BIM- and GIS-Based Life-Cycle-Assessment Framework
for Enhancing Eco Efficiency and Sustainability in the
Construction Sector
Muhammad Umer Zubair 1, *, Mubashir Ali 2 , Muhammad Arsalan Khan 3 , Adil Khan 2 ,
Muhammad Usman Hassan 2 and Waqas Arshad Tanoli 1
1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, King Faisal University (KFU),
P.O. Box 380, Al-Hofuf 31982, Saudi Arabia;
2 NUST Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SCEE),
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Sector H-12, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan; (M.A.); (A.K.); (M.U.H.)
3 Department of Civil Engineering, International Islamic University (IIU), Islamabad 44000, Pakistan;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The world is progressing towards sustainable, eco-friendly, recyclable materials to enhance
the circular economy and mitigate the issues of carbon footprint, overburdened landfills, and waste
of natural resources. As increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a major contributor towards
climate change and given that the construction industry is one of the major producers of GHG
emissions, it is crucial to meticulously quantify and lower its emissions, especially in the context
of developing countries. This research presents a novel framework by combining advanced tools
i.e., building information modeling (BIM), life-cycle assessment (LCA), geographic information
systems (GISs), and quantification of embodied emissions to optimize construction’s design, material-
selection, operations, maintenance, and waste-management processes. The effectiveness of the
proposed approach has been demonstrated with the help of a real-world case study in Islamabad,
Citation: Zubair, M.U.; Ali, M.; Pakistan. A building model has been generated using BIM, and a comprehensive LCA has been
Khan, M.A.; Khan, A.; Hassan, M.U.;
conducted. Additionally, GIS tools have been utilized to identify the locations and accessibility of
Tanoli, W.A. BIM- and GIS-Based
available-waste-management facilities. Based on this data, embodied emissions related to handling
Life-Cycle-Assessment Framework
and transportation of waste material to disposal facilities have been computed using mathematical
for Enhancing Eco Efficiency and
analyses. Furthermore, targeted mitigation strategies have been proposed and an optimized route
Sustainability in the Construction
Sector. Buildings 2024, 14, 360.
has been designed using GIS-based route-optimization tools along the suggested facility centers in the Islamabad region. The case study has been reassessed with alleviation strategies, and the results
buildings14020360 show that 29.35% of the materialization stage, 16.04% of the operational stage, and 21.14% of the end-
of-life-phase GHG emissions can be effectively reduced. Hence, pre-evaluating the environmental
Academic Editor: Amos Darko
degradation caused by construction projects throughout their life cycle might offer an opportunity to
Received: 11 December 2023 comprehend and reduce prospective environmental impacts.
Revised: 15 January 2024
Accepted: 18 January 2024 Keywords: building information modelling (BIM); life-cycle assessment; site-suitability analysis;
Published: 29 January 2024 carbon emissions; construction and demolition waste; greenhouse gases
produces 1.13 billion tons of construction waste [5]. Furthermore, Pakistan’s extensive
construction projects have an impact on 34% of the country’s natural energy resources
and 67.5% of the ecology [6]. There is a lack of a holistic approach that promotes a cir-
cular economy and lowers energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and
waste production, particularly in developing nations [7]. It is apparent, from global policy
initiatives and the increasing number of publications on the subject of reducing waste
generation and ecological effects, that the world is moving towards sustainable, recyclable,
economical, and environmentally friendly approaches to strengthen the circular economy
and to alleviate the issues of surging waste generation, GHG emissions, overburdened
landfills, and degradation of natural resources [8–11]. Therefore, a sustainable and ecologi-
cally sound framework should be adopted to utilize and integrate innovative construction
materials, advanced methods, modern designs, and digital technologies that will revamp
the environment.
Rising environmental degradation poses a critical threat and has gained significant
attention around the globe. Approaches available in the literature, i.e., utilizing the life-cycle
assessment (LCA), a procedure that is used to systematically evaluate a project or product’s
inputs, outputs, and potential environmental effect [12], has been used often to evaluate
the impact of buildings on the environment. LCA has provided promising results for
formulating mitigation strategies. Kamari et al. assessed phases of the life cycle of buildings
to identify the phase with the highest environmental impact at the design stage [13].
Norman et al. studied the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of highly and low-
populated buildings to demonstrate the effects of urban density [14]. Schenk et al. compared
the ecological impacts of wooden buildings versus concrete and steel-framed buildings
utilizing the LCA [15]. Furthermore, various other types of buildings were also analyzed
using LCA [16]. In addition to LCA, modern tools have emerged with advancements in
technology that promise to enhance and optimize the sustainability of the construction
industry. Building information modeling (BIM) has been systematically explored in recent
years for sustainability assessments [17,18]. BIM is a digital representation of an actual
structure that works as an integrated database platform for diverse data acquired from
various disciplines. Additionally, it has the innate ability to generate and manage the data
necessary for a variety of building assessments [19–21].
In recent studies, there has been a significant amount of research on the integration of
BIM and LCA of buildings. The limitations of the traditional LCA methods, which include
time consumption, expenses, and manual-data-entry requirements, can be minimized
using BIM-based LCA [11,21,22]. Moreover, mathematical analyses that take a variety of
GHG emission parameters into account, can be utilized in order to accurately quantify
construction and demolition’s (CDW) GHG emissions [23]. The proposed integration of
mathematical equations with a BIM-based LCA approach can aid in precise identification
of the GHG emissions and can offer crucial strategies for minimizing the major damage
to the ecosystem caused by the disposal of CDW. Meanwhile, the embedded impacts of
buildings can also be significantly reduced by optimizing transportation and end-of-life-
phase approaches [24]. Geographic information systems (GISs) can be employed to use
geographic data for identifying the locations of waste-treatment facilities and landfills. This
data can further be used to develop optimized waste-transportation routes [25]. Therefore,
there is still space to integrate and implement the above-mentioned advanced tools and
develop an approach to enhance the eco efficiency and sustainability of the construction
sector, specifically in the context of developing countries.
This paper proposes an innovative approach to integrate BIM, LCA, reduce GHG
emissions through quantification with mathematical analyses, and using GIS to develop an
estimation and evaluation approach containing all life-cycle phases, i.e., construction phase,
operation phase, and end-of-life phase. The aim is to identify all the critical parameters
and processes that cause the deterioration of the environment and propose appropriate
strategies to ameliorate the critical materials and processes for reducing ecological degrada-
tion. The effectiveness and efficiency of the developed approach is illustrated through a
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 3 of 18
real-world case study from Pakistan. Mitigation strategies including optimized design, use
of sustainable materials, waste-management facilities, etc., to reduce environmental depre-
dations have been proposed and implemented in the case study to validate the approach.
A re-evaluation of all phases with improved materials and processes has been conducted
to compare the impacts. Moreover, the proposed approach also paves the way for de-
signers and construction managers to conduct a pre-evaluation of environmental damage
caused by materials, processes, and waste that enables the construction of sustainable and
eco-friendly structures.
2. Literature Review
LCA focuses primarily on social and environmental impacts [26], and it is frequently
used in sectors like automotive design, production of equipment, and designing consumer
goods [27]. LCA has been implemented in the construction industry since the 1980s [28],
and in the 1990s it was further standardized with multiple workshops and research and
handbook publications [29,30] often to assess the environmental effects of a specific building
over the course of its lifetime, which generally contains the extraction of raw materials,
industrial production, construction, execution, maintenance, restoration, substitution, and
demolition [31]. Architects and designers can also gather information on which approach
is optimal by comparing the environmental impact of numerous choices and making
the changes in designs accordingly. For instance, structural designers can choose more
sustainable materials with lower carbon footprints rather than selecting materials that
produce high carbon emissions [32,33]. Each LCA database is specific to a particular area of
study [34]. Despite the outcome being less reliable and significantly subjective, it is simpler
to make conclusions from. Hence, LCA has been rapidly growing in the construction sector
around the globe [35–38].
GHG emissions of buildings can be broken down into two main categories: embodied
GHG emissions and operating GHG emissions. The primary sources of embodied GHG
emissions are the extraction of raw materials, production and transportation of building
materials and components, on-site construction activities, demolition, and landfill emis-
sions [39]. Daily energy use ultimately produces the operating GHG emissions, i.e., heating,
lighting, air conditioning, and water supply [40]. The evaluation of building GHG emis-
sions in the past mostly focused on energy consumption in operation [41], and embodied
GHG emissions were seldom taken into account [42].
Building information modelling (BIM) is defined as a set of frameworks, procedures,
and technological advancements that create a systematic way to preserve critical project
data and structure design information in digital form throughout the life cycle of a build-
ing [43]. Environmental-performance assessments and sustainability-improving activities
can be carried out precisely and successfully using BIM, since it enables multidisciplinary
information to be integrated inside a single model. Over the past few years, the concept of
“green BIM” has gained enormous popularity in the architecture and construction industry.
Green BIM is the use of BIM tools to accomplish sustainability or enhanced building perfor-
mance [44]. Regardless of increasing knowledge and understanding of BIM, and its ability
for environmental sustainability, the rate of adoption of BIM in green construction projects
is still quite low, and its full potential has not yet been explored [45].
BIM has the capability to streamline the implementation of comprehensive LCA for
various categories of buildings [40]. Using BIM, Shadram et al. developed an approach
for assessing the embodied energy of materials [46]. Similarly, Han et al. developed a
methodology for optimizing building systems with the goal of reducing life-cycle costs
while taking into account energy consumption analyses only [47]. BIM-enabled LCA offers
a great opportunity to accelerate the process of collecting life-cycle inventory data while
also enhancing the simulation accuracy of the LCA research for the particular building.
However, there is still a need for improvement and harmonization of the current BIM and
LCA technologies [48].
also enhancing the simulation accuracy of the LCA research for the particular building.
However, there is still a need for improvement and harmonization of the current BIM and
LCA technologies [48].
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 GIS is used in numerous sectors, including urban planning, transportation,4 ofresource 18
management, forestry, managing natural disasters, ecological modeling, and engineering.
Developing nations are becoming increasingly concerned with inadequate waste manage-
GIS is used
ment. Hence, in numerous sectors,
the development including
of essential urban planning,
infrastructure and transportation,
instruments on resource
the basis of
management, forestry, managing natural disasters, ecological modeling,
an effective management framework is necessary for proper waste management [49]. Var- and engineering.
Developing nations are becoming increasingly concerned with inadequate waste manage-
ious GIS-based tools such as ArcGIS network analysis have been developed that are being
ment. Hence, the development of essential infrastructure and instruments on the basis of an
used in themanagement
effective solid-waste-management sector and
framework is necessary provide
for proper network-based-analyses
waste management [49]. Various capabil-
ities encompassing
GIS-based tools suchroutes, travel
as ArcGIS directions,
network analysisnearby
have beenfacilities, andthat
developed service-area analyses
are being used
[50]. These tools allow users to model a variety of realistic network circumstances,
in the solid-waste-management sector and provide network-based-analyses capabilities such as
turn limitations, speed
encompassing routes, restrictions, height
travel directions, constraints,
nearby and
facilities, andtraffic patterns
service-area at various
analyses [50].times
of the tools allow users to model a variety of realistic network circumstances, such as turn
limitations, speed restrictions, height constraints, and traffic patterns at various times of
the day.
3. Methodology
3. In order to evaluate and optimize the environmental impact caused by a building or
any structure
In orderduring different
to evaluate phasesthe
and optimize of environmental
its life cycle, aimpact
caused by a framework
building or that
incorporates various tools and methods including BIM, LCA, disposal
any structure during different phases of its life cycle, a comprehensive framework of GHG that
cation, and GIS-based
incorporates routeand
various tools optimization has been
methods including proposed
BIM, in this
LCA, disposal ofresearch. The frame-
GHG quantifica-
work thenGIS-based
validated route
in optimization
the followinghassections
been proposed in this
with the research.
help The framework
of a real-time case study
is then validated in the following sections with the help of a real-time
that primarily focuses on operationalizing the framework and reducing the GHG’ case study thatemis-
primarily focuses on operationalizing the framework and reducing the GHG’
sions contributed to by the construction sector. The integration of different tools, technol- emissions
contributed to by the construction sector. The integration of different tools, technologies
ogies and methods not only streamlines the evaluation process but also promotes the
and methods not only streamlines the evaluation process but also promotes the timely
timely adoption
adoption of sustainable
of sustainable strategies
strategies and methodologies.
and methodologies. The framework
The framework of the pro-
of the proposed
posed model is illustrated
model is illustrated in Figure Figure 1.
Figure 1. Proposedframework.
1. Proposed framework.
Making a BIM model with functional and physical features is the basic requirement
Making a BIM model with functional and physical features is the basic requirement
for evaluating the overall efficiency performance of a building. Therefore, the foremost
evaluating the overall
in the proposed efficiency
framework is toperformance of adeveloping
obtain data for building. an
accurate the foremost
step in the proposed framework is to obtain data for developing an accurate
model of the building. Additionally, the availability and accessibility of waste-management 3D BIM
model of the
facilities building.
in the vicinityAdditionally,
is also identified.the The
model and allof the
ment facilitiesserves
information in theasvicinity is the
a base for also identified.
impact The developed
assessment, analysis, andBIM model and
amelioration all of
stages the re-
the proposed framework.
lated information serves as a base for the impact assessment, analysis, and amelioration
stages of Although any modelling
the proposed capable of BIM integration can be used for mod-
elling purposes, however, in this research, Autodesk Revit-2023 has been preferred owing to
Although any modelling software capable of BIM integration can be used for model-
its in-built capabilities for developing an efficient estimating model and resolving interface
ling purposes, however, in this research, Autodesk Revit-2023 has been preferred owing
issues. For reliable LCA findings, consistent modeling with standard naming practices in
to its
the in-built
material capabilities for crucial.
database is also developingRevit an efficient
platform estimating
serves model
the purpose as itand resolving in-
complete building data, including walls, floors, roofs, structures, windows, doors, etc.,
terface issues. For reliable LCA findings, consistent modeling with standard naming prac-
the material database
For reliable LCAisfindings,
also crucial. Revit platform
consistent modelingserves
with the purpose
standard as it incor-
naming prac-
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 porates
tices complete
in the building
material databasedata, including
is also walls,
crucial. Revitfloors, roofs,
platform structures,
serves windows,
the purpose 5 ofit18doors,
as incor-
etc., andcomplete
porates also provides vastdata,
building modification
including options
walls, using
floors,3D objects
roofs, referredwindows,
structures, to as “families.”
Furthermore, the procedure has been illustrated in Figure 2.
etc., and also provides vast modification options using 3D objects referred to as “families.”
and also provides vast modification options using 3D objects referred to as “families.”
Furthermore, the procedure has been illustrated in Figure 2.
Furthermore, the procedure has been illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 3. 3. Stagesincluded
Stages included in
in life-cycle
life-cycle assessments.
Figure 3.InStages
the 3Dincluded
BIM model in life-cycle assessments.
of a building, the building components are categorized and
In the 3D BIM model of a building, the building components are categorized and
ranked in accordance with suggested levels. Figure 2 provides details on data integration
and in accordance
the 3D BIM with
inside the suggested levels.
of a environment.
BIM building, theFigure
Moreover, 2 provides
the environmental on categorized
are and
and processing
evaluated inside
in accordance
during the
thewith BIM environment.
impact-assessment stageMoreover,
levels. Figure
of the 2proposedthe environmental
provides details onwhile
framework effects
data are eval-
andinto during
processing the
account allinsideimpact-assessment
the BIM phases stage of
and materials,
environment. the proposed
with anthe
Moreover, framework
emphasis while
on carboneffects
environmental taking
emissions. into
are eval-
uated allfundamental
The during
four construction phases
the impact-assessment of and materials,
the LCA technique,
stage withproposed
of the anaim
i.e., emphasis
and on carbon
framework inventory,emissions.
while impact The
taking into
four fundamental and interpretation,
phases of the are
LCA incorporated
technique, to evaluate
i.e., aim andthe
account all construction phases and materials, with an emphasis on carbon emissions. The environmental
scope, inventory, impacts.
impact as-
The purpose,
sessment, audiences,
and interpretation, and system
areLCA limits
incorporated are first identified
evaluate for definition
the scope,
environmental of the aim and
four fundamental phases of the technique, aim and inventory, impactThe as-
scope. The second step in assessing the inventory is gathering information on all pertinent
sessment, audiences,
and and
interpretation, system
are limits are
incorporated first
to identified
evaluate thefor definition
environmental of the
impacts.aim The
energy and mass flow inputs and outputs as well as emissions to the air, water, and land for
scope. Theaudiences,
purpose, second step andin assessing
system the inventory
limits is gathering
are firstsystem’s
identified forinformation
definition ontheall pertinent
each stage of the operation. Calculating a building material and energyof intake andaim and
output is a part of this step. Third, based on the inventory analysis, the impact assessment land
scope. and
The mass
second flow
step inputs
in and
assessing outputs
the as
inventory well isas emissions
gathering to the
information air, water,
on all and
energy stagemassof the
possible flowoperation.
inputs and
environmental Calculating
effects, and asa building
thenwell system’s
as emissions
impacts are arrangedmaterial
to the and
in an energy
orderly andintake
man- land
for output
eachin stage
aofpart of this step.Calculating
the operation. Third,
For based
this purpose, onthe
a buildingthelife-cycle
system’s analysis,
material and the impact
energy assess-
and assesses
output is apossible
step. Third, effects,
based on and
the then
is aimpacts
inventory are arranged
analysis, in an orderly
impact assess-
ment on
in their types of
possible sustainability-assessment
phases. For
environmental this and
effects, methodologies
purpose, [51],
the life-cycle
then impacts has been employed.
are arranged in an orderly
manner in their respective phases. For this purpose, the life-cycle impact-assessment
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 6 of 18
Etr = ∑K K K
k=1 ∑j=1 Qcr,k × ed,j × Dcr + ∑k=1 ∑j=1 Qsl,k × ed,j × Dsl ∑k=1 ∑j=1 Qbs,k ×
J (2)
ed,j × Dbs + ∑Kk=1 ∑j=1 Qsc,k × ed,j × Dsc
where Qbs,k : quantity of mixed-waste k from building site to collection center (tons),
Qsc,k : quantity of source-separated waste k from collection center to SMS (tons), Qcr,k :
quantity of source-separated waste k from SMS to recycling plant (tons), Qsl,k : quantity of
source-separated waste k from collection center to landfill (tons), ed,j : CO2 emissions for
transportation mode j per unit (tons/tons-km), Dbs : distance from building site to collection
center (km), Dsc : distance from collection center to SMS (km), Dcr : distance from SMS to
recycling plant (km), Dsl : distance from collection center to landfill site (km).
Similarly, the formula used to calculate the handling emissions is as below [56].
Eh = ∑k=1 Qsl,k × Pl,k (3)
4. Case Procedure
Procedure applied for
BIM-Based for designing
Life-Cycle theoptimized
Analysis route.
route. Apartments at
of Faculty
NUST, Islamabad
4. Case Study: BIM-Based Life-Cycle Analysis of Faculty Apartments at NUST, Islamabad
4. Case
In Study: BIM-Based Life-Cycle Analysis operability
of Faculty Apartments at
In order to demonstrate
order to demonstrate the
the practicality
practicality and
and operability of
of the
the proposed
proposed framework,
NUST, Islamabad
a detailed case study has been formulated and presented in this section. The faculty apart-
a detailed case study has been formulated and presented in this section. The faculty
ment Inbuilding,
apartmentorder towith
building, four floors
with four thewith
floors two apartments
with on each
and operability
two apartments floor, and
of the
on each a total
floor, and area of 540
a total area of
am 2, located
540 in study
m2 , located
detailed case National
in Nationalbeen of of
University and
and presented
Sciences in this(NUST),
Technology (NUST),Islamabad,
section. The facultyhas
Islamabad, apart-
been building,
ment taken as awith
case-study building.
four floors with two apartments on each floor, and a total area of 540
m2, located in National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, has
been BIM
4.1. BIM
taken Model
as a ofcase-study
Building building.
Using the
the Autodesk
Autodesk RevitRevitapplication,
application,a adetailed
model of of
building waswas
ateda case
as a study.
case The
4.1. BIM Model of Building elements
The elements of the
of building
the building model
model were
were grouped
grouped into
into families
families that
enable systematic
systematicand andprecise
estimations. Furthermore,
Furthermore, each
each element
element of building
the building
Using the Autodesk Revit application, a detailed 3D model of of
building was was
was specified after conducting an in-depth analysis of available
specified after conducting an in-depth analysis of available 2D drawing plans and 2D drawing plans and
ated as
a case study. The elements of the building model were grouped into families that
cable codescodes and specifications.
and specifications. All theAll the physical
physical and functional
and functional characteristics
characteristics of the
of the build-
building systematic and precise estimations. Furthermore, each element of the building was
ing were were included
included in theindatabase
the database according
according tospecifications
to the the specifications of building.
of the the building.
The The
nomenclatureafter conducting
was an in-depth analysis of available 2D drawing plans and appli-
menclature was setset
in in such
such a away
easilybe be conducted.
The codes
3D BIM and
is illustrated All
The 3D BIM model is illustrated in Figure 5.
5. and functional characteristics of the build-
ing were included in the database according to the specifications of the building. The no-
menclature was set in such a way that life-cycle assessment could easily be conducted.
The 3D BIM model is illustrated in Figure 5.
from the BIM and then normalized for further usage in the cloud version of One Click LCA.
The created database included all the elements of the building along with their critical
information. The automation in database formation significantly reduced the effort and
time by quantifying the materials digitally.
Moreover, the database of all materials, like cement, concrete, bricks, wood, steel,
glass, and ceramics, was utilized to conduct material mapping from the inventory. For
this purpose, Ecoinvent and Gabi databases were effectively utilized. Each material in the
database was employed according to the specifications of the case-study building. The
prevalent construction practices in Pakistan include vast utilization of cement, concrete,
steel, bricks, etc., for grey structures while wood, glass, paints, ceramics, etc., are widely
used for interior- and exterior-preparation purposes. Overall, the traditional materials and
building specifications are not energy efficient during materialization as well as operational
phases [57]. In addition to the material database, other essential data such as water usage,
electrical appliances, etc., were inserted in the model to evaluate the impact of the overall
operational phase of the building. After the incorporation of all relevant data in the model,
the results were obtained in detail for each of the materials during different phases of the
lifecycle and were further classified into their respective categories. Life-cycle assessment
provided results in terms of mass classifications of each component of the building along
with their family-based classification. Table 1 shows that the standard slabs, beams, exterior
walls, and columns contribute highest in terms of their mass in the building. Emissions of
various resource types have been illustrated in Table 2, which reveals that electricity and
water usage, being part of the operational and materialization stages, contribute the most
towards CO2 emissions compared to other materials used in the building.
After assigning the materials along with the necessary datasets, the impact of the
apartment building was assessed over the span of 50 years. According to the LCA results
presented in Table 3, the case-study building generates 2503 tonCO2 during the construction
and operational stages of the building lifecycle. These results were broken down into the
materials used during the construction or materialization stages and the energy usage
Other resource types 9900 kg CO2e 0.39%
Total 2,502,900
After assigning the materials along with the necessary datasets, the impact of the
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 apartment building was assessed over the span of 50 years. According to the LCA results 9 of 18
presented in Table 3, the case-study building generates 2503 tonCO2 during the construc-
tion and operational stages of the building lifecycle. These results were broken down into
the materials
throughout theused during operational
building’s the construction
is evident that stages
the useand the energy usage
of less-eco-friendly
throughout the building’s operational stage. It is evident that the use
materials and appliances have a major share in the overall emissions of the of less-eco-friendly
materials and appliances have a major share in the overall emissions of the building.
Table 3. Emissions during materialization and operational stages.
Table 3. Emissions during materialization and operational stages.
Life-Cycle Stage Result Category Carbon Emission (tonCO2 e)
Life-Cycle Stage Result Category Carbon Emission (tonCO2e)
Materialization stage Materials usage 402
Materialization stage Materials usage 402
Operational stage Energy usage 2101
Operational stage Energy usage 2101
Total carbon emissions 2503
Total carbon emissions 2503
transportationroute routeisiscritical
determiningthe thedisposal
case-study building
case-study is located
building in Islamabad
is located which
in Islamabad
currently does notdoes
which currently have allhave
not the facilities for waste
all the facilities formanagement, i.e., a classification
waste management, center,
i.e., a classification
second material store, and recycling plant. Therefore, the non-availability of
center, second material store, and recycling plant. Therefore, the non-availability of these these facilities
leads to the
facilities dumping
leads to the of all construction–demolition
dumping waste into the
of all construction–demolition wastelandfill site.landfill
into the Hence,site.
this case study, the Rawalpindi waste-management-company (RWMC)
Hence, for this case study, the Rawalpindi waste-management-company (RWMC) landfill landfill was taken
taken intoTheaccount.
distance The
between the construction
distance between thesite and the landfill
construction is around
site and 36.3 kmis
the landfill
as depicted below in Figure 6.
around 36.3 km as depicted below in Figure 6.
Figure Routeselection.
The disposalofofGHG
hasa acrucial
impact onon the
the environmental
environmental deg-
dation. ForFor
thethe quantification
quantification of of disposal
disposal transportation
transportation and
and handlingemissions,
handling emissions,mathe-
matical formulae
formulae based
based on aonnumber
a number of factors
of factors was used,
was used, as mentioned
as mentioned in Section
in Section 3. Eleven3.
types oftypes
CDWs ofwere
CDWs were considered
considered for assessing
for assessing the impacts.
the impacts. Firstly, Firstly,
relevantrelevant infor-
from thefrom the developed
developed 3D BIM
3D BIM model model
was was extracted
extracted and the respective
and the respective quantitiesquantities
of differentof
different types of CDWs were estimated after applying the respective
types of CDWs were estimated after applying the respective change factors, as shown inchange factors, as
Table 4. It is evident from Table 4 that concrete, bricks, steel, cement, and ceramic tiles
contribute most of the waste material after demolition.
After the quantification of different categories of CDW, the next step was to determine
the environmental impact during the end-of-life phase of the case-study building. Table 5
shows the results of disposal emissions, which are produced due to the transportation
of waste quantities from the building’s location to a landfill site situated 36.3 km away.
Based on the observations in the study area, it was determined that diesel freight trucks
are generally used for the transportation of material. Hence, the emission factor for
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 10 of 18
The overall end-of-life-phase emissions which are the sum of transportation emissions
in Table 5, and handling emissions at landfill site in Table 6, are equal to 493.043 tonCO2 .
The overall results of the LCA and embodied emission quantification are summarized
in Table 7, indicating total emissions of 2996 tonCO2 throughout the lifespan of the case-
study building.
strategies would lessen the overall CO2 emissions and stimulate the eco efficiency and
sustainability of the construction sector.
region. The distances between the facility centers are presented in Table 8.
(a) (b)
7. (a) Built-area analyses;
7. (a) Built-area (b) design
analyses; of theof
(b) design optimized route route
the optimized including all theall
including facility centers.
the facility centers.
TableTable 8. Distance
8. Distance between
between different
different waste-management-facility
waste-management-facility centers.
Distances (km) CS
Distances (km) CCCS SMS
CS - CS 22.62- 22.62- - - - - -
CC 22.62CC - 22.62 1.20
- 1.20- - - -
SMS - SMS 1.20 - 1.20- -1.60 1.60 - -
RP - - 1.60 - -
RP - - 1.60 - -
LS - 2.00 - - -
LS - 2.00 - - -
Applying the mitigation
the mitigation strategies
strategies discussed
discussed aboveabove and implementing
and implementing the distance
the distance
between the facility centers presented in Table 8, a re-evaluation of the whole
between the facility centers presented in Table 8, a re-evaluation of the whole framework framework
was conducted. The impact of the case-study building was re-assessed over the span of span
was conducted. The impact of the case-study building was re-assessed over the 50 of
years after assigning the materials and necessary datasets with mitigation strategies. The The
50 years after assigning the materials and necessary datasets with mitigation strategies.
design was optimized by employing sustainable design practices such as optimization of
building envelop and insulation, having energy-efficient appliances, etc. [57], and replac-
ing materials with a high carbon footprint with sustainable materials to re-assess the im-
pact of building for a 50-year life span. The new sustainable design was compared with
the current design to quantify the percentage of reduction in CO2 during different life
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 13 of 18
Table 10. Emission from materialization and operational stage after re-evaluation in tonCO2 e.
Qbs,k ed,j CO2 Dbs Qsc;k Dsc Qcr;k Dcr Qsl;k Dsl
2299.968 0.000168 22.62 459.994 1.2 459.994 1.6 1839.974 2 9.575
2248.08 0.000168 22.62 449.616 1.2 449.616 1.6 1798.464 2 9.359
970.2 0.000168 22.62 194.04 1.2 194.04 1.6 776.16 2 4.039
4.95 0.000168 22.62 0.99 1.2 0.99 1.6 3.96 2 0.021
1252.053 0.000168 22.62 250.411 1.2 250.411 1.6 1001.642 2 5.212
974.754 0.000168 22.62 194.951 1.2 194.951 1.6 779.804 2 4.058
0.3201 0.000168 22.62 0.0641 1.2 0.0641 1.6 0.2561 2 0.002
22 0.000168 22.62 4.4 1.2 4.4 1.6 17.6 2 0.092
17.7445 0.000168 22.62 3.549 1.2 3.549 1.6 14.1956 2 0.074
0.2806 0.000168 22.62 0.0562 1.2 0.0562 1.6 0.225 2 0.001
69.228 0.000168 22.62 13.846 1.2 13.846 1.6 55.383 2 0.288
Total 32.721
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 14 of 18
Table 13. Total emissions after re-evaluation for the case-study building.
5. Conclusions
This study developed an integration of the BIM, LCA, GIS, and mathematical cal-
culation of the embodied disposal-process GHG emissions to optimize the construction
design, material-selection, operations, maintenance, and waste-management processes.
The proposed framework provided significant advantages, including the development of a
3D BIM model that enables direct generation of material data and reduces the laborious task
of manual data processing and the associated possibility for inaccuracies. Through BIM, the
features and design aspects of the building were represented digitally, thereby providing
more precise and comprehensive information than the conventional estimating techniques.
A detailed evaluation of the lifecycle performance of buildings was achieved by incorporat-
ing the entire lifecycle assessment into the proposed technique. In-depth analyses and the
identification of unsustainable practices and materials were achieved using the automated
generation of more comprehensive and comparable LCA data. To ensure the development
of targeted emission-reduction strategies, it was also crucial to estimate CDW data precisely
and to quantify CDW disposal-process GHG emissions, which were integrated into the
framework using mathematical formulae calculations. Furthermore, optimized routes
along the facility centers for minimizing CDW’s handling and transportation emissions,
enhancing the recycling of waste, and lowering of the burden on the landfills were designed
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 15 of 18
using GIS-based route-optimization tools. The whole framework was critically validated
with the help of a case study in order to demonstrate the practicality of the framework.
A four-storey faculty apartment building located in Islamabad, Pakistan, was consid-
ered as a case-study building. After the development of a functional 3D BIM model of
the building, life-cycle assessment of the building was conducted in order to determine
the environmental impact during different phases of the building’s lifespan. The results
of the life-cycle assessment showed the impact of each element on the environment and
elaborated that the operational phase was the most critical in the degradation of ecology
by contributing about 2101 tonsCO2 . The results indicated that the design, as well as
the materials utilized in the case-study building, were not optimally sustainable in terms
of environmental impacts. Moreover, the results specified that a number of materials,
including steel, concrete, cement, bricks, and ceramic tiles, were the most critical materials
influencing CO2 emissions and were barriers to sustainable buildings. Inefficient design
and utilization of inefficient materials also led to high energy consumption during the
operational stage, and they were paramount factors in intensifying emissions. In addition
to this, the disposal-process emissions produced were also high due to the unavailability
of major waste-management facilities in the Islamabad region. The total amount of CO2
emissions from the construction and operation phase was 2503 tonsCO2 , and the total
amount of CO2 emissions from the end-of-life phase, including primarily transportation
and disposal of CDW was 493.043 tonsCO2 .
A number of mitigation strategies, including optimization of building design, utiliza-
tion of eco-friendly materials and optimal disposal of CDW, were evaluated to cut-down the
carbon footprint of the case-study building in particular and the overall construction sector
in general. The impacts of the case-study apartments were re-assessed over the span of
50 years after assigning the materials and necessary datasets with mitigation strategies. The
design was optimized by employing sustainable design practices and replacing materials
with a high carbon footprint with sustainable materials. The new sustainable design was
compared with the current design to quantify the percentage reduction in CO2 during dif-
ferent life phases, i.e., construction, operational, and end of life of the case-study building.
The results indicated that by optimizing the design and utilizing eco-friendly materials, a
29.35% and 16.04% reduction can be achieved in materialization and operational GHG emis-
sions, respectively. In order to achieve reduced disposal-process CO2 emissions, the two
key criteria used to evaluate the GIS-based route-optimization model were economic costs
along with environmental safety and sustainability. The financial and ecological impacts
associated with the design of the waste facilities in the Islamabad region were considered as
the foundation parameters for the optimal-route model. The optimization results indicated
a reduction of 21.14% in the end-of-life-stage emissions. Hence, it is apparent that the
proposed framework enhances eco efficiency and sustainability in the construction sector by
reducing the GHG emissions of buildings. Furthermore, pre-evaluating the environmental
degradation caused by construction projects at the design stage might offer an opportunity
to comprehend and reduce prospective environmental impacts.
6. Recommendations
The proposed framework, integrating BIM, LCA, GIS, and the mathematical calcula-
tion of disposal-process GHG emissions, provides multiple directions for future research.
The framework can be further extended by incorporating other sustainable design method-
ologies, databases, and software for more improvement in sustainability and environmental
safety. Secondly, the proposed framework is more focused on the calculation and reduction
of CO2 emissions; however, in future research, other pollutants can also be evaluated for
further enhancement of eco efficiency. Thirdly, this study presented CDW disposal strate-
gies that were environmentally friendly. However, additional handling considerations,
such as financial advantages, might also be considered. Thus, future research might focus
on a CDW cost–benefit analysis including an evaluation of the trade-offs between the
environment and the economy.
Buildings 2024, 14, 360 16 of 18
Author Contributions: M.U.Z. conceived the idea for this research and its implementation, took the
lead in writing the manuscript, and also acquired funding. M.A. and A.K. conducted the literature
review and performed the analysis and also worked on writing the manuscript. M.A.K. contributed
to the final version and worked on the analysis. M.U.H. prepared figures and tables and contributed
to writing the manuscript. W.A.T. supervised and commented on the manuscript, edited, and
contributed to the final version, along with resource and funding acquisition. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Vice Presidency for Grad-
uate Studies and Scientific Research, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia (Project No. GRANT5606).
The APC was funded by the same “Project No. GRANT5606”.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the Deanship of Scientific Research, Vice Presidency
for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia (Project No.
GRANT5606). The authors extend their appreciation for the financial support that has made this
study possible.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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