AcT 5 Diff OV Brochure

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COULTER ACT 5diff Specications

Methods and Technologies CBC Analysis & Hgb Sequential dilution system Dual focused ow uid dynamics Coulter Principle (impedance): counting and sizing Duplicate counting Coincidence correction Pulse editing Rinse ow system Spectrophotometry for hemoglobin Beckman Coulter ACT 5diff reagent system 5-Part Differential Analysis Absorbance cytochemistry with Volume (ACV) ACT 5diff Fix and WBC Lyse system 26 Available Parameters WBC RBC NE# Hgb NE% Hct LY# MCV LY% MCH MO# MCHC MO% RDW EO# EO% BA# BA% ATL#* ATL%* IMM#* IMM%* Plt MPV Pct* PDW* Data Management Alphanumeric patient ID & institutional headers Manual and auto-sequence run number 3 patient ranges with high/low agging 3 result action ranges with interpretive messages 5 reporting unit format options 3 print format options RS232C host transmission Quality Control ACT 5diff Control Plus (tri-level) reagent ACT 5diff Cal (calibrator) reagent Precision Parameter: WBC RBC Hgb Hct Plt Range: 10 x 103 cells/L 5 x 106 cells/L 15g/dL 45% 300 x 103 cells/L %CV: <2.0 <2.0 <1.0 <2.0 <5.0

General Chemistry Centrifugation

Incredible Value. Excellent Performance. COULTER Ac T 5diff Hematology Analyzer

Disease Management Immunodiagnostics Clinical Research Hematology Hemostasis Lab Automation Data Management Flow Cytometry Primary Care

Accuracy R >0.95 for WBC, RBC, Plt, Hgb, Hct Throughput Up to 60 samples/hour Sample Stability CBC 48 hr room temperature DIFF 24 hr room temperature Operating Temperature 16 to 34C (61 to 93F) Dimensions and Weight Analyzer: Height: 23 in (58 cm) Width: 17.5 in (44.4 cm) Depth: 19.75 in (50.1 cm) Weight: 281 lbs (37 kg) ACT 5diff Reagent System Diluent Hgb Lyse Fix WBC Lyse Rinse Calibrator Control Plus Part Number 8547169 8547168 8547171 8547170 8547167 7547175 7547198

* For Research Use Only. Not intended for use in diagnostic procedures. Optional parameters available outside U.S.

Sample Analysis Characteristics 53L whole blood, CBC/DIFF Mode 30L whole blood, CBC only Mode Open vial sampling Positive ID Optional bar code reader Codabar Code 39 Code 128 Interleaved 2-of-5 EAN 8 EAN 13

Eastern Europe, Middle East, North Africa, South West Asia: Switzerland, Nyon (41) 22 994 0707. Australia, Gladesville (61) 2 9844 6000. Canada, Mississauga (1) 905 819 1234. China, Beijing (86) 10 6515 6028. Hong Kong (852) 2814 7431, 2814 0481. France, Villepinte (33) 1 49 90 90 00. Germany, Krefeld (49) 2151 33 35. Italy, Cassina de Pecchi (Milan) (39) 02 953921. Japan, Tokyo (81) 3 5404 8424. Latin America (1) (305) 380 4709. Mexico, Mexico City (52) 55 560 57770. Netherlands, Mijdrecht (31) 297 230630. Puerto Rico (787) 747 3335. Singapore (65) 6339 3633.South Africa/Sub-Saharan Africa, Johannesburg (27) 11 805 2014. Sweden, Bromma (46) 8 564 85 900. Switzerland, Nyon 0800 850 810. Taiwan, Taipei (886) 2 2378 3456. Turkey, Istanbul (90) 216 309 1900. UK, High Wycombe (44) 01494 441181. USA, Brea, CA (1) 800 352 3433, (1) 714 993 5321. 2005 Beckman Coulter, Inc. PRINTED IN U.S.A.

Bulletin 9149

Simple, Affordable 5-Part Differential Analysis

Incredible Simplicity
CBC or CBC/DIFF mode and patient range selectable from the keyboard display One-button operation with automatic probe wipe

The COULTER AcT 5diff hematology analyzer is a simple, exible, affordable 5-part differential system. If your laboratory has relied on 2-part, 3-part or manual differential analyses, you can cost-effectively move up to efficient, 5-part differential hematology diagnostics. To deliver a 5-part differential analysis, the AcT 5diff hematology analyzer employs Absorbance cytochemistry and
AcV technology delivers DiffPlot results in less than 60 seconds.

One-button start-up and shutdown Zero daily maintenance Automatic calibration Alphanumeric or bar-code patient identication and institutional header for reports Diluent plus four on-board reagents

The AcT 5diff OV offers reporting exibility through four different formats.

Volume (AcV) technology. Monocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil populations are identied, using the absorbance patterns produced by differential cytochemical staining of their granules versus volume. Lymphocytes remain unstained and the basophil population is analyzed on a separate channel, using volume gating and selective lysis.
Simply select analysis mode and load sample.

The AcT 5diff hematology analyzer offers signicant benets at an affordable price. For example, the condence in results that you get with a Beckman Coulter instrument will result in increased efficiency and productivity for your laboratory. Plus, the AcT 5diff will integrate easily into your laboratory. It uses high-quality Beckman Coulter reagents. And of course, the AcT 5diff hematology analyzer is backed by the expertise and support only Beckman Coulter can provide.

Incredible Value
Efficient use of samples and reagents in CBC and CBC/DIFF modes Instrument generated agging

Beckman Coulter Hematology Technologies

Technology Measurements Coulter Principle Absorbance Cytochemistry Scatter Conductivity 1D

AcVs two-dimensional methodology makes the AcT 5diff hematology analyzer the right choice for any laboratory that needs excellent performance and an incredible value.

2D c


Three user-denable patient and action ranges Custom report formats and reporting units 60 samples per hour Quiet and compact, requiring less than two square feet of bench space Multiple language software

A complete line of quality Beckman Coulter reagents ensures condence in results.

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