Memo Reply To DPCR
Memo Reply To DPCR
Memo Reply To DPCR
(Attn: C, CAD)
1. References:
a. Memorandum from TACDS dated August 30, 2022 with subject Actionable
Items Meeting of TDCA with Members of the PNP Command Group and D-
Staff; and
2. Pursuant to the above references, TCDA during the meeting with members of
the command group and d-staff, stated that all issues affecting the PNP, particularly
peace and order must be treated with a sense of urgency, and the PNP should respond
to viral social media postings promptly and it must also be posted in the official social
media platforms of the organization for widespread dissemination.
3. In connection with that, this PRO had already directed all PCADUs and
CCADUs to monitor press releases and social media postings or broadcast in order
validate trending/sensational news involving crimes and criminals and to submit reports
to this office and coordinate with the provincial/city PIOs, for the publishing of press
release via social media platforms using their official Facebook page with the approval
of the head of offices.
TO : PDs/CDs and FC, RMFB3
(Attn: C, PCADUs/CCADUs)
2. Anent with the reference above, TDCO and TADPCR during the meeting with
DRDOs, Quad Staff, RCADUs and RPIO of all PROs, emphasized that all head of
offices should address issues concerning peace and security and disaster response
immediately through press briefing/conference and encourage their respective Local
Government Unit to support the initiative.
3. Further, the head of offices are directed to act as the unit/station’s public
information officer and serve as mouth piece providing facts and informing the media
and the general public.
Police Colonel