Affidavit of Warranty (Motor Vehicle)
Affidavit of Warranty (Motor Vehicle)
Affidavit of Warranty (Motor Vehicle)
I, EDMUNDO N. VILLACORTA, of legal age, married, Filipino and resident of No. 242
Lalakhan, Santa Maria, Bulacan, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby
depose and say:
1. THAT I bought a motor vehicle from one Joseph O. Raboca, which is more
particularly described as follows: Make 2020 SUZUKI 1.5L; Type: GLX A/T;
Serial No. JS3JB74VSM5100795; Motor No. K15B-1066999; Plate No. G20 138,
photocopy of the Deed of Absolute Sale is hereto attached;
2. THAT the said motor vehicle is in the process of transferring the ownership in my
3. THAT I HEREBY WARRANT that said motor vehicle is not mortgaged or made as
collateral neither ENCUMBERED to any person or any financial institution;
4. THAT I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the veracity of the above for all legal
intents and purposes it may serve best.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 9th day of December 2020
hereat Santa Maria, Bulacan.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me in Sta. Maria, Bulacan this 9 th day of December
2020. Affiant has satisfactorily proven his identity to me through his UMID No. CRN-0003-5986098-6;
that he is the same person who personally signed the foregoing Affidavit before me and acknowledged
that he executed the same.