Biowaste Based Biodegradable Flocculants For Clean and Sus 2021 Journal of C
Biowaste Based Biodegradable Flocculants For Clean and Sus 2021 Journal of C
Biowaste Based Biodegradable Flocculants For Clean and Sus 2021 Journal of C
Handling editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bôas de Massive fluid tailings discharged from industrial mining and mineral processing operations pose numerous
Almeida economic and environmental challenges. To remove water and condense tailings into sediment, we developed a
novel bioflocculant from specified risk materials, a particular type of waste biomass from the animal rendering
Keywords: industry. By properly controlling key synthesis conditions, the bioflocculant successfully met industrial re
Wastewater treatment
quirements for fluid tailings treatment, including enhanced short-term tailings settling and improved ultimate
Clean mining
water removal extent. Settling tests using real industrial fluid tailings showed that the synthesized bioflocculant
Clean mineral processing
Biodegradable enabled an initial settling rate 4 magnitudes higher than the control case and achieved 93.2% the dewatering
Specified risk materials efficiency of a commercial flocculant (hydrolyzed polyacrylamide; HPAM). In contrast to HPAM, our bio
Land reclamation flocculant can achieve tailings settling without gypsum, a common processing aid that can hinder downstream
industrial operations. More importantly, growth tests using two common microorganisms (Saccharomyces cer
evisiae and Escherichia coli) suggested that the bioflocculant can be easily degraded, indicating reduced negative
environmental impacts after its use. Taken together, this study demonstrates the great potential of implementing
a biodegradable bioflocculant from proteinaceous wastes for clean and sustainable management of mining and
mineral processing fluid tailings.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Zhu), [email protected] (M. Chae), [email protected] (J. Wang), [email protected] (B. Adhikari), pmussone@ (P. Mussone), [email protected] (D.C. Bressler).
Present Address: Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, 2900-2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4.
Received 11 May 2021; Received in revised form 30 August 2021; Accepted 26 September 2021
Available online 27 September 2021
0959-6526/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
toxic (e.g., carcinogenic acrylamide monomers in commercial poly 2.5 g glucose, 17 g pancreatic digest of casein, 3 g papaic digest of
acrylamide products (Guezennec et al., 2015)), which could bring soybean, 5 g sodium chloride, and 2.5 g dipotassium phosphate), Fish
long-term hazards to the environment. erbrand™ agar, and Whatman filter papers (diameter: 11 cm; pore size:
A promising technological alternative toward clean and sustainable 20–25 μm) were purchased from Fisher Scientific, PA, USA. According to
industrial tailings management can be achieved by using flocculants data obtained using a CHNS/O Analyser Series II (PerkinElmer Inc., MA,
derived from biomass sources such as cellulose (Kemppainen et al., USA), the tryptone contains a nitrogen content of 13.5 ± 0.1%.
2016), proteins (Piazza et al., 2011), and alginate (Maruyama et al., MgCl2∙6H2O (99%) was purchased from EMD Millipore, MA, USA.
2020), due to their renewability, availability, and inherent biodegrad Calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum, 98%) was purchased from Acros
ability (Vajihinejad et al., 2019). In particular, to create greater eco Organics, NJ, USA. Flopam A3338™, an anionic hydrolyzed poly
nomic and ecological benefits, specified risk materials (SRM), a type of acrylamide (HPAM) was purchased from SNF Canada Ltd., AB, Canada.
waste biomass produced in massive quantities by the animal rendering Industrial oil sands mature fine tailings (MFTs) were purchased from
industry and disposed of at a high cost, have been investigated as InnoTech Alberta, AB, Canada, and were stored in a 4 ◦ C fridge.
feedstock for the production of bioflocculants. The feasibility of using
SRM-derived polymers as a bioflocculant has been demonstrated in 2.2. Hydrolysis of SRM and recovery of peptides
previous proof-of-concept studies, which demonstrated that unmodified
SRM-derived peptides could flocculate both synthetic fluid tailings as Rendered SRM was treated using a CFIA approved thermal hydro
well as industrial tailings (Y. Zhu, Gong, et al., 2021) and that cross lysis protocol for disinfection and peptide production; detailed proced
linking of SRM-derived peptides with polyamidoamine epichlorohydrin ures were described elsewhere (Mekonnen et al., 2013). The protein
(PAE) led to better flocculation of synthetic fluid tailings (Y. Zhu, Chae, fragments (referred to as “peptides” hereafter) after hydrolysis were
et al., 2021). recovered following a standard protocol detailed previously (Adhikari
In this study, three knowledge gaps will be bridged to push forward et al., 2016) and stored in a 4 ◦ C fridge before use. The peptides contain a
the technology development for scale-up. Firstly, how synthesis factors nitrogen content of 15.3 ± 0.1% (C. Zhu, 2019).
impact the product’s performance will be investigated to facilitate
production of bioflocculants that meet different tailings settling goals. 2.3. Synthesis of peptides-PAE bioflocculant
For instance, a bioflocculant that enables greater ultimate dewatering
efficiency is of great value for mining operations that are heavily For the synthesis of peptides-PAE materials, the reactants’ concen
dependent on the amount of water that can be recycled, e.g., mining oil tration (on dry basis) in suspension, PAE% (with respect to the total
sands industry; alternatively, a bioflocculant that facilitates rapid tail amount of peptides and PAE), reaction temperature, and reaction time
ings settling in a short time is important for facilities with limited tail were varied at three levels using the Taguchi method as given in Table 1.
ings processing capability. Secondly, based on the successful application The selection of these factors, as well as their variance levels, were
of peptides-PAE for the flocculation of synthetic tailings (Y. Zhu, Chae, determined based on previous studies (Adhikari et al., 2016, 2019) and
et al., 2021), this bioflocculant will be employed for tailings treatment of preliminary experimental trials. Particularly, the reactants’ concentra
industrial streams to validate its effectiveness, as it may behave differ tion (Factor 1) was found to affect the gelation behaviors of product,
ently than observed in synthetic process water. Thirdly, although the which is important to the structure of the final product; PAE% (Factor 2)
SRM-derived peptides coming from cattle are biodegradable, it is dominated the crosslinking behavior between SRM peptides and PAE;
necessary to study whether the peptides-PAE bioflocculant can still reaction temperature and time (Factors 3 and 4) were critical in deter
retain this characteristic. mining the extent of condensation between the two reactants. Synthesis
Hence, this study focused on developing an SRM-derived bio of the materials were then carried out systematically according to the
flocculant through adjusting key synthesis factors, investigating its experimental design that was generated based on the Taguchi-L9
performance in treating industrial fluid tailings, and studying the po method, as detailed in Table 2. Specifically, peptides were diluted with
tential of biodegradability. The Taguchi method (Antony and Kaye, Milli-Q water to reach certain reactants’ concentrations (peptides and
2000) was implemented to screen for the best condition tested with PAE combined; Table 2). To maintain a thermostatic reaction, a coiled
reduced experimental trials, and two characteristic functions were used condenser and an oil bath with a feed-back thermocouple were
to evaluate the settling of synthetic fluid tailings. Settling of industrial deployed. After the specified temperature was reached, a predetermined
tailings stream was carried out using the developed bioflocculant and amount of PAE resin (Table 2) was added drop by drop. Mixing using a
compared with a commercial synthetic flocculant. The biodegradability magnetic bar at a speed of 300 rpm was implemented throughout the
of the bioflocculant was examined through degradation tests, quantified experiment. After the reaction, the product was transferred to a 50 mL
by microbial growth experiments conducted using two common centrifuge tube and cooled down in a − 20 ◦ C freezer. The concentration
microorganisms. of solid materials in the final products was quantified by drying 2.00 ±
0.05 g of vortexed suspension at 80 ◦ C until the weight became stable
2. Experimental over time, based on which all the products were diluted with Milli-Q
water to an identical concentration of 1.43 wt% as working suspensions.
2.1. Materials and chemicals
2.4. Tailings settling
Rendered SRM, provided by a large rendering company in western
Canada, were handled following the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Bench-scale cylinder settling tests were performed to evaluate the
(CFIA) recommended protocol for safe handling and disinfection
flocculation behaviors of the synthesized peptides-PAE materials
(Mekonnen et al., 2013). PAE resin with the chemical formula HO
(C13H24N3O3Cl)nH and molecular weight of the repeating unit of 305.8
g/mol, was purchased in the form of a 12.5 wt% aqueous solution from Table 1
Selected synthesis factors and their variation levels.
Solenis, DE, USA, and stored at 4 ◦ C. According to the manufacturer’s
information, the resin has a molecular weight in the range of 750, Synthesis factor Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
000–850,000 g/mol. PolyGloss-90 kaolinite was purchased from KaMin Reactants’ concentration (wt%) 8 10 12
Performance Minerals, GA, USA. CaCl2 (98%), KCl (99%), NaCl (99%), PAE% (wt%; dry basis) 11.4 22.8 34.2
Na2CO3 (99%), CH3OH (99.9%), hexane (99.9%), MP Biomedicals™ Temperature (◦ C) 60 75 90
Reaction time (h) 0.5 2 20
tryptone, BD Bacto™ tryptic soy broth (TSB; 1-liter medium contains
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
Table 2 synthesis factor was predicted based on the S/N analyses of the char
Taguchi-L9 orthogonal array of experimental design. acteristic functions. New peptides-PAE materials were prepared
Experimental Reactants’ PAE Temperature Reaction accordingly and, to validate the Taguchi method, their performance on
group concentration proportion (◦ C) time (h) actual tailings settling was compared with the theoretical values. The
(wt%) (wt%; dry supernatant at the end of 72 h was collected and homogenized prior to
turbidity measurement using an Orion™ AQ4500 turbidimeter (Thermo
E1 8 11.4 60 0.5 Fisher Scientific, MA, USA).
E2 8 22.8 75 2 Industrial tailings, prepared by diluting the original MFTs with
E3 8 34.2 90 20
E4 10 11.4 75 20
synthetic process water at a 1:2 mass ratio to achieve a solid content of
E5 10 22.8 90 0.5 8.9 wt%, were tested for tailings settling. The select bioflocculant and its
E6 10 34.2 60 2 two reactants (SRM peptides and PAE) were tested at a dosage of 10 kg/
E7 12 11.4 90 2 tonne tailings solid equivalent, similar to the case of synthetic kaolinite
E8 12 22.8 60 20
tailings. HPAM was tested in parallel at the optimum dosage (i.e., 0.14
E9 12 34.2 75 0.5
kg/tonne) identified by Kaminsky and Gong (Kaminsky and Gong,
(Gumfekar and Soares, 2018; Vajihinejad et al., 2019). The synthetic
process water contained 28.3 ppm KCl, 545 ppm NaCl, 39.3 ppm MgCl2, 2.5. Biodegradation measurements
41.5 ppm CaCl2, 895 ppm NaHCO3, and 443 ppm Na2SO4, with pH
adjusted to 8.4 using 5 mol/L NaOH; detailed preparation of the syn Two microorganisms, Superstart™ Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Lalle
thetic process water is described elsewhere by Y. Zhu, Chae, et al. mand Inc., WI, USA) and Invitrogen™ Escherichia coli (DH5α) (in the
(2021). Synthetic process water carrying 4 wt% kaolinite clays was used form of glycerol stock, Thermo Fisher Scientific, CA, USA), were selected
as model fluid tailings. Tailings settling was carried out by mixing 243 as the yeast and bacterial strain, respectively, for biodegradation tests. A
mL of synthetic kaolinite tailings with 7 mL flocculant working sus yeast glycerol stock was prepared according to J. Wang et al. (2020).
pensions (carrying flocculant at a dosage of 10 kg/tonne tailings solid in Both glycerol stocks were stored at − 80 ◦ C before use.
equivalent), after which the normalized mudline height, ̂ h (equals to the All test agar plates contained the following chemicals (final amount
actual mudline height divided by that of the whole tailings), was in 1 L of medium): 8 g glucose, 15 g agar, 6.78 g Na2HPO4, 3 g KH2PO4,
recorded at various timepoints over a period of 72 h. To obtain char 0.5 g NaCl, 0.24 g MgSO4, 11 mg CaCl2, 2.4 mg FeCl3⋅6H2O, 100 μg
acteristic functions, the normalized mudline height was fitted in CuSO4⋅5H2O, 50 μg MnSO4⋅5H2O, 50 μg ZnSO4⋅7H2O, 10 μg CoCl2, 7 μg
response to time using OriginPro 2017 (non-linear fitting) with a hy H3BO3, and 10 μg NaMoO4. The above medium was autoclaved and
perbolic equation (Equation (1)) as the fitting equation (Y. Zhu et al., mixed with various nitrogen-bearing chemicals (final concentration): (a)
2018). none (negative control); (b) 2 g/L tryptone (positive control); (c) 1.76 g/
( ) L SRM-derived peptides (contained the same nitrogen amount as (b));
h= + 1 × 100% (1) and (d) 2.28 g/L peptides-PAE materials (contained the same peptides
amount as (b)). To prepare agar plates, the mixture was poured into
Fisherbrand™ petri dishes (100 mm × 15 mm in size, Fisher Scientific,
where, α (%) and β (min) are two fitting parameters. To identify a bio
CA, USA) in a biosafety cabinet.
flocculant with enhanced tailings settling performance, two character
For cultivation, microorganisms were first streaked onto TSB agar
istic functions were used to evaluate the settling behaviors of synthetic
plates (containing 30 g/L TSB and 15 g/L agar) and incubated for 48 h,
kaolinite tailings, i.e., v0 (normalized initial settling rate) and hULT (ul
at 30 ◦ C for S. cerevisiae or 37 ◦ C for E. coli. A single colony isolate was
timate sediment height). These two characteristic functions are associ
then selected and transferred to a 250 mL shaking flask containing 50
ated with the short-term tailings settling and the ultimate water removal
mL TSB medium (30 g/L TSB) and incubated in shakers (New Bruns
extent, respectively, which are two important considerations for in
wick™ Innova 44, Eppendorf Canada, ON, Canada) for 36 h at 200 rpm,
dustrial operators. These two characteristic functions can be calculated
30 ◦ C for S. cerevisiae (37 ◦ C for E. coli). The broth was then subject to
following Equations (2) and (3) (Y. Zhu et al., 2018).
serial dilution using sterile phosphate buffer (pre-autoclaved and con
( )
dh α taining 6.78 g/L Na2HPO4, 3 g/L KH2PO4, and 0.5 g/L NaCl; pH:
v0 = − =− (2)
dt t=0 β 6.9–7.0) to prepare inoculum to make the final colony count falling
between 30 and 200 per plate. After this, 100 μL of the diluted culture (i.
hULT = lim h = 1 + α (3) e., 30–200 CFU) was applied to plates using a Fisherbrand™ L-shape
spreader (Fisher Scientific, PA, USA). The agar plates were then wrapped
In other words, v0 and hULT refer to the normalized settling rate at t = with Parafilm™ and incubated at 30 ◦ C for S. cerevisiae (37 ◦ C for E. coli).
0 and the thickness of sediment at t→ + ∞, respectively. The signal-to- Cell counts were performed for each plate every 24 h until 96 h and were
noise (S/N) was employed to indicate the extent of changes in the two carried out using 5 replicates. Both the TSB medium and phosphate
characteristic functions due to variations of the selected synthesis fac buffer were sterilized before use following J. Wang et al. (2017).
tors with respect to errors, as given in Equation (4) (Antony and Kaye,
2.6. Statistical analysis
S / N = − 10 log(MSD) (4)
All experiments were conducted using at least 3 replicates and results
(1/y2i ) were presented in the form of “mean value ± standard deviation”. The
where, MSD (mean square deviation) equals to i=1
n for the Larger-
∑n 2 statistical analyses of the data were carried out using Minitab (version
the-Better case (i.e., v0 ) and i=1
for the Smaller-the-Better case (i.e., 15), a statistical software package. Single factor Analysis of Variance
hULT ); n refers to number of observations; yi refers to the value of (ANOVA) was applied to the data populations examined to identify
characteristic function in each experimental trial. The best level for each significant differences among mean values, based on the Least Signifi
cant Difference (LSD) criteria at a 95% confidence level.
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
Fig. 1. v0 (panel a) and hULT (panel b), derived from the settling of synthetic kaolinite tailings using peptides-PAE materials (Table 2). As the benchmark, tailings
settling without peptides-PAE materials gives v0 of (8.1 ± 1.3) × 10− 3%/min and hULT of 94.1 ± 0.2%. The synthesis factors used to generate each of the experimental
groups can be found in Table 2.
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
Fig. 2. Main effect plot of the key synthesis factors for v0 (panel a) and hULT (panel b). The four synthesis factors, including reactants’ concentration, PAE proportion
with respect to total reactants in weight, reaction temperature, and reaction time, are listed at the horizontal axis, each presented at three variation levels.
(0.37 mmol/g with respect to overall reactants) were more likely to time reaching 2 h can be attributed to the formation of a larger bio
react with the relatively small peptide molecules that carried abundant flocculant. In contrast, at an even higher temperature of 90 ◦ C or a
functional groups (1.89 mmol/g of –COOH and –NH2 combined). With sufficiently long reaction time of 20 h, a substantial amount of the
increasing PAE proportion, more azetidinium groups were introduced to functional groups in peptides (-COOH, –NH2, etc.) would be consumed
the reactions, where both intramolecular and intermolecular in the reaction. This would increase the hydrophobicity of the product
homo-crosslinking of PAE was more likely to take place (Adhikari et al., and reduce molecular stretching in aqueous environments, which could
2016). For example, at a higher PAE proportion of 22.8%, the intensity lead to a lower settling rate (lower v0 in Fig. 2a). The increased hydro
of azetidinium groups (0.75 mmol/g) in reactants was closer to the 1.65 phobicity of the bioflocculant also explained the decreasing S/N ratio of
mmol/g of –COOH and –NH2 combined of peptides, which increased the hULT with increasing reaction temperature or time (Fig. 2b), as its
probability of homo-crosslinking of PAE. In particular, the intermolec reduced affinity with water could facilitate drainage of water from
ular homo-crosslinking of PAE dramatically improved the molecular sediment, leading to sediment with a greater compactness (lower hULT ).
weight of the resultant peptides-PAE materials, which incurred faster Taken together, bioflocculants prepared at 75 ◦ C and 2 h facilitated
flocculation of the suspended clay particles as suggested by the sub crosslinking levels that benefited rapid aggregation of tailing solids,
stantially greater v0 at a PAE proportion of 22.8% in Fig. 2a. However, while the one prepared in a more severe condition (90 ◦ C and 20 h)
the intensified homo-crosslinking of PAE not only elevated the molec allowed the ultimate release of more water.
ular weight of the product but also led to the formation of rigid, Interaction of factors. Results of the Taguchi method provided in
three-dimensional matrix of polymers interlinked via covalent bonds. formation about the interaction between the factors examined. A matrix
This effect could become dominating at high initial PAE proportion of interaction plot for each pair of the four key synthesis factors (6 two-
(34.2%), which could hamper the relaxation of the bioflocculant’s chain factor interactions in total) on the means of v0 and hULT are provided in
in an aqueous solution. Hence, the decrease of v0 at a PAE proportion of Figs. S1 and S2, respectively. Since neither the curves in Fig. S1 nor in S2
34.2% in Fig. 2a can be attributed to the reduced flexibility of the bio shows any parallel pattern, a significant degree of interaction was pre
flocculant’s polymeric chains and restrained ability to bridge the sus sent between the factors within the test range.
pended clay particles in tailings. An optimum PAE proportion of ~23%
was also reported by Adhikari et al. in developing peptide-PAE adhe 3.1.3. Validation of the optimized formulation
sives (Adhikari et al., 2019). Based on analyzing the effects of the synthesis factors on the S/N
Similarly, the PAE proportion was the most influential factor (ranked ratio of v0 (Fig. 2a) and hULT (Fig. 2b), the corresponding variation level
1) for hULT (Fig. 2b). Specifically, the S/N ratio of hULT versus PAE of each synthesis factor was predicted for the theoretically largest v0
proportion followed a similar trend to the v0 case (Fig. 2a), i.e., it (Case 1) and smallest hULT (Case 2). To achieve the predicted largest v0 ,
increased as the PAE proportion increased from 11.4% to 22.8% and the bioflocculant needed to be formulated at a reactants concentration of
then decreased with PAE proportion up to 34.2%. Such variation may 12 wt%, a PAE proportion of 22.8 wt%, a reaction temperature of 75 ◦ C,
have resulted from the dewatering of intra- and inter-aggregate water in and a reaction time of 2 h; in contrast, the bioflocculant corresponding
sediment as well, as the bioflocculant with greater molecular weight and to the theoretically smallest hULT needed to be formulated at a reactants
more flexible polymeric chain incurred faster aggregation and settling of concentration of 8 wt%, a PAE proportion of 11.4 wt%, a reaction
suspended solid particles (greater v0 ), and it simultaneously led to a temperature of 90 ◦ C, and a reaction time of 20 h. Tailings settling ex
greater content of intra-aggregate water that resulted in less compact periments using these select conditions were conducted, with their
sediment (greater hULT ). corresponding characteristic function values presented in Fig. 3;
Effect of reaction temperature and time. As shown in Fig. 2a, re meanwhile, the predicted characteristic function values of the optimized
action temperature and time were ranked fourth and third, respectively, formulations were calculated using Minitab software and are also pre
with regard to their influence on v0 . Interestingly, their effects on v0 sented in Fig. 3. It was observed that the experimental values were in
exhibited a high similarity in trend; though the overall variation was good agreement with those predicted; the v0 presented in Fig. 3a was the
marginal, the S/N of v0 was found to increase and then decrease with highest compared to all the groups in Fig. 1a, and the hULT given in
increasing reaction temperature in the range of 60–90 ◦ C, while a similar Fig. 3b was much lower than any of the 9 tests in Fig. 1b. This validated
trend was observed with regard to reaction time in the range of 0.5–20 h. the Taguchi method-based formulation optimization.
As demonstrated by Adhikari et al., 2016, 2019, reaction temperature
and time affected the shear strength of peptides-PAE solution in a binder 3.2. Treatment of industrial fluid tailings
application, which was associated with the extent of chemical reactions
between the two multi-functional reactants. The increase of tailing Mining oil sands mature fine tailings (MFTs) were studied as the
settling rate (Fig. 2a) with temperature increasing to 75 ◦ C or reaction target stream in this study to characterize the performance of peptides-
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
Fig. 4. Settling of prediluted mature fine tailings (MFTs) from the mining oil sands industry using the select peptides-PAE bioflocculant at a dosage of 10 kg/tonne
tailings solids in equivalent (panel a) and the corresponding v0 (panel b) and hULT (panel c). The inlet of panel a shows the settling behaviors within the initial
120 min.
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
phosphate buffer (at least 105 folds), to minimize nitrogen levels in the ternary bioflocculant with the inclusion of a thermo-responsive agent
inoculum. (with a lower critical soluble temperature, or LCST) as the third reactant
The results of the colony count experiments are summarized in may be of interest (Vajihinejad et al., 2019). The bioflocculant with the
Fig. 5a (S. cerevisiae) and 5b (E. coli). In both cases, no colonies were thermo-responsive segment becomes more relaxed and flexible at a
observed throughout the 4-day cultivation on the negative control higher operation temperature (T > LCST), which results in rapid solid
plates, which contained no nitrogen source (Fig. 5a and b). Conversely, particles aggregation; as temperature ramps down during tailing settling
visible microbial colonies were observed on the positive control plates (T < LCST), the bioflocculant tends to shrink and become less soluble in
within the first 24 h (Fig. 5), suggesting that addition of tryptone to the water, which facilitates the drainage of intra-aggregate water and leads
media would facilitate cell growth. to a sediment with greater compactness. Hence, the ternary bio
SRM-derived peptides were also analyzed as a potential nitrogen flocculant has a chance to achieve optimum v0 and hULT simultaneously
source. Compared to the positive controls, yeast growth on the peptides and will be investigated in future work.
plates (Fig. 5a) exhibited slightly lower colony counts before 48 h, but
reached similar levels by 72 h; meanwhile, no statistical difference in 4. Conclusions
bacterial colony counts was observed relative to the positive control
plates throughout the entire experiment (Fig. 5b). Taken together, these This is the first study demonstrating the development of peptide-PAE
data suggested that nitrogen present in the SRM-derived peptides is bioflocculant for real industrial fluid tailings treatment. By properly
easily accessible to microbes. Since the only source of nitrogen in these controlling key synthesis factors, bioflocculants with different perfor
plates was from the SRM-derived peptides, these results suggest that the mance can be synthesized to meet particular industrial purposes, which
nitrogen must be easily accessible to microbes, clearly indicating that can be enhanced short-term tailings settling or improved ultimate water
the bioflocculant is biodegradable. removal. Compared to the commercial HPAM flocculant, the developed
The peptides-PAE plates (Fig. 5) were found to support the growth of SRM-derived bioflocculant not only achieved a comparably fast and
both microorganisms as well, albeit at lower levels. Interestingly, no complete densification (93.2% the dewatering efficiency of the HPAM
yeast colonies were observed on the peptides-PAE plates before 24 h, case) of real industrial fluid tailings, but also allowed tailings settling in
with the quantity of visible colonies gradually increasing until they a gypsum-free condition. In addition, the bioflocculant can be degraded
reached levels similar to the positive control plates by 72 h (Fig. 5a). On and used as a nitrogen source by two common microorganisms. Overall,
the other hand, the number of bacterial colonies plateaued by 24 h, bioflocculants derived from negative-value SRM feedstocks shows a
reaching values that were ~1/3 that of the positive controls (Fig. 5b). great potential for clean and sustainable management of industrial fluid
One possible explanation is that E. coli is unable to break down certain tailings, as well as certain biodegradability that minimizes environ
bonds within the peptide-PAE materials, resulting in an incomplete mental impacts.
usage of the materials. Nevertheless, the data in Fig. 5 demonstrated that
the peptides-PAE materials can still serve as a nitrogen source for the test CRediT authorship contribution statement
microorganisms, indicating that the bioflocculant is biodegradable.
It should also be noted that common laboratory yeast and bacterial Yeling Zhu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal
strains were used in these studies; mixed populations of environmental analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing –
strains would likely be much more adept at breaking down the peptides- review & editing, Visualization. Michael Chae: Conceptualization,
PAE materials (Naranjo et al., 2020). Regarding actual industrial fluid Methodology, Validation, Resources, Writing – review & editing, Su
tailings, diverse microorganisms from the environment can be easily pervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Jie Wang:
introduced to the fluid tailings through the open-pit mining operations, Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing –
open-air tailings ponds, and the dykes impounding the tailing ponds original draft, Writing – review & editing. Birendra Adhikari: Meth
(Foght et al., 2017). Therefore, if applied for industrial fluid tailings odology, Writing – review & editing. Paolo Mussone: Conceptualiza
dewatering, this peptide-PAE bioflocculant has great potential to be tion, Resources, Validation, Writing – review & editing, Supervision,
biodegraded by environmental strains. Future work will investigate the Funding acquisition. David C. Bressler: Conceptualization, Methodol
effect of the bioflocculant on microorganism activities in the actual ogy, Validation, Resources, Writing – review & editing, Supervision,
tailings, as well as evaluate the impact on the landscape reclamation of Project administration, Funding acquisition.
the tailings pond areas. In addition, although it is most desirable to
achieve both rapid settling and minimum sediment height simulta Declaration of competing interest
neously in tailings treatment, the conditions for largest v0 do not
necessarily match those for smallest hULT in this study. In this case, a The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Fig. 5. Cell counts of (a) S. cerevisiae and (b) E. coli, on agar plates containing various media. Data points sharing the same letter within the same time groups
represent no statistical difference at a confidence interval of 95%.
Y. Zhu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 323 (2021) 129195
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