Choose (AI)
Choose (AI)
Choose (AI)
**Choose Questions **
Lecture 4
1. What is the key idea behind state-based models in artificial intelligence?
- A. Procedural solutions
- B. Modeling states and transitions
- C. Variable-based evaluation
- D. Chess and Go
2. In which application might state-based models be used for motion planning?
- A. Speech recognition
- B. Chess
- C. Robotics
- D. Sudoku
3. Which type of problem involves controlling everything in an environment with
no uncertainty?
- A. Search problems
- B. Constraint satisfaction problems
- C. Markov decision processes
- D. Adversarial games
4. What does a virtual assistant need to do in terms of information?
- A. Forget heterogenous information
- B. Digest heterogenous information
- C. Ignore deep reasoning
- D. Answer irrelevant questions
5. What should a good virtual assistant be able to do in terms of communication?
- A. Speak multiple languages
- B. Remember only recent information
- C. Interact using natural language
- D. Ignore user instructions
6. How do state-based models differ from variable-based models in terms of
- A. Variable-based solutions are procedural
- B. State-based solutions specify step by step instructions
- C. Variable-based solutions are abstract
- D. State-based solutions don't consider order
7. Which type of model involves hard constraints like Sudoku and scheduling?
- A. State-based models
- B. Variable-based models
- C. Bayesian networks
- D. Markov decision processes
8. In variable-based models, what matters in the evaluation criteria of Sudoku?
- A. Order of filling squares
- B. Speed of filling squares
- C. Number of squares filled
- D. Type of numbers filled
9. What is the motivation for incorporating logic in virtual assistants?
- A. Reducing heterogeneity
- B. Digesting irrelevant information
- C. Drawing inferences from knowledge
- D. Communicating in multiple languages
10. How does a logic-based system differ from large language models (LLMs) in
terms of consistency?
- A. LLMs are more internally consistent
- B. Both are equally consistent
- C. Logic-based systems have hallucinations
- D. LLMs lack internal consistency
11. Which type of AI provides a class of models that is higher-level and requires
support from machine learning?
- A. Logical AI
- B. Statistical AI
- C. Artificial General Intelligence
- D. Augmented Intelligence
12. What does a Bayesian network involve in terms of variable dependencies?
- A. Hard constraints
- B. Soft dependencies
- C. Random variables
- D. Procedural dependencies
13. Which hardware components are often tuned for AI applications?
- A. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- B. Random Access Memory (RAM)
- C. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
- D. Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
14. What does the acronym GPU stand for in the context of AI hardware?
- A. Graphics Processing Unit
- B. General Processing Unit
- C. Graphical Performance Unit
- D. General Performance Unit
15. What has deep learning systems exceeded in some vision tasks according to
the provided content?
- A. Human intelligence
- B. Machine learning capabilities
- C. Processing speed
- D. Human performance
Lecture 5
1. What does a search problem consist of?
- A. Only a state space
- B. Only a successor function
- C. A state space, a successor function (with actions, costs), a start state, and a
goal test
- D. Only a goal test
2. In the context of a search problem, what is the purpose of a successor function?
- A. To define the start state
- B. To determine the cost of actions
- C. To specify the goal test
- D. To describe the transition between states triggered by actions
3. How is a solution defined in a search problem?
- A. A sequence of cities
- B. A list of actions
- C. A sequence of states
- D. A sequence of actions (a plan) transforming the start state to a goal state
4. What does the state space in the context of search problems represent?
- A. The space between states
- B. A set of solutions
- C. A set of possible states
- D. The sequence of states
5. In the example of traveling in Romania, what does the state space consist of?
- A. Roads
- B. Cities
- C. Distances
- D. Actions
6. In the example of traveling in Romania, what is
the successor function?
- A. Traveling cost
- B. Roads between cities
- C. Cities with distances
- D. Actions with costs
7. What is the primary purpose of a search state in pathing problems?
- A. To include every last detail of the environment
- B. To update the location and dot booleans
- C. To keep only the details needed for planning
- D. To define the agent positions
8. How many world states are there in the specified scenario
with agent positions, food count, ghost positions, and agent
- A. 120x(230)x(122)x4
- B. 120
- C. 120x(230)
- D. 120x(230)x(122)x4
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
1. What is the primary strategy of Depth-First Search (DFS)?
a) Expand the shallowest node first
b) Expand a node with the least cost
c) Expand the deepest node first
d) Expand nodes in random order
2. In Depth-First Search (DFS), which data structure is typically used for the fringe?
a) FIFO Queue
b) Priority Queue
c) LIFO Stack
d) Linked List
3. Which of the following best describes the time complexity of Depth-First Search
a) O(b^s)
b) O(b^m)
c) O(b)
d) O(s)
4. What is the primary strategy of Breadth-First Search (BFS)?
a) Expand the shallowest node first
b) Expand a node with the least cost
c) Expand the deepest node first
d) Expand nodes in random order
5. In Breadth-First Search (BFS), which data structure is typically used for the
a) FIFO Queue
b) Priority Queue
c) LIFO Stack
d) Linked List
6. Which of the following best describes the time complexity of Breadth-First
Search (BFS)?
a) O(b^s)
b) O(b^m)
c) O(b)
d) O(s)
Lecture 8
1. What is the main idea behind Iterative Deepening in search algorithms?
a) To increase the depth of the search with each iteration
b) To get the space advantage of DFS with the time advantages of BFS
c) To decrease the depth of the search with each iteration
d) To combine the strengths of BFS and UCS
2. What is the primary advantage of Uniform Cost Search (UCS) over BFS in terms
of finding paths?
a) UCS is faster than BFS
b) UCS always finds the least-cost path
c) UCS explores fewer nodes than BFS
d) UCS is more memory-efficient than BFS
3. In Uniform Cost Search, what does the "effective depth" refer to?
a) The maximum depth of the search tree
b) The depth of the last explored node
c) The depth of the cheapest solution found
d) The depth where the solution is guaranteed to be found
4. What is the time complexity of Uniform Cost Search in terms of effective depth?
a) O(b^C*)
b) O(b^d)
c) O(b^(C*/ε))
d) O(b^h)
5. What does A* Search use as its
evaluation function?
a) g(n) - backward cost
b) h(n) - heuristic cost
c) f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
d) b(n) - branching factor
6. When should A* terminate in a search
a) When a goal is enqueued
b) When a goal is expanded
c) Only when a goal is dequeued
d) When the heuristic value becomes zero
7. Why might Greedy Search fail in finding an
optimal solution?
a) It always chooses the closest node
b) It does not use any heuristic function
c) It does not consider the cumulative cost
d) It can lead to a locally optimal solution
8. What is the key difference between Greedy Search and A* Search?
a) A* uses a heuristic function, while Greedy does not
b) Greedy is always faster than A*
c) A* considers both path cost and heuristic cost
d) A* is less informed than Greedy
9. What makes a heuristic admissible in A* Search?
a) It overestimates the true cost to the nearest goal
b) It underestimates the true cost to the nearest goal
c) It equals the true cost to the nearest goal
d) It is not related to the true cost
10. Why does an inadmissible heuristic break optimality in A* Search?
a) It slows down bad plans but outweighs true costs
b) It speeds up good plans but underestimates true costs
c) It traps good plans on the fringe
d) It increases the time complexity of the algorithm
11. What is the significance of admissibility in heuristic functions?
a) It ensures the heuristic is always optimistic
b) It prevents the heuristic from being too slow
c) It guarantees the optimality of A* Search
d) It avoids the use of heuristics in search algorithms
12. In A* Search, what is the role of the function f(n) = g(n) + h(n)?
a) It estimates the heuristic cost
b) It calculates the backward cost
c) It combines the cumulative cost and heuristic cost
d) It determines the branching factor
13. What does the "effective depth" represent in Uniform Cost Search?
a) The depth of the cheapest solution found
b) The maximum depth of the search tree
c) The depth where the solution is guaranteed to be found
d) The depth of the last explored node
14. Which algorithm is known for expanding equally in all directions?
a) Uniform Cost Search
b) A* Search
c) Greedy Search
d) Depth-First Search
15. What is the goal of Iterative Deepening in search problems?
a) To decrease the depth of the search with each iteration
b) To get the space advantage of DFS with the time advantages of BFS
c) To increase the depth of the search with each iteration
d) To combine the strengths of BFS and UCS
16. Which search algorithm orders nodes based on the sum of backward cost and
heuristic cost?
a) Uniform Cost Search
b) Greedy Search
c) A* Search
d) Depth-First Search
17. What is the primary advantage of Uniform Cost Search over Greedy Search?
a) UCS is always faster than Greedy
b) UCS always finds the least-cost path
c) UCS explores fewer nodes than Greedy
d) UCS is more memory-efficient than Greedy
18. What does A* Search use to estimate the distance to the nearest goal for each
a) Cumulative cost
b) Heuristic function
c) Depth limit
d) Branching factor
19. Which property ensures that A* Search is complete and optimal?
a) Monotonicity
b) Admissibility
c) Heuristic consistency
d) Optimality
20. What is the primary advantage of A* Search over Uniform Cost Search?
a) A* is always faster than UCS
b) A* always finds the least-cost path
c) A* explores fewer nodes than UCS
d) A* is more memory-efficient than UCS