LP Communication Models
LP Communication Models
LP Communication Models
I. Learning Outcomes
By the end of the 90-minute period, the Grade 11 students shall have done the
following with 75% accuracy:
1. identified the various communication models;
2. differentiated the various communication models through a table;
3. explained the importance of communication models in becoming successful
communicators through a writing activity; and
4. created their own model of communication relating to their everyday use.
Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School, pp. 2 – 6
Most Essential Learning Competency & Curriculum Guide
Cell phone/Laptop/Desktop
PowerPoint Presentation
Visual Aids
Time Frame:
90 Minutes
(5 minutes)
1. The teacher introduces the activity “Rebus Puzzle” wherein the students guess the word(s)
that the pictures suggest. They try to guess the correct word by analyzing the pictures given.
With the answers given by the students, the teacher introduces the topic “Models of
Communication” and projects the learning outcomes of the day.
Transitional Statement: Now, that we know our targets for today, let us do the following activities.
And after, we will revisit the learning targets and evaluate if we achieved them.
( 15 minutes)
The class is grouped into seven and they are given an illustration with the different communication
models. The students will be given 5 minutes to collaborate with their group mates about the their
understanding and idea on the illustration and how communication takes place in the said model..
Each group is given 5 minutes to discuss among their group mates and each group will choose two
representatives to discuss their ideas in front of the class.
Assigned tasks:
Group 1 – Aristotle’s Model of Communication
Group 2 - Transactional Model of Communication
Group 3 – Shannon – Weaver’s Model of Communication
Group 4 – Schramm Model of Communication
Group 5 – Eugene White Model of Communication
Group 6 – Berlo’s Model of Communication
Group 7 – Helical Model of Communication
(30 minutes)
The teacher provides feedback for each group’s presentation. Then, the teacher wraps up all the
information shared by the group and supplies additional inputs.
Integration of Values: The teacher emphasizes on how the model of communication gives more
understanding of the components and relationship of the communication process by which people
can use in everyday life and take responsibility of the message being relayed in various situations.
Guide Questions:
1. Why do models (of anything) matter in the real world?
2. What value do communication models have?
3. How can learning about communication models be helpful to you?
Quiz (Identification)
Instructions: In a ½ crosswise paper, students answer this short quiz.
1. The model asserts that message can be complicated by different meaning learned by
different people.
2. Model of communication says that communication is circular and continuous, without a
beginning or end. It is composed of 8 stages.
3. _______________________ is the knowledge present in Schramm’s Model of
communication that is shared by both speaker and the listener which makes their
conversation on-going.
4. This model of communication takes into account the emotional aspect of the message.
5. Eugene White introduced the concept of _____________________.
6. In White's Model of Communication, he suggested that in his model, people can say that
communication starts with __________________.
7. This model is more focused on public speaking than interpersonal communication.
8. This is also called circular model of communication and is used for interpersonal
communication. Everyday talk and interactions are examples of this.
9. This model of communication is also known as the Telephone Model for this is based on the
experience of using the telephone back in the 1940’s wherein the message was hindered by
10. In helical model, communication is a dynamic process. Communication progresses as an
individual gets older and his experience and vocabulary increases.
Answer Key:
1. Schramm Model
2. Eugene White
3. Field of experience
4. Berlo’s Model
5. Feedback
6. Thinking
7. Aristotle’s Model
8. Transactional Model
9. Shannon - Weaver’s Model
10. Helical Model
Contrasting (Table)
Aristotle’s Transactio Shannon – Schramm Eugene Berlo’s Helical
Model nal Model Weaver Model White Model Model
Model Model
Transitional Statement:
Now that you are familiar of the differences of the communication models, it’s time to jump to
another activity in which you will not only think, but create.
(30 minutes)
With the same group in the students’ activity, the teacher asks the students to create their own
model of communication that represents the importance of its usage in everyday life and cite a
specific example or real – life situation in which their model is used. They will use any visual aid for
their presentation. The students go back to their designated group to work on the task in ten
In addition, they are given five minutes to present and graded based on the rubric below: