Milraz 76 WP
Milraz 76 WP
Milraz 76 WP
Milraz@Outstanding Performance
~ Checks build up of spidermites
~ Suppresses Powdery mildew, Rust and Botrytis
~ Displays no cross-resistance to the acylalanine group of fungicides
~ Is non-toxic to bees. Can be sprayed to flowering plants while bees
are foraging
Crop Tolerance
Milraz@displays good crop tolerance when used at recommended rates.
Milraz@is compatible with foliar fertilizers e.g. Bayfolan and most Bayer
CropScience insecticides and fungicides. However, tank-mix compatibility
test should always be carried out prior to mixing commercial quantities.
Spray immediately after mixing~
Apply as a full cover spray ensuring an even and thorough coverage of
all plant surfaces.
Potatoes Early blight 2kg / ha Apply first spray before disease symptoms appear and
Tomatoes Late blight 40g / 20 Its of water as soon as climatic conditions are favourable for blight
development - cool overcast conditions followed by
humid weather. Repeat at 14 days interval. Reduce
spray interval to 7-10 days when infection has
occurred or in irrigated crop.
Pre-harvest interval (~HI): potatoes; 14 days,
tomatoes;7 days. ..
Onions Downy mildew 2kg / ha Apply first spray before disease symptoms appear and
Purple blotch 40g / 20 Its of water as soonas climaticconditionsfavourdisease development.
Repeat at 14 days interval. Reduce spray interval to
7-10 days when infection has occurred.
Pre-harvest interval (PHI): 14 days.
Grapes Downy Mildew 2kg / ha Apply first spray before disease symptoms appear and
Anthracnose 40g / 20 Its of water as soon as climatic conditions favour dise1;!.sedevelopment.
Repeat at 14 days interval. Reduce spray interval to
7-10 days when infection has occurred.
Pre-harvest interval (PHI): 14 days on wine grapes,
4-6 weeks for table grapes.
Cucurbits, Downy Mildew 2kg / ha Apply first spray before disease symptoms appear and
Water Melon, I
Anthracnose 40g / 20 Its of water as soon as climaticconditionsfavourdiseasedevelopment.
Squash/Cucumber Repeat at 14 days interval. Reduce spray interval to
7-10 days when infection has occurred.
Pre-harvest interval (PHI): 7 days.
Ornamentals: Downy Mildew 2kg / ha Apply first spray before disease symptoms appear
Roses, 40g / 20 Its of water and when climatic conditions favour disease
Lesianthus etc. development. Repeat at 14 days interva1.Reduce
spray interval to 7-10 days when infection has
occurred. .
Pre-harvest interval (PHI): 7-14 days
Water volume: 1,000 Htres per hectare (depending on crop size and density of vegetation)