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Natural Resource Perspectives 116

Overseas Development
September 2008

Towards ‘smart’ subsidies in

agriculture? Lessons from recent
experience in Malawi
Andrew Dorward, Ephraim Chirwa, Duncan Boughton, Eric
Crawford, Thom Jayne, Rachel Slater, Valerie Kelly and
Maxton Tsoka

he recent spike in international food and fertilizer prices has underlined
the vulnerability of poor urban and rural households in many developing
countries, especially in Africa. The combination of factors that resulted in
this spike has renewed policymakers’ focus on the need to increase staple
food crop productivity. While the pros and cons of input subsidies have been hotly
debated over the past decade, input subsidies are being introduced (or re-introduced)
in several countries as a means to shore up food security in the short-term while also
implementing longer-term investments to raise productivity. With fertilizer prices
likely to remain high in the short to medium term, such subsidies will inevitably imply
a high budgetary burden. The challenge is to design so-called “smart” input subsidy
programmes that have a significant impact on the availability of food in the short
run while stimulating growth and rural development and increasing (or at least not
suppressing) effective demand for and commercial distribution of inputs in the long
run. Beginning in 2005/6, after almost a decade of experience with smaller-scale
subsidy programmes, Malawi introduced a large-scale input subsidy programme using
vouchers. The purpose of this brief is to review Malawi’s experience in order to identify
the challenges facing “smart” subsidy programmes if they are to be sustainable and
cost effective in delivering on their goals.

Policy conclusions
This series is published by ODI,
• The Malawi Government Agricultural Inputs Subsidy Programme as implemented in
an independent non-profit policy
2006/7 was very costly, but is capable of generating benefit:cost ratios between 0.76
research institute, with financial
support from the Swedish
and 1.36 (a ratio of 1 represents a “break even” point), not allowing for “second-round”
International Development growth effects.
Cooperation Agency, Sida. • Major determinants of programme impact include clear understanding of programme
Opinions expressed do not
objectives (increased wages, reduced food prices, growth and diversification) and
necessarily reflect the views of
trade-offs, extent and effectiveness of subsidy targeting, timeliness in implementation,
either ODI or Sida.
programme scale and cost, extent of public/private sector partnership, and policy
makers’ access to and use of reliable and timely information.
Overseas Development Institute
• Programme impact is also vulnerable to factors either partially or completely outside
ODI is the UK’s leading
independent think tank on
government control, including variations in international fertiliser and maize prices
international development and and weather.
humanitarian issues.
Natural Resource Perspectives

Policy conclusions cont’d...

• The voucher or coupon system can be an effective way of rationing and targeting subsidy access to maximise incremental
production and economic and social gains, with opportunities for innovative public/private partnerships to develop
input supply and demand systems – but there are many practical and political challenges in programme design and
implementation to increase efficiency, control costs and limit patronage and fraud.
• Other countries looking at Malawi’s experience must identify interactions between the potential benefits of input
subsidies, socio-agro-ecological conditions, critical programme features needed for achievement of benefits, and the
costs and risks of failure.
• Input subsidies are not a quick fix for dealing with high food and fertiliser prices: their design and sustainable
implementation must promote smallholders’ incremental access to and productive use of inputs, build sustainable
demand and private sector supply, and be integrated with other policies for increasing agricultural productivity, rural
development and management of incremental production to provide rural people with reliable improvements in food
access and real incomes.

Introduction these times their real incomes and ability to purchase food
Agricultural input subsidies were common in poor rural are highly sensitive to maize prices, which change dramatically
economies in the 1960s and 70s, and a major element in between and within seasons. During the last 10 years such
Asia’s green revolution. However, conventional wisdom among farmers have faced both chronic and acute food insecurity
policy analysts in the 1980s and 90s was that subsidies problems with national food shortages due to poor production
had been ineffective and inefficient policy instruments in seasons and reliance on late and expensive government and
Africa, contributing to government over-spending and fiscal donor-funded food staple imports.
and macro-economic problems. Recent years have seen a Farmers are well aware of the potential for hybrid seed and
resurgence of interest in these subsidies in Africa, together fertilisers to increase their maize production, but purchases
with the emergence of ‘smart subsidies’, innovative delivery of both are limited by supply constraints (poor and/or costly
systems intended to reduce common problems facing subsidy parastatal and private distribution systems to rural areas) and
programmes and to extend their benefits. major profitability and affordability constraints on demand.
The evolving implementation of a large-scale seed and High fertiliser prices, high maize price variation and a range of
fertiliser subsidy in Malawi has attracted considerable agronomic and crop management constraints on maize yields
international attention. This policy brief presents the major lead to limited profitability of fertiliser use on maize. Value:cost
findings of an in-depth evaluation of the 2006/7 subsidy ratios (VCRs) of 2 or more are generally recognised as the
programme. minimum for profitable investment in fertilisers, but figure
1 shows that VCRs over the last ten years have been highly
Background variable, particularly when maize is valued at pre-harvest prices
The implementation and impacts of the 2006/7 Agricultural (the value of maize to deficit, buying households) and almost
Input Subsidy Programme (AISP) in Malawi have to be always below 2 when maize is valued at post-harvest prices
understood in the context of widespread rural poverty and food (the value of maize households with a surplus to sell). Deficit
insecurity, vulnerable agriculture-based livelihoods, low and households for whom fertiliser use on maize is most profitable
variable agricultural productivity, severe liquidity constraints also face severe “affordability” problems – they are very short
to fertiliser use, and a long-standing history of smallholder of cash with which to buy fertilisers, credit is perceived as
agricultural input subsidies in Malawi. risky and difficult or costly to obtain, and there are limited
Poverty in Malawi is pervasive and predominantly rural with a opportunities to buy fertilisers in bags smaller than 50kg: in
national poverty head count of 52% in 2004/5 and 94% of poor 2003/4 the cost of one 50kg bag of fertiliser was around 10%
people living in rural areas (NSO, 2005). Poverty and limited of median per capita annual rural expenditure.
land availability means that the great majority of the poor are It is not surprising that in this context agricultural input
food-deficit small-scale farmers: their food security and real subsidies have a long history and major political and economic
incomes are heavily dependent on low-input production of significance in Malawi. General price subsidies on smallholder
maize (the dominant staple in most parts of the country) on maize seed and fertilisers, were, with subsidised credit, a
small land holdings with declining soil fertility, as well as on major component of Malawi’s agricultural development policy
casual labouring and other income earning opportunities for during the 1970s and 80s.The withdrawal of these subsidies
significant parts of the year when they have to buy food. At has been followed by their fitful reintroduction in response to

maize shortages, changing political pressures, rising domestic large part to distrust between government and the private
fertiliser prices, and low maize productivity. Restrictions sector associated with the limited 2004/5 input subsidy
on private sector trading in maize and fertilisers were also programme.
removed in the 1990s, but parastatal and humanitarian The subsidy was implemented through the distribution
interventions in these markets have continued. Beginning of coupons for four fertilizer types which recipients could
in 1998, first universal “starter packs” and then “targeted redeem at parastatal outlets at approximately one-third of the
inputs” of free packs of fertiliser and matching maize seed for normal cash price. In addition, 6,000 tons of OPV maize seed
0.1ha of land were distributed. Maize production and prices were also offered for sale at a similar discount, but without
fluctuated wildly, however, and combined with high fertiliser coupons. There was considerable local variation in the criteria
prices led to the low and variable VCRs presented in Figure 1 for the selection of beneficiaries, the proportion of people
and discussed earlier. receiving coupons, and the number of coupons received per
recipient household. A total of 131,000 tonnes of subsidized
The 2005/6 subsidy programmes: fertilizer were sold, all by two parastatals, with private sector
implementation and results involvement limited to importation of part of the total. Direct
The major candidates in the 2004 presidential elections costs of the programme (excluding overhead costs) were
all made manifesto commitments to fertiliser subsidies. reported to be MK7.2 billion against a budget of MK5.1 billion.
Poor rainfall, and late distribution and limited scope of the This was financed from the government budget, supported
targeted inputs programme for the 2004/5 season, resulted by direct budgetary support. Reported 2005/6 private sector
in low national maize production in 2005. With slow official fertilizer sales were considerably lower than sales in the
importation and emergency response measures, this low previous year and several of the main private sector fertiliser
production translated into very serious food shortages and distribution chains reported significant financial losses as a
high maize prices in 2005/6. The government then introduced result of lower commercial sales and their exclusion from the
a large-scale input subsidy in the 2005/06 season with the programme. These problems were particularly serious for a
stated objectives of promoting access to and use of fertilizers large part of the small-scale independent agro-dealer network.
in both maize and tobacco production in order to increase Incremental fertilizer use on maize as a result of the subsidy
agricultural productivity and food security. Distribution of was estimated to be a little over 100,000 tonnes. This increase,
fertilisers was to be handled entirely by parastatals, due in coupled with good rains, led to a bumper harvest.

Figure 1: Maize and Nitrogen Value Cost Ratios, 1997-2007


Pre-harvest prices

8 Post-harvest prices
Pre H with subs
Post H with subs

1997/8 1998/9 1999/0 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8

Source: SOAS et al (2008)

Natural Resource Perspectives

The 2006/7 subsidy programme: • Increased private sector participation in seed and fertiliser
implementation and impacts retail sales under the 2006/7 programme relative to
The programme was implemented again in the following 2005/6 (although small independent agro-dealers were
(2006/7) season, but this time with some donor financial still excluded from subsidised fertiliser sales) allowed for
support, greater involvement of the private sector in subsidised a partial financial recovery and increased optimism.
input sales, and greater choice of varieties of subsidized maize Cost-benefit analysis of the 2006/7 programme showed that
seed for farmers. Two million seed and 3 million fertiliser impacts are highly sensitive to management and to external
coupons were budgeted for the 2006/7 programme and conditions, but that with good management the program could
allocated to districts and sub-districts, with a subsequent yield favourable economic returns (although it was not possible
distribution of more than 1 million unbudgeted ‘supplementary’ to compare the programme’s rate of return with alternative
fertiliser coupons. There were reports of substantial diversion longer term public investments). Estimated benefit:cost ratios
of coupons in some areas, but few large-scale confirmed ranged from 0.76 to 1.36 with impacts, costs and effective use
cases. Farmers paid roughly 28% of the full fertiliser cost, with of scarce government resources in such programmes depending
government paying the remainder. upon:
A total of 175,000 tonnes of subsidised maize and tobacco • Displacement of unsubsidised sales - the extent to which
fertilisers were sold (against the redemption of 3.5 million subsidized fertilizer displace purchases which farmers
coupons), with just under 50,000 tonnes sold by six private would make anyway without the subsidy;
companies. 4,500 tonnes of maize hybrid and OPV maize seed • Incremental maize production, which is determined by
were sold (57% by private retailers, including small agrodealers). displacement, timeliness and method of use, variety /
Late disbursement of inputs in the southern region (due to late fertiliser interactions, and rainfall;
fertilizer procurement, late issue of coupons, and late opening • Coupon targeting, which affects direct benefits to poorer
of markets), together with stock-outs in some markets, led to households, fertilizer displacement, incremental maize
many farmers spending long periods queuing for their inputs, output, and maize prices and wage rate impacts; and
delaying planting and/or fertilizer applications. • National and regional maize prices and the extent to which
Direct programme cost to government and donors was additional output lowers maize prices and makes grain more
just under US$91 million, with 87% funded by the Malawi affordable to low-income households.
Government. Fertiliser sales were 17% over budget (due to Financial analysis of government costs and returns found that
the issue of supplementary coupons) and total Government net returns are very sensitive to displacement rates, and the
expenditure was 25% over budget (which was already 40% of programme cannot be justified solely by its contribution to
the Ministry of Agriculture budget and over 5% of the national reducing government financing of food imports in years of poor
budget). Following estimates of a very large national maize production: other approaches to securing grain supplies and
harvest in 2007, Government agreed to exports of 400,000 price stabilisation may be more efficient and effective than a
tons of maize to Zimbabwe during 2007/8, although traders subsidy programme. Implementation of the programme does
were subsequently only able to source and export around not appear to have had adverse effects on macroeconomic
300,000 tons. stability or on budgetary allocations to other sectors, but its
Formal evaluation of the 2006/7 programme identified the staffing demands on the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
following benefits: Security and on local government have affected the delivery
• Increased maize output: the Ministry of Agriculture and of other services.
Food Security (MoAFS) estimated total maize production Impact evaluation also needs to take into account the benefits
of 2.7 and 3.4 million tonnes in 2005/6 and 2006/7 not included in the above analysis: stimulus or constraints to
respectively, both record harvests and markedly higher private sector input supply, especially for currently under-
than the 1.2 million tonne estimate for 2004/5. But whereas served areas, and the benefits of transfers and lower maize
maize prices were very low following the 2005/6 harvest, prices in stimulating “second round” farm and non-farm
as would be expected following a record harvest, the much growth. Impacts of the programme on the welfare and resilience
higher prices following the 2006/7 harvest suggest that of poor households (often referred to as social protection
maize production was over-estimated. Furthermore, the impacts) include a higher degree of food self-sufficiency
good rains in both years mean that not all of the increases in among deficit producers, higher volumes of marketed maize
production can be attributed to the subsidy programme. resulting in downward pressure on maize prices to the benefit
• Improved household food security: Rural households’ own of food purchasers, and higher wages and farm and non-farm
subjective rankings of their economic well-being were 8% employment. Such benefits are critically important in the
higher in May/June 2007 (before food prices started rising context of high rates of poverty, vulnerability, food insecurity
later in the season) than in 2004. and dependence upon low-productivity maize production

Natural Resource Perspectives

among rural people in Malawi. Such potential benefits from to help farmers better plan their commercial purchases.
the 2006/7 programme were unfortunately undermined by the An alternative to administratively complex and sensitive
high 2007/8 maize prices, following exports prompted by over targeting within villages could be to provide a smaller
estimates of maize production and stocks. subsidy to all rural households across the country or to all
rural households in selected geographical areas whose agro-
Conclusions and Policy Lessons economic conditions offer the greatest economic returns to
Experience from the 2005/6 and 2006/7 programmes suggests input subsidies (although the latter might pose particular
that there is considerable potential for Malawi to improve on political difficulties).
the outcomes from the program. There are also, however, Scale and cost control: Year on year increases in both
substantial dangers that without explicit action to improve the scale of the programme and the prices of inputs have
effectiveness and control its costs the programme could led to burgeoning costs and fiscal outlays (these continued
become an unsustainable drain on resources. These dangers in 2007/8). The programme is a major item in the national
are likely to be exacerbated by recent dramatic increases in budget and has also gone over budget in all three years of its
international fertiliser prices (Dorward and Poulton, 2008). implementation as a result of both price and (except in 2005/6)
The following key issues need attention. physical input distribution overruns. Increases in programme
Programme objectives, policy coordination and scale are likely to lead to increasing displacement and hence
complementary investments: A comprehensive and consistent declining returns to increasing costs, particularly in the context
framework of objectives is needed to resolve potentially of recent dramatic increases in international fertiliser prices
conflicting objectives and to allow appropriate targets and (2008/9 urea prices are more than 2.5 times the 2006/7
budgets to be set for long and short-term plans. Greater price). Programme scale and cost need to be limited, together
emphasis is needed on setting the programme within wider with more effective targeting and efficient implementation,
agricultural and national development strategies. Particular to ensure efficient resource use and to release resources for
issues arise with maize market and price policies, social alternative and complementary investments.
protection policies and programmes, and complementary Agricultural sector and programme information needs:
investments in rural roads and in agricultural research and There are fundamental information gaps that prevent effective
extension. If maize market interventions lead to high domestic planning and management of the AISP and of agricultural
prices (as occurred with maize exports in 2007/8) then this and rural programmes. Discrepancies between MoAFS and
seriously undermines positive subsidy programme impacts on NSO estimates of farm families and rural households are very
food security, social protection and rural economic growth. problematic. Reliable, rigorous information on smallholder
Paradoxically even interventions intended to reduce prices production of major crops and of national stocks, flows
often have unintended consequences that result in higher and consumption of staples is also critically important for
prices. Similarly, poor roads and lack of agricultural research agricultural and food security and market monitoring and
and extension limit the effectiveness of the programme in policy.
raising farm productivity. Adequate investments must be Engagement of the private sector and timely, transparent
made in these areas and the scale of the AISP limited and its implementation: Although the private sector’s 2006/7
implementation made more cost-effective so that it does not market share increased over 2005/06, it has the capacity to
starve other investments of resources. Improved coordination supply much greater quantities. Allowing the private sector
between the input subsidy and other safety net programmes to supply more in future would enhance its viability as well
could facilitate more efficient local coupon allocation, as enable the government to reduce programme costs. In the
distribution and redemption mechanisms. past, investments in the agro-dealer network have supported
Targeting and displacement of commercial fertilizer increased competition and improved farmer access to low-
purchases: National and household-level estimates suggest cost inputs, particularly in under-served areas. Increased
that in 2006/7 between 30 and 40% of subsidized fertiliser participation of agro-dealers in 2006/7 and 2007/8 needs
purchases displaced commercial purchases rather than to be continued. Uncertainties about subsidy programme
adding to total purchases. Such displacement undermines modalities from year to year also depress the incentives for
private sector viability and transfers scarce government suppliers and farmers to invest in unsubsidised fertilizer
funds to less poor farmers with reduced developmental procurement, and often delay subsidy implementation and
benefits from the programme. A positive correlation between reduce its effectiveness. Greater consistency, transparency
displacement and household wealth and land holding in and timeliness in planning and implementation is needed
2006/7 suggests that displacement can be reduced by from government, as well as commitment from all stakeholders
targeting subsidies more effectively to poorer famers, and to a ‘transition strategy’ for greater private sector involvement
by more timely and transparent programme implementation in input markets in under-served locations.

Natural Resource Perspectives

Flexibility and learning: Programme consistency use of inputs by smallholder farmers, that they
is important for developing administrative capacity should build sustainable smallholder input
in programme administration and for nurturing demand and private sector input supply, and that
investment confidence among farmers and there be careful consideration of the management
private input suppliers, However the programme of incremental production to provide rural people
also needs to evolve, responding to changing with reliable improvements in food access and
conditions, identifying and implementing ways real incomes.
of improving efficiency and effectiveness, and
keeping one step ahead of the many opportunists References
looking to defraud the system. The Government Dorward, A.R. and C. Poulton (2008) The Global Fertiliser Crisis
and Africa, Future Agricultures Briefing. Future Agricultures:
has shown an admirable willingness to work Brighton.
with partners to develop and try new ways of brieffertilisercrisis.pdf
working to improve the programme. Nevertheless School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London; Wa-
donda Consult; Michigan State University (MSU); Overseas
managing transition, flexibility, and learning while Development Institute (ODI). (2008) Evaluation of the
maintaining consistency, stability and long-term 2006/7 Agricultural Input Subsidy Programme, Malawi. Final
commitment is a major challenge. Report. Undertaken for the Malawi Ministry of Agriculture
and Food Security
Lessons for other countries National Statistical Office (2005), Integrated Household Survey
Decisions to implement similar subsidy 2004-2005. National Statistical Office, Malawi: Zomba

programmes in other countries need to clearly

identify programme benefits and objectives Andrew Dorward, School of Oriental and
(with potential positive or negative interactions African Studies, University of London.
Email: [email protected]
between them), and to establish (a) the potential
Overseas Development Ephraim Chirwa, Wadonda Consult.
for achieving these objectives (given the extent
Institute Email: [email protected]
and nature of household vulnerability, food and
111 Westminster Bridge
input markets, and potential agronomic benefits Duncan Boughton, Michigan State University.
Road, London SE1 7JD
of increased input use), and (b) critical features of Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)20 7922 0300
subsidy programme design needed for effective Eric Crawford, Michigan State University.
Fax: +44 (0)20 7922 0399
and efficient achievement of objectives. Potential Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] benefits then need to be weighed against the
Thom Jayne, Michigan State University.
opportunity cost of resources allocated to the Email: [email protected]
Natural Resource programme, particularly investments in long-
Perspectives present term food staple productivity growth, and the Rachel Slater, Overseas Development
accessible information Institute.
risks of failure (involving, for example, difficulties Email: [email protected]
on current development
issues. Readers are in controlling costs, dangers of fraud and/or
subsidy capture, displacement, high fertiliser Valerie Kelly, Michigan State University.
encouraged to quote
Email: [email protected]
from them or duplicate costs, and bad weather). These issues must
them, but as copyright then be given significant attention in programme Maxton Tsoka, Centre for Social Research,
holder, ODI requests
design and implementation (see SOAS et al, University of Malawi.
due acknowledgement. Email: [email protected]
The Editor welcomes 2008, for a full discussion). High international
manuscripts for this fertiliser prices and likely increased weather Acknowledgements:
series. uncertainty as a result of global climate change The authors are indebted to staff of the
pose particular challenges and dangers – but Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, donor may also, paradoxically, increase the potential agencies, members of the fertiliser and seeds
industries, Malawian farmers, and colleagues
gains from effective subsidy implementation. who generously gave time and information
Series Editor: They also increase the importance and urgency to this study. USAID, the UK Department for
John Farrington of investment in promotion of wider measures for International Development, and the Future
increasing soil health and fertility. Agricultures Consortium supported the
Administrative Editor: review financially. John Farrington provided
Jojoh Faal
It is important that input subsidies should not helpful editorial input. The views expressed
be seen as a quick fix for dealing with high food in this report are not necessarily endorsed by
prices: important and over-riding principles in the Malawi Government, USAID, DFID, FAC, or
© Overseas Development
any other agency, and any errors or omissions
Institute 2007 their design and implementation should be that
remain the responsibility of the authors.
ISSN 1356–9228 they lead to incremental access to and productive

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