Article - Frymer-Kensky - Atrahasis Epic and Genesis
Article - Frymer-Kensky - Atrahasis Epic and Genesis
Article - Frymer-Kensky - Atrahasis Epic and Genesis
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148 DECEMBER1977
150 DECEMBER1977
God decidesto bringthe flood, savesman, and resolves HumanLife"(as it is usuallycalled)is givenin the text:
never to bring a flood again. If God is rationaland "for man is createdin God's image"(Gen 9:6). Taken
consistentin his actions, there must have been a com- independently,these two commandments-theprohibi-
pellingreasonthat necessitatedthe flood. "Punishment" tion againsteatingblood (andthe livinganimal)andthe
is not enough of a reason, for it not only raises the declarationof the principleof the inviolabilityof human
questionof God'srightto punishall the animalsfor the life with the provision of capital punishment for
sins of man, but also raisesthe serious issue of God's murder- embodytwo of the basicprinciplesof Israelite
rightto punishmanin this instanceat all: If manhas evil law.
tendencies,and if he has not been checkedand directed The Bibleviewsblood as a veryspecialsubstance.
by laws, how can he be punishedfor simplyfollowing Israel is seriouslyenjoinedagainst eating the blood of
his own instincts?The flood cannot simply have been animals,and this prohibitionis repeatedsix timesin the
brought as a punishment,and its necessitatingcause Pentateuch(Gen9:4;Lev3:17;7:26;17:10-14;Deut 12:16
must lie in the particularnatureof the evil whichfilled and 12:23-24).This prohibitionis calledan eternalordi-
the worldbeforethe flood. Ourbest way to find out the nance (Lev 3:17), and the penaltyfor eating blood (at
nature of the evil is to look at the solution given to leastin the Priestlytradition)is karet,whichis someform
control the evil, i.e., to the laws givenimmediatelyafter of outlawry,whetherbanishmentor ostracism(Lev 7:27;
the flood. 17:10,14). The reason for this strict prohibition is
The oral traditionof Israel (as reflectedin the explicit:the spirit (nepe?)of the animalis in the blood
rabbinicwritings)has developedand expandedthe laws (Lev 17:11,14;Deut 12:23).The greatestcare must be
given to Noah and his sons afterthe flood into a some- exercised in the eating of meat. According to the
what elaboratesystemof "thesevenNoahidecommand- Priestly tradition, slaughteringof animals (other than
ments." The traditional enumerationof these is the creaturesof the hunt) can only be done at an altar.
prohibitionof idolatry, blasphemy,bloodshed, sexual Failureto bringthe animalto the altar was considered
sins, theft, eating from a living animal, and the com- tantamountto the sheddingof blood (Lev 17:4).The
mandmentto establishlegal systems. Additionallaws sprinklingof the animal'sblood upon the altar served
are sometimesincluded among the commandmentsto as a redemption(Lev 17:11).In Deuteronomy,where
Noah and his sons, and the system of Noahide com- the cult is centralizedand it is no longer feasible to
mandments can best be understood as a system of bringthe animalsto an altar, permissionis givento eat
universalethics, a "NaturalLaw"system in which the and slaughteranimalsanywhere.However,(as with the
laws are given by God. Genesis itself, however,does animals of the hunt in Leviticus),care must be taken
not contain a list of all seven of these commandments. not to eat the blood, which should be pouredupon the
According to Genesis 9, God issued three command- ground and covered (Deut 12:24).
ments to Noah and his sons immediatelyafter the The idea expressedin the third commandment,
flood: (1) he commandedman to be fruitful,to increase, that of the incomparabilityand inviolabilityof human
multiplyand swarm over the earth;(2) he announced life, is one of the fundamentalaxioms of Israelite
that although man may eat meat he must not eat philosophy, and the ramificationsof this principle
animalsalive (or eat the blood, which is tantamountto pervadeevery aspect of Israelitelaw and distinguishit
the same thing - Gen 9:4);and (3) he declaredthat no dramaticallyfrom the other Near Easternlegal systems
one, neither beast nor man, can kill a human being with which it otherwisehas so much in common. In
withoutforfeitinghis own life, providingfor the execu- Israel, capital punishment is reserved for the direct
tion of all killers,"whoeversheds the blood of man, by offense against God and is never invoked for offenses
man shall his blood be shed." against property.The inverse of this is also true; the
The significanceof the first commandment(that primeoffense in Israelis homicide,whichcan neverbe
of fertility)has alreadybeenmentioned:it is an explicit compensatedby the payment of a monetaryfine and
and probablyconscious rejectionof the idea that the can only be rectifiedby the executionof the murderer.
cause of the flood was overpopulationand that over- Despite the importanceof this principle,if we
population is a serious problem. Together the other look at the world before the flood, it is immediately
two commandments introduce a very clear differentia- apparent that this demand for the execution of
tion between man and the animal kingdom: man may murderers is new. Only three stories are preserved in
kill animals for food (while observing certain restric- Genesis from the ten generations between the expulsion
tions in so doing), but no one, whether man or beast, from the Garden and the bringing of the flood. Two of
can kill man. The reason for this "Absolute Sanctity of these, the Cain and Abel story (Gen 4:1-15) and the tale
152 DECEMBER1977
Our handshave not shed this blood, nor have our eyes
seen (the deed). Be merciful O Lord, to your people
Israel whom you have redeemedand lay not innocent
Israel was admonished not to allow blood into the midst of the people (Deut 21:7-8).
compensation for murder .., for by doing
so they would cause the land to become
The shedding of human blood was of concern to
contaminated. the whole nation, for it involved an actual pollution of
the land. Israel was enjoined against this bloodguilt
pollution and was admonished neither to allow
compensation for murder, nor even to allow an
physical means (the flood). Although this concept may accidental murderer to leave a city of refuge, for by so
seem strange to us, it is not surprising to find it here in doing they would cause the land of Israel to become
the cosmology of Israel, for Israel clearly believed that contaminated:
moral wrongdoings defile physically. This is explicitly
stated with three sins - murder, idolatry, and sexual
abominations - and it is interesting to note that these You shall take no ransom for the life of a murderer
who is deservingof death. He shall be executed.You
are the three cardinal sins for which a Jew must suffer
shall take no ransomto (allow someoneto) flee a city
martyrdom rather than commit them (b. Sanhedrin of refugeor to (allow someoneto) returnto live in the
74a). These are mentioned in Acts as offenses from land beforethe priest'sdeath. You shall not pollutethe
which all the nations must refrain (Acts 15:20); these land that you are in, for the blood will pollutethe land,
three offenses are given as the explanation of h/imds in and the land may not be redeemedfor blood spilledon
the flood story by Rabbi Levy in Genesis Rabbah it except by the blood of the spiller. You shall not
(31:16); and these (together with the non-observance of contaminatethe land in whichyou are living, in which
the sabbatical year) are given in the Mishna as the I the Lord am dwellingamong the childrenof Israel
reasons that exile enters the world (Nezigin 5:8). (Num 35:31-34).
According to the biblical tradition, the pre-Israelite
inhabitants of Canaan had defiled the land with the
sexual abominations enumerated in Leviticus 18. As a The idea of the pollution of the earth by murder,
result God had punished the land (Lev 18:25), and the of the physical pollution caused by "moral" wrongs
land had therefore vomited up the inhabitants which such as sexual abominations and idolatry, underlies
had defiled it. For this reason, Israel is admonished not much of Israelite law. The composer of Genesis 1-9 had
to commit these abominations and defile the land lest it reinterpreted the cosmology and the early history of
vomit them out in the same way (Lev 18:24-28). Later, Man in the light of these very strong concepts. He has
Israel was told that it has defiled the land (Jer 2:7) and used a framework that is at least as old as the Epic of
that because Israel defiled the land with their idols and Atrahasis, the framework of the Primeval History of
because of the blood which they spilled upon the land, Creation-Problem-Flood-Solution, and has retold the
God poured his fury upon them (Ezek 36:18). story in such a way as to reinterpret an ancient
The most serious contaminant of the land is the tradition to illuminate fundamental Israelite ideas, i.e.,
blood of those who have been murdered; the concept of the biblical ideals that law and the "sanctity of human
"bloodguilt" is well known in Israelite law. Because of life" are the prerequisites of human existence upon the
the seriousness of the crime of murder, and perhaps earth.
154 DECEMBER1977