Multifunctional Timer
Multifunctional Timer
Multifunctional Timer
Table of Contents
1. Multi-functional Timer Relay description.................................................................................................................... 3
2. Timer’s wiring diagram ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Connecting 5amp timer ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Converting the positive output to sink (negative) with an adapter (optional). .................................................... 6
3. Understanding Timer Delay Relay Function. ............................................................................................................... 6
4. Timer function table with charts................................................................................................................................. 7
5. Timer trigger..............................................................................................................................................................19
5.1 Timer trigger operation with charts. ..................................................................................................................19
5.2 Example of trigger setup. ...................................................................................................................................20
5.3 Timer trigger configuration table. ......................................................................................................................21
6. Timer Output mode ...................................................................................................................................................22
7. Timer Output type .....................................................................................................................................................22
8. Timer programming...................................................................................................................................................23
9. Time programming modes. .......................................................................................................................................27
10. Resetting Timer to the factory settings. .................................................................................................................27
11. Programming Function 31 .....................................................................................................................................28
12. Programming Function 33 .....................................................................................................................................28
13. Low Power Mode...................................................................................................................................................29
14. Timer application examples ...................................................................................................................................29
14.1 Extend current capacity be adding an external relay..........................................................................................29
14.2 Extend current capacity be adding an external relay..........................................................................................30
15. Accessories ............................................................................................................................................................31
15.1 Timer configuration button board......................................................................................................................31
16. Reusable quick connectors. ................................................................................................................................31
17. YouTube Videos .....................................................................................................................................................32
18. Older Manuals .......................................................................................................................................................32
The timer is simply a logic control circuit to control the output power based on the events. Typically, the
timer is initiated or triggered by one of two methods:
Application of power voltage
High or low trigger signal
To help understand the timer functionality let’s look at the common terminology used throughout this
Input Voltage – power voltage applied to the timer. Depending on the selected function, the input
voltage will either initiate the timing event or power the timer to be ready to accept the trigger
Trigger Signal – in certain timing functions, a trigger is used to initiate a timing event after the
input voltage has been applied. As noted above this trigger can either be a control switch (dry
contact switch) or a power trigger (voltage).
Output – output voltage from the timer. The timing of the output voltage is controlled by the
selected timing event and trigger method.
Figure 1.
# Function Operation Timing chart
1 ON DELAY Upon the application of
input voltage, the time
delay (t) begins. At the
end of the time delay (t),
the output is energized.
Input voltage must be
removed to reset the time
delay relay & de-energize
the output.
The timer function #1 is ON DELAY, it allows to supply power after some time (t). There are two timing
charts, one without a trigger and one with a trigger. Trigger selection can be done during timer
configuration. Let’s look at the first chart where the timer is triggered by the supplied input voltage. Once
power is supplied to the timer, the time delay (t) begins, at the end of the time delay (t) output is energized
and stays on until power to the timer is removed. Removal of the power resets the timer circuit and the timer
is ready for another cycle. The second chart is applicable when a trigger option is selected. In this particular
case, the trigger on High (positive) voltage is selected. More on trigger options can be found later in the
manual. Upon application of power, the timer is ready to accept the trigger signal. When the trigger is
applied, the time delay (t) begins. At the end of the time delay (t) output is energized and stays on until
power to the timer is removed. Another application of the trigger during time delay (t) or the output
energized period, does not affect the timer function. Only the first application of the trigger matters.
Figure 2.
# Function Operation Timing chart
1 ON DELAY Upon the application of
input voltage, the time
delay (t) begins. At the end
of the time delay (t), the
output is energized. Input
voltage must be removed to
reset the time delay relay
and de-energize the output.
Figure 3.
High trigger Upon application of
power the time delay
relay is ready to
accept the trigger.
The transition of the
voltage on the trigger
wire from low* to
high** will trigger
the start of the time
delay (t).
*Low trigger voltage is considered to be less than < 0.5v and should be as close to 0v as possible. **High
trigger voltage is greater than >0.8v and could be as high as the input voltage.
To use trigger input with dry contact (like switch or button), trigger wire would need to be ‘pulled’ to either
High or Low voltage. Timer configuration allows for trigger wire to be set to either be pulled to High, where
a small current is applied to keep the wire at High voltage, or grounded keeping the trigger wire at Low
voltage. The following table demonstrates when to configure trigger wire pull to High or to Low.
Figure 5.
Trigger configuration Trigger Active Description
pull Trigger
* ** See notes below
1 Trigger is disabled
2 6 10 Low High For dry contacts between trigger wire and positive.
3 7 11 Low Low For a case where the voltage is applied to a trigger.
4 8 12 High Low For dry contacts between trigger wire and ground.
5 9 13 High High For a case where the ground is applied to the trigger.
* Trigger functions ensure the trigger transition from inactive to activate state upon startup.
**Trigger acts as an enable/disable switch. Applies to function: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 18 and 19.
The timer is preconfigured with the instant output. To change output mode please follow the below
programming steps.
The timer is preconfigured with normal output. To reverse output please follow the below programming
Enter into the programming mode by grounding WHITE/GREEN and supply power. Unground the
Step #1, Set the time t1 by grounding the WHITE wire for the desired period. Set t2 by grounding
the GREEN wire.
Advance to Step #2 by grounding WHITE/GREEN together once again. (Grounding both wires
together is what signals to the timer to advance to the next configuration step).
Select the desired function number by grounding the WHITE wire X number of times corresponding
to the function number. Ground GREEN to configure the desired trigger mode.
Here are steps to configure the timer to Function 12 and Trigger 2, t1 – 10 seconds. (Short version)
1. Press and hold W+G wires to the ground or push buttons 1+2, then turn the power on.
2. Release W+G.
3. W to ground for 10 seconds.
4. W+G to ground.
5. W to ground 12 times
6. G to ground 2 times.
7. Remove power and test.
2. Red wire connected to a power source, Black to ground, and Yellow to output. White and Green are
configuration wires and are used to configure the timer. Configuration wires can be connected to buttons
for ease of programming, but it is not necessary, especially if the timer is going to be configured only
once. Blue wire is a trigger wire. Isolate trigger wire with electrical tape if the trigger option is not used.
3. Select the appropriate timer function from Figure 2 for your project and note the function number.
4. Skip this step if the trigger is not used. Select the appropriate timer trigger configuration function from
Figure 5 and note the trigger number.
5. Go into the programming mode by connecting both configuration wires (White and Green) to the
ground and then supply power to the timer. Disconnect configuration wires from the ground after 1
second. Power to the load will turn on for 3 seconds, indicating the timer entered programming mode.
The timer is ready to be configured with a time delay (t1) and (t2).
6. To program time delay (t1), connect the configuration wire (White) to the ground (or push button #1 if
connected) and keep it connected to the ground for the time required delay (t1), then release. The timer
will supply power to the load when the configuration wire is connected to the ground. To program time
delay (t2) perform the same procedure with a Green configuration wire.
7. Once time delay has been programmed advance to the timer’s function and trigger configurations.
Connect both configuration wires (White and Green) to the ground for 1 sec. Power to the load will
turn on for 3 seconds.
8. To program the timer’s function, you need to know the function number from Figure2. Use the
configuration wire (White), connect it to the ground, and disconnect the number of times equal to the
selected function number. If you connected the button to configuration wires push button #1 the number
of times equal to the selected function number. If you are unsure or need to repeat the steps, disconnect
power from the timer, and start with step 5.
9. If the trigger option is not used you can skip this step. To program a timer trigger you need to know the
trigger configuration number Figure5. Use the configuration wire (Green), short it to the ground, and
disconnect the number of times equal to the selected trigger configuration number. If you connected the
button to configuration wires then push button #2 the number of times equal to the selected trigger
number. If you are unsure or need to repeat the steps, disconnect power from the timer, and start with
step 5.
10. Once the timer function and trigger have been programmed move to the timer output configuration.
Connect both configuration wires (White and Green) to the ground for 1 sec. Power to the load will
turn on for 3 seconds.
***Tip: Once timer function, trigger and output are configured they do not have to be changed
or reset. If only timer t1 and t2 need to be changed then put the timer into the programming
mode, set t1 and/or t2, and disconnect power. The timer will retain the prior configured timer
function, trigger, output, programming mode, and low power settings.
Below are sample timer configuration steps. (Time function set to #2, Trigger configuration set to #4, time
delay (t) set to 5 seconds) with assumption configuration wires (White and Green) are connected to the
*If buttons are not used then connect the White wire to the ground instead of button #1 and connect the Green
wire to the ground instead of button #2. Once the configuration is done isolate configuration wires with
electrical tape.
Watch the YouTube video on how to set the timer in hours/minutes/seconds mode.
To use the HMS mode you first need to set TIME PROGRAMMING MODE to use HMS mode, then turn
off the timer and restart the programming. During the next programming cycle, you would use configuration
wire to set the time in hours/minutes/seconds. First, go into programming mode, then use the white wire and
touch the ground wire the number of times equal to the number of 1/30 seconds you need. For example,
touch the white wire to the ground ten times if you want to set seconds to 1/3 sec. Then touch the white wire
to the ground again and hold until you see output rapidly cycles multiple times. It confirms the saving of the
1/30 seconds and goes to the next parameter which is seconds, set amount of seconds in the same fashion,
and again hold the wire to the ground to confirm. Continue to other parameters shown in the table above.
Once the time is set continue with the normal programming sequence shown below.
Note: Due to internal power storage the timer will not reset with a brief power interruption. To reset
the timer in Low Power mode, the power outage should be more than 1sec.