Marketing Strategy - TYBBA

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SVKM’s NMIMS ASMSOC – Course Outline

Course Code 742MK0E006

Course Title Marketing Strategy
Course Reshma Ghorpade
Course Credit 4
Program and B.B.A. Semester –VI
Pre-Requisite Understanding of Strategic Management (Sem 5) and Principles of
(Sem 2)
Learning The objective of this course is to familiarize and equip students with
Objectives the
concept and tools of contemporary marketing strategies used to develop
innovative strategies to solve organizational problems (PLO-1c)
Learning After completing the course students will be able to-
Outcomes  Understand the importance, framework and application of
marketing strategies
 Apply their understanding to help organisations achieve their
objectives under different market conditions and market challenges
 Understand the role of innovation in a dynamic environment
Course A distinct blend of both art and science, marketing strategy is about people
Description (inside an organization) finding ways to deliver exceptional value by
fulfilling the needs and wants of other people (customers, shareholders,
business partners, society at large), as well as the needs of the organization
itself. Marketing strategy draws from psychology, sociology, and
economics to better understand the basic needs and motivations of these
people—whether they are the organization’s customers (typically
considered the most critical), its employees, or its stakeholders. In short,
marketing strategy is about people
serving people in a competitive environment.
Evaluation Specific % AOL Intended CLOs to
Pattern Assessment Weightage Instruments Assessed
Methods /

1 2 3 4 5
External 50 Written   
Assessment Paper
Project 10 Market   
Presentation 10 MS Tools    
Assignment 10 Written/    
/Quiz/Case MS
Study/Quiz Google form

Midterm 20 Written   
test Paper

Course Session Plan

Session Topics / Module Chapters / Articles / Cases /

Material and Activities
1 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy The Manager’s Guide to
Introduction- Marketing strategy concept Competitive
Learning outcome- Understand what is
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
marketing strategy and its role in a 2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
business Francis Group, Page No. 8

2 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy The Manager’s Guide to

Strategy hierarchy including Marketing’s role Competitive
in formulating and implementing strategies Marketin
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
Learning outcome- Understand what is 2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
marketing strategy and its role in a business Francis Group, Page No.
organisation 16,17

3 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy Strategic Marketing

Marketing Strategy (5C and 6V framework) Management,
Learning outcome-Understand the structure of , Alexander. 9th Edition,
Marketing Strategy, its components and the 2018, Cerebellum Press.
difference between strategy and tactic Page No. 9-14
4 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy Strategic Marketing
Marketing Strategy (5C and 6V framework) Management,
contd. Chernev
, Alexander. 9th Edition,
Learning outcome-Understand the structure of 2018, Cerebellum Press.
Marketing Strategy, its components and the Page No. 9-14
difference between strategy and tactic
5 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy Strategic Marketing

Developing optimal value proposition- The Management,

3V Principle ,Tactics Chernev
, Alexander. 9th Edition,
Learning outcome-Understand the 2018, Cerebellum Press.).
components of Tactics Page No. 14-18
6 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy The Manager’s Guide to
Human factors in Strategy- Physical Competitive
Disruption Marketin
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
Learning outcome- Understanding how
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
human elements play a role in developing
Francis Group, Page No.17-
7 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy The Manager’s Guide to
Human factors in strategy- Competitive
Psychological disruption Marketin
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
Learning outcome- Understand and apply
Francis Group, Page No. 19-
how human elements play a role in
developing strategy
8 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy The Manager’s Guide to
Human factors in strategy- Military strategy Competitive
and marketing strategy Marketin
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
Learning outcome- Understand and apply
Francis Group, 24-38
how human elements play a role in
9 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy The Manager’s Guide to
Human factors in strategy- Strategy Principles Competitive
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
Learning outcome- Understand and apply 2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
how Francis Group, Page No. 39-
human elements play a role in developing 50
10 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy Strategic Marketing
Introduction to Marketing Plan, its purpose Management,
, Alexander. 9th Edition,
2018, Cerebellum Press.).
Page No.27
Learning outcome- Understand the
importance of Marketing Plan as an
overarching concept
11 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy Strategic Marketing
G-STIC framework Management,
, Alexander. 9th Edition,
2018, Cerebellum Press.).,
Page No. 27-34

Learning outcome-Understand and apply the

process of preparing and implementing
Marketing plan
12 Module 1- Introduction to Marketing strategy Strategic Marketing
Writing and updating a market plan Management,
Chernev, Alexander.
9th Edition, 2018,
Cerebellum Press.). 34-37

Learning outcome- Understand and apply

the process of preparing and implementing a
Marketing plan

13 Module 2- Design and Develop Marketing Strategy: Text and

Marketing Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Strategy Michael
Discovering Market Opportunities including D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
Collecting and Analysing Marketing mind tap from Cengage, Page
Information No. 13-15

Learning outcome- Understand pre-

requisites of preparing Marketing Strategy
14 Module 2- Design and Develop Marketing Strategy: Text and
Marketing Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Strategy Michael
Discovering Market Opportunities including D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
Collecting and Analysing Marketing mind tap from Cengage, Page
Information (contd.) No. 13-15
Learning outcome- Understand pre-
of preparing Marketing Strategy

15 Module 2- Design and Develop Marketing Strategy: Text and

Marketing Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Strategy Michael
Developing Competitive Advantage D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
and Strategic Focus mind tap from Cengage, Page
No. 16-17
Learning outcome- Understand pre-
requisites of preparing Marketing Strategy
16 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Developing Marketing strategy- , Alexander. 9th Edition,
Identifying Target customers 2018, Cerebellum Press.).
Page No. 43-55

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
17 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Strategy Management,
Creating Customer Value: Value Proposition Chernev
and Positioning , Alexander. 9th Edition,
2018, Cerebellum Press.).
Page No. 65-87

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
18 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Creating Company Value: Managing , Alexander. 9th Edition,
Revenue, Costs and Profits 2018, Cerebellum Press.), 89-
The Manager’s Guide to
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
19 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Creating Collaborator Value: , Alexander. 9th Edition,
Managing Business Markets 2018, Cerebellum Press.),
Page No. 103-109

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
20 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Marketing Tactics- Product and services , Alexander. 9th Edition,
Positioning, PLC, Product competition, 2018, Cerebellum Press.).
Product mix, product design, new product Page No. 111-115
The Manager’s Guide to
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group, Page No.

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
21 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Marketing Tactics- Brands , Alexander. 9th Edition,
2018, Cerebellum Press.).
Page No. 121-138
The Manager’s Guide to
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group, Page No.

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
22 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Marketing Tactics- Incentives , Alexander. 9th Edition,
2018, Cerebellum Press.).
The Manager’s Guide to
g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
23 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Marketing Tactics- , Alexander. 9th Edition,
Communication, Distribution 2018, Cerebellum Press.
Advertising, Sales promotion, Direct and Page No. 159-181
interactive marketing, Digital marketing,
Public relations, Personal selling, Supply
chain control, Evaluating distributors,
Innovations in supply chain strategies

Learning outcome- Understand Components

Marketing Strategy
24 Module 2- Design and Develop The Manager’s Guide to
Marketing Competitive
Strategy Marketin
Marketing tactics-Price: Managing price, g Strategies, 2nd Edition,
New products, Established product, Auction 2021, by CRC Press Taylor &
pricing, Fees Francis Group, Page No.

Learning outcome- Understand Components

of Marketing Strategy
25 Module 2- Design and Develop Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management,
Strategy Chernev
Introduction to Co-optition, Co-creation , Alexander. 9th Edition,
and blue ocean strategy 2018, Cerebellum Press Page
No. 187-198
Learning outcome-Understand new concepts
in marketing strategy
26 Module 3- Implementing Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy by O. C.
Link between Strategy and Action, Strategic Ferrell, Michael Hartline,
Issues in Implementation, 8th edition, South-Western,
Approaches to Strategy Implementation Cengage Learning, Chapter
11 &12, Page No. 237-245
Learning outcome- Understand the process
and components of strategy implementation
27 Module 3- Implementing Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy by O. C.
Internal Marketing, Evaluating and Ferrell, Michael Hartline, 8th
Controlling edition, South-Western,
Cengage Learning, Chapter
11 &12, Page No. 250-260
Learning outcome- Understand the process
and components of strategy implementation
28 Module 3- Implementing Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy by O. C.
Managing Customer Relationships, Quality Ferrell, Michael Hartline,
and Value for Developing Customers 8th edition, South-Western,
Cengage Learning, Chapter
11 &12, Page No. 263-278
Learning outcome- Understand the process
and components of strategy implementation
29 Module 3- Implementing Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy by O. C.
Customer Satisfaction, Customer Ferrell, Michael Hartline,
Retention, Customer Profitability 8th edition, South-Western,
Cengage Learning, Page No.
Learning outcome- Understand the process 278-286
and components of strategy implementation
30 Module 3- Implementing Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy by O. C.
Ethics and Social Responsibility in Ferrell, Michael Hartline,
Marketing Strategy 8th edition, South-Western,
Cengage Learning, Page No.
Learning outcome- Understand the process 211-232
components of strategy implementation
31 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Gaining and defending market position Management,
Learning outcome-Extend the learnings of Chernev
the previous modules to , Alexander. 9th Edition,
understand different 2018, Cerebellum Press Page
market and product situations No. 187-198
32 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Gaining and defending market position Management,
(contd.) Learning outcome-Extend the Chernev
learnings of the previous modules to , Alexander. 9th Edition,
understand different 2018, Cerebellum Press.
market and product situations Page No. 187-198
33 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Managing sales growth Management,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of Chernev
the previous modules to , Alexander. 9th Edition,
understand different 2018, Cerebellum Press, 199-
market and product situations 210
34 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Managing sales growth (contd.) Management,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of the Chernev
previous modules to understand different , Alexander. 9th Edition,
market and product situations 2018, Cerebellum Press,
Page No. 199- 210
35 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Managing new products Management,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of Chernev
the previous modules to , Alexander. 9th Edition,
understand different 2018, Cerebellum Press Page
market and product situations No. 211-232
36 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Managing new products (contd.) Management,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of the Chernev
previous modules to understand different , Alexander. 9th Edition,
market and product situations 2018, Cerebellum Press Page
No. 211-232
37 Module 4-Managing Growth Strategic Marketing
Managing product lines Management,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of Chernev
the previous modules to , Alexander. 9th Edition,
understand different 2018, Cerebellum Press,
market and product situations Page No. 233-244
38 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market Strategic
focused approach Marketin
Marketing Strategies for New Market Entries g Management, 9th Edition
by Chernev, Alexander
Marketing Strategy: Text and
Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
D. hartline.,8th Edition, 2017,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of the mind tap from Cengage, Page
previous modules to identify strategies applied No. 202-207
at different phases of product life cycle (Part 5 Cases)

39 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic Marketing

approach Management, 9th Edition by
Strategies for Growth Markets Chernev, Alexander
Marketing Strategy: Text and
Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
D. hartline.,8th Edition, 2017,
mind tap from Cengage. Page
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of No. 202-207,
the (Part 5 Cases)
previous modules to identify strategies
applied at different phases of product life
40 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic
approach Marketin
Strategies for Mature and Declining Markets g Management, 9th Edition
by Chernev, Alexander
Marketing Strategy: Text and
Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
mind tap from Cengage, Page
No. 202-207,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of the (Part 5 Cases)
previous modules to identify strategies
at different phases of product life cycle
41 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic
approach Marketin
Marketing Strategies for the g Management, 9th Edition
Digitally networked world by Chernev, Alexander
Marketing Strategy: Text and
Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of the
D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
previous modules to identify strategies
mind tap from Cengage, Page
No. 202-207,
at different phases of product life cycle
(Part 5 Cases)

42 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic

approach Marketin
Introduction to Strategies in FMCG, Consumer g Management, 9th Edition
Durables, Pharma, Aviation and other by Chernev, Alexander
industries. Marketing Strategy: Text and
Specific strategies in Product, Price, Place and Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Promotion Michael
D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of mind tap from Cengage,
the previous modules to understand the (Part 5 Cases)
types of marketing strategies applied in
43 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic Marketing
approach Management, 9th Edition by
Introduction to Strategies in FMCG, Consumer Chernev, Alexander
Durables, Pharma, Aviation and other Marketing Strategy: Text and
industries. Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Specific strategies in Product, Price, Place and Michael
Promotion (contd.) D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
mind tap from Cengage,
(Part 5 Cases)
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of
the previous modules to understand the
types of marketing strategies applied in
44 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic Marketing
approach Management, 9th Edition by
Introduction to Strategies in FMCG, Consumer Chernev, Alexander
Durables, Pharma, Aviation and other Marketing Strategy: Text and
industries. Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Specific strategies in Product, Price, Place and Michael
Promotion (contd.) D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
mind tap from Cengage,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of (Part 5 Cases)
the previous modules to understand the
types of marketing strategies applied in
45 Module 5-Marketing Strategy – Market focused Strategic Marketing
approach Management, 9th Edition by
Introduction to Strategies in FMCG, Consumer Chernev, Alexander
Durables, Pharma, Aviation and other Marketing Strategy: Text and
industries. Cases, O.C. Ferrell,
Specific strategies in Product, Price, Place and Michael
Promotion (contd.) D. Hartline. 8th Edition, 2017,
mind tap from Cengage,
Learning outcome- Extend the learnings of (Part 5 Cases)
the previous modules to understand the
types of marketing strategies applied in
46 Module 6- Introduction to innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Competitive
Product development Positioning
Mapping Innovation , Graham Hooley Brigitte
Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick
Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
Edition, 2020, Pearson
Education Ltd
Learning Outcome-Understand the role of Making Innovation
innovation in a dynamic business Work_Tony Davila, Marc J.
environment Epstein, Robert Shelton - Page
no. 29-30
47 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Business Positioning
model , Graham Hooley
innovation Brigitte
Nicoulaud, John Rudd,
i) value proposition Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
ii) supply chain Edition, 2020, Pearson
iii) target customer Education Ltd
Making Innovation
Learning outcome- Understand the role of Work_Tony Davila, Marc J.
innovation in a dynamic business Epstein, Robert Shelton - Page
environment no. 31-34
48 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Business Positioning
model , Graham Hooley
Innovation Brigitte
i. value proposition Nicoulaud, John Rudd,
ii. supply chain Nick Lee and Nigel Piercy.,
iii. target customer 7th Edition, 2020, Pearson
Learning outcome- Understand the role of Education Ltd
innovation in a dynamic business Making Innovation
environment Work_Tony Davila, Marc J.
Epstein, Robert Shelton - Page
no. 31-34
49 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Technology Positioning
innovation , Graham Hooley Brigitte
i) products & services Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick
ii) process technologies Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
iii) enabling technologies Edition, 2020, Pearson
Education Ltd
Making Innovation
Learning outcome- Understand the role of Work_Tony Davila, Marc J.
innovation in a dynamic business Epstein, Robert Shelton - Page
no. 35-37
50 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Innovation Positioning
Process: , Graham Hooley Brigitte
Systematic Approach Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick
Metrics for Innovation in Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
Marketing Strategy Edition, 2020, Pearson
Education Ltd
Learning outcome- Understand the role of log/innovation-metrics-kpis
innovation in a dynamic business
51 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Innovation Positioning
Process: , Graham Hooley Brigitte
Systematic Approach Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick
Metrics for Innovation in Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
Marketing Strategy Edition, 2020, Pearson
Education Ltd
Learning outcome- Understand the role of log/innovation-metrics-kpis
innovation in a dynamic business
52 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Diagnosing Positioning
underlying reasons for , Graham Hooley Brigitte
success & failure Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick
i) Benchmarking performances Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
ii) Allocating resources Edition, 2020, Pearson
iii) Compensating employees Education Ltd
iv) Informing financial markets
v) Setting future goals log/innovation-metrics-kpis
Learning outcome- Understand the role of
innovation in a dynamic business
53 Module 6- Introduction to Innovation and Marketing Strategy and
New Product Competitive
Development Diagnosing Positioning
underlying reasons for , Graham Hooley Brigitte
success & failure Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick
i) Benchmarking performances Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
ii) Allocating resources Edition, 2020, Pearson
iii) Compensating employees Education Ltd
iv) Informing financial markets
v) Setting future goals (contd.) log/innovation-metrics-kpis
Learning outcome- Understand the role
of innovation in a dynamic business
54 Module 7-Outcome Based Strategies Gilligan, Colin. Strategic
Competition strategy, sustenance strategies marketing planning/Colin
Gilligan and Richard M. S.
Wilson. – 2nd ed.,
Chapter 12, Page No. -476-
Learning outcome-Understand what is
Outcome based strategic approach
55 Module 7-Outcome Based Strategies Gilligan, Colin. Strategic
Competition strategy, sustenance strategies(cont marketing planning/Colin
Shotgun Vs Rifle strategy Gilligan and Richard M. S.
Wilson. – 2nd ed.,
Chapter 12, Page No. 401
Learning outcome- Understand what is
Outcome based strategic approach

56 Module 7-Outcome Based Strategies Gilligan, Colin. Strategic

Strategies for leaders, followers, challengers marketing planning/Colin
and nichers Gilligan and Richard M. S.
Wilson. – 1st ed.,
Chapter 12, Page No. 590-
Learning outcome- Understand what is 621
Outcome based strategic approach
57 Module 7-Outcome Based Strategies Gilligan, Colin. Strategic
Strategies for leaders, followers, challengers marketing planning/Colin
and nichers Gilligan and Richard M. S.
Wilson. – 1st ed.,
Chapter 12, Page No. 590-
Learning outcome- Understand what is 621
Outcome based strategic approach
58 Module 8- MIS Using Visual Tools Exploring SAS Viya: Visual
Introduction Analytics, Statistics, and
Investigations, SAS Institute
Inc. 2019
Learning outcome-Understand the use of SAS
Visual Analytics and the concept of MIS
59 Module 8- MIS Using Visual Tools Exploring SAS Viya: Visual
Meaning, Components of MIS Analytics, Statistics, and
Investigations, SAS Institute
Inc. 2019
Learning outcome- Understand the use of SAS
Visual Analytics and the concept of MIS
60 Module 8- MIS Using Visual Tools Exploring SAS Viya:
Role of MIS Visual
Analytics, Statistics, and
Learning outcome- Understand the use of SAS Investigations, SAS Institute
Visual Analytics and the concept of MIS Inc. 2019
Prescribed Text Books:
 Strategic Marketing Management , Chernev, Alexander., 9th Edition,
Reading 2018, Cerebellum Press
List and
References  The Manager’s Guide to Competitive Marketing Strategies, 2nd
Edition, 2021, by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
 Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases, O.C. Ferrell, Michael D. Hartline.
8th Edition, 2017, mind tap from Cengage.

 Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, Graham Hooley
Brigitte Nicoulaud, John Rudd, Nick Lee and Nigel Piercy., 7th
Edition, 2020, Pearson Education Ltd.
 Marketing Strategy A decision focused approach, Walker & Mullins,
Eigth edition
 Gilligan, Colin. Strategic marketing planning/Colin Gilligan and
M. S. Wilson. – 1st ed.
 Exploring SAS Viya: Visual Analytics, Statistics, and Investigations,
SAS Institute Inc. 2019
 Making Innovation Work_Tony Davila, Marc J. Epstein, Robert Shelton
 HBR articles
Prepared by Faculty Approved by Program Approved by Associate Deans
Members Chairperson
Ms. Reshma

Approved by I/C Dean –


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