three panels each of three coatings covering a wide range of 13.1.1 For specimens which have been immersed: After
adhesion, the within-laboratories standard deviation was found immersion, clean and wipe the surface with an appropriate
to be 0.33 and the between-laboratories 0.44. Based on these solvent which will not harm the integrity of the coating. Then
standard deviations, the following criteria should be used for dry or prepare the surface, or both, as agreed upon between the
judging the acceptability of results at the 95 % confidence purchaser and the seller.
level: 13.2 Select an area free of blemishes and minor surface
10.1.1 Repeatability—Provided adhesion is uniform over a imperfections, place on a firm base, and under the illuminated
large surface, results obtained by the same operator should be magnifier, make parallel cuts as follows:
considered suspect if they differ by more than 1 rating unit for 13.2.1 For coatings having a dry film thickness up to and
two measurements. including 50 µm (2 mils) space the cuts 1 mm apart and make
10.1.2 Reproducibility—Two results, each the mean of eleven cuts unless otherwise agreed upon.
triplicates, obtained by different operators should be consid- 13.2.2 For coatings having a dry film thickness between 50
ered suspect if they differ by more than 1.5 rating units. µm (2 mils) and 125 µm (5 mils), space the cuts 2 mm apart
10.2 Bias cannot be established for these test methods. and make six cuts. For films thicker than 125 µm (5 mils), it
is generally recommended to use Test Method A. Subject
to agreement between the purchaser and the seller, Test
TEST METHOD B—CROSS-CUT TAPE TEST Method B can be used for films thicker than 125 µm (5 mils)
if wider spaced cuts are employed.10
11. Apparatus and Materials 13.2.3 Make all cuts about 20 mm (3⁄4 in.) long. Cut through
11.1 Cutting Tool 8—Sharp razor blade, scalpel, knife or the film to the substrate in one steady motion using just
other cutting device having a cutting edge angle between 15 sufficient pressure on the cutting tool to have the cutting edge
and 30° that will make either a single cut or several cuts at reach the substrate. When making successive single cuts with
once. The cutting edge shall be in good condition, preferably the aid of a guide, place the guide on the uncut area.
new or newly sharpened. 13.3 After making the required cuts brush the film lightly
with a soft brush or tissue to remove any detached flakes or
11.2 Cutting Guide—If cuts are made manually (as opposed
ribbons of coatings.
to a mechanical apparatus) a steel or other hard metal straight-
edge or template to ensure straight cuts. 13.4 Examine the cutting edge and, if necessary, remove
any flat spots or wire-edge by abrading lightly on a fine oil
11.3 Rule—Tempered steel rule graduated in 0.5 mm for stone. Make the additional number of cuts at 90° to and
measuring individual cuts. centered on the original cuts.
11.4 Tape, as described in 6.3. 13.5 Brush the area as before and inspect the incisions for
11.5 Pressure Application Device, as described in 6.4. reflection of light from the substrate. If the metal has not been
reached make another grid in a different location.
11.6 Illumination, as described in 6.5.
11.7 Magnifying Glass—An illuminated magnifier to be 9
The sole source of supply of the multitip cutter for coated pipe surfaces known
used while making individual cuts and examining the test area. to the committee at this time is Paul N. Gardner Co., 316 NE First St., Pompano
Beach, FL 33060. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this
information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive
careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may you may attend.
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D01-1008. Contact ASTM Test Method B has been used successfully by some people on coatings greater
Customer Service at [email protected]. than 0.13 mm (5 mils) by spacing the cuts 5 mm apart. However, the precision
Multiblade cutters are available from a few sources that specialize in testing values given in 15.1 do not apply as they are based on coatings less than 0.13 mm
equipment for the paint industry. (5 mils) in thickness.
D3359 −
13.6 At each day of testing, before initiation of testing, 5B The edges of the cuts are completely smooth; none of the squares of the
remove two complete laps of tape from the roll and discard. lattice is detached.
Remove an additional length at a steady (that is, not jerked) 4B Small flakes of the coating are detached at intersections; less than 5 %
of the area is affected.
rate and cut a piece about 75 mm (3 in.) long. 3B Small flakes of the coating are detached along edges and at
13.7 Place the center of the tape over the grid and in the intersections of cuts. The area affected is 5 to 15 % of the lattice.
2B The coating has flaked along the edges and on parts of the squares.
area of the grid. Smooth the tape into place by finger in the The area affected is 15 to 35 % of the lattice.
area of the incisions taking care not to entrap air under the 1B The coating has flaked along the edges of cuts in large ribbons and
tape. Rub firmly over the surface of the tape with the pressure whole squares have detached. The area affected is 35 to 65 % of the
application device until the color is uniform in appearance. 0B Flaking and detachment worse than Classification 1B.
This indicates good, uniform contact between the tape’s
adhesive and the coating surface. 13.10 Repeat the test in two other locations on each test
13.8 Within 90 6 30 s of application, remove the tape by
seizing the free end and rapidly (not jerked) back upon itself at 14. Report
as close to an angle of 180° as possible.
14.1 Report the substrate employed, the type of coating and
13.9 Inspect the grid area for removal of coating from the the method of cure, if known.
substrate or from a previous coating using the illuminated
magnifier. Rate the adhesion in accordance with the following 14.2 Report the number of tests, their mean and range.
scale illustrated in Fig. 1: 14.3 Report the adhesion strength of the pressure-sensitive
tape determined in accordance with Test Method D3330/
D3330M, Test Method A (equivalent to PSTC 101) and
utilizing a 90 second dwell time on a standard steel panel.
14.3.1 Where the adhesion strength of the tape has not been
determined, report the specific product name of the tape used,
the manufacturer and the lot number, if available.
14.4 Report an estimate of the interface at which the coating
failure occurred as indicated by visible peeling or removal of
the coating. For example, between the first coat and substrate,
between the first and second coats, etc.
14.5 If the test is performed after immersion, report immer-
sion conditions, time between immersion and testing, and
method of sample preparation.
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15.3 The manufacturer of the tape used in the interlabora- 16. Keywords
tory study (see RR:D01-1008) has advised this subcommittee
that the properties of the tape used in that study have changed 16.1 adhesion; crosscut adhesion test method; tape; tape
since the study was performed and may not be relevant. Users adhesion test method; X-cut adhesion test method
of it should, therefore, check whether current material gives
comparable results to previous supplied material.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Introduction X1.3 The Tape Test
X1.1.1 Given the complexities of the adhesion process, can X1.3.1 By far the most prevalent test for evaluating coating
adhesion be measured? As Mittal (4) has pointed out, the “adhesion” is the tape-and-peel test, which has been used since
answer is both yes and no. It is reasonable to state that at the the 1930’s. In its simplest version a piece of adhesive tape is
present time no test exists that can precisely assess the actual pressed against the paint film and the resistance to and degree
physical strength of an adhesive bond. But it can also be said of film removal observed when the tape is pulled off. Since an
that it is possible to obtain an indication of relative adhesion intact film with appreciable adhesion is frequently not
performance. removed at all, the severity of the test is usually enhanced by
X1.1.2 Practical adhesion test methods are generally of two cutting into the film a figure X or a cross hatched pattern,
types: “implied” and “direct.” “Implied” tests include indenta- before applying and removing the tape. Adhesion is then rated
tion or scribe techniques, rub testing, and wear testing. Criti- by comparing film removed against an established rating
cism of these tests arises when they are used to quantify the scale. If an intact film is peeled cleanly by the tape, or if it
strength of adhesive bonding. But this, in fact, is not their debonds just by cutting into it without applying tape, then the
purpose. An “implied” test should be used to assess coating adhesion is rated simply as poor or very poor, a more precise
performance under actual service conditions. “Direct” evaluation of such films not being within the capability of this
measurements, on the other hand, are intended expressly to test.
measure adhesion. Meaningful tests of this type are highly X1.3.2 The current widely-used version was first published
sought after, primarily because the results are expressed by a in 1974; two test methods are covered in this standard. Both
single discrete quantity, the force required to rupture the test methods are used to establish whether the adhesion of a
coating/substrate bond under prescribed conditions. Direct coating to a substrate is at an adequate level; however they do
tests include the Hesiometer and the Adherometer (5). Com- not distinguish between higher levels of adhesion for which
mon methods which approach the direct tests are peel, lap- more sophisticated methods of measurement are required.
shear, and tensile tests. Major limitations of the tape test are its low sensitivity,
X1.2 Test Methods applicability only to coatings of relatively low bond strengths,
and non-determination of adhesion to the substrate where
X1.2.1 In practice, numerous types of tests have been used failure occurs within a single coat, as when testing primers
to attempt to evaluate adhesion by inducing bond rupture by alone, or within or between coats in multicoat systems. For
different modes. Criteria deemed essential for a test to warrant multicoat systems where adhesion failure may occur between
large-scale acceptance are: use of a straightforward and unam- or within coats, the adhesion of the coating system to the
biguous procedure; relevance to its intended application; re- substrate is not determined.
peatability and reproducibility; and quantifiability, including a
meaningful rating scale for assessing performance. X1.3.3 Repeatability within one rating unit is generally
observed for coatings on metals for both methods, with
X1.2.2 Test methods used for coatings on metals are: peel reproducibility of one to two units. The tape test enjoys
adhesion or “tape testing;” Gardner impact flexibility testing; widespread popularity and is viewed as “simple” as well as
and adhesive joint testing including shear (lap joint) and direct low in cost. Applied to metals, it is economical to perform,
tensile (butt joint) testing. These tests do not strictly meet all lends itself to job site application, and most importantly, after
the criteria listed, but an appealing aspect of these tests is that decades of use, people feel comfortable with it.
in most cases the equipment/instrumentation is readily avail-
able or can be obtained at reasonable cost. X1.3.4 When a flexible adhesive tape is applied to a coated
rigid substrate surface and then removed, the removal process
X1.2.3 A wide diversity of tests methods have been devel- has been described in terms of the “peel phenomenon,” as
oped over the years that measure aspects of adhesion (4-8). illustrated in Fig. X1.1.
There generally is difficulty, however, in relating these tests to
basic adhesion phenomena. X1.3.5 Peeling begins at the “toothed” leading edge (at the
right) and proceeds along the coating adhesive/interface or the
D3359 −
lead to different results as small changes in backing stiffness
and adhesive rheology cause large changes in the tension area.
Some commercial tapes are manufactured to meet minimum
standards. A given lot may surpass these standards and thus be
suitable for general market distribution; however, such a lot
may be a source of serious and unexpected error in assessing
adhesion. One commercially available tape test kit had in-
cluded a tape with adhesion strength variations of up to 50 %
claimed by the manufacturer. Also, because tapes change on
storage, bond strengths of the tape may change over time (1,
X1.5.2 The specific choice for the range of recommended
adhesive peel strengths for appropriate tapes of 6.34 N/cm (58
oz/in.) to 7.00 N/cm (64 oz/in.) was not chosen arbitrarily.
Recent versions of this standard had recommended the use of
a specific tape: Permacel P-99 tape. This tape was very
popular and was commonly used in accordance with Test
FIG. X1.1 Peel Profile (6) Method D3359 for many years. However, this tape was
discontinued by the manufacturer. While the tape was still
coating/substrate interface, depending on the relative bond available and within its recommended shelf life, samples were
strengths. It is assumed that coating removal occurs when the sent to an indepen- dent laboratory for testing. The results of
tensile force generated along the latter interface, which is a the testing showed that the Permacel product had an average
function of the rheological properties of the backing and adhesive peel strength on steel of 6.67 N/cm (61 oz/in.)
adhesive layer materials, is greater than the bond strength at when tested in accordance with Test Method
the coating-substrate interface (or cohesive strength of the D3330/D3330M, Test Method A (equivalent to PSTC 101)
coat- ing). In actuality, however, this force is distributed over and utilizing a 90 second dwell time. In order to maintain a
a discrete distance (O-A) in Fig. X1.1, which relates directly continuous testing program for current users of the standard,
to the properties described, not concentrated at a point (O) in the range above was set to be in line with the discontinued
Fig. X1.1 as in the theoretical case—though the tensile force Permacel product. At the time of this revision to the standard,
is greatest at the origin for both. A significant compressive several tapes were reported to be advertised as Permacel P-99
force arises from the response of the tape backing material to replacements and suitable for use with Test Method D3359.
being stretched. Thus both tensile and compressive forces are To locate these sources, perform a relevant internet search or
in- volved in adhesion tape testing. contact your coatings testing supplier to ask for their
recommendations of compliant tape.
X1.3.6 Close scrutiny of the tape test with respect to the
nature of the tape employed and certain aspects of the X1.6 Procedural Problems
procedure itself reveal several factors, each or any
combination of which can dramatically affect the results of X1.6.1 Visual Assessment: The final step in the test is visual
the test as discussed (9). assessment of the coating removed from the specimen, which
is subjective in nature, so that the coatings can vary among
X1.4 Peel Adhesion Testing on Plastic Substrates individuals evaluating the same specimen (3).
X1.4.1 Tape tests have been criticized when used for X1.6.1.1 Performance in the tape test is based on the
substrates other than metal, such as plastics. The central issues amount of coating removed compared to a descriptive scale.
are that the test on plastics lacks reproducibility and does not The exposure of the substrate can be due to factors other than
relate to the intended application. Both concerns are well coating adhesion, including that arising from the requirement
founded: poor precision is a direct result of several factors that the coating be cut (hence the synonym“ cross-hatch
intrinsic to the materials employed and the procedure itself. adhesion test”). Justification for the cutting step is reasonable
More importantly, in this instance the test is being applied as cutting provides a free edge from which peeling can begin
beyond its intended scope. These test methods were designed without having to overcome the cohesive strength of the
for relatively ductile coatings applied to metal substrates, not coating layer.
for coatings (often brittle) applied to plastic parts (1). The X1.6.1.2 Cutting might be suitable for coatings applied to
unique functional requirements of coatings on plastic sub- metal substrates, but for coatings applied to plastics or wood,
strates cause the usual tape tests to be unsatisfactory for the process can lead to a misleading indication of poor
measuring adhesion performance in practice. adhesion due to the unique interfacial zone. For coatings on
soft substrates, issues include how deep should this cut
X1.5 The Tape Controversy penetrate, and is it possible to cut only to the interface?
X1.6.1.3 In general, if adhesion test panels are examined
X1.5.1 With the withdrawal from commerce of the tape
microscopically, it is often clearly evident that the coating
specified originally, 3M No. 710, current test methods no
removal results from substrate failure at or below the interface,
longer identify a specific tape. Differences in tapes used can
and not from the adhesive failure between the coating and the
substrate. Cohesive failure within the coating film is also
D3359 −
frequently observed. However, with the tape test, failures X1.7 Conclusion
within the substrate or coating layers are rare because the tape
adhesive is not usually strong enough to exceed the cohesive X1.7.1 All the issues aside, if these test methods are used
strengths of normal substrates and organic coatings. Although within the Scope Section and are performed carefully, some
some rather brittle coatings may exhibit cohesive failure, the insight into the approximate, relative level of adhesion can be
tape test adhesion method does not make provision for giving gained.
failure locality (1, 2).
X1.6.2 Use of the test method in the field can lead to
variation in test results due to temperature and humidity
changes and their effect upon tape, coating and substrate.
X1.6.3 Test Method B has been used successfully, without
affecting adhesion test results, by some coil coating users on
coatings up to and including 50 µm (2 mils) by spacing the
2 mm apart. While this may be an agreement between
purchaser and seller, the precision values given in 15.1 do no
apply, as they are based on cuts 1 mm apart.
X1.6.4 Some have found that the use of a suitable mechani- 11
The sole source of supply of a suitable mechanical device for laying down and
cal device is helpful in minimizing some of the variables in removal of tape known to the committee at this time is ReliaPull, a registered
placing the tape onto the coatings (see 8.5 and 13.7) and trademark of Random Logic LLC, manufactured by Random Logic LLC,
Cincinnati, OH 45245. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this
removing the tape from the coatings (see 8.6 and 13.8) which information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive
maintains consistent pressure on the tape during application careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which
and ensures a 180° pull off.11 you may attend.
(1) Nelson, G. L., Gray, K. N., and Buckley, S. E., Modern Paint and (5) Corcoron, E. M.,“Adhesion,” Chapter 5.3, Paint Testing Manual,
Coatings, Vol 75, No. 10, 1985, pp. 160–172. 13th ed., ASTM STP 500, ASTM, 1972, pp. 314–332.
(2) Nelson, G. L., and Gray, K. N., “Coating Adhesion to Plastics,” (6) Gardner, H. A., and Sward, G. G., Paint Testing Manual, 12th ed.,
Proceedings, Waterborne and Higher Solids Coatings Symposium, Chapter 7, Gardner Laboratory, Bethesda, MD, 1962, pp. 159–170.
Vol (7) Mittal, K. L., Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol 1, No.
13, New Orleans, LA, February 5–7, 1986, pp. 114–131.
3, 1987, pp. 247–259.
(3) Mittal,K. L., ed.,“Symposium on Adhesion Aspects of Polymeric
(8) Stoffer, J. O., and Gadodia, S. K., American Paint and Coatings
Coatings,” Proceedings, The Electrochemical Society, 1981, pp.
Journal, Vol 70, Nos. 50 and 51, 1991, pp. 36–40 and 36–51,
(4) Mittal, K. L., “Adhesion Measurement: Recent Progress, Unsolved respectively.
Problems, and Prospects,” Adhesion Measurement of Thin Films, (9) Souheng, Wu, Polymer Interface and Adhesion, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
Thick Films, and Bulk Coatings, ASTM STP 640, ASTM, 1978, pp. New York, NY, 1982, p. 531.
Committee D01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D3359-09 ) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved February 1, 2017.)
(1) Note 1 of the scope was revised to suggest Method A or adhesion strengths for these tapes. This choice was made 1) to
Method B for coatings on soft non-metallic substrates. It was provide more guidance to current users of the standard and 2)
subsequently deleted as a Note and moved into Section 5 via to eliminate references to specific tapes that my or may not be
Revision (10) below. available in the future.
(2) A reference to PSTC 101 was added to Section 2.2 in (6) Footnote 6 in Section 6.3 was removed.
Referenced Documents. (7) All units were rearranged to list the SI value first.
(3) Footnote 5 was added to identify the source of PSTC 101. (8) Section X1.5.2 was added to Appendix X1.5. This section
(4) Section 3 on Terminology was added in its entirety. was added to aid users in selecting a viable tape.
(5) Section 6.3 regarding the recommended tape for use with (9) Changed the title to reflect that the test method results in a
this standard was revised to suggest a range of acceptable peel rating of a coating, not a true measurement.
D3359 −
(10) Overhauled the scope. Moved Note 1 of the scope to (17) Revised Sections 8.5 and 13.7 to update the use of the
Section 5 and moved Note 2 to Section 4. Deleted Note 3 pressure application device.
altogether. (18) Modified the reporting recommendations in Section 9 and
(11) Revised 3.1.9 to describe “Pressure Sensitive Tape” rather Section 14.
than the term “Pressure Sensitive.” (19) Section X1.5.2 was deleted from the appendix and its
(12) The descriptions of the test methods in Section 4 were content was moved into Section 5.4.
revised to utilize parallel language. (20) Section X1.6.1 was deleted from the appendix and its
(13) Section 5 was revised for clarity. content was moved into Section 5.5.
(14) Renumbered Sections as needed. (21) Section X1.6.2 was deleted from the appendix and its
(15) Footnote 6 was deleted and its text was moved to a new content was moved into Section 5.6.
15.3. (22) Section X1.5.2 (newly numbered) was edited to remove
(16) Sections 6.4 and 11.5 were revised to more clearly the reference to specific test tape suppliers per ASTM guide-
describe what is required. lines.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years
and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional
standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a
meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair
hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-
2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the
above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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