Methods of Proving Triangle Congruent - MathBitsNotebook (Geo)
Methods of Proving Triangle Congruent - MathBitsNotebook (Geo)
Methods of Proving Triangle Congruent - MathBitsNotebook (Geo)
When triangles are congruent, one triangle can be moved (through one, or more, rigid motions)
to coincide with the other triangle. All corresponding sides and angles will be congruent.
The good news is that when proving triangles congruent, it is not necessary to prove all six facts
to show congruency. There are certain ordered combinations of these facts that are sufficient to
prove triangles congruent. These combinations guarantee that, given these facts, it will be
possible to draw triangles which will take on only one shape (be unique), thus insuring
Side-Side-Side Side-Angle-Side
If three sides of a triangle are congruent to If two sides and the included angle of one
three sides of another triangle, the triangles triangle are congruent to the corresponding
are congruent. parts of another triangle, the triangles are
congruent. 1/4
12/29/23, 11:01 PM Methods of Proving Triangle Congruent - MathBitsNotebook(Geo)
If two angles and the included side of one If two angles and the non-included side of
triangle are congruent to the corresponding one triangle are congruent to the
parts of another triangle, the triangles are corresponding parts of another triangle, the
congruent. triangles are congruent.
This is an extension of ASA. In ASA, since you know two sets
of angles are congruent, you automatically know the third sets
are also congruent since there are 180º in each triangle.
Once triangles are proven congruent, the corresponding leftover "parts" that were not used in
SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS and HL, are also congruent.
Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.
The following ordered combinations of the congruent triangle facts will NOT be sufficient to
prove triangles congruent. Let's see why these combinations DO NOT work! 2/4
12/29/23, 11:01 PM Methods of Proving Triangle Congruent - MathBitsNotebook(Geo)
The SSA (or ASS) combination deals with two sides and the non-
included angle. This combination is humorously referred to as the
"Donkey Theorem". SSA (or ASS) is NOT a universal method to prove
triangles congruent since it cannot guarantee that the shapes of the
triangles formed will always be the same.
Let's look at the problems associated with SSA:
When using SSA (or ASS), the lengths of the sides being used, and their position in
relation to the angle, will determine if congruent triangles will always be created. Let's see
which special conditions will create congruent triangles, and which ones will not.
If the side which lies on one ray of the
angle is shorter than the other side (not on
the ray of the angle), you are safe and the
two triangles will be of the same shape and
size (congruent). If DE is shorter than EF,
only one triangle may be drawn.
Note: This specific case of SSA is the basis for the acceptable method HL (Hypotenuse
Leg) which applies only in right triangles. 3/4
12/29/23, 11:01 PM Methods of Proving Triangle Congruent - MathBitsNotebook(Geo)
The "swinging" nature of , creating possibly two different triangles, is the problem
with this method. Since this situation is open to two interpretations, it is referred to as the
Ambiguous Case. (This is a reference we will be examining further in trigonometry.)
No Congruent Triangles
Since the SSA (or ASS) method allows for the possibility of creating triangles of various
shapes (or even no triangles at all), this method is not an universal method for proving
triangles congruent.
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