Epmuy-2 Kyc Form

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( IOC/ BPC/ HPC) Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna.

Form version 2.1 Composite UJJWALA KYC Application (PMUY+EPMUY 1+EPMUY 2)

(To be filled in black ink with BLOCK LETTERS. All Fields are mandatory)
Consumer Details
a) Name of Applicant Ms / Mrs b) Date of Birth Paste your photo
1 First Name D D M M Y Y

2 Middle Name

3 Last Name

PMUY / EPMUY /EPMUY- 2 Sub Category : SC / ST / OBC / Others (drop down to be provided)

b) Address for LPG connection / Contact Information

Land line no. with STD
1 Proof of Address ( POA) category Code* P O A code /

2 House/ Flat #, Name Floor No

3 Housing Complex/Building Land Mark

4 Street/Road Name Area/post office name

5 City / Town Pin code

6 Village / Panchayat Mobile no.

7 Block / sub district Email Id @

8 District

9 State

c) Details of all Household members aged above 18 yrs as per ration card ( consisting of people living together in a dwelling unit having common kitchen)

Relationship with Aadhaar Number ( Attach copy of
Sno Applicant Name ( First Name , Last name) Aadhaar card)

PAHAL Joining Details

c) PARTICULARS OF MY AADHAAR CARD (Attach copy of Aadhaar card) #
1 Name in Aadhaar Card

2 Aadhaar Number

d) PARTICULARS OF MY BANK ACCOUNT (attach copy of passbook/ bank statement/ cancelled cheque having name of account holder,A/C No. and IFSC code printed on it ) #
1 Name in Bank Account

2 Bank Name

3 Branch Name

4 IFSC Code

5 Bank Account Number

e) Ration Card details ( attach a copy of ration card) Mandatory for all new categories #

1 State of Issue

2 Ration card Number

Page 1
f) 14 point declaration duly signed by beneficery enclosed with KYC Yes No
Equipment Selection ( Tick the appropriacte box/ boxes)
1 Type of LPG cylinder desired ( select the desired Equipmment) 14.2 kg cylinder 5 kg cylinder

2 Do you need LPG stove from distributor ( yes or no) Yes No

* List of POA documents

Details Of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna Aadhaar (UID) :-POA01
Driving License:-POA02
a) Under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna free LPG connections are provided by Oil Marketing Companies Lease agreement :- POA03
(OMCs) to the women belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) households. Voter ID :- POA04
b) The scheme provides cash assistance to cover the cost of Security Deposit of Cylinder, Pressure regulator , Telephone/Electricity /Water bill:- POA05
Passport :- POA06
cost of DGCC , Suraksha hose and installation & administrative charges. Self-declaration attested by Gazetted officer:- POA07
c) Information submitted in this KYC form will be verified against authorised list of BPL population available Ration Card :- POA08
with OMCs. Flat allotment/possession letter :- POA09
d) On successful verification & confirmation of non existance of PDS LPG connection at your premises , LPG House registration document :- POA10
LIC Policy :- POA11
connection may be released to you subject to applicable terms & conditions. Bank/Credit Card Statement :- POA12

Page 2
Dear LPG Distributor,
I _____________________________________son/daughter/wife of ____________ Age _________years, resident of________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________desire to take domestic LPG connection in my name and affirm as under :-

a) I here by Confirm that, The information furnished in this form is correct and nothing material has been concealed there from and I understand that, false information, if any will
attracts punishment under Indian Penal Code.

b) I shall not hold IOC/HPC/BPC/MoP&NG responsible for any delays/non receipt of subsidy in case of change/closure/deactivation of my Bank Account/ Bank not in NACH or for
any rejection by Bank or non-confidentiality of any information.

c) In case of any revision/change in the above information ,I will inform the LPG distributor.

d) I authorize my Oil Company/my bank to update/share my and my family member Aadhaar No./demographic data/bank account details between themselves and with outside
agencies for de-duplication/ authentication/ verification purposes.

e) In the event of any violation of Government Regulation related to the supply and distribution of LPG, IOC/BPC/HPC will be within its right to discontinue supply of LPG cylinders to
me, forfeit of security deposit and levy of penal charges as per the policy and guidelines and may initiate legal action applicable under provisions

f) That I am an Indian citizen/Non Resident Indian/Staff of Foreign nationality serving in India/Foreign national residing in India under valid visa/person returning to India on
transfer of residence basis/PIO *Tick whichever is applicable. Only Indian citizens are eligible for subsidized LPG.

g) That my date of birth is _________________ (LPG connection cannot be provided to a person under 18 years of age)

h) That neither I, nor any other member of the household (household means a family consisting of all members reflecting in the ration card living together in a dwelling unit having
common kitchen),posses any LPG connection from PSU Oil Companies or Piped Natural Gas Connection for domestic use in our dwelling unit. (‘Households’ having Piped Natural
Gas connection are not entitled for subsidized LPG).

i) I confirm that the LPG connection issued to me will be used in my above mentioned address and for domestic cooking purpose only and I shall abide by all terms governing its use.

j) That I shall not position any other LPG gas installations in the same kitchen.

k) That as and when second cylinder is issued to me against this connection the same will also be used in the same kitchen and with the original installation.

l) That whenever I change my residence from present address to another, I will inform M/s. ______________________________________ (name of Distributor/RGGLV) in writing
in advance for change of address in the records.

m) That I am aware that the domestic subsidized LPG connection as shall be released by M/s. Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL)/Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL)/Hindustan
Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) on the basis of this declaration and information submitted by me in this Know Your Customer (KYC) FORM, Proof of Address and Proof of Identity,
shall later be subjected to de-duplication check for existence of any other Domestic subsidized LPG connection with any govt. Oil Company, in my name or in the name of any other
member of my ‘household’ .

n) That if any information/declaration given by me in this undertaking, the ‘KYC’ form or any document submitted in support of identity/residence proof shall be found untrue or
incorrect or false, the Oil Company would be within its rights to withdraw the supply of Gas/Terminate the connection/seize the equipments/forfeit the security deposit and that I
would have no claim whatsoever against IOCL/BPCL/HPCL for such withdrawal/Termination/Seizure/Forfeiture.

o) I and my family members are willingly and knowingly sharing the Aadhaar numbers and aadhaar documents with OMC’s to avail the LPG connection

Date :- _______________________ Signature of person giving the Declaration

Place :- _______________________ Name :- _____________________________________

To be filled by Dealer/Distributor based on the category in which applicant is applying and submitting its documents.


Category of Applicant Doc.Date of

code applied in Document No. issue
Place of issue
( Put Check in the box)

01 SC/ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


03 Most Backward Class

04 Antodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)

05 Tea Tribe and Ex Tea Tribe

06 Forest Dwellers
07 River Island

09 Poor HH as per 14 Point

declration NA

^( AHL Tin number is indetified in the SECC list which belongs to an individual in the family)

Page 3
# I confirm having verified the photocopies of documents above against their originals.

LPG ID (If allotted):

Signature of Distributor

Received Ujjwala Application from (Name)__________________________________________________________Place _____________________________

Document No.
( AHL Tin number is indetified in the SECC list which belongs to an individual in the family)

Date: Signature & Seal of Distributor

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