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Revision-Map Chapter 7

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Reference Point Types of Speed
è A fixed point w.r.t. which the è Uniform Speed If a body travels equal
Terms related to given body changes its position. distances in equal intervals of time. It is also
Motion known as constant speed.
è Non-uniform Speed If a body travels an equal
Position distances in equal intervals of time. It is also
è It is the point in space that an known as variable speed.
object occupies. è Average Speed It is the ratio of total distance
Motion travelled by an object to the total time taken.
The change in position of the s1 + s2 + ...
sav =
body w.r.t. to time. Distance t1 + t2 + ...
è The actual length of the path è Instantaneous Speed The speed of an object
covered by a moving body in a during its motion.
particular direction.
Motion in a Straight line
è SI unit metre.
è When a particle moves along a
è Scalar quantity.
straight line i.e. x- coordinate.
è It is known as one - dimensional Types of Velocity
motion or rectilinear motion of a è Uniform Velocity If an object travels equal
particle. Path Length displacements in equal interval of time. It is
è Vector quantity. It is the length of the curve joining known as constant velocity.
the initial and final positions along è Non-uniform Velocity If an object travels in
which the particle moves. equal displacement in equal interval of
Motion along Circular path time. It is known as variable velocity.
è When a body is moving in a è Average Velocity The average rate of
circular path with uniform
Displacement change of position of an object w.r.t. time.
speed. è The shortest possible distance ∆x
from the initial and the final vav =
è Changes direction continuously. ∆t
positions of the body. u+v
è v = 2πr è SI unit metre. =
T è Vector quantity.

Types of Acceleration
Types of Motion
Speed è Uniform Acceleration If an object travels in
è Uniform Motion The object
è Distance travelled by an object a straight line and its velocity increases or
travels equal distance in equal
in unit time. decreases by equal amounts in equal
interval of time.
è SI unit m/s. intervals of time.
è Non-uniform Motion The object
Scalar quantity. è Non-Uniform Acceleration If an object
travels unequal distances in è
travels in equal changes in velocity takes
equal intervals of time.
è v=s place in equal intervals of time.
è It is always positive.
Rate of Motion Acceleration
The ratio of distance travelled by an è Rate change of velocity of a body.
object and time taken is called of
v v–u
motion. è a= =
t t
è v =d è SI unit m/s2.
è Vector quantity.
è It is taken as positive if it is in direction of
velocity, negative if it is in opposite direction
of velocity and zero when it is moving with
constant velocity.
è Negative acceleration is called as
deceleration or retardation.

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