18AI71 - AAI INTERNAL 2 QB Answers

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IA 2 - AAI

1. Design the Bayesian Network with an example.
● Bayesian network is used to represent the dependencies among variables.
● Bayesian networks can represent essentially any full joint probability distribution
and in many cases can do so very concisely.
● A Bayesian network is a directed graph in which each node is annotated with
quantitative probability information. The full specification is as follows:
1. Each node corresponds to a random variable, which may be discrete or
2. A set of directed links or arrows connects pairs of nodes. If there is an arrow
from node X to node Y , X is said to be a parent of Y. The graph has no directed
cycles (and hence is a directed acyclic graph, or DAG.
3. Each nodeXi has a conditional probability distribution P(Xi |Parents(Xi)) that
quantifies the effect of the parents on the node.
● consisting of the variables Toothache, Cavity, Catch, and Weather . These
relationships are represented by the Bayesian network structure shown in Figure

● Formally, the conditional independence of Toothache and Catch, given Cavity, is
indicated by the absence of a link between Toothache and Catch.
● Now consider the following example, which is just a little more complex. You
have a new burglar alarm installed at home. It is fairly reliable at detecting a
burglary, but also responds on occasion to minor earthquakes. You also have two
neighbors, John and Mary, who have promised to call you at work when they
hear the alarm. John nearly always calls when he hears the alarm, but
sometimes confuses the telephone ringing with the alarm and calls then, too.
Mary, on the other hand, likes rather loud music and often misses the alarm
altogether. Given the evidence of who has or has not called, we would like to
estimate the probability of a burglary.
● A Bayesian network for this domain appears in Figure 14.2.

The network structure shows that burglary and earthquakes directly affect the
probability of the alarm’s going off, but whether John and Mary call depends only
on the alarm. The network thus represents our assumptions that they do no
perceive burglaries directly, they do not notice minor earthquakes, and they do
not confer before calling.

2. Construct the Compactness and node ordering with an example.

● As well as being a complete and nonredundant representation of the domain, a
Bayesian network can often be far more compact than the full joint distribution.
● This property is what makes it feasible to handle domains with many variables.
● The compactness of Bayesian networks is an example of a general property of locally
structured (also called sparse) systems.
● In a locally structured system, each subcomponent interacts directly with only a bounded
number of other components, regardless of the total number of components.
● Local structure is usually associated with linear rather than exponential growth in
● For example, one might object to our burglary network on the grounds that if there is an
earthquake, then John and Mary would not call even if they heard the alarm. Whether to
add the link from Earthquake to JohnCalls and MaryCalls (and thus enlarge the tables)
depends on comparing the importance of getting more accurate probabilities with the
cost of specifying the extra information.
Even in a locally structured domain, we will get a compact Bayesian network only if
we choose the node ordering well. Consider the burglary example again. Suppose we decide to
add the nodes in the order MaryCalls, JohnCalls, Alarm, Burglary, Earthquake. We then get the
somewhat more complicated network shown in Figure 14.3(a). The process goes as follows:
● Adding MaryCalls: No parents.
● Adding JohnCalls: If Mary calls, that probably means the alarm has gone off, which of
course would make it more likely that John calls. Therefore, JohnCalls needs MaryCalls
as a parent.
● Adding Alarm: Clearly, if both call, it is more likely that the alarm has gone off than if just
one or neither calls, so we need both MaryCalls and JohnCalls as parents.
● Adding Burglary: If we know the alarm state, then the call from John or Mary might give
us information about our phone ringing or Mary’s music, but not about burglary:
P(Burglary | Alarm, JohnCalls ,MaryCalls) = P(Burglary | Alarm). Hence we need just
Alarm as parent.
● Adding Earthquake: If the alarm is on, it is more likely that there has been an
earthquake. But if we know that there has been a burglary, then that explains the alarm,
and the probability of an earthquake would be only slightly above normal. Hence, we
need both Alarm and Burglary as parents.
● The resulting network has two more links than the original network in Figure 14.2 and
requires three more probabilities to be specified. If we try to build a diagnostic model with
links from symptoms to causes (as from MaryCalls to Alarm or Alarm to Burglary), we
end up having to specify additional dependencies between otherwise independent
● If we stick to a causal model, we end up having to specify fewer numbers, and the
numbers will often be easier to come up with.
● Figure 14.3(b) shows a very bad node ordering: MaryCalls, JohnCalls, Earthquake,
Burglary, Alarm. This network requires 31 distinct probabilities to be specified—exactly
the same number as the full joint distribution. It is important to realize, however, that any
of the three networks can represent exactly the same joint distribution. The last two
versions simply fail to represent all the conditional independence relationships and
hence end up specifying a lot of unnecessary numbers instead.

3. Evaluate the Inference by Enumeration along with an algorithm.

4. Construct the Efficient representation of Conditional Distribution with an example.
Even if the maximum number of parents k is smallish, filling in the CPT for a node requires
up to O(2k) numbers In fact, this is a worst-case scenario in which the relationship between the
parents and the child is completely arbitrary. Usually, such relationships are describable by a
canonical distribution that fits some standard pattern. In such cases, the complete table can be
specified by naming the pattern and perhaps supplying a few parameters—much easier than
supplying an exponential number of parameters.
The simplest example is provided by deterministic nodes.
A deterministic node has its value specified exactly by the values of its parents, with no
uncertainty. The relationship can be a logical one: for example, the relationship between the
parent nodes Canadian, US, Mexican and the child node NorthAmerican is simply that the child
is the disjunction of the parents. The relationship can also be numerical: for example, if the
parent nodes are the prices of a particular model of car at several dealers and the child node is
the price that a bargain hunter ends up paying, then the child node is the minimum of the parent
values; or if the parent nodes are a lake’s inflows (rivers, runoff, precipitation) and outflows
(rivers, evaporation, seepage) and the child is the change in the water level of the lake, then the
value of the child is the sum of the inflow parents minus the sum of the outflow parents.

Uncertain relationships can often be characterized by so-called noisy logical relationships. The
standard example is the noisy-OR relation, which is a generalization of the logical
OR. In propositional logic, we might say that Fever is true if and only if Cold , Flu, or
Malaria is true. The noisy-OR model allows for uncertainty about the ability of each parent
to cause the child to be true—the causal relationship between parent and child may be
In general, noisy logical relationships in which a variable depends on k parents can be
described using O(k) parameters instead of O(2k) for the full conditional probability table.

5. Construct the Pinhole camera for the formation of images with a neat diagram.
Image sensors gather light scattered from objects in a scene and create a two-dimensional
image. In the eye, the image is formed on the retina, which consists of two types of cells:
about 100 million rods, which are sensitive to light at a wide range of wavelengths, and 5 million
cones. Cones, which are essential for color vision, are of three main types, each of
which is sensitive to a different set of wavelengths. In cameras, the image is formed on an
image plane, which can be a piece of film coated with silver halides or a rectangular grid
of a few million photosensitive PIXEL pixels, each a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
(CMOS) or charge-coupled device (CCD). Each photon arriving at the sensor produces an
effect, whose strength depends on the wavelength of the photon. The output of the sensor
is the sum of all effects due to photons observed in some time window, meaning that image
sensors report a weighted average of the intensity of light arriving at the sensor.
To see a focused image, we must ensure that all the photons from approximately the
same spot in the scene arrive at approximately the same point in the image plane. The simplest
PINHOLE CAMERA way to form a focused image is to view stationary objects with a pinhole
camera, which
consists of a pinhole opening, O, at the front of a box, and an image plane at the back of the
box (Figure 24.2). Photons from the scene must pass through the pinhole, so if it is small
enough then nearby photons in the scene will be nearby in the image plane, and the image
will be in focus.

6. Evaluate the Direct Sampling methods with an example.

7. Evaluate the Variable Elimination Algorithm with an example.
8. Evaluate the Bayesian nets with continuous variables.
9. Evaluate the likelihood-weighting algorithm for inference in Bayesian networks
and explain the working of the algorithm.
10. Obtain the Method for constructing Bayesian Network
11. Evaluate the Rejection-Sampling Algorithm for inference in Bayesian networks

12. Evaluate the Image Formation with an example.

13. Evaluate the Gibbs sampling in Bayesian networks.
Problem 6th question:

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